1,014 research outputs found

    Chemical aging of m-xylene secondary organic aerosol: laboratory chamber study

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    Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) can reside in the atmosphere for a week or more. While its initial formation from the gas-phase oxidation of volatile organic compounds tends to take place in the first few hours after emission, SOA can continue to evolve chemically over its atmospheric lifetime. Simulating this chemical aging over an extended time in the laboratory has proven to be challenging. We present here a procedure for studying SOA aging in laboratory chambers that is applied to achieve 36 h of oxidation. The formation and evolution of SOA from the photooxidation of m-xylene under low-NO_x conditions and in the presence of either neutral or acidic seed particles is studied. In SOA aging, increasing molecular functionalization leads to less volatile products and an increase in SOA mass, whereas gas- or particle-phase fragmentation chemistry results in more volatile products and a loss of SOA. The challenge is to discern from measured chamber variables the extent to which these processes are important for a given SOA system. In the experiments conducted, m-xylene SOA mass, calculated under the assumption of size-invariant particle composition, increased over the initial 12–13 h of photooxidation and decreased beyond that time, suggesting the existence of fragmentation chemistry. The oxidation of the SOA, as manifested in the O:C elemental ratio and fraction of organic ion detected at m/z 44 measured by the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer, increased continuously starting after 5 h of irradiation until the 36 h termination. This behavior is consistent with an initial period in which, as the mass of SOA increases, products of higher volatility partition to the aerosol phase, followed by an aging period in which gas- and particle-phase reaction products become increasingly more oxidized. When irradiation is stopped 12.4 h into one experiment, and OH generation ceases, minimal loss of SOA is observed, indicating that the loss of SOA is either light- or OH-induced. Chemical ionization mass spectrometry measurements of low-volatility m-xylene oxidation products exhibit behavior indicative of continuous photooxidation chemistry. A condensed chemical mechanism of m-xylene oxidation under low-NO_x conditions is capable of reproducing the general behavior of gas-phase evolution observed here. Moreover, order of magnitude analysis of the mechanism suggests that gas-phase OH reaction of low volatility SOA precursors is the dominant pathway of aging in the m-xylene system although OH reaction with particle surfaces cannot be ruled out. Finally, the effect of size-dependent particle composition and size-dependent particle wall loss rates on different particle wall loss correction methods is discussed

    α-pinene photooxidation under controlled chemical conditions – Part 2: SOA yield and composition in low- and high-NO_x environments

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    The gas-phase oxidation of α-pinene produces a large amount of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in the atmosphere. A number of carboxylic acids, organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates associated with α-pinene have been found in field samples and some are used as tracers of α-pinene oxidation. α-pinene reacts readily with OH and O_3 in the atmosphere followed by reactions with both HO_2 and NO. Due to the large number of potential reaction pathways, it can be difficult to determine what conditions lead to SOA. To better understand the SOA yield and chemical composition from low- and high-NO_x OH oxidation of α-pinene, studies were conducted in the Caltech atmospheric chamber under controlled chemical conditions. Experiments used low O_3 concentrations to ensure that OH was the main oxidant and low α-pinene concentrations such that the peroxy radical (RO_2) reacted primarily with either HO_2 under low-NO_x conditions or NO under high-NO_x conditions. SOA yield was suppressed under conditions of high-NO_x. SOA yield under high-NO_x conditions was greater when ammonium sulfate/sulfuric acid seed particles (highly acidic) were present prior to the onset of growth than when ammonium sulfate seed particles (mildly acidic) were present; this dependence was not observed under low-NO_x conditions. When aerosol seed particles were introduced after OH oxidation, allowing for later generation species to be exposed to fresh inorganic seed particles, a number of low-NO_x products partitioned to the highly acidic aerosol. This indicates that the effect of seed acidity and SOA yield might be under-estimated in traditional experiments where aerosol seed particles are introduced prior to oxidation. We also identify the presence of a number of carboxylic acids that are used as tracer compounds of α-pinene oxidation in the field as well as the formation of organosulfates and nitrooxy organosulfates. A number of the carboxylic acids were observed under all conditions, however, pinic and pinonic acid were only observed under low-NO_x conditions. Evidence is provided for particle-phase sulfate esterification of multi-functional alcohols

    Yields of oxidized volatile organic compounds during the OH radical initiated oxidation of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone, and methacrolein under high-NO_x conditions

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    We present first-generation and total production yields of glyoxal, methylglyoxal, glycolaldehyde, and hydroxyacetone from the oxidation of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), and methacrolein (MACR) with OH under high NO_x conditions. Several of these first-generation yields are not included in commonly used chemical mechanisms, such as the Leeds Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) v. 3.2. The first-generation yield of glyoxal from isoprene was determined to be 2.1 (±0.6)%. Inclusion of first-generation production of glyoxal, glycolaldehyde and hydroxyacetone from isoprene greatly improves performance of an MCM based model during the initial part of the experiments. In order to further improve performance of the MCM based model, higher generation glyoxal production was reduced by lowering the first-generation yield of glyoxal from C5 hydroxycarbonyls. The results suggest that glyoxal production from reaction of OH with isoprene under high NO_x conditions can be approximated by inclusion of a first-generation production term together with secondary production only via glycolaldehyde. Analogously, methylglyoxal production can be approximated by a first-generation production term from isoprene, and secondary production via MVK, MACR and hydroxyacetone. The first-generation yields reported here correspond to less than 5% of the total oxidized yield from isoprene and thus only have a small effect on the fate of isoprene. However, due to the abundance of isoprene, the combination of first-generation yields and reduced higher generation production of glyoxal from C5 hydroxycarbonyls is important for models that include the production of the small organic molecules from isoprene

    Analysis of photochemical and dark glyoxal uptake: Implications for SOA formation

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    The dependence of glyoxal uptake onto deliquesced ammonium sulfate seed aerosol was studied under photochemical (light + hydroxyl radical (OH)) and dark conditions. In this study, the chemical composition of aerosol formed from glyoxal is identical in the presence or absence of OH. In addition, there was no observed OH dependence on either glyoxal uptake or glyoxal-driven aerosol growth for this study. These findings demonstrate that, for the system used here, glyoxal uptake is not affected by the presence of OH. In combination with previous studies, this shows that the exact nature of the type of seed aerosol, in particular the presence of a coating, has a large influence on fast photochemical uptake of glyoxal. Due to the challenge of relating this seed aerosol dependence to ambient conditions, this work highlights the resulting difficulty in quantitatively including SOA formation from glyoxal in models

    Natural Tetraponerines: A General Synthesis and Antiproliferative Activity

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    A stereocontrolled general methodology to access all natural tetraponerines from (+)-T1 to (+)-T8 is detailed. Two consecutive indium-mediated aminoallylations with the appropriate enantiomer of chiral N-tert-butylsulfinamide and a thermodynamic control at the aminal stereocenter allow the formation of each natural tetraponerine with excellent stereoselectivity. The use of 4-bromobutanal in the first aminoallylation leads to the formation of 5–6–5 tetraponerines, while 5-bromopentanal is required to build the scaffold of 6–6–5 tetraponerines. A cross-metathesis reaction of the second aminoallylation product with cis-3-hexene is used to elongate the side chain up to 5 carbons so as to prepare the tetraponerines T5 to T8. The anticancer activity of these heavier tetraponerines against four different carcinoma human cell lines is examined, observing a promising cytotoxic activity of (+)-T7 against breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7.We thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for their financial support (CTQ2011-24165). I.B. acknowledges the Generalitat Valenciana for a predoctoral fellowship (ACIF/2011/159)

    Role of aldehyde chemistry and NO_x concentrations in secondary organic aerosol formation

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    Aldehydes are an important class of products from atmospheric oxidation of hydrocarbons. Isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene), the most abundantly emitted atmospheric non-methane hydrocarbon, produces a significant amount of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) via methacrolein (a C_4-unsaturated aldehyde) under urban high-NO_x conditions. Previously, we have identified peroxy methacryloyl nitrate (MPAN) as the important intermediate to isoprene and methacrolein SOA in this NO_x regime. Here we show that as a result of this chemistry, NO_2 enhances SOA formation from methacrolein and two other α, ÎČ-unsaturated aldehydes, specifically acrolein and crotonaldehyde, a NO_x effect on SOA formation previously unrecognized. Oligoesters of dihydroxycarboxylic acids and hydroxynitrooxycarboxylic acids are observed to increase with increasing NO_2/NO ratio, and previous characterizations are confirmed by both online and offline high-resolution mass spectrometry techniques. Molecular structure also determines the amount of SOA formation, as the SOA mass yields are the highest for aldehydes that are α, ÎČ-unsaturated and contain an additional methyl group on the α-carbon. Aerosol formation from 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO232) is insignificant, even under high-NO_2 conditions, as PAN (peroxy acyl nitrate, RC(O)OONO_2) formation is structurally unfavorable. At atmospherically relevant NO_2/NO ratios (3–8), the SOA yields from isoprene high-NO_x photooxidation are 3 times greater than previously measured at lower NO_2/NO ratios. At sufficiently high NO_2 concentrations, in systems of α, ÎČ-unsaturated aldehydes, SOA formation from subsequent oxidation of products from acyl peroxyl radicals+NO_2 can exceed that from RO_2+HO_2 reactions under the same inorganic seed conditions, making RO_2+NO_2 an important channel for SOA formation

    Concise asymmetric syntheses of novel phenanthroquinolizidines

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    The first preparation of enantioenriched phenanthroquinolizidines with a quaternary center at C14a was accomplished in seven steps from readily available starting materials. Key steps were an efficient dynamic kinetic allylation of a diastereomeric mixture of chiral tert-butylsulfinyl ketimines and the construction of a piperidine E ring by rhodium catalyzed hydroformylation. The Stevens rearrangement of the corresponding N-benzyl derivatives took place smoothly, allowing the installation of a benzyl moiety at C9 in a trans relationship with the methyl group. The cytoxicity of the prepared phenanthroquinolizidines was evaluated against different human cancer cell lines.We thank the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn (CTQ2011-24165) and the University of Alicante (VIGROB-173) for financial support. C. A.-T. thanks the ISO for a grant

    α-pinene photooxidation under controlled chemical conditions – Part 1: Gas-phase composition in low- and high-NO_x environments

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    The OH oxidation of α-pinene under both low- and high-NO_x environments was studied in the Caltech atmospheric chambers. Ozone was kept low to ensure OH was the oxidant. The initial α-pinene concentration was 20–50 ppb to ensure that the dominant peroxy radical pathway under low-NO_x conditions is reaction with HO_2, produced from reaction of OH with H_2O_2, and under high-NO_x conditions, reactions with NO. Here we present the gas-phase results observed. Under low-NO_x conditions the main first generation oxidation products are a number of α-pinene hydroxy hydroperoxides and pinonaldehyde, accounting for over 40% of the yield. In all, 65–75% of the carbon can be accounted for in the gas phase; this excludes first-generation products that enter the particle phase. We suggest that pinonaldehyde forms from RO_2 + HO_2 through an alkoxy radical channel that regenerates OH, a mechanism typically associated with acyl peroxy radicals, not alkyl peroxy radicals. The OH oxidation and photolysis of α-pinene hydroxy hydroperoxides leads to further production of pinonaldehyde, resulting in total pinonaldehyde yield from low-NO_x OH oxidation of ~33%. The low-NO_x OH oxidation of pinonaldehyde produces a number of carboxylic acids and peroxyacids known to be important secondary organic aerosol components. Under high-NO_x conditions, pinonaldehyde was also found to be the major first-generation OH oxidation product. The high-NO_x OH oxidation of pinonaldehyde did not produce carboxylic acids and peroxyacids. A number of organonitrates and peroxyacyl nitrates are observed and identified from α-pinene and pinonaldehyde
