423 research outputs found

    Can prior hospitalisation experiences influence satisfaction with nursing care? Results in a school-aged children sample

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    Abstract of communication presented at the Fourth International Congress of CiiEM: Health, Well-Being and Ageing in the 21st Century. Egas Moniz University Campus, Monte de Caparica, Portugal, 3–5 June 2019This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Theoretical nursing conceptions in hospitalized child care: scoping review

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedObjective: Identify the theoretical concepts that have been used in the context of nursing care for hospitalized children.Methods: Scoping review was carried out according to the PRISMA-ScR methodology. The research limitations included: primary studies dealing with the use of theoretical concepts of nursing in the provision of care to hospitalized children, access in full text, in Portuguese or English and published between 2000 and 2019. Research was carried out on grassroots platforms (EBSCOhost, PubMed, SciELO and Web of Science), gray literature and in the bibliography of selected articles.Results: 21 studies were found and 10 theoretical conceptions of nursing were identified, with family-centered care being the most used.Final considerations: The variability of the identified theoretical conceptions is emphasized, with no evidence to support the use of one in detriment of the other. A more integrative theoretical conception, which adds care centered both on the family and the child, emerges as a research trend.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Instruments to evaluate hospitalised children parents’ satisfaction with nursing care : a scoping review

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    This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use is non-commercial.Aim: To identify instruments that allow the evaluation of parent’s satisfaction regarding nursing care during their child hospitalisation.Methods: A review was performed using Preferred Reporting Items for Scoping Reviews. The study was prospectively registered in Open Science Framework. Research was carried out on EBSCOhost, PubMed, SciELO, Web of Science and ScienceDirect platforms as well as grey literature. Additionally, the references of selected articles were also examined.Results: A sample of 65 articles allowed the identifications of 38 distinctive instruments to evaluate parents’ satisfaction in different hospital settings. Most studies were applied in paediatric wards (n=28), followed by neonatal intensive care units (n=21), paediatric intensive care units (n=9) and emergency departments (n=7). Sample size ranged from 13 to 3354 and 3 studies used mixed methods, 20 were methodological studies of instruments construction or validation and 43 were quantitative studies. 21 different instruments previously existent were found. In 3 studies, adapted instruments were used and, in 14 studies, structured instruments were purposively designed for the study. Instruments had between 1 and 13 domains and total number of items ranged between 13 and 92. Most studies assessed overall satisfaction (n=53) and instrument reliability (n=49) and/or validity (n=37).Conclusion: Most instruments consider nursing care as a domain of satisfaction. Only two instruments focused specifically on nursing care. In most of the studies, there was a concern to evaluate instruments psychometric properties. This review clearly shows that there is still a gap in the literature on the range of aspects that influence satisfaction and a lack of consensus on ideal conditions for instrument use and application.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    How to improve nursing care? Perspectives of hospitalized school aged children parents

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    Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress of CiiEM: Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health Sciences. Campus Egas Moniz, Caparica, Portugal, 11-13 June 2017N/


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    Pesquisas têm buscado evidências sobre as especializações hemisféricas, particularmente no que se refere à participação do hemisfério direito (HD) no processamento do discurso narrativo e da coesão textual após lesão cerebral adquirida. Objetivo: O estudo tem o objetivo de revisar e discutir evidências de pesquisas sobre o processamento do discurso narrativo, mais especificamte, sobre a coesão textual e as especializações hemisféricas após lesão cerebral. Método: Foi realizada uma busca por artigos nos bancos de dados PubMed e Web of Science usando as seguintes palavras-chave: “coesão”, “linguagem” e “lesão cerebral”. Resultados: Do número total de artigos encontrados nas bases de dados (n = 81), 11 foram selecionados para esta revisão. Conclusão: Algumas habilidades cognitivas dependem da participação tanto do HD quanto do HE (hemisfério esquerdo). Por outro lado, existem especialidades que dependem mais especificamente de um ou outro hemisfério. Alguns estudos mostraram que indivíduos com lesão no hemisfério direito (LHD) tiveram dificuldades na coesão e consequentemente na organização do discurso

    Estratégias para aumentar a satisfação com os cuidados de enfermagem da criança hospitalizada: painel delphi

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    Introduction: Satisfaction with nursing care in the area of hospitalized children is poorly studied. The investigation has been focused on satisfaction predictors and components therefore it is essential to identify strategies that promote satisfaction.Materials and method: A cross-sectional, observational and exploratory-descriptive study was carried out. It aims to identify the strategies described by nurses that contribute to increasing the satisfaction of school aged children and their parents with hospitalization. The delphi panel was used as a data collection technique and, as data analysis techniques, content analysis (in round 1) and descriptive statistics (round 2) were used. The study was applied between November 2018 and February 2019 to a sample of 90 nurses from 6 health institutions, after obtaining a positive feedback from the respective ethics commissions.Results: A response rate of 52% (n = 47) was obtained in round 1 and 47% (n = 42) in round 2. In round 1, 13 strategies were identified in relation to children, which reached consensus in round 2, being mainly directed to the transmission of information, family involvement, play and pain relief. Regarding parents, 12 strategies were identified by consensus in round 2. Discussion: Family involvement and the transmission of information are areas of intervention that have been identified in both groups.Conclusion: It was possible to determine nursing interventions that could promote an increase in the satisfaction of children and parents, focused primarily on information and family support and involvement.Introducción: La satisfacción con los cuidados de enfermería en el ámbito del niño hospitalizado está poco estudiada. La investigación se ha centrado en predictores y componentes de la satisfacción, y es fundamental identificar estrategias que la promuevan.Materiales y método: Se realizó un estudio transversal, observacional y exploratorio-descriptivo. Tiene como objetivo identificar las estrategias descritas por las enfermeras que contribuyan a incrementar la satisfacción de los niños en edad escolar y sus padres con la hospitalización. El panel delphi se utilizó como técnica de recolección de datos, y como técnicas de análisis de datos análisis de contenido (en la ronda 1) y estadística descriptiva (ronda 2). El estudio se aplicó entre noviembre de 2018 y febrero de 2019 a una muestra de 90 enfermeras pertenecientes a 6 instituciones de salud, después de obtener una validación positiva de los respectivos comités de ética.Resultados: Se obtuvo una tasa de respuesta del 52% (n = 47) en la ronda 1 y del 47% (n = 42) en la ronda 2. Se identificaron, en la ronda 1, en consenso en la ronda 2, 13 estrategias en relación con los niños que se dirigen principalmente a la transmisión de información, la participación familiar, el juego y el alivio del dolor. En cuanto a los padres, se identificaron 12 estrategias por consenso en la ronda 2.Discusión: La implicación familiar y la transmisión de información son áreas de intervención identificadas en ambos grupos.Conclusión: Fue posible investigar intervenciones de enfermería que pudieran promover un aumento en la satisfacción de niños y padres, enfocadas principalmente en la información y el apoyo y la participación familiar.Introdução: A satisfação com cuidados de enfermagem, na área da criança hospitalizada, é pouco estudada. A investigação centra-se nos preditores e componentes da satisfação sendo essencial a identificação de estratégias que a promovam.Materiais e método: Efetivou-se um estudo de tipo transversal, observacional e exploratório-descritivo. Tem como objetivo identificar as estratégias descritas pelos enfermeiros que contribuem para o aumento da satisfação da criança em idade escolar e dos seus pais com a hospitalização. Utilizou-se enquanto técnica de recolha de dados o painel delphi e, como técnica de analise de dados, a análise de conteúdo (na ronda 1) e a estatística descritiva (ronda 2). O estudo foi aplicado entre novembro de 2018 e fevereiro de 2019 a uma amostra de 90 enfermeiros pertencentes a 6 instituições de saúde, após obtenção de parecer positivo das respetivas comissões de ética. Resultados: Obteve-se uma taxa de reposta de 52% (n=47) na ronda 1 e de 47% (n=42) na ronda 2. Foram identificadas, na ronda 1, e que obtiveram consenso na ronda 2, 13 estratégias em relação às crianças sendo principalmente direcionadas à transmissão de informação, envolvimento familiar, brincar e alívio da dor. Em relação aos pais foram identificadas com consenso 12 estratégias na ronda 2. Discussão: O envolvimento familiar e a transmissão da informação são áreas de intervenção que foram identificadas em ambos os grupos.Conclusão: Foi possível apurar intervenções de enfermagem passíveis de promover um aumento da satisfação das crianças e pais, focadas fundamentalmente na informação e no suporte e envolvimento familiar

    Nursing students experiences in neonatal care: A qualitative study

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    Under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Clinical practice is a moment of stress for nursing students with impact in academic outcomes. Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) are a specific and multifaceted context that offer complex experiences to nursing students. A descriptive, cross-sectional, and observational study, with a qualitative approach was outlined that aimed to describe and categorize the experiences of nursing students in NICU. Semi structured interviews were used for data collection and content analysis for data analysis. Among eligible students (those that had performed clinical practice in NICU and agreed to participate) a purposive sample of 6 students was selected. Data analysis allowed the identification of five categories: clinical practice evolution, expectations about clinical practice, challenges faced in clinical practice, feelings for the babies and their parents, and comparing with the adult nursing clinical practice. The findings of this study indicate that nursing students experienced a wide range of feelings and experiences.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Use of digital educational technologies among nursing students and teachers: an exploratory study

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedThe emergence of digital educational technologies (DET) raises questions regarding the personalization of both teaching and care. DET use implies profound changes with consequences in nursing care and in nursing teaching-learning process. With the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the teaching-learning process through the use of DET, an exploratory-descriptive, cross-sectional, and observational study, with a quantitative approach (descriptive and inferential statistics), was developed. Online questionnaires were applied (n = 140 students and n = 23 teachers) after ethics committee approval. Results point to low cost and access without time/space limits as the main benefits, and decreased interaction, less physical contact, and technical difficulties as constraints. Globally, there was no difference between students and teachers in the use of DET. Still, men report more constraints than women. In this sample, the use of DET is still at an early stage. Both students and teachers are still unfamiliar with the scope and possibilities of these tools, not taking full advantage of the potential they have to offer. The impact of DET used in personalized nursing care is still yet to be understood.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vulnerabilidade da criança no internamento hospitalar

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    Abstract de comunicação apresentada nas II Jornadas de Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Saúde Egas Moniz, realizadas no Campus da ESSEM, Monte de Caparica, nos dias 20 e 21 de Fevereiro de 2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio