23 research outputs found

    Organic residue analysis shows sub-regional patterns in the use of pottery by Northern European hunter–gatherers

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    The introduction of pottery vessels to Europe has long been seen as closely linked with the spread of agriculture and pastoralism from the Near East. The adoption of pottery technology by hunter–gatherers in Northern and Eastern Europe does not fit this paradigm, and its role within these communities is so far unresolved. To investigate the motivations for hunter–gatherer pottery use, here, we present the systematic analysis of the contents of 528 early vessels from the Baltic Sea region, mostly dating to the late 6th–5th millennium cal BC, using molecular and isotopic characterization techniques. The results demonstrate clear sub-regional trends in the use of ceramics by hunter–gatherers; aquatic resources in the Eastern Baltic, non-ruminant animal fats in the Southeastern Baltic, and a more variable use, including ruminant animal products, in the Western Baltic, potentially including dairy. We found surprisingly little evidence for the use of ceramics for non-culinary activities, such as the production of resins. We attribute the emergence of these subregional cuisines to the diffusion of new culinary ideas afforded by the adoption of pottery, e.g. cooking and combining foods, but culturally contextualized and influenced by traditional practices

    Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol and drug-related disorders in prison: a French national study

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    BACKGROUND: Most studies measuring substance-use disorders in prisons focus on incoming or on remand prisoners and are generally restricted to drugs. However, there is evidence that substance use initiation or continuation occurs in prison, and that alcohol use is common. The aim of this study is 1) to assess prevalence of both drug and alcohol abuse and dependence (DAD/AAD) in a national randomised cohort of French prisoners, short or long-term sentence 2) to assess the risk factors associated with DAD/AAD in prison. a stratified random strategy was used to select 1) 23 prisons among the different types of prison 2) 998 prisoners. Diagnoses were assessed according to a standardized procedure, each prisoner being assessed by two psychiatrists, one junior, using a structured interview (MINI 5 plus), and one senior, completing the procedure with an open clinical interview. At the end of the interview the clinicians met and agreed on a list of diagnoses. Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) was also used. RESULTS: More than a third of prisoners presented either AAD or DAD in the last 12 months. Cannabis was the most frequent drug and just under a fifth of prisoners had AAD. AAD and DAD were clearly different for the following: socio-demographic variables, childhood history, imprisonment characteristics, psychiatric comorbidity and Cloninger's TCI. Profiles of AAD in prison are similar to type II alcoholism. CONCLUSION: Regular screening of AAD/DAD in prison, and specific treatment programmes taking into account differences between prisoners with an AAD and prisoners with a DAD should be a public health priority in priso

    Sensitivity of Five Rapid HIV Tests on Oral Fluid or Finger-Stick Whole Blood: A Real-Time Comparison in a Healthcare Setting

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    BACKGROUND: Health authorities in several countries recently recommended the expansion of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody testing, including the use of rapid tests. Several HIV rapid tests are now licensed in Europe but their sensitivity on total blood and/or oral fluid in routine healthcare settings is not known. METHODS AND FINDINGS: 200 adults with documented HIV-1 (n=194) or HIV-2 infection (n=6) were prospectively screened with five HIV rapid tests using either oral fluid (OF) or finger-stick whole blood (FSB). The OraQuick Advance rapid HIV1/2 was first applied to OF and then to FSB, while the other tests were applied to FSB, in the following order: Vikia HIV 1/2, Determine HIV 1-2, Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/Ab Combo and INSTI HIV-1/HIV-2. Tests negative on FSB were repeated on paired serum samples. Twenty randomly selected HIV-seronegative subjects served as controls, and the results were read blindly. Most patients had HIV-1 subtype B infection (63.3%) and most were on antiretroviral therapy (68.5%). Sensitivity was 86.5%, 94.5%, 98.5%, 94.9%, 95.8% and 99% respectively, with OraQuick OF, OraQuick FSB, Vikia, Determine, Determine Ag/Ab Combo and INSTI (p<0.0001). OraQuick was less sensitive on OF than on FSB (p=0.008). Among the six patients with three or more negative tests, two had recent HIV infection and four patients on antiretroviral therapy had undetectable plasma viral load. When patients positive in all the tests were compared with patients who had at least one negative test, only a plasma HIV RNA level<200 cp/ml was significantly associated with a false-negative result (p=0.009). When the 33 rapid tests negative on FSB were repeated on serum, all but six (5 negative with OraQuick, 1 with INSTI) were positive. The sensitivity of OraQuick, Determine and Determine Ag/Ab Combo was significantly better on serum than on FSB (97.5%, p=0.04; 100%, p=0.004; and 100%, p=0.02, respectively). CONCLUSION: When evaluated in a healthcare setting, rapid HIV tests were less sensitive on oral fluid than on finger-stick whole blood and less sensitive on finger-stick whole blood than on serum

    Testing seed germination from herbaria: Application of seed quality enhancement techniques and implication for plant resurrection and conservation

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    Herbaria are an important source of data and material useful in many fields, including plant conservation. Seeds preserved inherbarium specimens may have the potential to germinate, although few studies focused on this topic. Here, the first systematic assessmentof six techniques, including priming techniques and melatonin application, aimed at improving the germination of seeds from herbariumspecimens is presented. Seed germination of 26 species common in Europe, some of which congeneric to extinct species, collected in her-baria and in the wild (20,549 seeds in total, including 19,509 from 297 herbarium specimens from 8 different herbaria) was tested with thefollowing treatments: exogenous melatonin addition to the germination medium, priming with melatonin, osmopriming, hydropriming for24 and 48 hours, standard soil, heat sterilization and gibberellins addition. More than 85% of the fresh seeds and 1% of the seeds collectedin herbaria germinated, including seeds older than 50 years. Data show that treatment with exogenous melatonin had a positive effect onthe germination of fresh seeds, but a negative effect on the germination of herbarium-derived seeds. Furthermore, osmopriming treatmenthad a slightly positive effect on the germination of herbarium-derived seeds. Osmopriming and exogenous melatonin addition seem to bepromising techniques that need further investigation and improvement and might be useful for the development of an optimal germinationprotocol for old and herbarium-derived seeds. The germination of seeds from herbaria could be an important tool in plant conservation,with the aim of reversing the extinction trend of many species through de-extinction, safeguarding biodiversity, and genetic variability.This study provides preliminary data for the development of germination protocols, especially for old seeds of species of conservationinterest, to maximise the chance of recovering lost genetic diversity and leading to the first de-extinction ever