437 research outputs found

    Pedagogical concerns in sports and physical education for child growth and health promotion

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    Participation in physical activities plays an important role in and positively influences health and well-being. However, levels of physical activity continue to present worrying levels, with an estimated 2 million people currently dying worldwide as a result of sedentary and inactive lifestyles. For these reasons, it is essential to educate the new generations with healthy habits and lifestyles that can prevail from childhood to adulthood. In fact, childhood is a moment of transformation for children. The discovery of the body and its infinite possibilities of movement, combined with the relationships established with people and the environment, enhance the connection between children and physical activity. It is expected that through this type of stimuli, during growth, a solid cognitive and motor repertoire will be developed that will enable them to overcome challenges imposed by everyday life. Even so, due to an increasingly industrialized society, children have recurrently poor rates of motor literacy and high levels of sedentary lifestyles, which translate into an abrupt increase in childhood obesity. In addition, it is currently known that the development of motor skills is directly related to the general development of children, and for these reasons, its use is essential for sustained growth and development. Physical education classes are the ideal context for promoting healthy habits and lifestyles and therefore cannot be neglected. Nowadays, children enter schools at an early age, which is why it is essential that the teachers responsible for guiding the practice of physical activity provide them with adjusted and creative pedagogical programs and with adequate motor stimulation that enables motor and cognitive development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contribuição para o estudo de uma população de coelhos selvagens (Oryctolagus cuniculus L.) na ilha de Santa Maria e o impacto do R.V.H.D. na população local.

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    V Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia – Santa Maria e Formigas 1990.0 objectivo deste trabalho foi o estudo do impacto do R.V.H.D. na população de coelhos selvagens (Oryctolagus cuniculus L. ) na Ilha de Santa Maria. A parte introdutória consta de dados históricos, geográficos, climáticos, ocupação do solo, análise dos nutrientes do solo e das plantas e determina-se da idade da população colhida, pelo método do cristalino (MYERS & GILBERT, 1968). Estudou-se a mortalidade causada pelo R.V.H.D. nos diferentes grupos etários. A mortandade na Ilha de Santa Maria encontra-se dentro dos parâmetros estatísticos apresentados pela "EUROPEAN SOCIETY FOR VETERINARY VIROLOGY". (FRANCE, 1989)

    Pastor.i: a smartphone application to facilitate grazing management

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    Grazing in extensive beef farming systems is often manage in an empirical way based on past experience and on the visual appreciation of animal behavior and forage potential. Records of entrances and exits of the animals in the paddocks are rare. However, knowing the occupation period and the animal density, when coupled with biomass defines the grazing pressure. This knowledge is essential for planning and making informed decisions, that influence the profitability of the farm. Moreover, adequate grazing pressure is crucial for the sustainability of many SSPs where system maintenance is dependent on the balance between grazing pressure and regeneration or maintenance of trees and shrubs. Pastor.i is a smartphone application (APP) designed to allow pasture data logging to be very simple. The application is synchronized with the website and allows the producer to have in his pocket all the farm, being possible to identify the paddock, calculate the area, record the movements of the animals and consult the occupation history of the paddock. The application calculates the actual stocking rate, that can be associated with the location of the animals, obtained if the animals are using collars with GPS, which allows to know the areas of the paddock that are most grazed, visualized through heat maps. The information enables localized actions, such as fertilizing or sowing, to improve areas that are not grazed. The application also allows you to save photos of the sward. This temporal photographic record provides information on the condition of trees, the botanical composition and on the tendency of grazing to improve or to worsen coverage. The APP is available for download, is compatible with Android and is being tested with focus groups

    Reflexos dos conflitos político-religiosos na imprensa local: o caso de Leiria

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    This paper gives a look over the relations between Catholic Church and State in the Leiria region during the First Republic, especially about the Law of Separation, through the analysis of the Catholic newspaper O Mensageiro. It identifies the main features of the action from State and Republican officials, as well as the more obvious reactions of the Church and its members. It is presented the example of the events at Fátima in 1917, an important test to the relations between civil authorities and the Catholic hierarchy. We conclude there has been a relatively peaceful environment in the region, despite the permanent exchange of accusations: the Church complaining of persecution, the state demanding more obedience.Este texto apresenta uma leitura das relações entre a Igreja Católica e o Estado na região de Leiria durante o período da Primeira República, nomeadamente quanto à Lei da Separação, a partir dos textos do jornal católico O Mensageiro. São identificados os principais traços da acção do Estado e dos agentes republicanos, bem como das reacções mais evidentes da Igreja e dos cristãos. É apresentado o exemplo dos acontecimentos de 1917 em Fátima, importante teste às relações entre as autoridades civis e a hierarquia católica. Conclui-se ter existido um ambiente relativamente pacífico na região, apesar das permanentes trocas de acusações: a Igreja queixando-se de perseguição, o Estado exigindo mais obediência

    Relatório de estágio pedagógico em educação física realizado na Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva

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    O Relatório de Estágio constitui uma etapa avaliativa do Mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, onde estão expressas algumas atividades, ferramentas pedagógicas, processos, procedimentos e métodos, seguindo um formato lógico, coerente e contínuo por uma análise crítica e reflexiva. Assim, este documento surge a partir do processo de estágio pedagógico realizado na Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, no decorrer do ano letivo 2019/2020, envolvendo a orientação didática a uma turma de 10º ano. As palavras-chaves, bem como os objetivos deste relatório passam por apresentar, identificar, analisar e refletir sobre as atividades e problemáticas decorrentes do estágio pedagógico, valorizando e destacando as aprendizagens e transformações resultantes, principalmente da prática letiva, das atividades de integração no meio, das atividades de intervenção na comunidade escolar e das atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica. Neste sentido, este documento resultou na articulação e convergência das múltiplas atividades mencionadas anteriormente, promovendo e contribuindo o culminar do estágio, num caráter integral e eclético, enquanto futuro profissional no âmbito educacional, como professor de Educação Física. Este processo de ensino-aprendizagem torna-se complexo por assumir-se a reflexão do nosso amadurecimento profissional e pessoal, promovendo a passagem por um conjunto de vivências no que concerne à conceção, operacionalização e reflexão do processo didático, enquanto professores estagiários, intervir e transformar os indivíduos tendo por base o tipo de Homem que se pretende formar. Resultante deste processo são visíveis transformações, o desenvolvimento do professor e, simultaneamente, dos alunos, devido à relação mútua de aprendizagem, nomeadamente na tomada de decisão, tendo por base as caraterísticas do meio escolar e dos alunos, aplicação e, posterior, reflexão das potencialidades de instrumentos, de metodologias e de estratégias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, gestão e controlo do processo ensino-aprendizagem e capacidade de identificar, analisar, refletir e criticar sobre as problemáticas do ensino.The Internship Report is an evaluation stage of the Master in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education, where some activities, pedagogical tools, processes, procedures and methods are expressed, following a logical, coherent and continuous format for a critical and reflective analysis. Thus, this document emerges from the pedagogical internship process carried out at the Basic and Secondary School Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva, during the academic year 2019/2020, involving the didactic guidance to a class of 10th grade. The key words, as well as the objectives of this report, are to present, identify, analyze and reflect on the activities and problems arising from the pedagogical internship, valuing and highlighting the learning and transformations resulting, mainly from teaching practice, from the integration activities in the environment , intervention activities in the school community and scientific-pedagogical activities. In this sense, this document resulted in the articulation and convergence of the multiple activities mentioned above, promoting and contributing to the culmination of the internship, in an integral and eclectic character, as a professional future in the educational field, as a Physical Education teacher. This teaching-learning process becomes complex because it takes on the reflection of our professional and personal maturation, promoting the passage through a set of experiences regarding the conception, operationalization and reflection of the didactic process, as trainee teachers, to intervene and to transform individuals based on the type of Man they intend to form. As a result of this process, transformations are visible, the development of the teacher and, simultaneously, of the students, due to the mutual learning relationship, namely in decision making, based on the characteristics of the school environment and the students, application and, later, reflection of the potential of instruments, methodologies and strategies in the teaching-learning process, management and control of the teaching-learning process and ability to identify, analyze, reflect and criticize teaching issues

    Toxicologia de nanomateriais

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    Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas MonizA Nanotecnologia é uma ciência multidisciplinar que consiste na otimização das propriedades da matéria permitindo o desenvolvimento de sistemas com um tamanho na escala dos nanómetros. As nanopartículas são partículas cujas dimensões estão entre 1 e 100 nanómetros, podem ser produzidas naturalmente pela natureza ou desenvolvidas pelo homem, e podem ser incorporadas em diferentes processos industriais, o que leva a uma grande exposição ao nível ambiental. Apresentam propriedades específicas relativamente à sua escala nanométrica, propriedades essas que variam quanto ao tamanho, composição química, forma e superfície. Existem diversas áreas onde as nanopartículas podem ser aplicadas, tanto na área alimentar, à eletrónica, indústria farmacêutica, cosmética, biotecnologia, médico-hospitalar e agrícola. A Nanomedicina é uma área em franca expansão e o recurso às nanotecnologias disponíveis, revela-se promissor no que respeita ao desenvolvimento de terapias convencionais. Neste trabalho o principal objetivo é estudar e caraterizar os possíveis efeitos tóxicos das nanoparticulas tanto nos seres humanos como no ambiente

    Effects of applying a training program on basketball shooting in young players

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    The main aim of this study was to determine the effects of the application of a strength program in the accuracy of basketball shooting in young female players. Twenty female basketball players, (mean ± standard deviation: 12.08 ± 0.42 years; 1.55 ± 0.08 height; 44.4 ± 5.54 body mass) participated in the study. The participants were divided into two groups, the Control Group (GC) and the Experimental Group (GE), and were evaluated in 4 throwing exercises before (Pre-Test), after the application of a 6-week strength program (Post-Test), as well as after 4 weeks of detraining. The applied training program includes four exercises: i) Jump with Counter-Movement; ii) Throwing of the Medicinal Ball; iii) Sit-ups; iv) Push-ups. The results suggest that application of the 6-week training program had a positive effect on performance in two the four throwing exercises. In addiction 4 weeks of detraining, did not cause significant changes in the performance of the different throwing exercises compared to the Post-test period. It was concluded that a strength training program with a duration of 6 weeks was sufficient to obtain positive effects in the effectiveness of 2 Point throwing exercises in young female basketball players.This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020

    Anthropometric characterization and muscle strength parameters in young female swimmers at national level: The relationship with performance in the 50m freestyle

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    The aim of this study was to characterize and compare the anthropometric characteristics and the explosive muscular strength of the upper and lower limbs in swimmers at the U-16 and U-15 level. In addition, the relationship between anthropometric characteristics, strength variables and performance in the 50 m freestyle was verified. All participants were analysed, regarding their anthropometric characteristics, their explosive muscle strength, and their performance in the 50 m freestyle swim. A total of 92 female swimmers (mean ± standard deviation: 14.08 ± 0.56 years old) participated in the study. The results showed that sub-16 swimmers had higher body mass values compared to sub-15 swimmers (p < .01). In addition, statistically significant differences were also found for upper limb strength indicators (p < .05). Finally, although no differences were found for performance in the 50 m freestyle test between the groups analysed, it was found that swimmers swam with different biomechanical patterns. It was concluded that although there were significant differences for the anthropometric indicators and explosive strength variables, the performance in the 50 m freestyle did not show any statistically significant variations, however the two groups of swimmers, swam with different biomechanical patterns.This work is supported by national funding through the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., under project UID04045/2020

    MILP model for volt-var optimization considering chronological operation of distribution systems containing DERs

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    This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming model for volt-var optimization considering the chro-nological operation of distribution systems containing distributed energy resources (DERs). The proposed model describes the operation problem of capacitor banks (CBs) and voltage regulators (VRs), and it is further based on the steady-state operation during each time interval contained in typical scenarios of distribution systems. A procedure using a K-means clustering algorithm is used to select the scenarios, thus preserving the simultaneity and chronological combination of different loads and DERs. According to the formulation that we developed, the regulation devices become sensitive to downstream load variations, since we use explicit current variables to control automatic CBs, and since we include means to compensate voltage drops along distribution lines in the control of VRs. The model is validated by comparing the results obtained during several tests of two typical cases with those obtained through nonlinear power flow. The typical case studies presented in the paper highlight the good agreement between the results obtained with the linearized model and with power flow method; further, the practical results confirm that the use of typical scenarios allows representing different levels of loads and DERs, while keeping the validity and performance of the proposed model