397 research outputs found

    Microscopic description of octupole shape-phase transitions in light actinides and rare-earth nuclei

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    A systematic analysis of low-lying quadrupole and octupole collective states is presented, based on the microscopic energy density functional framework. By mapping the deformation constrained self-consistent axially symmetric mean-field energy surfaces onto the equivalent Hamiltonian of the sdfsdf interacting boson model (IBM), that is, onto the energy expectation value in the boson condensate state, the Hamiltonian parameters are determined. The study is based on the global relativistic energy density functional DD-PC1. The resulting IBM Hamiltonian is used to calculate excitation spectra and transition rates for the positive- and negative-parity collective states in four isotopic chains characteristic for two regions of octupole deformation and collectivity: Th, Ra, Sm and Ba. Consistent with the empirical trend, the microscopic calculation based on the systematics of β2\beta_{2}-β3\beta_{3} energy maps, the resulting low-lying negative-parity bands and transition rates show evidence of a shape transition between stable octupole deformation and octupole vibrations characteristic for β3\beta_{3}-soft potentials.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, 1 tabl

    Potential energy surfaces of actinide and transfermium nuclei from multi-dimensional constraint covariant density functional theories

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    Multi-dimensional constrained covariant density functional theories were developed recently. In these theories, all shape degrees of freedom \beta_{\lambda\mu} deformations with even \mu are allowed, e.g., \beta_{20}, \beta_{22}, \beta_{30}, \beta_{32}, \beta_{40}, \beta_{42}, \beta_{44}, and so on and the CDFT functional can be one of the following four forms: the meson exchange or point-coupling nucleon interactions combined with the non-linear or density-dependent couplings. In this contribution, some applications of these theories are presented. The potential energy surfaces of actinide nuclei in the (\beta_{20}, \beta_{22}, \beta_{30}) deformation space are investigated. It is found that besides the octupole deformation, the triaxiality also plays an important role upon the second fission barriers. The non-axial reflection-asymmetric \beta_{32} shape in some transfermium nuclei with N = 150, namely 246Cm, 248Cf, 250Fm, and 252No are studied.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures; invited talk at the International Conference on Nuclear Structure and Related Topics, Jul 02-July 7, 2012, Dubn

    Precise determination of lattice phase shifts and mixing angles

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    We introduce a general and accurate method for determining lattice phase shifts and mixing angles, which is applicable to arbitrary, non-cubic lattices. Our method combines angular momentum projection, spherical wall boundaries and an adjustable auxiliary potential. This allows us to construct radial lattice wave functions and to determine phase shifts at arbitrary energies. For coupled partial waves, we use a complex-valued auxiliary potential that breaks time-reversal invariance. We benchmark our method using a system of two spin-1/2 particles interacting through a finite-range potential with a strong tensor component. We are able to extract phase shifts and mixing angles for all angular momenta and energies, with precision greater than that of extant methods. We discuss a wide range of applications from nuclear lattice simulations to optical lattice experiments.Comment: 7 pp, 4 figs, 1 tabl

    Breaking and restoration of rotational symmetry for irreducible tensor operators on the lattice

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    We study the breaking of rotational symmetry on the lattice for irreducible tensor operators and practical methods for suppressing this breaking. We illustrate the features of the general problem using an α\alpha cluster model for 8^{8}Be. We focus on the lowest states with non-zero angular momentum and examine the matrix elements of multipole moment operators. We show that the physical reduced matrix element is well reproduced by averaging over all possible orientations of the quantum state, and this is expressed as a sum of matrix elements weighted by the corresponding Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. For our α\alpha cluster model we find that the effects of rotational symmetry breaking can be largely eliminated for lattice spacings of a1.7a\leq 1.7 fm, and we expect similar improvement for actual lattice Monte Carlo calculations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Multidimensionally-constrained relativistic mean-field study of spontaneous fission: coupling between shape and pairing degrees of freedom

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    Studies of fission dynamics, based on nuclear energy density functionals, have shown that the coupling between shape and pairing degrees of freedom has a pronounced effect on the nonperturbative collective inertia and, therefore, on dynamic (least-action) spontaneous fission paths and half-lives. Collective potentials and nonperturbative cranking collective inertia tensors are calculated using the multidimensionally-constrained relativistic mean-field (MDC-RMF) model. Pairing correlations are treated in the BCS approximation using a separable pairing force of finite range. Pairing fluctuations are included as a collective variable using a constraint on particle-number dispersion. Fission paths are determined with the dynamic programming method by minimizing the action in multidimensional collective spaces. The dynamics of spontaneous fission of 264^{264}Fm and 250^{250}Fm are explored. Fission paths, action integrals and corresponding half-lives computed in the three-dimensional collective space of shape and pairing coordinates, using the relativistic functional DD-PC1 and a separable pairing force of finite range, are compared with results obtained without pairing fluctuations. Results for 264^{264}Fm are also discussed in relation with those recently obtained using the HFB model. The inclusion of pairing correlations in the space of collective coordinates favors axially symmetric shapes along the dynamic path of the fissioning system, amplifies pairing as the path traverses the fission barriers, significantly reduces the action integral and shortens the corresponding SF half-life.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1511.0568