267 research outputs found

    Lensing Corrections to Features in the Angular Two-Point Correlation Function and Power Spectrum

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    It is well known that magnification bias, the modulation of galaxy or quasar source counts by gravitational lensing, can change the observed angular correlation function. We investigate magnification-induced changes to the shape of the observed correlation function w(\theta) and the angular power spectrum C_{\ell}, paying special attention to the matter-radiation equality peak and the baryon wiggles. Lensing mixes the correlation function of the source galaxies with the matter correlation at the lower redshifts of the lenses. Since the lenses probe structure nearer to the observer, the angular scale dependence of the lensing terms is different from that of the sources, thus the observed correlation function is distorted. We quantify how the lensing corrections depend on the width of the selection function, the galaxy bias b, and the number count slope s. The correction increases with redshift and larger corrections are present for sources with steep number count slopes and/or broad redshift distributions. The most drastic changes to C_{\ell} occur for measurements at z >~1.5 and \ell <~ 100. For the source distributions we consider, magnification bias can shift the matter-radiation equality scale by 1-6% at z ~ 1.5 and by z ~ 3.5 the shift can be as large as 30%. The baryon bump in \theta^2w(\theta) is shifted by <~ 1% and the width is typically increased by ~10%. Shifts of >~ 0.5% and broadening of >~ 20% occur only for very broad selection functions and/or galaxies with (5s-2)/b>~2. However, near the baryon bump the magnification correction is not constant but a gently varying function which depends on the source population. Depending on how the w(\theta) data is fitted, this correction may need to be accounted for when using the baryon acoustic scale for precision cosmology.Comment: v2: 8 pages, 5 figures, text and figures condensed, references adde

    Curvature-driven Molecular Demixing in the Budding and Breakup of Mixed Component Worm-like Miscelles

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    Amphiphilic block copolymers of suitable proportions can self-assemble into surprisingly long and stable worm-like micelles, but the intrinsic polydispersity of polymers as well as polymer blending efforts and the increasing use of degradable chains all raise basic questions of curvature–composition coupling and morphological stability of these high curvature assemblies. Molecular simulations here of polyethylene glycol (PEG) based systems show that a systematic increase in the hydrated PEG fraction, in both monodisperse and binary blends, induces budding and breakup into spherical and novel ‘dumbbell’ micelles—as seen in electron microscopy images of degradable worm-like micelles. Core dimension, d, in our large-scale, long-time dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations is shown to scale with chain-length, N, as predicted theoretically by the strong segregation limit (d ≈ N2/3), but morphological transitions of binary mixtures are only crudely predicted by simple mixture rules. Here we show that for weakly demixing diblock copolymers, the coupling between local interfacial concentration and mean curvature can be described with a simple linear relationship. The computational methods developed here for PEG-based assemblies should be useful for many high curvature nanosystems

    Excursion Sets and Non-Gaussian Void Statistics

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    Primordial non-Gaussianity (NG) affects the large scale structure (LSS) of the universe by leaving an imprint on the distribution of matter at late times. Much attention has been focused on using the distribution of collapsed objects (i.e. dark matter halos and the galaxies and galaxy clusters that reside in them) to probe primordial NG. An equally interesting and complementary probe however is the abundance of extended underdense regions or voids in the LSS. The calculation of the abundance of voids using the excursion set formalism in the presence of primordial NG is subject to the same technical issues as the one for halos, which were discussed e.g. in arXiv:1005.1203. However, unlike the excursion set problem for halos which involved random walks in the presence of one barrier δc\delta_c, the void excursion set problem involves two barriers δv\delta_v and δc\delta_c. This leads to a new complication introduced by what is called the "void-in-cloud" effect discussed in the literature, which is unique to the case of voids. We explore a path integral approach which allows us to carefully account for all these issues, leading to a rigorous derivation of the effects of primordial NG on void abundances. The void-in-cloud issue in particular makes the calculation conceptually rather different from the one for halos. However, we show that its final effect can be described by a simple yet accurate approximation. Our final void abundance function is valid on larger scales than the expressions of other authors, while being broadly in agreement with those expressions on smaller scales.Comment: 28 pages (18+appendices), 7 figures; v2 -- minor changes in sec 3.2, version published in PR

    Genomic linkage map of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni

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    The first genetic linkage map of Schistosoma mansoni reveals insights into higher female recombination, confirms ZW inheritance patterns and recombination hotspots

    Moment transport equations for the primordial curvature perturbation

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    In a recent publication, we proposed that inflationary perturbation theory can be reformulated in terms of a probability transport equation, whose moments determine the correlation properties of the primordial curvature perturbation. In this paper we generalize this formulation to an arbitrary number of fields. We deduce ordinary differential equations for the evolution of the moments of zeta on superhorizon scales, which can be used to obtain an evolution equation for the dimensionless bispectrum, fNL. Our equations are covariant in field space and allow identification of the source terms responsible for evolution of fNL. In a model with M scalar fields, the number of numerical integrations required to obtain solutions of these equations scales like O(M^3). The performance of the moment transport algorithm means that numerical calculations with M >> 1 fields are straightforward. We illustrate this performance with a numerical calculation of fNL in Nflation models containing M ~ 10^2 fields, finding agreement with existing analytic calculations. We comment briefly on extensions of the method beyond the slow-roll approximation, or to calculate higher order parameters such as gNL.Comment: 23 pages, plus appendices and references; 4 figures. v2: incorrect statements regarding numerical delta N removed from Sec. 4.3. Minor modifications elsewher

    Primordial non-Gaussianity in the Bispectrum of the Halo Density Field

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    The bispectrum vanishes for linear Gaussian fields and is thus a sensitive probe of non-linearities and non-Gaussianities in the cosmic density field. Hence, a detection of the bispectrum in the halo density field would enable tight constraints on non-Gaussian processes in the early Universe and allow inference of the dynamics driving inflation. We present a tree level derivation of the halo bispectrum arising from non-linear clustering, non-linear biasing and primordial non-Gaussianity. A diagrammatic description is developed to provide an intuitive understanding of the contributing terms and their dependence on scale, shape and the non-Gaussianity parameter fNL. We compute the terms based on a multivariate bias expansion and the peak-background split method and show that non-Gaussian modifications to the bias parameters lead to amplifications of the tree level bispectrum that were ignored in previous studies. Our results are in a good agreement with published simulation measurements of the halo bispectrum. Finally, we estimate the expected signal to noise on fNL and show that the constraint obtainable from the bispectrum analysis significantly exceeds the one obtainable from the power spectrum analysis.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, (v3): matches JCAP published versio

    Scale Dependence of Halo Bispectrum from Non-Gaussian Initial Conditions in Cosmological N-body Simulations

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    We study the halo bispectrum from non-Gaussian initial conditions. Based on a set of large NN-body simulations starting from initial density fields with local type non-Gaussianity, we find that the halo bispectrum exhibits a strong dependence on the shape and scale of Fourier space triangles near squeezed configurations at large scales. The amplitude of the halo bispectrum roughly scales as fnl2f_nl^2. The resultant scaling on the triangular shape is consistent with that predicted by Jeong & Komatsu based on perturbation theory. We systematically investigate this dependence with varying redshifts and halo mass thresholds. It is shown that the fnlf_nl dependence of the halo bispectrum is stronger for more massive haloes at higher redshifts. This feature can be a useful discriminator of inflation scenarios in future deep and wide galaxy redshift surveys.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures; revised argument in section 6, added appendix C, JCAP accepted versio

    Scale Dependence of the Halo Bias in General Local-Type Non-Gaussian Models I: Analytical Predictions and Consistency Relations

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    We investigate the clustering of halos in cosmological models starting with general local-type non-Gaussian primordial fluctuations. We employ multiple Gaussian fields and add local-type non-Gaussian corrections at arbitrary order to cover a class of models described by frequently-discussed f_nl, g_nl and \tau_nl parameterization. We derive a general formula for the halo power spectrum based on the peak-background split formalism. The resultant spectrum is characterized by only two parameters responsible for the scale-dependent bias at large scale arising from the primordial non-Gaussianities in addition to the Gaussian bias factor. We introduce a new inequality for testing non-Gaussianities originating from multi fields, which is directly accessible from the observed power spectrum. We show that this inequality is a generalization of the Suyama-Yamaguchi inequality between f_nl and \tau_nl to the primordial non-Gaussianities at arbitrary order. We also show that the amplitude of the scale-dependent bias is useful to distinguish the simplest quadratic non-Gaussianities (i.e., f_nl-type) from higher-order ones (g_nl and higher), if one measures it from multiple species of galaxies or clusters of galaxies. We discuss the validity and limitations of our analytic results by comparison with numerical simulations in an accompanying paper.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figures, typo corrected, Appendix C updated, submitted to JCA

    Local stochastic non-Gaussianity and N-body simulations

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    Large-scale clustering of highly biased tracers of large-scale structure has emerged as one of the best observational probes of primordial non-Gaussianity of the local type (i.e. f_{NL}^{local}). This type of non-Gaussianity can be generated in multifield models of inflation such as the curvaton model. Recently, Tseliakhovich, Hirata, and Slosar showed that the clustering statistics depend qualitatively on the ratio of inflaton to curvaton power \xi after reheating, a free parameter of the model. If \xi is significantly different from zero, so that the inflaton makes a non-negligible contribution to the primordial adiabatic curvature, then the peak-background split ansatz predicts that the halo bias will be stochastic on large scales. In this paper, we test this prediction in N-body simulations. We find that large-scale stochasticity is generated, in qualitative agreement with the prediction, but that the level of stochasticity is overpredicted by ~30%. Other predictions, such as \xi independence of the halo bias, are confirmed by the simulations. Surprisingly, even in the Gaussian case we do not find that halo model predictions for stochasticity agree consistently with simulations, suggesting that semi-analytic modeling of stochasticity is generally more difficult than modeling halo bias.Comment: v3: minor changes matching published versio

    Scale-Dependent Non-Gaussianity as a Generalization of the Local Model

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    We generalize the local model of primordial non-Gaussianity by promoting the parameter fNL to a general scale-dependent function fNL(k). We calculate the resulting bispectrum and the effect on the bias of dark matter halos, and thus the extent to which fNL(k) can be measured from the large-scale structure observations. By calculating the principal components of fNL(k), we identify scales where this form of non-Gaussianity is best constrained and estimate the overlap with previously studied local and equilateral non-Gaussian models.Comment: Accepted to JCAP. 22 pages, 4 figure
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