363 research outputs found

    PNAEQ - 13 years of post-analytical EQAS in Portugal

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    In the last 13 years, PNAEQ provided a specific program on post-analytical phase. In order to raise the offer of schemes in areas like Thrombosis/ Haemostasis, PNAEQ has established a consortium with ECAT Foundation distributing two more schemes: Post- Analytical Platelet Function and Pre- and Post-Analytical in Haemostasis. Furthermore, five of the analytical schemes organized by PNAEQ include a post-analytical interpretation, such as Blood Morphology, Hemoglobinopathies, Hydatidose, Rubella and Toxoplasmosis. The main objective of implementing specific and integrated programs on post-analytical phase is to evaluate the performance of laboratories on these matters in order to improve their quality service. The specific program on post-analytical phase provided by PNAEQ comprises 6 types of surveys: audits (vertical and presential), case simulation, case-study, document evaluation, quality indicators and questionnaires. Each survey represents a different tool to evaluate several items of the post-analytical process (Table 1), as well as the laboratory collaborators involved in each task (Figure 1). The items in evaluation are annually selected in the PNAEQ Working Group on Pre- and Post-Analytical Phase (created in 2015) and in compliance with the Portuguese Legislation and the ISO 15189:2012(E). Since 2007 PNAEQ has distributed 6 types of tools in the Post-Analytical Phase EQA, stabilizing in 3 of them in the last five years: Audits, Case Simulation and Quality Indicators. The participation rate has been increasing since 2015, which can be due to the multiple actions performed by PNAEQ Working Group on Pre- and Post-Analytical Phase. In addition, the Case Simulation surveys are the most participated (74% average) since the participation depends on PNAEQ. For the future, PNAEQ and the Working Group will work on the continuous update of the tools content distributed in each survey according to international references and the experience of other EQA organizers.N/

    Interference Characterization in Multiple Access Wireless Networks

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    Contrarily to the point to point wireless link approach adopted in several wireless networks, where a dedicated channel is usually supporting an exclusive-use wireless link, in the last years several wireless communication systems have followed a different approach. In the so called “multiple access wireless networks”, multiple transmitters share the same communication channel in a simultaneous way, supporting a shared-use of the wireless link. The deployment of multiple access networks has also originated the emergence of various communication networks operating in the same geographical area and spectrum space, which is usually referred to as wireless coexistence. As a consequence of the presence of multiple networks with different technologies that share the same spectral bands, robust methods of interference management are needed. At the same time, the adoption of in-band Full-duplex (IBFDX) communication schemes, in which a given node transmit and receive simultaneously over the same frequency band, is seen as a disruptive topic in multiple access networks, capable of doubling the network’s capacity. Motivated by the importance of the interference in multiple access networks, this thesis addresses new approaches to characterize the interference in multiple access networks. A special focus is given to the assumption of mobility for the multiple transmitters. The problem of coexistence interference caused by multiple networks operating in the same band is also considered. Moreover, given the importance of the residual self-interference (SI) in practical IBFDX multiple access networks, we study the distribution of the residual SI power in a wireless IBFDX communication system. In addition, different applications of the proposed interference models are presented, including the definition of a new sensing capacity metric for cognitive radio networks, the performance evaluation of wireless-powered coexisting networks, the computation of an optimal carrier-sensing range in coexisting CSMA networks, and the estimation of residual self-interference in IBFDX communication systems

    Avaliação das boas práticas de universitários brasileiros e portugueses a partir do IBPEES

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    Este estudo avalia as boas práticas realizadas por estudantes universitários de Portugal e do Brasil averiguando como tais práticas se diferenciam. Para avaliação das boas práticas escolares recorremos ao Inventário de Boas Práticas dos Estudantes no Ensino Superior (Chickering & Schlossberg, 1995; Pinheiro, 2007) e a uma amostra de 237 estudantes do ensino superior da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Brasil) (65,8%) e da Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior (Portugal) (34,2%), sendo 55,3% do sexo feminino e 44,7% do sexo masculino, e idade média de 23,08 + 5,57. Da análise dos dados apurados constatam-se diferenças entre os estilos de boas práticas nos grupos do Brasil e de Portugal em praticamente todas as dimensões que caracterizam o instrumento: trabalho cooperativo, aprendizagem activa, procura de feedback, optimização do tempo, manutenção de expectativas positivas, respeito pelas diferenças, e gestão de recursos (gestão do ambiente, desafios e oportunidades académicas e gestão dos recursos pessoais e sociais). Os dois grupos não se diferenciam significativamente quanto à interacção com os professores.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A case study on the construction of application ontologies

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    Appropriate techniques for the development of application ontologies are needed and GAODT (“Goal-Oriented Application Ontology Development Technique”) technique described in this article contributes to this purpose. GAODT translates the goals and facts in natural language expressing the requirements of a knowledge-based system into rules and facts in first-order logic. Next, this knowledge base is mapped to an application ontology. GAODT was evaluated through the development of a case study on the construction of the application ontology of a knowledge-based System for the domain of Intestate Succession. A software tool to support the application of GAODT was also developed.This work is supported by CNPq, CAPES and FAPEMA

    A literature review

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    Rosário, A., Moniz, L. B., & Cruz, R. (2021). Data science applied to marketing: A literature review. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 37(5), 1067-1081. https://doi.org/10.6688/JISE.202109_37(5).0006 -------------------------------------------------------------- Funding Information: We would like to express our gratitude to the Editor and the Referees. They offered extremely valuable suggestions or improvements. The authors were supported by the GOVCOPP Research Unit of Universidade de Aveiro and UNIDCOM/IADE research unit of Universidade Europeia. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Institute of Information Science. All rights reserved.Data Science applied to Marketing has been a research interest due to competitive advantages in business. We have applied a systematic literature review between 2010 and 2020, reaching a total of 19 valid articles. After a deeper segmentation, 13 articles were selected for inclusion in the review comprising the period 2013-2020. On scientific production, the topic Data Science Applied to Marketing, in 2020, has a new subject of interest. The number of citations has been growing since 2015 and the findings revealed that marketing is recurring of a variety of data science methods, from micro-segmentation and realtime application to natural language processing. The impact is evident in digital advertising, micro-segmentation and micro-targeting, speed and performance, and real-time experimentation. The use cases of data analytics in marketing have used four methods with the highest potential to impact marketing approaches: Internet-of-Things, big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.publishersversionpublishe

    Ecologia integral : um desafio no contexto da EMRC : uma proposta à luz da unidade letiva 1 do 6º ano

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    Expõe- se uma reflexão sobre o desafio que a categoria ecologia integral constitui para a disciplina de Educação Moral e Religiosa Católica, a qual tem a sua origem na lecionação e análise crítica da Unidade Letiva 1 do 6º ano, “A Pessoa Humana”, realizada no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada desenvolvida no Externato da Luz em Lisboa. No atual contexto socioeconómico e cultural e dado o estado de degradação do planeta, a questão ecológica, entendida de forma ampla e holística, surge como uma questão pertinente e inadiável. É este o tema que aqui se desenvolve, abordando-o no âmbito da tradição cristã, sem renunciar à sabedoria dos textos bíblicos e com base na proposta apresentada pelo Papa Francisco na encíclica Laudato Si`. Assim, à luz deste documento, expõe-se o tema da ecologia integral nas suas dimensões antropológica, socioeconómica, de vida quotidiana e de apelo a uma conversão integral, apresentando também uma reflexão sobre os desafios educacionais que esta categoria coloca à disciplina de Educação Moral e Religiosa Católica. Por fim, e como forma de responder a estes desafios, apresenta- se uma proposta pedagógica concreta: a criação de um Foco de Conversão Ecológica Escolar.This dissertation presents a reflection on the challenge that the category of integral ecology represents for the discipline of Catholic Moral and Religious Education, risen during the lecture and critical analysis of the First Unit of the sixth grade curricular program, “The Human Person”, object of the Supervised Teaching Practice, at Externato da Luz, in Lisbon. In the contemporary social-economic and cultural context, and given the degradation state of the planet, the ecological issue, understood in a broad and holistic manner, appears as a relevant and unavoidable question. Thus is the subject here discussed, under the approach of Catholic tradition, not discarding for this intent, the resource to biblical wisdom and Pope Francis’ proposal, presented in his encyclical Laudato Si’. Thereby, in light of this document, the integral ecological issue is exposed in its anthropological and social-economical dimension, showing its relation with everyday life and appeals to ecological conversion, and the educational challenges it offers to the discipline of Catholic Moral and Religious Education. At last, aiming to respond to this very challenge, a specific pedagogical proposal is presented: the creation of a Focus of Ecological School Conversion

    Effects of hygrothermal and natural aging on the durability of multilayer insulation systems incorporating thermal mortars with EPS and aerogel

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    This study evaluated the durability of three innovative multilayer insulation systems incorporating thermal mortars with EPS aggregates and silica aerogel granules after hygrothermal accelerated aging and one year of natural aging at an urban site in Portugal. The loss of performance was assessed after the accelerated aging and every three months of natural aging using non-destructive testing. Chemical-morphological analyses were also carried out prior to and after accelerated and natural aging. Results obtained after accelerated and natural aging were compared, thus contributing towards a deeper understanding of possible synergistic effects of several degradation agents and mechanisms on the long-term durability of multilayer insulation systems. The Coffin-Manson equation showed that the accelerated aging procedure (∼13 days of heat/rain cycles and 5 days of heat/cold cycles) adopted herein corresponds to approximately 11 years of natural aging in typical urban conditions. The results show a significant increase in capillary water absorption and drying capacity after aging. Extensive surface microcracking was observed after accelerated aging and after 3 months of natural aging, especially in the systems facing North. Traces of biological growth were detected on both the artificially and naturally aged systems, whereas aesthetic alterations were more pronounced in North-oriented specimens after 3 months of exposure, with significantly lower surface gloss and a darker tone. On the other hand, color change cannot be detected in the artificially aged systems, due to the lack of degradation agents such as pollutants or UV radiation that were not included in the accelerated aging procedure.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O contributo da disciplina de EMRC para o desenvolvimento da pessoa humana : uma análise temática do programa do ensino básico de EMRC para os 2º e 3º ciclos

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    Este trabalho no âmbito do Mestrado em Ciências Religiosas, faz uma reflexão sobre a Unidade Letiva 1 do Programa de Educação Moral e Religiosa Católica (EMRC) do 6º ano “A Pessoa Humana” pretendendo explorar e aprofundar a importância que os conteúdos relacionados com a temática da Pessoa Humana têm no programa da disciplina no 2º e 3º ciclos. A disciplina de EMRC, com todos as suas metas e objetivos, tem um papel fundamental na questão da educação para a promoção da Pessoa Humana, despertando os nossos alunos, para as realidades existentes, comprometendo-os na busca incessante de soluções para o seu desenvolvimento integral. Possibilitando-lhes uma educação que lhes dê as ferramentas necessárias, para que possam construir um futuro com vista ao bem comum, sem descartar a Pessoa Humana. Pois é urgente e imperioso criar neles a consciência que o desenvolvimento das pessoas e por conseguinte, da sociedade, tem que ser centrado no bem da pessoa. No nosso mundo assistimos a um agudizar de situações que causam sofrimento a um número cada vez maior de pessoas, pois a sua dignidade não está salvaguardada, nomeadamente quando milhões de seres humanos se vêem privados de alimentação, água potável, habitação condigna, educação e cuidados de saúde que são direitos consagrados na Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem.This work in the field of the Master in Religious Sciences,makes a reflection on Unit 1 of The Program of Catholic Moral and Religious Education (EMRC) of the 6th year "The Human Person" intending to explore and deepen the importance that the contents related to the subject of Human Person have in the program of the subject in the 2nd and 3rd cycles. The EMRC subject, with all its objectives, has a very important role in the question of education for the promotion of the Human Person, awakening our students to the existing realities, committing them in the incessant search for solutions for their integral development. Providing them with an educationgives themalso the necessary tools, so they can build a future for the common good, without ruling out the Human Person. For it is urgent and imperative to create in them the awareness that the development of people and therefore of society must be focused on the good of the person. In our world, we become aware of a worsening of situations that cause suffering to an increasing number of people, because their dignity is not safeguarded, especially when millions of human beings are deprived of food, water, decent housing, education and health care rights which are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    Mobilidade em redes de rádio cognitivo

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologi