250 research outputs found

    Revisión y actualización de los datos de ocupación del suelo industrial en las provincias de Albacete, Cantabria, Huelva, Tarragona y Valencia.

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    Dada la celeridad de los cambios propios del modelo socioeconómico actual, conocer la distribución de los diferentes tipos de usos de suelo es relevante para la Ordenación del Territorio. Más específicamente, conocer la localización y delimitación del suelo industrial supone un activo importante para las empresas y la Administración Pública. Esta información esta desactualizada en las bases de datos disponibles (Catastro, SIOSE y Mapa urbanístico de Cataluña), por lo que es necesaria su revisión periódica. Con este objetivo, se presenta un trabajo de actualización en 125 municipios de las provincias de Albacete, Cantabria, Huelva, Tarragona y Valencia (sólo en parcelas de más de 2.500 m2), y, asimismo, se propone un conjunto de protocolos de automatización, en aras de poder ser replicado en futuros proyectos. Mediante el manejo de la información de referencia con Sistemas de la Información Geográfica (SIG), análisis espacial y el uso de programas estadísticos (FME, Excel), se ha obtenido, como resultado: a) un análisis diacrónico entre la cartografía de la primera edición disponible de SIOSE (2005) y la revisión actual (2022); b) un protocolo de automatización, replicable en otras provincias y CCAA de España, de gran utilidad para el ámbito de la investigación (Ordenación del Territorio), la empresa y la Administración Pública.<br /

    Spatio-temporal Variability of daily precipitation concentration in Spain based on a high-resolution gridded data set

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    An analysis of the spatial and temporal variability of daily precipitation concentration (CI) in Spain was made based on a high-resolution (5×5km) daily gridded precipitation data set for the 1950-2012 period. For each grid point in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) and Balearic and Canary Islands, the average annual CI was computed, as well as its coefficient of variation and the 5th and 95th percentiles. Annual values were also computed, and the time series of the index were used to assess temporal trends over the whole period.The spatial distribution of the CI showed a strong relationship with the orographic barriers near the coastlines.The Canary Islands showed the highest values of CI, along with the eastern Mediterranean facade of the IP.The highest inter-annual variations oft he CI occurred in the southern IP and in the southern Canary Islands.The trends of CI were, overall, positive and significant, which indicates an increase of daily precipitation concentration over the study period and an increasing environmental risks scenario where erosivity, torrentiality, and floods may become more frequent

    Management of odonto-stomatological emergencies during the COVID-19 alarm state in dental clinics in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM), Spain:an observational study

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    Odontology practice has been severely compromised by the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and Spain is one of the countries with higher incidence. Our aim with this study is to find out the number of cases and type of odonto-stomatological emergencies (OSE) treated in four dental clinics of the Madrid capital area and region (CAM) in the period covered between March 17th and 4th of May. We search the cases in the demographic/epidemiological databases of the CAM regional government and the Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of the First Region (Madrid). We found that the most prevalent pathology was acute apical periodontitis whereas odontogenic abscess showed the lowest frequency. Prosthetic-orthodontic OSE represented 14% of cases. In this period of time, the most prevalent pathology acute apical periodontitis, odontogenic abscess reported the lowest frequency and prosthetic-orthodontic treatments were the third in number of cases. Most of OSE were resolved, without referring the patient to a hospital emergency department

    Laser Dynamics from a Membrane Computing Perspective

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    Modelling real systems and processes is a task classically performed through the approach of di erential equation systems, de ning the evolution of di erent variables as the di erent components of the system. A bad feature that di erential equations have is that if some new parameter has to be introduced in the system, then often the previous equations are not useful, and the whole system has to be remodeled again. Bioinspired computational models are abstractions of reality into a mathematical system that works with speci c semantics and can perform some tasks, such as solving problems or demonstrating the universality of themselves or other models. An interesting application of these models is the modelling of real-life processes, where some of them as the so-called P systems have demonstrated previously that their performance is remarkable. This is not only for the similarity of the results with the experimental ones, but for its adaptability and modularity of the system, that is, if a new component of the real system is taken into account, not the whole system but a small part of it has to be changed in order to simulate the changed scenario. In this work, a rst look at the dynamics of a laser physical system is given, reproducing the behavior of a rst model with a PDP system.Ministerio de Economa, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) of Spain / FEDER) of the European Union TIN2017-89842-

    Modelización de la respuesta climática de Fagus sylvatica en el Parque Natural del Moncayo

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    La Península Ibérica se está viendo afectada por un proceso de cambios en el clima que están provocando impactos como la desertización progresiva o cambios en las distribuciones de especies vegetales. En este sentido se ha estudiado la especie Fagus sylvatica la cual se encuentra ampliamente distribuida en Europa teniendo en España su límite sur debido a factores climáticos limitantes. Se han analizado muestras de Fagus sylvatica de ese límite sur de la especie, localizado en el Parque Natural del Moncayo, integrando información climática e información geográfica en un sistema de información geográfica con el objetivo de obtener las funciones respuesta de Fagus sylvatica. Conociendo el comportamiento de la especie ante el clima actual, se puede intentar predecir cual va a ser su respuesta ante posibles escenarios de cambio climático futuros y de este modo aplicar medidas de gestión. Finalmente se han generado cartografías analizando las funciones respuesta de Fagus sylvatica con respecto al clima y en gradiente altitudinal en el Parque Natural del Moncayo

    A new species of Hoplias malabaricus species complex (Characiformes: Erythrinidae) from the Crepori River, Amazon basin, Brazil

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    A new species belonging to the Hoplias malabaricus complex from the Amazon basin, Brazil, is described. The new species is characterized by 15–16 predorsal scales, 37–39 lateral-line scales, 5 scales from dorsal fin to lateral line, 38–39 vertebrae, iii-iv, 7–8 anal-fin rays, ii-iv, 12–15 caudal-fin rays, last vertical series of scales on the base of caudal-fin rays forming a straight line, 6–7 dark bands in anal fin and no distinctive dark bands or blotches on flanks. The new species is also distinguished from other congeners of the H. malabaricus species-group by means of landmark-based morphometrics and DNA Barcoding (Cytochrome c Oxidase I gene). An identification key to species of the H. malabaricus species complex is provided.Fil: Auzier Guimarães, Karen Larissa. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Rosso, Juan Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: González Castro, Mariano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Souza, Fujiie Belém. Universidade Federal do Pará; BrasilFil: Díaz de Astarloa, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras; ArgentinaFil: Ribeiro Rodrigues, Luís Reginaldo. Universidade Federal do Pará; Brasi

    Global Self-Regulation of the Cellular Metabolic Structure

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    Different studies have shown that cellular enzymatic activities are able to self-organize spontaneously, forming a metabolic core of reactive processes that remain active under different growth conditions while the rest of the molecular catalytic reactions exhibit structural plasticity. This global cellular metabolic structure appears to be an intrinsic characteristic common to all cellular organisms. Recent work performed with dissipative metabolic networks has shown that the fundamental element for the spontaneous emergence of this global self-organized enzymatic structure could be the number of catalytic elements in the metabolic networks.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education Grants with the projects MTM2007-62186 and MTM2005-01504 and by the Basque Government grants GIC07/151-IT-254-07 and IT-305-07. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewe

    Cultural Heritage Restoration of a Hemispherical Vault by 3D Modelling and Projection of Video Images with Unknown Parameters and from Unknown Locations

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    [EN] Reverse engineering applied to architectural restoration for the reconstruction of structural surfaces depends on metric precision. Sometimes there are elements on these surfaces whose value is even higher than the building itself. This is the case for many churches whose ceilings have pictorial works of art. Reconstruction requires the existence of some identifiable remainder and/or a surface geometry that enables mathematical development. In our case, the vault has an irregular hemispherical geometry (without possible mathematical development), and there are no significant remains of the painting (which was destroyed by a fire). Through the 3D modelling of the irregular vault and two historic frames with a camera of unknown geometry, an inverse methodology is designed to project the original painting without metric deformations. For this, a new methodology to locate the camera positions is developed. After, a 3D virtual mathematical model of the complete image on the vault is calculated, and from it, partial 3D virtual images are automatically calculated depending on the variable unknown positions of the video cannons (distributed along the upper corridor of the apse) that will project them (visually forming a perfect complete 3D image)Herráez Boquera, J.; Denia Rios, JL.; Priego De Los Santos, E.; Navarro Esteve, PJ.; Martín Sánchez, MT.; Rodríguez Pereña, J. (2021). Cultural Heritage Restoration of a Hemispherical Vault by 3D Modelling and Projection of Video Images with Unknown Parameters and from Unknown Locations. Applied Sciences. 11(12):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11125323112111

    Biostable scaffolds of polyacrylate polymers implanted in the articular cartilage induce hyaline-like cartilage regeneration in rabbits

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    [EN] Purpose: To study the influence of scaffold properties on the organization of ¿in vivo¿ cartilage regeneration. Our hypothesis is that stress transmission to the cells seeded inside the scaffold pores or surrounding it, which is highly dependent on the scaffold properties, determine differentiation of both mesenchymal cells and dedifferentiated autologous chondrocytes. Methods: Four series of porous scaffolds made of different polyacrylate polymers, previously seeded with cultured rabbit chondrocytes or without cells preseeded, were implanted in cartilage defects in rabbits. Subchondral bone was always injured during the surgery in order to allow blood to reach the implantation site and fill scaffold pores. Results: Three months after implant, excellent tissue regeneration was obtained, with a well-organized layer of hyaline cartilage at the condylar surface in most cases of the hydrophobic or slightly hydrophilic series. The most hydrophilic material induced the poorest regeneration. However, few variations were observed between the preseeded and non-preseeded scaffolds. All the materials employed were biocompatible, biostable polymers, therefore, in contrast to other studies, our results are not perturbed by possible effects attributable to material degradation products, or to the loss of scaffold mechanical properties over time due to degradation. Conclusions: Cartilage regeneration mainly depends on the properties of the scaffold, such as stiffness and hydrophility, whereas little differences were observed between preseeded and non-preseeded scaffolds.Supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through project No. MAT2013-46467-C4-R, including the FEDER financial support. CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&I Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program. CIBER Actions are financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Sancho-Tello, M.; Forriol, F.; Martín De Llano, JJ.; Antolinos Turpín, CM.; Gómez-Tejedor, J.; Gómez Ribelles, JL.; Carda, C. (2017). Biostable scaffolds of polyacrylate polymers implanted in the articular cartilage induce hyaline-like cartilage regeneration in rabbits. The International Journal of Artificial Organs. 40(7):350-357. https://doi.org/10.5301/ijao.5000598S35035740