683 research outputs found

    Origin of Listeria monocytogenes on meat products

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a relevant food safety hazard in ready to eat products. Inactivation during processing, prevention of recontamination and control of multiplication are the main instruments to secure the safety of meat products. Intensive microbiological monitoring of products and the production environment are valuable tools to assess the level of control in a meat processing plant. During the course of a year all isolates found during hygiene monitoring at a meat processing plant were stored at -70 degrees Celsius. A total of 94 L. monocytogenes isolates have been analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and were divided into 30 different types

    Experiences with a risk based meat inspection standard in pigs

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    The European Union legislation provides several possibilities to modernize meat inspection. Improvement of food safety by active contribution of food business operators in the supply chain being responsible for food safety is envisaged in these new standards

    Case study: Tuberculination, serology and bacteriology of sows at a farrowing unit suspected of an infection with Mycobacterium avium

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    Mycobacterium avium (MA) is considered a zoonotic hazard in pork. Herds delivered at slaughter showing gross lesions indicative of a mycobacterial infection, eg. specific abcesses in lymphoreticular tissue, were bacteriologically positive for MA. A risk factor analysis revealing different possible sources of primary infection was carried out at farms supplying these pigs. Also the common farrowing farm supplying the piglets to these farms was taken into account as a possible source of infection. Intradermal tuberculin testing, serology and tissue sampling was carried out on the sows and finishing pigs

    Case studies: Tuberculination in pig herds suspected of infection with Mycobacterium avium

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    Mycobacterium avium, both subspecies hominissuis (MAH) and subsp avium (MAA), are considered a significant zoonotic hazard in pigs. Therefore special attention is given to detect the presence of this hazard in pigs during post mortem meat inspection. Herds delivered at slaughter were monitored on blood antibodies against MAH. Herds with an antibody response against a MAH infection were visited. Initially a questionnaire assessing relevant risk factors for MAH was applied

    Comparison of a real-time multiplex PCR and sequetyping assay for pneumococcal serotyping

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    BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal serotype identification is essential to monitor pneumococcal vaccine effectiveness and serotype replacement. Serotyping by conventional serological methods are costly, labour-intensive, and require significant technical expertise. We compared two different molecular methods to serotype pneumococci isolated from the nasopharynx of South African infants participating in a birth cohort study, the Drakenstein Child Health Study, in an area with high 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) coverage. METHODS: A real-time multiplex PCR (rmPCR) assay detecting 21 different serotypes/-groups and a sequetyping assay, based on the sequence of the wzh gene within the pneumococcal capsular locus, were compared. Forty pneumococcal control isolates, with serotypes determined by the Quellung reaction, were tested. In addition, 135 pneumococcal isolates obtained from the nasopharynx of healthy children were tested by both serotyping assays and confirmed by Quellung testing. Discordant results were further investigated by whole genome sequencing of four isolates. RESULTS: Of the 40 control isolates tested, 25 had a serotype covered by the rmPCR assay. These were all correctly serotyped/-grouped. Sequetyping PCR failed in 7/40 (18%) isolates. For the remaining isolates, sequetyping assigned the correct serotype/-group to 29/33 (88%) control isolates. Of the 132/135 (98%) nasopharyngeal pneumococcal isolates that could be typed, 69/132 (52%) and 112/132 (85%) were assigned the correct serotype/-group by rmPCR and sequetyping respectively. The serotypes of 63/132 (48%) isolates were not included in the rmPCR panel. All except three isolates (serotype 25A and 38) were theoretically amplified and differentiated into the correct serotype/-group with some strains giving ambigous results (serotype 13/20, 17F/33C, and 11A/D/1818F). Of the pneumococcal serotypes detected in this study, 69/91 (76%) were not included in the current PCV13. The most frequently identified serotypes were 11A, 13, 15B/15C, 16F and 10A. CONCLUSION: The rmPCR assay performed well for the 21 serotypes/-groups included in the assay. However, in our study setting, a large proportion of serotypes were not detected by rmPCR. The sequetyping assay performed well, but did misassign specific serotypes. It may be useful for regions where vaccine serotypes are less common, however confirmatory testing is advisable

    Patterns and drivers of rodent abundance across a South African multi-use landscape

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    Funding: This research was funded by FCT/MCTES, through national funds, and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020 (cE3c: UIDB/00329/2020), and by the South African National Research Foundation, South Africa (UID 107099&115040). TAM thanks partial support by CEAUL (funded by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, through the project UIDB/00006/2020).South Africa’s decentralized approach to conservation entails that wildlife outside formally protected areas inhabit complex multi-use landscapes, where private wildlife business (ecotourism and/or hunting) co-exist in a human-dominated landscape matrix. Under decentralized conservation, wildlife is perceived to benefit from increased amount of available habitat, however it is crucial to understand how distinct management priorities and associated landscape modifications impact noncharismatic taxa, such as small mammals. We conducted extensive ink-tracking-tunnel surveys to estimate heterogeneity in rodent distribution and investigate the effect of different environmental factors on abundance patterns of two size-based rodent groups (small-and medium-sized species), across three adjacent management contexts in NE KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a private ecotourism game reserve, mixed farms and traditional communal areas (consisting of small clusters of houses interspersed with grazing areas and seminatural vegetation). Our hypotheses were formulated regarding the (1) area typology, (2) vegetation structure, (3) ungulate pressure and (4) human disturbance. Using a boosted-regression-tree approach, we found considerable differences between rodent groups’ abundance and distribution, and the underlying environmental factors. The mean relative abundance of medium-sized species did not differ across the three management contexts, but small species mean relative abundance was higher in the game reserves, confirming an influence of the area typology on their abundance. Variation in rodent relative abundance was negatively correlated with human disturbance and ungulate presence. Rodent abundance seems to be influenced by environmental gradients that are directly linked to varying management priorities across land uses, meaning that these communities might not benefit uniformly by the increased amount of habitat promoted by the commercial wildlife industry.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe