19 research outputs found

    Energetic Electron and Proton Interactions with Pc5 Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) Waves during the Great Geomagnetic Storm of 15–16 July 2000

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    The dynamics of the outer zone radiation belt has received a lot of attention mainly due to the correlation between the occurrence of enhancing relativistic electron flux and spacecraft operation anomalies or even failures (e.g., Baker et al. 1994). Relativistic electron events are often observed during great storms associated with ultra low frequency (ULF) waves. For example, a large buildup of relativistic electrons was observed during the great storm of March 24, 1991 (e.g., Li et al. 1993; Hudson et al. 1995; Mann et al. 2013). However, the dominant processes which accelerate magnetospheric radiation belt electrons to MeV energies are not well understood. In this paper, we present observations of Pc5 ULF waves in the recovery phase of the Bastille day storm of July 16, 2000 and electron and proton flux simultaneously oscillating with the same frequencies as the waves. The mechanism for the observed electron and proton flux modulations is examined using groundbased and satellite observations. During this storm time, multiple packets of discrete frequency Pc5 ULF waves appeared associated with energetic particle flux oscillations. We model the drift paths of electrons and protons to determine if the particles drift through the ULF wave to understand why some particle fluxes are modulated by the ULF waves and others are not. We also analyze the flux oscillations of electrons and protons as a function of energy to determine if the particle modulations are caused by a ULF wave drift resonance or advection of a particle density gradient. We suggest that the energetic electron and proton modulations by Pc5 ULF waves provide further evidence in support of the important role that ULF waves play in outer radiation belt dyanamics during storm times

    ULF wave derived radiation belt radial diffusion coefficients

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    Waves in the ultra-low-frequency (ULF) band have frequencies which can be drift resonant with electrons in the outer radiation belt, suggesting the potential for strong interactions and enhanced radial diffusion. Previous radial diffusion coefficient models such as those presented by Brautigam and Albert (2000) have typically used semiempirical representations for both the ULF wave’s electric and magnetic field power spectral densities (PSD) in space in the magnetic equatorial plane. In contrast, here we use ground- and space-based observations of ULF wave power to characterize the electric and magnetic diffusion coefficients. Expressions for the electric field power spectral densities are derived from ground-based magnetometer measurements of the magnetic field PSD, and in situ AMPTE and GOES spacecraft measurements are used to derive expressions for the compressional magnetic field PSD as functions of Kp, solar wind speed, and L-shell. Magnetic PSD results measured on the ground are mapped along the field line to give the electric field PSD in the equatorial plane assuming a guided AlfvĂ©n wave solution and a thin sheet ionosphere. The ULF wave PSDs are then used to derive a set of new ULF-wave driven diffusion coefficients. These new diffusion coefficients are compared to estimates of the electric and magnetic field diffusion coefficients made by Brautigam and Albert (2000) and Brautigam et al. (2005). Significantly, our results, derived explicitly from ULF wave observations, indicate that electric field diffusion is much more important than magnetic field diffusion in the transport and energization of the radiation belt electrons

    A New Four‐Component L*‐Dependent Model for Radial Diffusion Based on Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Drivers of ULF Waves

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    The outer radiation belt is a region of space comprising highly energetic electrons. During periods of extreme space weather, the number and energy of these electrons can rapidly vary. During these periods as the electron energies and numbers become enhanced, they can pose a threat to satellite and space infrastructure. While we have an excellent understanding of the physical processes which drive radiation belt electron dynamics, we still have a limited ability to model and forecast radiation belt dynamics; this is a result of the complexity of Earth's radiation belt system. One of the key processes controlling radiation belt dynamics is Ultra Low Frequency (ULF) wave radial diffusion. In this work we detail the development a new model quantifying the strength of ULF wave radial diffusion in the outer radiation belt utilizing space base observations of the electric and magnetic fields in Earth's magnetosphere. Accurately quantifying ULF wave radial diffusion is fundamental to understanding radiation belt dynamics and any improvement or refinements in radial diffusion models can help to provide a better understanding of the complex radiation belt system and importantly improve hindcasts, nowcasts, and forecasts

    The Relationship Between Electron Precipitation and the Population of Trapped Electrons in LEO: New Evidence Supporting a Natural Limit to the Flux of Energetic Electrons

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    <p><span>Figure S1 illustrates that at L=4.75 electrons with an equatorial pitch angle, </span><span><span><span>a</span></span></span><sub><span>eq</span></sub><span>, of 5⁰ will mirror at the altitude of the POES spacecrafts and be detected by the 90⁰ telescope assuming a dipole magnetic field. Figure S1 is used to provide an estimate for the extrapolated K-P flux which would be detected by the 90⁰ telescope used in Figure 4 in main paper. </span><span>This mapping from the equatorially mirroring flux to the locally mirroring flux at the altitude of the POES spacecrafts assumes that the momentum and first adiabatic invariant of the electrons are conserved. Figure S2 shows the number of events detected by all the POES spacecrafts in the different MLT bins. Figure S3 shows the distribution of the Kp geomagnetic index values during events at the different trapped flux levels shown in Figures 5 and 6 in the main paper. Figure S4 shows the change in kinetic energy as a function of L-shell of electrons along the drift paths shown in Figure 7 in the main paper.</span></p&gt

    Modelling the generation and properties of guided Alfven waves in the magnetosphere

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    Available from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:DXN064990 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo