506 research outputs found

    Circadian rhythm of hepatic cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptors

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    The distribution of estrogen receptor between the cytosolic and nuclear compartments were evaluated in liver of male rats to determine whether a circadian rhythm exists. Cytosolic receptor reached a maximum level at 400 hours and a minimum at 2000 and 2400 hr. Nuclear receptor reached a maximum level at 800 hr and was lowest at 1600 and 2000 hr. Serum estradiol levels were also highest at 800 hr and lowest at 1600 hr. The variations in cytosolic and nuclear receptors are not reciprocal; in fact, the overall content of receptor in the liver is not constant and also displays a circadian rhythm. © 1986 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Содержание фукоксантина и химический состав бурой водоросли Nizamuddinia zanardinii (Phaeophyta) (Мирбат, Южный Оман, Аравийское море)

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    Морские водоросли — богатый, но неиспользуемый промышленный ресурс макрофитов в Омане. Исследована концентрация пигмента фукоксантина и других химических веществ в бурой водоросли Nizamuddinia zanardinii (Schiff.) Р.С. Silva, доминирующей у южного побережья Омана в Аравийском море. Биомасса водоросли составляла 7,0–7,9 кг•м⁻², сухая биомасса – 1,03–1,46 кг•м⁻² (около 15,9% сырой биомассы), концентрация фукоксантина в ней 15,5–17,3 мг/100 г сырой биомассы макрофита, процентное содержание альгината натрия 13–27%. Водоросль богата углеводами (более 60% сухой биомассы) и белком (15,5%), но имеет низкую калорийность и невысокое содержание золы и жиров. В N. zanardinii найдены высокие концентрации калия, магния, натрия, кальция и йода. Бурые водоросли являются одним из основных потенциальных промысловых ресурсов макрофитов в Омане и могут быть использованы для разработки новых продуктов.Marine algae are vast and unused fishery resources in Oman. A preliminary study was conducted to estimate the concentration of pigment fucoxanthin and other useful chemical substances in kelp, Nizamuddinia zanardinii (Schiff.) P. Silva, which dominates the southern coast of Oman in the Arabian Sea. The density of N. zanardinii varied between 7.0 and 7.9 kg • m⁻², and dry weight was 1.03–1.46 kg • m⁻² (approximately 15.9% of wet weight). The concentration of fucoxanthin was estimated at 15.5–17.3 mg/100 g wet weight. The percentage yield of sodium alginate was 13–27%. The species is rich in carbohydrates (> 60% dry weight) and protein (15.5%), but it contains lower levels of ash, fat, and calories. N. zanardinii has high concentrations of potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and iodine. Brown seaweed N. zanardinii is one of the major potential fishery resources in Oman and can be used to develop a new seaweed industry as well as many different commercial products

    Improvement of Technology of Cholera Toxin B-Subunit Production

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    Consideration is given to implementation of state-of-the-art filtration technologies for up-scaled manufacturing of cholera toxin B-subunit, produced by recombinant Vibrio cholerae non O1 KM93 strain. Selected are micro- and ultra-filtration membranes to be incorporated into manufacturing method. Investigated are the properties of cholera toxin B-subunit, obtained applying the pilot technology. The engineered method for up-scaled manufacturing of cholera toxin B-subunit makes the procedure easier-to-maintain due to tangential micro- and ultra-filtration, performed at the stage of purification and concentration. It excludes labor-consuming chromatographic purification, while retaining B-subunit properties. The studies undertaken make it possible to manufacture cholera toxin B-subunit with the same characteristics as in the case of the pilot technology, but under production conditions, and use it as a component for chemical cholera vaccine

    Cu2+ uptake by Chlorococcum hemicolum - A Xeric Chlorophycean Alga

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    Bioremediation of copper by xeric chlorophycean bioremediator, Chlorococcum hemicolum was investigated. The growth rates at various concentrations of Cu2+ were assessed in terms of protein level and 8 mg L-1 (37.67 % level in growth kinetics) is the tolerance limit. Absorption/adsorption kinetics was estimated after 240 hrs of Cu2+ treatments. Absorptions were higher than adsorption with maximum accumulation factor (AF) of 1.40. The Cu2+ concentration and absorption were linearly related (r = 0.99; p>0.01). Other biochemical parameters like total sugar, chlorophyll and carotenoids were also quantified to correlate the state of metabolism and these exhibited reduction due to heavy metal stress

    Биохимические и диэлектрические характеристики фолликулярной жидкости яичников человека после замораживания-отогрева

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    Исследовано влияние размера фолликула, содержания общего белка, сахаров, гормонов (эстрадиола, тестостерона, прогестерона), а также замораживания до –196°С и хранения в жидком азоте на состояние воды в фолликулярной жидкости (ФЖ) яичника человека. Обнаружено увеличение частоты диэлектрической релаксации молекул в ФЖ с ростом размера фолликула. Выявлена тесная зависимость гидратации компонент ФЖ от диаметра фолликула. Установлено, что быстрое замораживание и хранение приводят к понижению частоты диэлектрической релаксации молекул воды в ФЖ, что может быть результатом увеличения в системе количества связанной воды.Досліджено вплив розміру фолікула, вмісту загального білка, сахарів, гормонів (естрадіолу, тестостерону, прогестерону), а також заморожування до –196°C і зберігання у рідкому азоті на стан води у фолікулярній рідині (ФР) яєчника людини. Визначено збільшення частоти діелектричної релаксації молекул у ФР з ростом розміру фолікула. Виявлена тісна залежність гідратації компонентів ФР від діаметра фолікула. Встановлено, що швидке заморожування і зберігання приводять до зниження частоти діелектричної релаксації молекул води в ФР, яке може бути результатом збільшення у системі кількості зв’язаної води.The effects of a follicle size, total protein, sugar and hormone (estradiol, testosterone, progesterone) contents as well as freezing up to –196°C and storage in liquid nitrogen on water state in follicular fluid (FF) of the human ovary were studied. An enhancement in the frequency of dielectric relaxation of molecules in FF with a follicle size increasing was discovered. A close dependence of FF component hydration on a follicle diameter was revealed. It was shown that a rapid freezing and storage caused a decrease in the frequency of dielectric relaxation of water molecules in FF, which could be a result of a gain in the quantity of bound water in the system

    Cyclosporin A inhibits PGE2 release from vascular smooth muscle cells

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    The influence of the fungoid undecapeptide cyclosporin A (CyA) on PGE2 release from cultured rat aortic smooth muscle cells was investigated in this study. We found that CyA time and concentration dependently (ED50:500 ng/ml) inhibited PGE2 release from the cells. CyA attenuated both basal and PGE2 release evoked by angiotensin II (10(-10)-10(-6) M), arginine vasopressin (10(-10)-10(-6) M) and ionomycin (10(-9)-10(-6) M). CyA (1 microgram/ml) did not affect the conversion of exogenous arachidonic acid (1 microM) into PGE2. The inhibitory effect of CyA was neutralized by high concentrations of the calcium ionophore ionomycin (greater than 3 X 10(-6) M). Taken together our results indicate that CyA inhibits both basal and vasoconstrictor evoked PGE2 release from vascular smooth muscle by impairing the availability of free arachidonic acid rather than by inhibiting the conversion of arachidonic acid into PGE2

    Effect of sodium chloride on the seedlings of Cressa cretica L.

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    The effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride on growth and organic components of Cressa cretica, has been made. Cressa cretica, could survive a wide range of NaCl (0-400 mM) salinity. The upper limit for the survival of seedlings to NaCl salinity was 400 mM. However, optimal growth responses by the seedlings were confirmed to 200 mM NaCl. There was depressed growth in the absence of salt and at extreme salinity. Under NaCl salinity accumulation of ions and organic components such as starch and protein increased with increasing salt concentrations upto optimal level and decreased at higher concentration. On the otherhand, free amino acid and total sugar decreased with increasing concentrations of NaCl upto optimal level and increased at higher concentration. The proline content increased with increasing concentration upto the extreme level of NaCl salinity

    Biochemical and Isoenzyme Analysis of Seven Pennisetum Purpureum (schum.) Cultivars

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    This study characterized seven Pennisetum purpureum cultivars, namely cv. Anão, Bajra, Cameroon, Guaçu, Roxo, Taiwan A-144 and Uruckwami, through biochemical analysis, including protein, glucose and fructose contents, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using the esterase system, by sampling 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 dayold leaves. Cultivar Taiwan A-144 presented the highest number of nodes per stem and percentage of emerging buds. Protein concentration decreased gradually after 60 days for all cultivars, except for Anão. Cultivar Guaçu presented the highest level of glucose in 90 day old plants, whereas Cameroon presented the highest levels at 120 and 150 days. The esterase band patterns changed with plant age for all cultivars, showing a tendency to increase the number of bands with time. The best age for discriminating between esterase bands of P. purpureum cultivars was at 120 days, when most variation could be seen