721 research outputs found

    Residuos plásticos de Jujuy: caracterización en pesos y volúmenes

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    Este trabajo fue realizado con el fin de conseguir la información necesaria para analizar las condiciones de aplicación de una futura valorización de los residuos plásticos de S.S. de Jujuy. Estos desechos, recogidos de cuatro zonas con nivel socioeconómico diferente, fueron lavados y secados, luego de lo cual se clasificaron por tipo de resina. Cada una de estas fracciones fue pesada y se le midió el volumen respectivo antes y después de una compresión como la que sufrirían al ser dispuestas en un relleno sanitario. Las resinas encontradas en mayor proporción fueron el polietilentereftalato y las poliolefinas. Se pudo concluir una economía significativa de espacio en caso de no disponer los desechos plásticos con los demás residuos en un relleno sanitario, como así también se establecieron los aspectos a tener en cuenta para una posible minimización de los residuos plásticos, con o sin valorización de los mismos.The present work was carried out to obtain the necessary information to analize the conditions for a future valorization of the plastic wastes of S.S. de Jujuy (Argentina). These wastes, collected from four areas by different social economic levels, were washed and dried, and then sorted by type of resin. Every classified group was weighed and its volume was also measured before and after a compression similar to the one they would undergo when they are disposed in a landfill. The resins found in bigger proportion were polyethylene terephtalate and the polyolefins. The conclusions were: a) a significant space economy in case that the plastic wastes are not disposed with the rest of the garbage in a landfill, b) the establishment of the aspects to take into account for a possible minimization of the plastic wastes, with or without their valorization.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Residuos plásticos de Jujuy: caracterización en pesos y volúmenes

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    Este trabajo fue realizado con el fin de conseguir la información necesaria para analizar las condiciones de aplicación de una futura valorización de los residuos plásticos de S.S. de Jujuy. Estos desechos, recogidos de cuatro zonas con nivel socioeconómico diferente, fueron lavados y secados, luego de lo cual se clasificaron por tipo de resina. Cada una de estas fracciones fue pesada y se le midió el volumen respectivo antes y después de una compresión como la que sufrirían al ser dispuestas en un relleno sanitario. Las resinas encontradas en mayor proporción fueron el polietilentereftalato y las poliolefinas. Se pudo concluir una economía significativa de espacio en caso de no disponer los desechos plásticos con los demás residuos en un relleno sanitario, como así también se establecieron los aspectos a tener en cuenta para una posible minimización de los residuos plásticos, con o sin valorización de los mismos.The present work was carried out to obtain the necessary information to analize the conditions for a future valorization of the plastic wastes of S.S. de Jujuy (Argentina). These wastes, collected from four areas by different social economic levels, were washed and dried, and then sorted by type of resin. Every classified group was weighed and its volume was also measured before and after a compression similar to the one they would undergo when they are disposed in a landfill. The resins found in bigger proportion were polyethylene terephtalate and the polyolefins. The conclusions were: a) a significant space economy in case that the plastic wastes are not disposed with the rest of the garbage in a landfill, b) the establishment of the aspects to take into account for a possible minimization of the plastic wastes, with or without their valorization.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Residuos plásticos de Jujuy: caracterización en pesos y volúmenes

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    Este trabajo fue realizado con el fin de conseguir la información necesaria para analizar las condiciones de aplicación de una futura valorización de los residuos plásticos de S.S. de Jujuy. Estos desechos, recogidos de cuatro zonas con nivel socioeconómico diferente, fueron lavados y secados, luego de lo cual se clasificaron por tipo de resina. Cada una de estas fracciones fue pesada y se le midió el volumen respectivo antes y después de una compresión como la que sufrirían al ser dispuestas en un relleno sanitario. Las resinas encontradas en mayor proporción fueron el polietilentereftalato y las poliolefinas. Se pudo concluir una economía significativa de espacio en caso de no disponer los desechos plásticos con los demás residuos en un relleno sanitario, como así también se establecieron los aspectos a tener en cuenta para una posible minimización de los residuos plásticos, con o sin valorización de los mismos.The present work was carried out to obtain the necessary information to analize the conditions for a future valorization of the plastic wastes of S.S. de Jujuy (Argentina). These wastes, collected from four areas by different social economic levels, were washed and dried, and then sorted by type of resin. Every classified group was weighed and its volume was also measured before and after a compression similar to the one they would undergo when they are disposed in a landfill. The resins found in bigger proportion were polyethylene terephtalate and the polyolefins. The conclusions were: a) a significant space economy in case that the plastic wastes are not disposed with the rest of the garbage in a landfill, b) the establishment of the aspects to take into account for a possible minimization of the plastic wastes, with or without their valorization.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Phenomenology of the General NMSSM with Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We investigate various classes of Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking models and show that the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model can solve the mu-problem in a phenomenologically acceptable way. These models include scenarios with singlet tadpole terms, which are phenomenologically viable, e.g., in the presence of a small Yukawa coupling <~ 10^{-5}. Scenarios with suppressed trilinear A-terms at the messenger scale lead naturally to light CP-odd scalars, which play the r\^ole of pseudo R-axions. A wide range of parameters of such models satisfies LEP constraints, with CP-even Higgs scalars below 114 GeV decaying dominantly into a pair of CP-odd scalars.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, reference adde

    A Multi-Fractal approach to soil thin sections in gray levels.

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    In the environment, as it is complex flows where Reynold number is quite high due to non-linear interactions in flows, several scales are developed. This type of hierarchy is detected in velocities as well as in the structure of scalar fields, as temperatures, tracer concentrations, density, etc. In these cases is interesting to relate in some way the geometrical o topological characteristics observed in flow images with their physical properties and dynamics. In the last decades many scientist has been applying fractal analysis to these types of images extracting several fractal dimensions for different intensity intervals. This type of analysis is what we call Multi-Fracta

    Multiflavor Correlation Functions in non-Abelian Gauge Theories at Finite Density in two dimensions

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    We compute vacuum expectation values of products of fermion bilinears for two-dimensional Quantum Chromodynamics at finite flavored fermion densities. We introduce the chemical potential as an external charge distribution within the path-integral approach and carefully analyse the contribution of different topological sectors to fermion correlators. We show the existence of chiral condensates exhibiting an oscillatory inhomogeneous behavior as a function of a chemical potential matrix. This result is exact and goes in the same direction as the behavior found in QCD_4 within the large N approximation.Comment: 28 pages Latex (3 pages added and other minor changes) to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Measurements with Irradiated 3D Silicon Strip Detectors

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    For the unprecedentedly high radiation level at the sLHC, the luminosity upgrade of the LHC, new tracking detectors are investigated. Among different approaches, silicon detectors in 3D technology constitute a promising option. Columnar electrodes are etched into the substrate, therefore the distance for charge collection and depletion is decoupled from the detector thickness. Thus, two of the detrimental effects caused by radiation in silicon (increased depletion voltage and charge carrier trapping) can be reduced. Results of measurements with irradiated 3D silicon strip detectors produced by IMB-CNM are presented

    Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems found in a bathyal zone off the SE Iberian Peninsula (Western Mediterranean)

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    The Spanish Intemares LIFE IP project contemplates the creation of Special Areas of Conservation within the Natura 2000 Network. During its August 2019 cruise, a series of towed sledge transects were conducted on two seamounts (“Planazo” and “Plis Plas”) and a muddy field of pockmarks, both located in areas off the SE Iberian Peninsula (Western Mediterranean), between 220 and 694m depth. The prospected area has a significant pressure from bottom trawl (directed towards Aristeus antennatus, Nephrops norvegicus, Plesionika spp.) and, to a smaller extent, of bottom longline fisheries (focused on Merluccius merluccius and Pagellus bogaraveo). Some of the observed bathyal habitats fall into the category of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME), according to FAO (2009, 2016), since they present at least one of the following characteristics: i) uniqueness or rarity; ii) functional significance of habitat; iii) fragility; iv) life history traits of component species that make recovery difficult; and/or v) structural complexity. Among them, “gorgonian gardens” (of Paramuricea hirsuta, Callogorgia verticillata, Bebryce mollis, Swiftia pallida, and Ellisella flagellum) and the yellow tree coral (Dendrophyllia cornigera) highlight rocky bottoms; while on muddy substrates, sea-pen fields (Funiculina quadrangularis and Kophobelemnon stelliferum) and “bamboo coral gardens” (Isidella elongata) do so. These habitats, along with fields of the crinoid Leptometra phalangium, are also considered Essential Habitats for target species of fishing interest. The location, mapping and characterization of these habitats are necessary to establish “no-take” zones within the future management plan for the area studied