35 research outputs found

    The Role of Saliva in Food Sensory Perception: Relevant Knowledge to Design Healthy Foods

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    Food choices and consumption are determined by a range of factors that contribute to aversion or pleasure and guide to final intake. Among these, the sensorial characteristics of food have a major and decisive role in choice behaviour. Although some of the mechanisms involved in oral food perception, namely in taste and astringency perception, are considerable known, many questions remains, particularly in what concerns variations among individuals in their sensitivity for food sensorial aspects. The understanding of the mechanisms leading to different responses for the same sensorial stimulus is particularly important to understand food choices. Bitter has been the basic taste most studied for variations among individuals in perception and in how this influences food behaviour and nutritional status. The observation, at several years ago, that some individuals are very sensitive to the bitterness of the compounds phenyl thiocarbamide (PTC) or 6-n-propylthyouracil (PROP), whereas others are almost insensitive, triggered the emergence of diverse studies about the motif for that, resulting in the identification of gene polymorphisms for the bitter taste receptor TAS2R38. Subsequently to that, polymorphisms for other receptors and taste qualities have been identified. Even so, these genetic variations are not able to explain the total diversity in taste/oral sensations responses. In recent years, it has begun to become apparent that saliva has a relevant role in taste recognition mechanisms. Apart from astringency, which is well known to depend on salivary proteins to develop and being perceived, basic tastes started to be related with saliva composition. Some salivary proteins, among which carbonic anhydrase VI, cystatins, amylase and others, have been observed to relate with taste perception. However, saliva secretion changes with taste stimulation and according dietary habits. Moreover, body weight condition, metabolic status or diverse pathologies are responsible for changes in saliva composition. Being this fluid important in modulating oral food perception, to know individuals’ saliva composition becomes of interest for modulating or directing choices. Based on the literature and recent scientific results, the role of saliva in food sensory perception will be discussed according to these two angles. The question of the high between-subject variability in view of saliva properties and its consequence on perception will be emphasized.Acknowledgements This article was funded by FCT-Science and Technology Foundation as part of Project UID/AGR/00115/2013. Funding was additionally provided by the FCT-Portuguese Science Foundation: research contract IF/01778/2013-Elsa Lamy, while FCT was not involved in carrying out this study or submitting it for publication

    Effect of photostimulation through red LED light radiation on natural fermentation of table olives: An innovative case study with Negrinha the Freixo variety

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    In this study, for the first time, red LED light radiation was applied to the fermentation process of table olives using the Negrinha de Freixo variety. Photostimulation using LED light emission (630 ± 10 nm) is proposed to shorten and speed up this stage and reduce time to market. Several physical-chemical characteristics and microorganisms (total microbial count of mesophilic aerobic, molds, yeasts, and lactic acid bacteria) and their sequence during fermentation were monitored. The fermentation occurred for 122 days, with two irradiation periods for red LED light. The nutritional composition and sensory analysis were performed at the end of the process. Fermentation under red LED light increased the viable yeast and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) cell counts and decreased the total phenolics in olives. Even though significant differences were observed in some color parameters, the hue values were of the same order of magnitude and similar for both samples. Furthermore, the red LED light did not play a relevant change in the texture profile, preventing the softening of the fruit pulp. Similarly, LED light did not modify the existing type of microflora but increased species abundance, resulting in desirable properties and activities. The species identified were yeasts - Candida boidinii, Pichia membranifaciens, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and bacteria - Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, being the fermentative process dominated by S. cerevisiae and L. plantarum. At the end of fermentation (122 days), the irradiated olives showed less bitterness and acidity, higher hardness, and lower negative sensory attributes than non-irradiated. Thus, the results of this study indicate that red LED light application can be an innovative technology for table olives production.The authors are grateful to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) for financial support through national funds FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020 and UIDP/00690/2020) and SusTEC (LA/P/0007/2021). F´atima Martins and Pedro J.L. Crugeira acknowledge the financial support to the project “OleaChain: Competencies for sustainability and innovation in the traditional olive grove value chain in the North Interior of Portugal” (NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000188). The authors also thank the table olive producers Pedro Vilares who generously provided their facilities for samplinginfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Salivary Protein Profile and Food Intake: A Dietary Pattern Analysis

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    Saliva research has gained interest due to its potential as a source of biomarkers. One of the factors inducing changes in saliva, in the short term, is food intake, and evidence exist about changes in salivary proteome induced by some food components. Since this topic of research is in its early stages, it was hypothesized that saliva protein composition could be associated with different levels of adherence to dietary patterns that contain higher amounts of plant products. The aim of the present study was to test this hypothesis, in adults, by comparing salivary protein electrophoretic profiles of individuals with different diet characteristics, particularly dietary patterns (DP) that exhibit different proportions of animal and plant-based products. Dietary habits were assessed in 122 adults (61 from each sex, with ages ranging from 20 to 59 years) using Food Frequency Questionnaires. To identify the dietary patterns, a principal component analysis was used. Individual’s non-stimulated saliva was evaluated for flow rate, pH, protein concentration, α-amylase activity, and electrophoretic protein profiles. Seven dietary patterns (DP) were identified. Salivary amylase enzymatic activity was positively associated with animal-based and starchy foods DP, and with plant-based fatty foods without wine DP. At the same time, protein bands containing amylase and type S cystatins were positively associated with the cheese/yoghurt and wine DP. Our results support the association of salivary proteomics and different dietary patterns and highlight the need of considering food consumption habits in studies using saliva, since this is a factor associated with variations in the composition of this fluid.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How Individual Variations in the Perception of Basic Tastes and Astringency Relate with Dietary Intake and Preferences for Fruits and Vegetables

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    Background: Oral food perception plays a major role in food acceptance, although the way it relates with food preferences and final choices in adults is still debatable. The objective of the present study was to assess the relationship between gustatory function, dietary habits and fruit and vegetable preferences. Methods: Recognition thresholds, suprathreshold and hedonics were accessed for sweet, bitter, sour, salty and astringency in 291 adult participants. A Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and a questionnaire for assessment of preferences for individual fruit and vegetables were filled by the participants. Results: Three clusters were obtained: “most sensitive”, “less sensitive” and “less sensitive only for sour”. The less sensitive cluster showed lower preferences for fruit and vegetables and higher intake of sweets and fast foods, whereas higher preferences for sweet veggies were observed in the “most sensitive” cluster. Basic tastes and astringency hedonics did not associate with fruit and vegetable preferences, but the sensitivity for these oral sensations did. Conclusions: Taste and astringency sensitivities are related with the preference for fruit and vegetables, being also associated with some dietary habits. The effectiveness of the strategies to promote plant-based healthy food consumption may benefit from the knowledge of individuals’ gustatory function.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intake of dietary herbs and spices: A preliminary study about the factors affecting it and its relationship with Body Mass Index (BMI)

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    Dietary herbs and spices are gaining interest due to their potential as salt, sugar or fat replacers, enhancing food flavour. Portugal gastronomy traditionally makes use of different aromatic herbs and spices, but the intake patterns of these are not characterized. Despite the known challenges in estimating the intake of herbs and spices, a preliminary study was conducted, in Alentejo region of Portugal, where data was collected in the form of adapted Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), with participants reporting their intake frequency in a time frame of one year. The most used seasonings are coriander, parsley, garlic and green and red peppers. Some variations among different localities were also observed. Women have higher intake of spices and herbs than men, with mustard being the only one men consume in higher amounts than women. It is interesting to see that increases in age are positively associated with the consumption of several of the studied seasonings, but a tendency to young people to consume higher amounts of items in dehydrated powdered form, instead of original form. Herbs and spice consumption has been referred to have some beneficial health effects, which were not deeply investigated in the present study. However, it was observed that cinnamon is negatively related with BMI, in women. In conclusion, location, age and gender can influence herbs and spice consumption, which in turn can be related with health aspects. Detailed analysis, controlling for dietary habits (e.g. energy and macronutrient intake), preferences and health concerns can further aid in understanding the relationship between seasonings consumption and BMI

    Lactarius deliciosus isolate UEZB1 internal transcribed spacer 1, partial sequence; 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and 28S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence

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    LOCUS JQ066791 439 bp DNA linear PLN 20-MAR-2012 DEFINITION Lactarius deliciosus isolate UEZB1 internal transcribed spacer 1, partial sequence; 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene and internal transcribed spacer 2, complete sequence; and 28S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. ACCESSION JQ066791 VERSION JQ066791.1 GI:380467948 KEYWORDS . SOURCE Lactarius deliciosus ORGANISM Lactarius deliciosus Eukaryota; Fungi; Dikarya; Basidiomycota; Agaricomycotina; Agaricomycetes; Russulales; Russulaceae; Lactarius

    Contaminantes da água com potencial genotóxico: cianotoxinas e subprodutos de desinfeção da água

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    A garantia da qualidade da água destinada ao consumo humano é, atualmente, uma preocupação universal, em termos de saúde pública. Assim, a presença de contaminantes de natureza microbiológica ou química, pode constituir um perigo para a saúde humana que importa avaliar, particularmente no que diz respeito a efeitos carcinogénicos. O presente trabalho representa uma abordagem multidisciplinar, abrangendo a caracterização de efeitos citotóxicos, genotóxicos e potencialmente carcinogénicos de toxinas cianobacterianas (microcistinas) e de subprodutos de desinfeção da água (derivados clorados de benzo[a] pireno e fluoranteno). As microcistinas têm sido detetadas em reservatórios de água doce, sendo sobretudo conhecidas pela sua hepatotoxicidade aguda. O nosso trabalho tem vindo a demonstrar que, por um lado, estas toxinas possuem também atividade citotóxica e genotóxica e que, por outro, essa atividade pode ser extensiva a células de outros órgãos, para além do fígado. Estes resultados suportam a hipótese, ainda alvo de alguma controvérsia científica, de que as microcistinas são agentes genotóxicos e potencialmente carcinogénicos. Os derivados clorados de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) podem formar-se pela reação do cloro, usado na desinfeção da água, com resíduos de HAP presentes na água, sendo que os seus efeitos biológicos são praticamente desconhecidos. O nosso trabalho compreendeu a preparação de três derivados clorados a partir do benzo[a]pireno (BaP) e fluoranteno (Fluo), a saber: 6-Cl-BaP, 3-Cl-Fluo e 1,3-Cl2-Fluo, tendo-se confirmado a sua formação em condições semelhantes às utilizadas em Estações de Tratamento de Águas. Mostrámos ainda que o 6-Cl-BaP apresenta um efeito genotóxico superior ao do BaP, o que veio justificar o alargamento deste estudo a novos subprodutos de desinfeção da água. No seu conjunto, os dados de ambos os estudos contribuíram para gerar evidência científica relativamente ao potencial impacto de contaminantes da água na saúde humana, com importantes implicações para a avaliação de risco e implementação de medidas preventivas, com vista a uma maior segurança na utilização dos recursos hídricos nacionais

    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on a cohort of eating disorders patients

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    BackgroundLockdown implemented to prevent the COVID-19 spread resulted in marked changes in the lifestyle. The objective of the current study was to assess the impact of lockdown measures on a cohort of eating disorder (ED) patients being followed as part of an ongoing naturalistic treatment study.MethodsNinety-nine patients aged 18 or older, currently or previously, in treatment at a Portuguese specialized hospital unit were contacted by phone and invited to participate in the current survey. Fifty-nine agreed to be interviewed by phone, and 43 agreed to respond to a set of self-report measures of ED symptoms, emotion regulation difficulties, clinical impairment, negative urgency, and COVID-19 impact, during the week after the end of the lockdown period.ResultsData showed that of the 26 patients currently in treatment: 8 remained unchanged (31%), 7 deteriorated (27%), and 11 reliably improved (42%). Of the 17 participants not currently in treatment: 3 deteriorated (18%), 9 remained unchanged (53%), and 5 (29%) improved after the lockdown period. The Coronavirus Impact Scale showed that most patients considered their routines moderately or extremely impacted, experienced stress related to coronavirus, and showed difficulty in maintaining physical exercise and feeding routines. Results suggest that higher impact of COVID-19 lockdown was significantly correlated with eating disorder symptoms and associated psychopathology, impulsivity, difficulties in emotion regulation and clinical impairment measured at post-lockdown. In addition, the impact of COVID-19 and lockdown measures on clinical impairment was mediated by difficulties in emotion regulation.ConclusionsFindings suggest that some ED patients may experience worsening of their condition, especially if associated with difficulties in emotion regulation, and these difficulties might be exacerbated in the context of a stressful crisis and lockdown measures, highlighting the need for intervention strategies to mitigate its negative impact.This work was conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, and partially supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (UID/PSI/01662/2019), through the national funds (PIDDAC); and a grant by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and cofinanced by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028145) to P. Machado PI)

    Liraglutide effectiveness in type 2 diabetes: insights from a real-world cohort of Portuguese patients

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    Liraglutide is a long-acting glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist prescribed to diabetic patients for glycaemic control. To understand the impact of liraglutide in the real-world setting, this study analysed its effects in a Portuguese cohort of Type 2 diabetes patients. This was an observational, multicentric, and retrospective study that included 191 liraglutide-treated patients with at least 12 months of treatment. Patients' data were collected and analysed during a 24-month follow-up period. Overall, liraglutide treatment effectively reduced HbA1c levels from 8.3% to around 7.5%, after 6, 12, and 24 months (p < 0.001). In fact, 38.2%, 37.2%, and 44.8% of patients at 6, 12, and 24 months, respectively, experienced an HbA1c reduction of at least 1%. Moreover, a persistent reduction in anthropometric features was also observed, with 44.0%, 47.6%, and 54.4% of patients achieving a weight reduction of at least 3% at 6, 12, and 24 months, respectively. Finally, significant improvements were observed in the HDL-c and LDL-c levels. Our results demonstrate that liraglutide effectively promoted the reduction of HbA1c values during routine clinical practice, which was sustained throughout the study. In addition, there were significant improvements in anthropometric parameters and other cardiovascular risk factors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MycoMix and risk assessment: a contribute to improve risk analysis

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    Risk analysis, is a powerful tool for including science-based knowledge in a systematic approach to food safety problems. The use of risk analysis can promote ongoing improvements in public health and provide a basis for expanding international trade in foods. Within risk analysis, the risk assessment results are quantitative or qualitative expressions of the likelihood of harmful effects associated with exposure to a chemical (WHO, 2010). Human risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals (chemical mixtures) poses several challenges to scientists, risk assessors and risk managers, namely the complexity of the terminology and problem formulation, the diversity of chemical entities, and the toxicological profiles and exposure patterns in test species and humans (EFSA, 2013). Mycotoxins are natural contaminants produced by fungi and its frequent co-occurrence in food poses a threat to human health, mainly to vulnerable population groups as children. MycoMix is an ongoing national project (2013-15) that explores the toxic effects of mixtures of mycotoxins in infant food and its potential health impact. This project aims to study the occurrence of multiple mycotoxins and toxicity interactions in infant foods and cereals consumed by Portuguese children and try to answer several questions: 1) Are children exposed daily to mycotoxins through food? 2) What are the quality and quantity that characterize this exposure? 3) Can this exposure bring harm to children? Answering these questions will raise novel approaches to: 1) apply new techniques on mycotoxin multiple detection, 2) understand the toxicity responses upon multiple mycotoxin exposures, and 3) implement new methodologies to characterize hazard and risk for children exposure to mycotoxins. A multidisciplinary team has been developing, for the first time in Portugal, i) a liquid chromatography (LC) method coupled with tandem mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for multimycotoxin detection in infant food developed and applied to study infant food consumed by Portuguese children, ii) cito and genotoxic assays to assess the toxicity of binary mixtures of mycotoxins detected in analyzed infant foods associated with the MIXTOX tool to assess the interactive effects, iii) in vitro methodologies to simulate the digestive and intestinal absorption processes of binary mixtures of mycotoxins, iv) a web-based dietary assessment and diet planning platform, the “OPEN Portugal”, to record infant food consumption data allowing simultaneously the assessment of the nutritional profile of the inquired children, and v) a set of deterministic, probabilistic (@RISK) and cumulative risk assessment approaches that allow the exposure assessment and risk characterization of Portuguese children to multiple mycotoxins in food. An overview of the results obtained within the MycoMix project will be presented, showing the patterns of the exposure of Portuguese infant to multiple mycotoxins as well as the scientific evidence of the toxic effects of mycotoxin mixtures using in vitro models. Hence,MycoMix outputs contribute for hazard identification and characterization as well as to exposure characterization, contributing for risk analysis.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT