116 research outputs found

    Incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models : effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in California

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    The costly interactions between humans and wildfires throughout California demonstrate the need to understand the relationships between them, especially in the face of a changing climate and expanding human communities. Although a number of statistical and process-based wildfire models exist for California, there is enormous uncertainty about the location and number of future fires, with previously published estimates of increases ranging from nine to fifty-three percent by the end of the century. Our goal is to assess the role of climate and anthropogenic influences on the state's fire regimes from 1975 to 2050. We develop an empirical model that integrates estimates of biophysical indicators relevant to plant communities and anthropogenic influences at each forecast time step. Historically, we find that anthropogenic influences account for up to fifty percent of explanatory power in the model. We also find that the total area burned is likely to increase, with burned area expected to increase by 2.2 and 5.0 percent by 2050 under climatic bookends (PCM and GFDL climate models, respectively). Our two climate models show considerable agreement, but due to potential shifts in rainfall patterns, substantial uncertainty remains for the semiarid inland deserts and coastal areas of the south. Given the strength of human-related variables in some regions, however, it is clear that comprehensive projections of future fire activity should include both anthropogenic and biophysical influences. Previous findings of substantially increased numbers of fires and burned area for California may be tied to omitted variable bias from the exclusion of human influences. The omission of anthropogenic variables in our model would overstate the importance of climatic ones by at least 24%. As such, the failure to include anthropogenic effects in many models likely overstates the response of wildfire to climatic change

    Report on the May-June 2002 Englebright Lake deep coring campaign

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    This report describes the May-June 2002 Englebright Lake coring project. Englebright Lake is a 14-km-long reservoir on the Yuba River of northern California, impounded by Englebright Dam, which was completed in 1940. The sediments were cored to assess the current conditions in the reservoir as part of the California Bay-Delta Authority’s Upper Yuba River Studies Program. Sediment was collected using both hydraulic-piston and rotational coring equipment mounted on a floating drilling platform. Thirty boreholes were attempted at 7 sites spaced along the longitudinal axis of the reservoir. Complete sedimentary sections were recovered from 20 boreholes at 6 sites. In total, 335 m of sediment was cored, with 86% average recovery. The core sections (each up to 1.5 m long) were processed using a standard set of laboratory techniques, including geophysical logging of physical properties, splitting, visual descriptions, digital photography, and initial subsampling. This report presents the results of these analyses in a series of stratigraphic columns. Using the observed stratigraphy as a guide, several series of subsamples were collected for various sedimentologic, geochemical, and geochronological analyses. The results of laboratory analyses of most of these subsamples will be presented in future reports and articles

    Erosion of refugia in the Sierra Nevada meadowsnetwork with climate change

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    Climate refugia management has been proposed as a climate adaptation strategy in the face of global change. Key to this strategy is identification of these areas as well as an understanding of how they are connected on the landscape. Focusing on meadows of the Sierra Nevada in California, we examined multiple factors affecting connectivity using circuit theory, and determined how patches have been and are expected to be affected by climate change. Connectivity surfaces varied depending upon the underlying hypothesis, although meadow area and elevation were important features for higher connectivity. Climate refugia that would promote population persistence were identified from downscaled climate layers, based on locations with minimal climatic change from historical conditions. This approach was agnostic to specific species, yielding a broad perspective about changes and localized habitats. Connectivity was not a consistent predictor of refugial status in the 20th century, but expected future climate refugia tended to have higher connectivity than those that recently deviated from historical conditions. Climate change is projected to reduce the number of refugial meadows on a variety of climate axes, resulting in a sparser network of potential refugia across elevations. Our approach provides a straightforward method that can be used as a tool to prioritize places for climate adaptation.This work was primarily supported by a grant from the California Landscape Conservation Cooperative (80250-BJ127) to TLM, CM, and SRB, along with funding from the U.C. Berkeley Initiative in Global Change Biology to SRB and an NSF Bioinformatics Postdoctoral Research Fellowship to TLM. We thank Eric Berlow, Bob Westfall, Connie Millar, Sarah Stock, and David Wright for analytical input. We thank J.Z. Drexler and at least two anonymous reviewers for comments that improved earlier drafts
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