550 research outputs found

    Minimal canonical comprehensive Gröbner systems

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    This is the continuation of Montes' paper "On the canonical discussion of polynomial systems with parameters''. In this paper, we define the Minimal Canonical Comprehensive Gröbner System of a parametric ideal and fix under which hypothesis it exists and is computable. An algorithm to obtain a canonical description of the segments of the Minimal Canonical CGS is given, thus completing the whole MCCGS algorithm (implemented in Maple and Singular). We show its high utility for applications, such as automatic theorem proving and discovering, and compare it with other existing methods. A way to detect a counterexample to deny its existence is outlined, although the high number of tests done give evidence of the existence of the Minimal Canonical CGS.Postprint (published version

    Desarrollo y optimización de un sistema automático de monitorización del proceso de biosorción del ion cobre (II) en raspo de uva

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    El problema de la contaminación de las aguas es, sin duda, uno de los aspectos más preocupantes de la degradación de los medios naturales por parte de la civilización contemporánea. En este sentido, es especialmente importante la contaminación producida por metales pesados, debido a su elevada toxicidad y a su alta capacidad de permanencia en los medios y de acumulación en organismos vivos. A causa al crecimiento exponencial de la población mundial, la necesidad de controlar las emisiones de estos metales al medio ambiente es cada vez más importante. La búsqueda de métodos de eliminación de metales que sean económicos y efectivos, ha llevado al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de separación basadas en la reutilización de compuestos orgánicos: éste es el caso de la biosorción. Con esta motivación, se realiza el presente proyecto cuyo fin es facilitar la monitorización y el estudio del proceso, y así ayudar en el avance de las investigaciones en este campo. Los diferentes estudios llevados a cabo han permitido sentar las bases para el futuro desarrollo de un analizador automático que permita la monitorización en tiempo real de varios procesos de biosorción del ion cobre (II) en raspo de uva. Para ello, se ha utilizado como técnica analítica la potenciometría en sistemas de flujo continuo, analizando la respuesta del sistema tanto en estado estacionario como en condiciones FIA (Flow Injection Analisys). Los resultados de los experimentos realizados han permitido: obtener un sistema de flujo que asegura el correcto funcionamiento del sistema de análisis, definir los parámetros operacionales que permiten la obtención de datos fiables en el menor tiempo posible, establecer la periodicidad con que debe recalibrarse el sistema de detección para asegurar la fiabilidad de los datos obtenidos, encontrar los aspectos que influyen negativamente en la respuesta del sistema y proponer mejoras para minimizar los efectos que éstos producen

    Las gramíneas en el ambiente Pirenaico-Cantábrico

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    6 páginas[FR] La vaste famille des graminées nous offre, dans le milieu pyrénéen, un large évcntail de stratégies adaptatives. Les formations actuelles, possédant de nombreuses endémiques que la montagne "garde", nous indique ces adaptations al'histoire géologique, aux changcmcnts climatiques, aI'activité des herbivores et, plus récernment, aux usages de la haute montagne que l'hornme a entrepris, La compréhension de ces faits nous permettra de mettre en place une gestion conservatoire de I'espace pyrénéen,[ES] La extensa familia de las gramíneas nos ofrece en el ámbito pirenaico un amplio abanico de estrategias adaptativas. Las actuales formaciones, con los numerosos endemismos que la montaña "guarda", nos habla de las adaptaciones a la historia geológica, a los cambios climáticos, a la actividad de los herbívoros que la habitan y, más recientemente, a los usos que de la alta montaña el hombre ha realizado. La comprensión de estos hechos, nos permitirá la futura programación en aras de la conservación del espacio pirenaico.[EN] Now the vast panorama offered by grasses in spanish mountains is magnificent ; these plants show many adaptations and sophistieate strategies to persist under heavy geophysical and animal depredation ; as the local climates are now very diversified, they were surely selective in quaternary times. The scientific knowledge of endemic plants (with many adaptative strains) will be useful to imagine plant evolution and also to improve mountain's management. The historícal man action (fires and heavy grazing) favorised sorne strains of the Festuca paniculata complex coming from their rclict areas.Peer reviewe

    Safety of Food Oral Immunotherapy: What We Know, and What We Need to Learn.

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    Oral immunotherapy (OIT) for food allergy entails a risk of adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis. This safety concern is the major barrier for OIT to become a therapeutic option in clinical practice. The high heterogeneity in safety reporting of OIT studies prevents setting the safety profile accurately. An international consensus is needed to facilitate the analysis of large pooled clinical data with homogeneous safety reporting, that together with integrated omics, and patients/families' opinions, may help stratify the patients' risk and needs, and help developing safe(r) individualized care pathways. This will give OIT the right place in the food allergy therapy

    Abies pinsapo Boiss.: a protected species in a protected area

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    This paper presents the results of a study on the reproductive eye le of Abies pinsapo. The main reprodueti ve aspects which affeet the quantity and quality of the seeds, such as the low pollen dispersal capaeity, the subdioecious condition and the combination growth forrn -tree architecture are diseussed. The requirements f(lr seed germination, seedling reerui tment and some aspects of the species are analysed using ali the available data

    Selective topotecan delivery to cancer cells by targeted pH-sensitive mesoporous silica nanoparticles

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    Topotecan (TOP), a water-soluble derivative of camptothecin, is a potent antitumor agent that is receiving growing attention for the treatment of several types of cancer. However, one of the major constraints in the clinical use of this drug is its inactivation at the physiological pH of 7.4. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) constitute promising nanocarriers to circumvent this issue. Herein TOP has been encapsulated into MSNs and the nanosystem has been provided with selectivity towards tumor cells, which permits releasing the active form of the molecule at the acidic cell compartments (endo/lysosomes; pH <= 5.5) following nanoparticle internalization. For this purpose, MSNs have been coated with a multifunctional gelatin shell that: (i) protects TOP from hydrolysis and prevents its premature release; (ii) acts as a pH-sensitive layer; and (iii) provides multiple anchoring points for the grafting of targeting ligands, such as folic acid (FA), for selective internalization in tumor cells. In vitro tests demonstrate that cancer cells that overexpress membrane cell surface markers with affinity towards FA, internalize a higher percentage of nanoparticles than healthy cells, which do not overexpress such markers. Moreover, the nanosystems are efficient at killing tumor cells, whereas they do not decrease the viability of normal cells. In contrast, free TOP failed to kill both cell lines, which can be ascribed to the inactivation of the drug. This novel nanodevice constitutes a step forward toward the design of novel weapons to fight against cancer

    Size Does Matter: The Role of Patient's Body Surface Predicting Surgical Difficulty in Total Knee Replacement.

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    Introduction: Total knee replacement (TKR) is a frequently performed surgery with reported very positive outcomes. However, the difficulty of TKR surgery can vary greatly between patients. Many factors have been related to higher surgical difficulty in TKR, but the role of patient anthropometry is still unclear. Although patient Body Mass Index (BMI) is known to affect the postoperative outcome after TKR, it has not proved to be a reliable predictor of surgical difficulty. The aim of this work was to state whether if the patient's overall size, measured with the patient's body surface, had a direct impact on surgical difficulty. Material and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 250 patients who underwent TKR surgery in our center from January 2014 to October2014. The following data were collected from the pre-anesthesia evaluation sheet: age (in years), weight (in kilograms), height (in centimeters),BMI (using the formula weight/height2), body surface (using Dubois' formula [20], x = 0.007184 x weight (kg)0.425 x height (cm)0.725) expressed in m2, and surgical times. Statistical analyses were performed. Results: After the analyses we found there wasn't association between high BMI and higher surgical times. However, there was a direct relation between surgical times and patient body surface values. These findings were statistically significant. Conclusion: In our experience, the patient's body surface is a reliable predictor of surgical difficult