840 research outputs found

    Flooding of Regular Phase Space Islands by Chaotic States

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    We investigate systems with a mixed phase space, where regular and chaotic dynamics coexist. Classically, regions with regular motion, the regular islands, are dynamically not connected to regions with chaotic motion, the chaotic sea. Typically, this is also reflected in the quantum properties, where eigenstates either concentrate on the regular or the chaotic regions. However, it was shown that quantum mechanically, due to the tunneling process, a coupling is induced and flooding of regular islands may occur. This happens when the Heisenberg time, the time needed to resolve the discrete spectrum, is larger than the tunneling time from the regular region to the chaotic sea. In this case the regular eigenstates disappear. We study this effect by the time evolution of wave packets initially started in the chaotic sea and find increasing probability in the regular island. Using random matrix models a quantitative prediction is derived. We find excellent agreement with numerical data obtained for quantum maps and billiards systems. For open systems we investigate the phenomenon of flooding and disappearance of regular states, where the escape time occurs as an additional time scale. We discuss the reappearance of regular states in the case of strongly opened systems. This is demonstrated numerically for quantum maps and experimentally for a mushroom shaped microwave resonator. The reappearance of regular states is explained qualitatively by a matrix model.Untersucht werden Systeme mit gemischtem Phasenraum, in denen sowohl regulĂ€re als auch chaotische Dynamik auftritt. In der klassischen Mechanik sind Gebiete regulĂ€rer Bewegung, die sogenannten regulĂ€ren Inseln, dynamisch nicht mit den Gebieten chaotischer Bewegung, der chaotischen See, verbunden. Dieses Verhalten spiegelt sich typischerweise auch in den quantenmechanischen Eigenschaften wider, so dass Eigenfunktionen entweder auf chaotischen oder regulĂ€ren Gebieten konzentriert sind. Es wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass aufgrund des Tunneleffektes eine Kopplung auftritt und regulĂ€re Inseln geflutet werden können. Dies geschieht wenn die Heisenbergzeit, das heißt die Zeit die das System benötigt, um das diskrete Spektrum aufzulösen, grĂ¶ĂŸer als die Tunnelzeit vom RegulĂ€ren ins Chaotische ist, wobei regulĂ€re EigenzustĂ€nde verschwinden. Dieser Effekt wird ĂŒber eine Zeitentwicklung von Wellenpaketen, die in der chaotischen See gestartet werden, untersucht. Es kommt zu einer ansteigenden Wahrscheinlichkeit in der regulĂ€ren Insel. Mithilfe von Zufallsmatrixmodellen wird eine quantitative Vorhersage abgeleitet, welche die numerischen Daten von Quantenabbildungen und Billardsystemen hervorragend beschreibt. Der Effekt des Flutens und das Verschwinden regulĂ€rer ZustĂ€nde wird ebenfalls mit offenen Systemen untersucht. Hier tritt die Fluchtzeit als zusĂ€tzliche Zeitskala auf. Das Wiederkehren regulĂ€rer ZustĂ€nde im Falle stark geöffneter Systeme wird qualitativ mithilfe eines Matrixmodells erklĂ€rt und numerisch fĂŒr Quantenabbildungen sowie experimentell fĂŒr einen pilzförmigen Mikrowellenresonator belegt

    The productions of the top-pions and top-Higgs associated with the charm quark at the hadron colliders

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    In the topcolor-assistant technicolor (TC2) model, the typical physical particles, top-pions and top-Higgs, are predicted and the existence of these particles could be regarded as the robust evidence of the model. These particles are accessible at the Tevatron and LHC, and furthermore the flavor-changing(FC) feature of the TC2 model can provide us a unique chance to probe them. In this paper, we study some interesting FC production processes of top-pions and top-Higgs at the Tevatron and LHC, i.e., cΠt−c\Pi_{t}^{-} and cΠt0(ht0)c\Pi_{t}^{0}(h_{t}^{0}) productions. We find that the light charged top-pions are not favorable by the Tevatron experiments and the Tevatron has a little capability to probe neutral top-pion and top-Higgs via these FC production processes. At the LHC, however, the cross section can reach the level of 10∌10010\sim 100 pb for cΠt−c\Pi_t^- production and 10∌100 10\sim 100 fb for cΠt0(ht0)c\Pi_t^0(h_t^0) production. So one can expect that enough signals could be produced at the LHC experiments. Furthermore, the SM background should be clean due to the FC feature of the processes and the FC decay modes Πt−→bcˉ,Πt0(ht0)→tcˉ\Pi_t^-\to b\bar{c}, \Pi_t^0(h_t^0)\to t\bar{c} can provide us the typical signal to detect the top-pions and top-Higgs. Therefore, it is hopeful to find the signal of top-pions and top-Higgs with the running of the LHC via these FC processes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Probing Topcolor-Assisted Technicolor from Top-Charm Associated Production at LHC

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    We propose to probe the topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) model from the top-charm associated productions at the LHC, which are highly suppressed in the Standard Model. Due to the flavor-changing couplings of the top quark with the scalars (top-pions and top-Higgs) in TC2 model, the top-charm associated productions can occur via both the s-channel and t-channel parton processes by exchanging a scalar field at the LHC. We examined these processes through Monte Carlo simulation and found that they can reach the observable level at the LHC in quite a large part of the parameter space of the TC2 model.Comment: Version to appear in PRD (Rapid Communication

    The rare top quark decays t→cVt\to cV in the topcolor-assisted technicolor model

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    We consider the rare top quark decays in the framework of topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) model. We find that the contributions of top-pions and top-Higgs predicted by the TC2 model can enhance the SM branching ratios by as much as 6-9 orders of magnitude. i.e., in the most case, the orders of magnitude of branching ratios are Br(t→cg)∌10−5Br(t\to c g)\sim 10^{-5}, Br(t→cZ)∌10−5Br(t\to c Z)\sim 10^{-5}, Br(t→cÎł)∌10−7Br(t\to c \gamma)\sim 10^{-7}. With the reasonable values of the parameters in TC2 model, such rare top quark decays may be testable in the future experiments. So, rare top quark decays provide us a unique way to test TC2 model.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Detecting the neutral top-pion at e+e−e^{+}e^{-} colliders

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    We investigate some processes of the associated production of a neutral top-pion Πt0\Pi^{0}_{t} with a pair of fermions(e+e−→ffˉΠt0e^{+}e^{-}\to f\bar{f}\Pi^{0}_{t}) in the context of top-color-assisted technicolor(TC2) theory at future e+e−e^{+}e^{-} colliders. The studies show that the largest cross sections of the processes e+e−→fâ€Čfâ€ČˉΠt0(fâ€Č=u,d,c,s,ÎŒ,τ)e^{+}e^{-}\to f'\bar{f'}\Pi^{0}_{t}(f'=u,d,c,s,\mu,\tau) could only reach the level of 0.01fb, we can hardly detect a neutral top-pion through these processes. For the processes e+e−→e+e−Πt0e^{+}e^{-}\to e^{+}e^{-}\Pi^{0}_{t}, e+e−→ttˉΠt0e^{+}e^{-}\to t\bar{t}\Pi^{0}_{t} and e+e−→bbˉΠt0e^{+}e^{-}\to b\bar{b}\Pi^{0}_{t}, the cross sections of these processes are at the level of a few fb for the favorable parameters and a few tens, even hundreds, of neutral top-pion events can be produced at future e+e−e^{+}e^{-} colliders each year through these processes. With the clean background of the flavor-changing tcˉt\bar{c} channel, the top-pion events can possibly be detected at the planned high luminosity e+e−e^{+}e^{-} colliders. Therefore, such neutral top-pion production processes provide a useful way to detect a neutral top-pion and test the TC2 model directly.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution of RFID applications in construction:A literature review

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    Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has been widely used in the field of construction during the last two decades. Basically, RFID facilitates the control on a wide variety of processes in different stages of the lifecycle of a building, from its conception to its inhabitance. The main objective of this paper is to present a review of RFID applications in the construction industry, pointing out the existing developments, limitations and gaps. The paper presents the establishment of the RFID technology in four main stages of the lifecycle of a facility: planning and design, construction and commission and operation and maintenance. Concerning this last stage, an RFID application aiming to facilitate the identification of pieces of furniture in scanned inhabited environments is presented. Conclusions and future advances are presented at the end of the paper

    Quantum state engineering assisted by entanglement

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    We suggest a general scheme for quantum state engineering based on conditional measurements carried out on entangled twin-beam of radiation. Realistic detection schemes such as {\sc on/off} photodetection, homodyne detection and joint measurement of two-mode quadratures are analyzed in details. Imperfections of the apparatuses, such as nonunit quantum efficiency and finite resolution, are taken into account. We show that conditional {\sc on/off} photodetection provides a reliable scheme to verify nonclassicality, whereas conditional homodyning represents a tunable and robust source of squeezed light. We also describe optical teleportation as a conditional measurement, and evaluate the degrading effects of finite amount of entanglement, decoherence due to losses, and nonunit quantum efficiency.Comment: Some pics with low resolution. Originals at http://www.qubit.i

    Aharonov-Bohm spectral features and coherence lengths in carbon nanotubes

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    The electronic properties of carbon nanotubes are investigated in the presence of disorder and a magnetic field parallel or perpendicular to the nanotube axis. In the parallel field geometry, the ϕ0(=hc/e)\phi_{0}(=hc/e)-periodic metal-insulator transition (MIT) induced in metallic or semiconducting nanotubes is shown to be related to a chirality-dependent shifting of the energy of the van Hove singularities (VHSs). The effect of disorder on this magnetic field-related mechanism is considered with a discussion of mean free paths, localization lengths and magnetic dephasing rate in the context of recent experiments.Comment: 22 pages, 6 Postscript figures. submitted to Phys. Rev.
