20 research outputs found

    Records Of The Late Glacial Influx Of Ice-Rafted Detritus On The Orphan Knoll, Northwest Atlantic Ocean

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    The top 110 centimeters of IRD records for GVY002 reveal 5 distinct peaks in IRD input, each between 4000-6500 lithics/gram. Three of these peaks coincide with three peaks in the Ca/Sr ratios in the upper meter indicative of dolomite rich IRD from the Canadian margin. The IRD record and Ca/Sr ratio record generated in this study, when compared to the previously generated similar records in GVY001, reveals a similar pattern but over a much longer downcore sediment interval (over the upper 4.5 meters in GVY001 versus the upper 1.8 meters in GVY002). This is due to the higher sedimentation rate in GVY001. Hendry, et al. (2019) tentatively correlated the shallowest peaks in Ca/Sr ratios with Heinrich Events H0 - H4 by correlating the Ca/Sr ratio records in GVY001 to the δ18O record of N. pachyderma (s.). An IRD peak in GVY001 corresponds to each of the Heinrich Events identified in Hendry, et al. (2019). Subsequent comparison of GVY002 IRD records with those of GVY001 suggest that Heinrich Events H0, H1, and H2 can be identified over the first meter. Both GVY002 and GVY001 display two additional IRD peaks of at least 4000 lithics/gram between H1 and H2 during intervals of very low Ca/Sr ratios

    Exile Vol. XXXIX No. 1

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    Title Page by Ellen Gurley \u2793 i Epigraph by Ezra Poind ii Table of Contents iii-iv Remaining a Soldier by Kristin Kruse \u2793 1-2 Vietnam War Memorial by Brooke MacKaye 3 We both ride in back by Chris Macaluso \u2793 4 Artwork by Jamie Oliver \u2794 5 Liberal Dirge #1 by Charis Brummitt \u2796 6-7 Artwork (anonymous) 7 Two ex-lovers and a dirty glass door by Chris Macaluso \u2793 8 The Salt of the Air by Kristen Padden \u2793 9-12 Artwork (anonymous) 13 Artwork by Ellen Gurley \u2793 14 Sun-Child by Jen Rudgers \u2796 15 Crazy Horse by Kevin Nix \u2794 16 The Fall of the Western Field by Rich Croft \u2793 17 In the Closet by Beth Widmaier \u2795 18 Winter Strawberries by Katy Rudder \u2793 19 Still Life (anonymous) 19 For This and Much Beyond This Poem by Matt Wanat \u2795 20-21 Artwork by Peggy Ryan \u2793 22 The Cycle Repeats: Apathy by Ishak Kang \u2793 23 The Judge by Ellen Gurley \u2793 24 Pear Colored by Erin Dempsey \u2793 25-26 4-Square by Trey Dunham \u2794 27 Artwork by Jamie Oliver \u2794 28 Ink & Heroine by Rich Croft \u2793 29 Figments by Craig Bowers \u2793 30-31 Malfi Coast (anonymous) 31 Suzanne (anonymous) 32 Hey Stella by Carey Chistie \u2795 33 Turning Leaves by Erin Lott \u2796 34-35 Reclining Nude (anonymous) 35 Blazon by Matt Wanat \u2795 36-37 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 38 Awake by A. Fair \u2796 39 Dell the Barber by Kevin Nix \u2795 40 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 40 Tree House by Katy Rudder \u2793 41-46 Jailbait by Ellison J. Stind \u2795 47 Mother by Charis Brummitt \u2796 48-49 Artwork by Bess Hammer \u2795 49 Private Origami by Trey Dunham \u2794 50 Among the Tendrils of Sleep by J. Trevett Allen \u2795 51 Poet of the Unforgiven by Carey Christie \u2795 52 Stuntman Steve by Andrew Zobay \u2793 53 sculpture by Lily Streett \u2794 53 Wonderings of an Adopted Son by Andy Heckert \u2793 54-55 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 55 Odd Binge by C. N. Polumbus \u2793 56-57 Artwork by Holly Aikens \u2793 57 Artwork by Peggy Ryan \u2793; untitled by Jennifer Wendell \u2794 (superimposed) 58 Shadows of Pearl by Travis Brady \u2793 59-60 October/Rt. 161 by Annette Gallagher 61 Artwork by Jamie Oliver \u2794 61 The Influx by Craig Bowers \u2793 62 Artwork by Michael Norpell \u2794 63 editorial board 64 Editorial decision is shared equally among the Editorial Board. -64 Cover: Jamie Oliver -64 NOTE: With the exeption of Malfi Coast , all artwork listed as anonymous in the published table of contents appears to be signed by Ellen Gurley. 37th Yea

    Strategien entwickeln, Potenziale nutzen: Fachkräftebedarf; Angebot an Arbeitskräften wird knapper

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    "Das IAB nimmt nach einer allgemeinen Einschätzung des Fachkräftebedarfs und einer Darstellung der Erwartungen für die Zukunft Stellung zu den folgenden Punkten der Anträge der Fraktionen Die Linke und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen: Ausbau von Ganztagsschulen, Konzept DualPlus, Grüner Pakt für Hochschulen, Bildungsberatung, Finanzierung der Berufsberatung durch Umlagesystem, Kürzungen bei der Förderung der beruflichen Weiterbildung, Weiterbildung Geringqualifizierter und beschäftigter älterer Arbeitnehmer in Unternehmen (WeGebAU)-Programm, Weiterbildung in Klein- und Großbetrieben, stärkere Erwerbsbeteiligung von Frauen, Erwerbsbeteiligung älterer Arbeitnehmer, Erwerbsbeteiligung von Menschen mit Behinderung, Anerkennung ausländischer Qualifikationen, Fachkräfteeinwanderung, Punktesystem, Weiterentwicklung des bisherigen Rechtssystems, Blue Card-Richtlinie, Anwerbung ausländischer Studenten, flächendeckender gesetzlicher Mindestlohn, Zurückdrängen prekärer Beschäftigungsformen, Anhebung der Hartz-IV-Regelsätze auf 500 Euro, Senkung des Renteneintrittsalters und kürzere Wochenarbeitszeiten." (Autorenreferat)"Preceded by a general assessment of qualified labour demand and a presentation of respective expectations for the future, the IAB comments on the following issues in the Left (Die Linke) and Green (Bündnis 90/DieGrünen) parliamentary parties’ petitions: expansion of fulltime schools, the concept "DualPlus", the Green Pact for institutions of higher education, educational counselling, funding of vocational edu-cation and training by a pay-as-you-go scheme, cuts in the promotion of continued vocational education, continued education of low-qualified workers and older employees in private companies (WeGebAU programme), continued education in small- and large-sized establishments, increased employment participation of women, employment participation of elderly employees, employment participation of handicapped people, recognition of foreign-country qualifications, immigration of skilled labour, labour immigration credit system, further development of the current legal system, the Blue Card guideline, attracting international university students, general minimum wage, confining precarious forms of employment, raising Hartz IV unemployment benefits to 500 Euros, lowering the retirement age, and reduced weekly working hours." (author's abstract

    A genetic cause of Alzheimer disease: mechanistic insights from Down syndrome

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    Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, is associated with a greatly increased risk of early onset Alzheimer disease. It is thought that this risk is conferred by the presence of three copies of the gene encoding amyloid precursor protein (APP), an Alzheimer risk factor, although the possession of extra copies of other chromosome 21 genes may also play a role. Further study of the mechanisms underlying the development of Alzheimer disease in Down syndrome could provide insights into the mechanisms that cause dementia in the general population

    Exploring the landscape of the National Forest : a walkers' guide to the landscape and natural environment of the National Forest

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    The National Forest offers a variety of landscape types, from extensive gently undulating clay lowlands dominated by mixed farming, to the hilly sandstone1 region in the central part. The coalfields, in Leicestershire and South Derbyshire, most notably demonstrate the great impact of man’s influence on the landscape. In the east Charnwood Forest, with its rolling hills and craggy knolls, presents us with a unique landscape that has been moulded over 600 million years. The rocks here date back to the Precambrian and contain some of the oldest known fossils. This book and map will help you to explore the region: its geology, landscape, biodiversity, archaeology and industrial and cultural heritage through a series of walks. You will have a fascinating glimpse of past variations in climate that show how England has moved around on the surface of the Earth by plate tectonics.There is evidence of a turbulent geological history that has included volcanoes, mountains, major earthquakes, rainforests, rivers, lakes, seas, deserts and glaciers. The book will also demonstrate how the geology of The National Forest has had a profound influence on the economy of the area, dating back over the centuries, with many industries largely dependent on the natural resources. Some are now no longer viable, such as coal mining, iron ore and lime, but others such as aggregate extraction, gypsum and brick clays, are still very prosperous. The effect of these industries has been to significantly change the landscape in many areas, most notably in the coalfields, but also the extensive aggregate extraction in Charnwood Forest

    Presenting Evidence to Patients Online: What Do Web Users Think of Consumer Summaries of Cochrane Musculoskeletal Reviews?

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    The Internet has the potential to be an effective medium for delivering health care knowledge to consumers. While computer usability research makes recommendations about how to present Web-based information generally, there remains no clear guidance on how to present specific forms of health care research evidence online in a way that facilitates understanding and good health care decision making. The two goals of this study were to describe the Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group's (CMSG's) process for developing online patient-focused summaries of systematic reviews and to evaluate the impressions of these summaries formed by users. A process for summarizing the results of systematic reviews via consumer summaries has evolved over 15 years. An evaluation of this approach took the form of Internet surveys on the Arthritis Society of Canada website and surveys of members of the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA). Respondents provided information on background, relationship to the decision, their satisfaction with and preparation for decision making, and suggestions for improvements to the summaries. Survey data were collected between August 1, 2005, and February 28, 2006. A total of 261 respondents completed the survey. The majority (226/261 or 87%) of respondents reported having an arthritis-related condition. The consumer summary approach was generally reviewed favorably by respondents, with most agreeing that the summary provided appropriate information (177/261 or 68%), would be useful to others (160/261 or 61%), was well laid out (159/261 or 61%), was easy to learn from (157/261 or 60%), and was useful to the reader (153/261 or 59%). Areas of potential improvement were indicated by relatively fewer respondents agreeing that they could easily find all the information they wanted (118/261 or 45%), by a substantial proportion being unable to judge whether the providers of the information are reliable (80/261 or 31%), and by a similar proportion being unable to determine whether the information presented was the best available (68/261 or 26%). The CMSG has developed an approach to summarizing the results of often-technical systematic reviews into public-friendly consumer summaries. Our online survey showed that this approach was generally well liked but identified specific areas for improvement. Feedback from this survey will help to reshape and improve the current template for consumer summaries used by the CMSG

    European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Cardiac arrest in special circumstances.

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    These European Resuscitation Council (ERC) Cardiac Arrest in Special Circumstances guidelines are based on the 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations. This section provides guidelines on the modifications required to basic and advanced life support for the prevention and treatment of cardiac arrest in special circumstances; specifically special causes (hypoxia, trauma, anaphylaxis, sepsis, hypo/hyperkalaemia and other electrolyte disorders, hypothermia, avalanche, hyperthermia and malignant hyperthermia, pulmonary embolism, coronary thrombosis, cardiac tamponade, tension pneumothorax, toxic agents), special settings (operating room, cardiac surgery, catheter laboratory, dialysis unit, dental clinics, transportation (in-flight, cruise ships), sport, drowning, mass casualty incidents), and special patient groups (asthma and COPD, neurological disease, obesity, pregnancy)