89,562 research outputs found

    Realization of generalized quantum searching using nuclear magnetic resonance

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    According to the theoretical results, the quantum searching algorithm can be generalized by replacing the Walsh-Hadamard(W-H) transform by almost any quantum mechanical operation. We have implemented the generalized algorithm using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques with a solution of chloroform molecules. Experimental results show the good agreement between theory and experiment.Comment: 11 pages,3 figure. Accepted by Phys. Rev. A. Scheduled Issue: 01 Mar 200

    Determination of activation volumes of reversal in perpendicular media

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    We discuss a method for the determination of activation volumes of reversal in perpendicular media. This method does not require correction for the self-demagnetizing field normally associated with these media. This is achieved by performing time dependence measurements at a constant level of magnetization. From the difference in time taken for the magnetization to decay to a fixed value at two fields-separated by a small increment DeltaH, the activation volume can be determined. We report data for both CoCrPt alloy films and a multilayer film, typical of those materials under consideration for use as perpendicular media. We find activation volumes that are consistent with the hysteresis curves of the materials. The activation volume scales qualitatively with the exchange coupling. The alloy films have significantly lower activation volumes, implying that they would be capable of supporting a higher data density

    CTMC calculations of electron capture and ionization in collisions of multiply charged ions with elliptical Rydberg atoms

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    We have performed classical trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) studies of electron capture and ionization in multiply charged (Q=8) ion-Rydberg atom collisions at intermediate impact velocities. Impact parallel to the minor and to the major axis, respectively, of the initial Kepler electron ellipse has been investigated. The important role of the initial electron momentum distribution found for singly charged ion impact is strongly disminished for higher projectile charge, while the initial spatial distribution remains important for all values of Q studied.Comment: 3 pages, 5 figure

    Pair loading in Gamma-Ray Burst Fireball And Prompt Emission From Pair-Rich Reverse Shock

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are believed to originate from ultra-relativistic winds/fireballs to avoid the "compactness problem". However, the most energetic photons in GRBs may still suffer from γ−γ\gamma-\gamma absorption leading to electron/positron pair production in the winds/fireballs. We show here that in a wide range of model parameters, the resulting pairs may dominate those electrons associated with baryons. Later on, the pairs would be carried into a reverse shock so that a shocked pair-rich fireball may produce a strong flash at lower frequencies, i.e. in the IR band, in contrast with optical/UV emission from a pair-poor fireball. The IR emission would show a 5/2 spectral index due to strong self-absorption. Rapid responses to GRB triggers in the IR band would detect such strong flashes. The future detections of many IR flashes will infer that the rarity of prompt optical/UV emissions is in fact due to dust obscuration in the star formation regions.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, ApJ accepte

    Tracers of chromospheric structure. I. CaII H&\&K emission distribution of 13000 F, G and K stars in SDSS DR7 spectroscopic sample

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    We present chromospheric activity index SHKS\rm_{HK} measurements for over 13,000 F, G and K disk stars with high signal-to-noise ratio (>> 60) spectra in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7) spectroscopic sample. A parameter δ\deltaS is defined as the difference between SHKS\rm_{HK} and a `zero' emission line fitted by several of the most inactive stars. The SHKS\rm_{HK} indices of subgiant stars tend to be much lower than dwarfs, which provide a way to distinguish dwarfs and giants with relatively low resolution spectra. Cooler stars are generally more active and display a larger scatter than hotter stars. Stars associated with the thick disk are in general less active than those of the thin disk. The fraction of K dwarfs that are active drops with vertical distance from the Galactic plane. Metallicity affects SHKS\rm_{HK} measurements differently among F, G and K dwarfs in this sample. Using the open clusters NGC 2420, M67 and NGC6791 as calibrations, ages of most field stars in this SDSS sample range from 3-8 Gyr.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, AJ, 2013, 145, 14

    Self-trapping of a Fermi super-fluid in a double-well potential in the BEC-unitarity crossover

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    We derive a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii density-functional equation appropriate to study the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of dimers formed of singlet spin-half Fermi pairs in the BEC-unitarity crossover while the dimer-dimer scattering length aa changes from 0 to ∞\infty. Using an effective one-dimensional form of this equation, we study the phenomenon of dynamical self-trapping of a cigar-shaped Fermi super-fluid in the entire BEC-unitarity crossover in a double-well potential. A simple two-mode model is constructed to provide analytical insights. We also discuss the consequence of our study on the self-trapping of an atomic BEC in a double-well potential.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
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