324 research outputs found

    Prevention of urinary tract infection in spinal cord-injured patients: safety and efficacy of a weekly oral cyclic antibiotic (WOCA) programme with a 2 year follow-up--an observational prospective study.

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    POPULATION: Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients with neurogenic bladder have an increased risk for symptomatic urinary tract infection (UTI). Recurrent UTI requires multiple courses of antibiotic therapy, markedly increasing the incidence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria. METHODS: During an observational prospective study, we determined the safety and efficacy of a weekly oral cyclic antibiotic (WOCA) regimen to prevent UTI in SCI adult patients with neurogenic bladder undergoing clean intermittent catheterization. The WOCA regimen consisted of the alternate administration of an antibiotic once per week over a period of at least 2 years. The antibiotics chosen were efficient for UTI, well tolerated and with low selection pressure. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in antimicrobial consumption linked to the dramatic decrease in the incidence of UTI. Before intervention, there were 9.4 symptomatic UTIs per patient-year, including 197 episodes of febrile UTI responsible for 45 hospitalizations. Under the WOCA regimen there were 1.8 symptomatic UTIs per patient-year, including 19 episodes of febrile UTI. No severe adverse events and no new cases of colonization with MDR bacteria were reported. CONCLUSIONS: In this prospective, observational pilot study a novel approach to the prevention and treatment of UTI in SCI was investigated. Our study shows the benefit of WOCA in preventing UTI in SCI patients

    The inhibition of neutrophil antibacterial activity by ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene particles.

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    Following infection, bacterial killing by polymorphonuclear leukocytes (neutrophils) is the main host defense against bacteria. Our hypothesis is that particles of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWP) may impair local neutrophil function and consequently reduce neutrophil bacterial killing. To determine how the in vitro phagocytic-bactericidal activity of neutrophils was affected by exposure to wear particles, tests were run comparing the effects of different particle composition, and different concentrations and sizes of UHMWP particles. There was a significant correlation between the number of particles and the decrease in neutrophil bactericidal activity (p<0.01), and the greatest effect was obtained with a concentration of 10(7) UHMWP/ml. There was a significant decrease in neutrophil bactericidal activity by incubation with particles of 0.1-5 microm (p<0.01), but not with larger size. The results suggest that neutrophil functional defects triggered by the presence of UHMWP particles may potentially contribute to the susceptibility of loose implants to bacterial infections

    Un puits : reflet de la vie quotidienne à Montpellier au XIIIe s.: Les analyses de céramiques en laboratoire

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    in : M. LeenhardtInternational audienceThe presentation of the totality of chattels (ceramics, wood, metal, glass, leather, cloths) and the fauna filling a well, in therue Barallerie in Montpellier, gives an exceptional and diversified image of the life in this urban metropolis at the 13th century. The pre-eminence of ceramics in the other categories is remarkable, with virtually all pieces of crockery being regional with few imports. The study of ceramics, completed by the characterisation of clays in the laboratory and compared with written sources, contributes to the research on production in the Montpellier area, perhaps of the city itself in this period. It gives afirst approach to their distribution and gives information on the mode of supply of this district. Dishes and objects made of wood constitute one of the major sets discovered in France, uncommon in the Mediterranean area.La présentation de l'ensemble des mobiliers (céramiques, bois, métal, verre, cuir, tissus) et de la faune comblant un puits, rue de la Barallerie à Montpellier, donne une image diversifiée et exceptionnelle de la vie dans cette métropoleurbaine au XIIIe s. La primauté des céramiques sur les autres catégories est remarquable, comme la quasi-exclusivité des vaisselles régionales à côté de très rares importations. L'étude des céramiques, complétée par la caractérisation des argiles en laboratoire et confrontée aux sources écrites, contribue aux recherches sur les productions de l'aire montpelliéraine, voire de la ville même à cette époque. Elle donne une première approche de leur diffusion et renseigne sur le mode d'approvisionnement de ce quartier. Les vaisselles et objets en bois constituent un des ensembles majeurs découverts en France et souvent mal connus dans le Midi méditerranéen

    Low parathyroid hormone status induced by high dialysate calcium is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular death in hemodialysis patients

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    Here we studied a possible association between low parathyroid hormone (PTH) status and mortality in incident patients undergoing hemodialysis . A total of 1983 patients were included at baseline and prospectively followed for 24 months. Patients were classified according to their Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes PTH status at baseline and at 12 months, and mortality evaluated at 12 to 24 months using adjusted Cox analysis. Factors potentially involved in PTH status variability between baseline and 12 months were analyzed. A decrease in serum PTH from normal or high to low values between baseline and 12 months was associated with significantly increased cardiovascular mortality at 12 to 24 months (hazard ratio, 2.03; 95% confidence interval, 1.22–3.36). For patients with high or normal baseline PTH levels, the main independent factor at 6 months for a decrease to low PTH levels at 12 months was high dialysate calcium (1.75 mmol/L), whereas prescription of non–calcium-based phosphate binders was associated with a lower risk of PTH decrease. In the high cardiovascular (CV) mortality risk subgroup of patients who acquired a low PTH status at 12 months, the main independent factor at 12 months associated with significant 12- to 24-month CV mortality was high dialysate calcium (odds ratio, 5.44; 95% CI, 2.52–11.75). Thus, patients with a serum PTH decrease to low values after 1 year of hemodialysis treatment are at high risk of short-term CV death. High dialysate calcium was an important contributor to PTH oversuppression, and continued use was associated with increased CV mortality

    The ESTMJS (European Society of Temporomandibular Joint Surgeons) consensus and evidence-based recommendations on management of Condylar dislocation

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Although condylar dislocation is not uncommon, terminology, diagnostics, and treatment concepts vary considerably worldwide. This study aims to present a consensus recommendation based on systematically reviewed literature and approved by the European Society of TMJ Surgeons (ESTMJS). Based on the template of the evidence-based German guideline (register # 007-063) the ESTMJS members voted on 30 draft recommendations regarding terminology, diagnostics, and treatment initially via a blinded modified Delphi procedure. After unblinding, a discussion and voting followed, using a structured consensus process in 2019. An independent moderator documented and evaluated voting results and alterations from the original draft. Although the results of the preliminary voting were very heterogenous and differed significantly from the German S3 guideline (p < 0.0005), a strong consensus was achieved in the final voting on terminology, diagnostics, and treatment. In this voting, multiple alterations, including adding and discarding recommendations, led to 24 final recommendations on assessment and management of TMJ dislocation. To our knowledge, the ESTMJS condylar dislocation recommendations are the first both evidence and consensus-based international recommendations in the field of TMJ surgery. We recommend they form the basis for clinical practice guidelines for the management of dislocations of the mandibular condyle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Light Sterile Neutrinos: A White Paper

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    This white paper addresses the hypothesis of light sterile neutrinos based on recent anomalies observed in neutrino experiments and the latest astrophysical data

    Evaluation of Two Strategies for Community-Based Safety Monitoring during Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Campaigns in Senegal, Compared with the National Spontaneous Reporting System.

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine has been introduced in 12 African countries. Additional strategies for safety monitoring are needed to supplement national systems of spontaneous reporting that are known to under represent the incidence of adverse reactions. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to determine if adverse event (AE) reporting could be improved using a smartphone application provided to village health workers, or by active follow-up using a symptom card provided to caregivers. METHODS: Two strategies to improve reporting of AEs during SMC campaigns were evaluated, in comparison with the national system of spontaneous reporting, in 11 health post areas in Senegal. In each health post, an average of approximately 4000 children under 10 years of age received SMC treatment each month for 3 months during the 2015 malaria transmission season-a total of 134,000 treatments. In three health posts (serving approximately 14,000 children), caregivers were encouraged to report any adverse reactions to the nurse at the health post or to a community health worker (CHW) in their village, who had been trained to use a smartphone application to report the event (enhanced spontaneous reporting). In two health posts (approximately 10,000 children), active follow-up of children at home was organized after each SMC campaign to ask about AEs that caregivers had been asked to record on a symptom card (active surveillance). Six health posts (approximately 23,000 children) followed the national system of spontaneous reporting using the national reporting (yellow) form. Each AE report was assessed by a panel to determine likely association with SMC drugs. RESULTS: The incidence of reported AEs was 2.4, 30.6, and 21.6 per 1000 children treated per month, using the national system, enhanced spontaneous reporting, and active surveillance, respectively. The most commonly reported symptoms were vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. The incidence of vomiting, known to be caused by amodiaquine, was similar using both innovative methods (10/1000 in the first month, decreasing to 2.5/1000 in the third month). Despite increased surveillance, no serious adverse drug reactions were detected. CONCLUSION: Training CHWs in each village and health facility staff to report AEs using a mobile phone application led to much higher reporting rates than through the national system. This approach is feasible and acceptable, and could be further improved by strengthening laboratory investigation and the collection of control data immediately prior to SMC campaigns

    Facilitators and barriers to seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) uptake in Nigeria: a qualitative approach

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    BACKGROUND: SMC was adopted in Nigeria in 2014 and by 2021 was being implemented in 18 states, over four months between June and October by 143000 community drug distributors (CDDs) to a target population of 23million children. Further expansion of SMC is planned, extending to 21 states with four or five monthly cycles. In view of this massive scale-up, the National Malaria Elimination Programme undertook qualitative research in five states shortly after the 2021 campaign to understand community attitudes to SMC so that these perspectives inform future planning of SMC delivery in Nigeria. METHODS: In 20 wards representing urban and rural areas with low and high SMC coverage in five states, focus group discussions were held with caregivers, and in-depth interviews conducted with community leaders and community drug distributors. Interviews were also held with local government area and State malaria focal persons and at national level with the NMEP coordinator, and representatives of partners working on SMC in Nigeria. Interviews were recorded and transcribed, those in local languages translated into English, and transcripts analysed using NVivo software. RESULTS: In total, 84 focus groups and 106 interviews were completed. Malaria was seen as a major health concern, SMC was widely accepted as a key preventive measure, and community drug distributors (CDDs) were generally trusted. Caregivers preferred SMC delivered door-to-door to the fixed-point approach, because it allowed them to continue daily tasks, and allowed time for the CDD to answer questions. Barriers to SMC uptake included perceived side-effects of SMC drugs, a lack of understanding of the purpose of SMC, mistrust and suspicions that medicines provided free may be unsafe or ineffective, and local shortages of drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Recommendations from this study were shared with all community drug distributors and others involved in SMC campaigns during cascade training in 2022, including the need to strengthen communication about the safety and effectiveness of SMC, recruiting distributors from the local community, greater involvement of state and national level pharmacovigilance coordinators, and stricter adherence to the planned medicine allocations to avoid local shortages. The findings reinforce the importance of retaining door-to-door delivery of SMC

    Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) treatments when SMC is implemented at scale: Case-control studies in 5 countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) has shown high protective efficacy against clinical malaria and severe malaria in a series of clinical trials. We evaluated the effectiveness of SMC treatments against clinical malaria when delivered at scale through national malaria control programmes in 2015 and 2016. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Case-control studies were carried out in Mali and The Gambia in 2015, and in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Nigeria, and The Gambia in 2016. Children aged 3-59 months presenting at selected health facilities with microscopically confirmed clinical malaria were recruited as cases. Two controls per case were recruited concurrently (on or shortly after the day the case was detected) from the neighbourhood in which the case lived. The primary exposure was the time since the most recent course of SMC treatment, determined from SMC recipient cards, caregiver recall, and administrative records. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) associated with receipt of SMC within the previous 28 days, and SMC 29 to 42 days ago, compared with no SMC in the past 42 days. These ORs, which are equivalent to incidence rate ratios, were used to calculate the percentage reduction in clinical malaria incidence in the corresponding time periods. Results from individual countries were pooled in a random-effects meta-analysis. In total, 2,126 cases and 4,252 controls were included in the analysis. Across the 7 studies, the mean age ranged from 1.7 to 2.4 years and from 2.1 to 2.8 years among controls and cases, respectively; 42.2%-50.9% and 38.9%-46.9% of controls and cases, respectively, were male. In all 7 individual case-control studies, a high degree of personal protection from SMC against clinical malaria was observed, ranging from 73% in Mali in 2016 to 98% in Mali in 2015. The overall OR for SMC within 28 days was 0.12 (95% CI: 0.06, 0.21; p < 0.001), indicating a protective effectiveness of 88% (95% CI: 79%, 94%). Effectiveness against clinical malaria for SMC 29-42 days ago was 61% (95% CI: 47%, 72%). Similar results were obtained when the analysis was restricted to cases with parasite density in excess of 5,000 parasites per microlitre: Protective effectiveness 90% (95% CI: 79%, 96%; P<0.001), and 59% (95% CI: 34%, 74%; P<0.001) for SMC 0-28 days and 29-42 days ago, respectively. Potential limitations include the possibility of residual confounding due to an association between exposure to malaria and access to SMC, or differences in access to SMC between patients attending a clinic and community controls; however, neighbourhood matching of cases and controls, and covariate adjustment, attempted to control for these aspects, and the observed decline in protection over time, consistent with expected trends, argues against a major bias from these sources. CONCLUSIONS: SMC administered as part of routine national malaria control activities provided a very high level of personal protection against clinical malaria over 28 days post-treatment, similar to the efficacy observed in clinical trials. The case-control design used in this study can be used at intervals to ensure SMC treatments remain effective
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