38 research outputs found

    Quantum degenerate dipolar Fermi gas

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    The interplay between crystallinity and superfluidity is of great fundamental and technological interest in condensed matter settings. In particular, electronic quantum liquid crystallinity arises in the non-Fermi liquid, pseudogap regime neighboring a cuprate's unconventional superconducting phase. While the techniques of ultracold atomic physics and quantum optics have enabled explorations of the strongly correlated, many-body physics inherent in, e.g., the Hubbard model, lacking has been the ability to create a quantum degenerate Fermi gas with interparticle interactions---such as the strong dipole-dipole interaction---capable of inducing analogs to electronic quantum liquid crystals. We report the first quantum degenerate dipolar Fermi gas, the realization of which opens a new frontier for exploring strongly correlated physics and, in particular, the quantum melting of smectics in the pristine environment provided by the ultracold atomic physics setting. A quantum degenerate Fermi gas of the most magnetic atom 161Dy is produced by laser cooling to 10 uK before sympathetically cooling with ultracold, bosonic 162Dy. The temperature of the spin-polarized 161Dy is a factor T/TF=0.2 below the Fermi temperature TF=300 nK. The co-trapped 162Dy concomitantly cools to approximately Tc for Bose-Einstein condensation, thus realizing a novel, nearly quantum degenerate dipolar Bose-Fermi gas mixture.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Anisotropic sub-Doppler laser cooling in dysprosium magneto-optical traps

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    Magneto-optical traps (MOTs) of Er and Dy have recently been shown to exhibit population-wide sub-Doppler cooling due to their near degeneracy of excited and ground state Lande g factors. We discuss here an additional, unusual intra-MOT sub-Doppler cooling mechanism that appears when the total Dy MOT cooling laser intensity and magnetic quadrupole gradient increase beyond critical values. Specifically, anisotropically sub-Doppler-cooled cores appear, and their orientation with respect to the quadrupole axis flips at a critical ratio of the MOT laser intensity along the quadrupole axis versus that in the plane of symmetry. This phenomenon can be traced to a loss of the velocity-selective resonance at zero velocity in the cooling force along directions in which the atomic polarization is oriented by the quadrupole field. We present data characterizing this anisotropic laser cooling phenomenon and discuss a qualitative model for its origin based on the extraordinarily large Dy magnetic moment and Dy's near degenerate g factors.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Spectroscopy of a narrow-line laser cooling transition in atomic dysprosium

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    The laser cooling and trapping of ultracold neutral dysprosium has been recently demonstrated using the broad, open 421-nm cycling transition. Narrow-line magneto-optical trapping of Dy on longer wavelength transitions would enable the preparation of ultracold Dy samples suitable for loading optical dipole traps and subsequent evaporative cooling. We have identified the closed 741-nm cycling transition as a candidate for the narrow-line cooling of Dy. We present experimental data on the isotope shifts, the hyperfine constants A and B, and the decay rate of the 741-nm transition. In addition, we report a measurement of the 421-nm transition's linewidth, which agrees with previous measurements. We summarize the laser cooling characteristics of these transitions as well as other narrow cycling transitions that may prove useful for cooling Dy.Comment: 6+ pages, 5 figures, 5 table