28 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation of phytochrome B inhibits light-induced signaling via accelerated dark reversion in Arabidopsis

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    The photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) interconverts between the biologically active Pfr (lmax = 730 nm) and inactive Pr (lmax = 660 nm) forms in a red/far-red–dependent fashion and regulates, as molecular switch, many aspects of lightdependent development in Arabidopsis thaliana. phyB signaling is launched by the biologically active Pfr conformer and mediated by specific protein–protein interactions between phyB Pfr and its downstream regulatory partners, whereas conversion of Pfr to Pr terminates signaling. Here, we provide evidence that phyB is phosphorylated in planta at Ser-86 located in the N-terminal domain of the photoreceptor. Analysis of phyB-9 transgenic plants expressing phospho-mimic and nonphosphorylatable phyB–yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusions demonstrated that phosphorylation of Ser-86 negatively regulates all physiological responses tested. The Ser86Asp and Ser86Ala substitutions do not affect stability, photoconversion, and spectral properties of the photoreceptor, but light-independent relaxation of the phyBSer86Asp Pfr into Pr, also termed dark reversion, is strongly enhanced both in vivo and in vitro. Faster dark reversion attenuates red light–induced nuclear import and interaction of phyBSer86Asp-YFP Pfr with the negative regulator PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR3 compared with phyB–green fluorescent protein. These data suggest that accelerated inactivation of the photoreceptor phyB via phosphorylation of Ser-86 represents a new paradigm for modulating phytochrome-controlled signaling

    An observational cohort study of the use of five-grass-pollen extract sublingual immunotherapy during the 2015 pollen season in France

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    Background:Allergic rhinitis affects around one quarter of the Western European population. Prophylactic allergen immunotherapy may be useful to reduce the risk of acute symptomatic attacks (hayfever). A five-grass pollen extract sublingual immunotherapy (5GPE-SLIT) has been developed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis to grass pollen. The objective of this study was to describe real-world treatment patterns with 5GPE-SLIT in France with respect to the prescribing information.Methods:This prospective cohort study was conducted by 90 community and hospital allergists. Adults and children (> 5 years old) starting a first treatment with 5GPE-SLIT prior to the 2015 pollen season were eligible. Data was collected at the inclusion visit and at the end of the pollen season. The primary outcome variable was compatibility of 5GPE-SLIT prescription with the prescribing information. This was determined with respect to four variables: (1) interval between 5GPE-SLIT initiation and onset of the pollen season ≄ 3 months, (2) age of patient ≄ 5 years, (3) intermittent symptoms or mild symptom severity (4) confirmatory diagnostic test. At study end, symptoms reported during the pollen season and any modifications to treatment or adverse events were documented.Results:280 adults and 203 children were enrolled. The prescribing information was respected for 82.5% of adults and 86.7% of children. A skin test was performed for all patients. 5GPE-SLIT was started 3-5 months before the pollen season for 85.3%. Treatment was discontinued before the start of the pollen season in 11.0% of patients overall, generally because of an adverse event (78.8% of discontinuations). The mean duration of treatment was 5.2 months in adults and 5.6 months in children. At the end of follow-up, symptoms during the pollen season were intermittent for 75.0% of adults and 85.7% of children, and severity was mild for 61.8 and 66.0% respectively. During 5GPE-SLIT, the following symptoms reported during the previous year were not reported again in > 50% of patients: nasal congestion, rhinorrhoea, repeated sneezing, conjunctivitis and nasal pruritus.Conclusions:5GPE-SLIT use was generally consistent with prescribing recommendations and was associated with an improvement of AR severity, with resolution of the principal AR symptoms in around half the patients treated.Trial registration EUPAS9358. Registered 13 May 2015. Not prospectively registered. http://www.encepp.eu/encepp/viewResource.htm?id=16229

    Crosstalks between Myo-Inositol Metabolism, Programmed Cell Death and Basal Immunity in Arabidopsis

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    BACKGROUND: Although it is a crucial cellular process required for both normal development and to face stress conditions, the control of programmed cell death in plants is not fully understood. We previously reported the isolation of ATXR5 and ATXR6, two PCNA-binding proteins that could be involved in the regulation of cell cycle or cell death. A yeast two-hybrid screen using ATXR5 as bait captured AtIPS1, an enzyme which catalyses the committed step of myo-inositol (MI) biosynthesis. atips1 mutants form spontaneous lesions on leaves, raising the possibility that MI metabolism may play a role in the control of PCD in plants. In this work, we have characterised atips1 mutants to gain insight regarding the role of MI in PCD regulation. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: - lesion formation in atips1 mutants depends of light intensity, is due to PCD as evidenced by TUNEL labelling of nuclei, and is regulated by phytohormones such as salicylic acid - MI and galactinol are the only metabolites whose accumulation is significantly reduced in the mutant, and supplementation of the mutant with these compounds is sufficient to prevent PCD - the transcriptome profile of the mutant is extremely similar to that of lesion mimic mutants such as cpr5, or wild-type plants infected with pathogens. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our results provide strong evidence for the role of MI or MI derivatives in the regulation of PCD. Interestingly, there are three isoforms of IPS in Arabidopsis, but AtIPS1 is the only one harbouring a nuclear localisation sequence, suggesting that nuclear pools of MI may play a specific role in PCD regulation and opening new research prospects regarding the role of MI in the prevention of tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, the significance of the interaction between AtIPS1 and ATXR5 remains to be established

    VAD1, un nouvel acteur de la mort cellulaire hypersensible chez Arabidopsis thaliana ?

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    TOULOUSE3-BU Sciences (315552104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Ethylene is one of the key elements for cell death and defense response control in the Arabidopsis lesion mimic mutant vad1

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    Pas de clé UTAlthough ethylene is involved in the complex cross talk of signaling pathways regulating plant defense responses to microbial attack, its functions remain to be elucidated. The lesion mimic mutant vad1-1 (for vascular associated death), which exhibits the light-conditional appearance of propagative hypersensitive response-like lesions along the vascular system, is a good model for studying the role of ethylene in programmed cell death and defense. Here, we demonstrate that expression of genes associated with ethylene synthesis and signaling is enhanced in vad1-1 under lesion-promoting conditions and after plant-pathogen interaction. Analyses of the progeny from crosses between vad1-1 plants and either 35SERF1 transgenic plants or ein2-1, ein3-1, ein4-1, ctr1-1, or eto2-1 mutants revealed that the vad1-1 cell death and defense phenotypes are dependent on ethylene biosynthesis and signaling. In contrast, whereas vad1-1-dependent increased resistance was abolished by ein2, ein3, and ein4 mutations, positive regulation of ethylene biosynthesis (eto2-1) or ethylene responses (35SERF1) did not exacerbate this phenotype. In addition, VAD1 expression in response to a hypersensitive response-inducing bacterial pathogen is dependent on ethylene perception and signaling. These results, together with previous data, suggest that VAD1 could act as an integrative node in hormonal signaling, with ethylene acting in concert with salicylic acid as a positive regulator of cell death propagation

    Verification at the protein level of the PIF4-mediated external coincidence model for the temperature-adaptive photoperiodic control of plant growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.

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    Plant circadian clock controls a wide variety of physiological and developmental events, which include the short-days (SDs)-specific promotion of the elongation of hypocotyls during de-etiolation and also the elongation of petioles during vegetative growth. In A. thaliana, the PIF4 gene encoding a phytochrome-interacting basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor plays crucial roles in this photoperiodic control of plant growth. According to the proposed external coincidence model, the PIF4 gene is transcribed precociously at the end of night specifically in SDs, under which conditions the protein product is stably accumulated, while PIF4 is expressed exclusively during the daytime in long days (LDs), under which conditions the protein product is degraded by the light-activated phyB and also the residual proteins are inactivated by the DELLA family of proteins. A number of previous reports provided solid evidence to support this coincidence model mainly at the transcriptional level of the PIF 4 and PIF4-traget genes. Nevertheless, the diurnal oscillation profiles of PIF4 proteins, which were postulated to be dependent on photoperiod and ambient temperature, have not yet been demonstrated. Here we present such crucial evidence on PIF4 protein level to further support the external coincidence model underlying the temperature-adaptive photoperiodic control of plant growth in A. thaliana

    Measuring the diurnal pattern of leaf hyponasty and growth in Arabidopsis - a novel phenotyping approach using laser scanning

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    Plants forming a rosette during their juvenile growth phase, such as Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh., are able to adjust the size, position and orientation of their leaves. These growth responses are under the control of the plants circadian clock and follow a characteristic diurnal rhythm. For instance, increased leaf elongation and hyponasty - defined here as the increase in leaf elevation angle - can be observed when plants are shaded. Shading can either be caused by a decrease in the fluence rate of photosynthetically active radiation (direct shade) or a decrease in the fluence rate of red compared with far-red radiation (neighbour detection). In this paper we report on a phenotyping approach based on laser scanning to measure the diurnal pattern of leaf hyponasty and increase in rosette size. In short days, leaves showed constitutively increased leaf elevation angles compared with long days, but the overall diurnal pattern and the magnitude of up and downward leaf movement was independent of daylength. Shade treatment led to elevated leaf angles during the first day of application, but did not affect the magnitude of up and downward leaf movement in the following day. Using our phenotyping device, individual plants can be non-invasively monitored during several days under different light conditions. Hence, it represents a proper tool to phenotype light- and circadian clock-mediated growth responses in order to better understand the underlying regulatory genetic network

    Table5_Contrasting effects of whole-body and hepatocyte-specific deletion of the RNA polymerase III repressor Maf1 in the mouse.XLSX

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    MAF1 is a nutrient-sensitive, TORC1-regulated repressor of RNA polymerase III (Pol III). MAF1 downregulation leads to increased lipogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and mice. However, Maf1−/− mice are lean as increased lipogenesis is counterbalanced by futile pre-tRNA synthesis and degradation, resulting in increased energy expenditure. We compared Chow-fed Maf1−/− mice with Chow- or High Fat (HF)-fed Maf1hep−/− mice that lack MAF1 specifically in hepatocytes. Unlike Maf1−/− mice, Maf1hep−/− mice become heavier and fattier than control mice with old age and much earlier under a HF diet. Liver ChIPseq, RNAseq and proteomics analyses indicate increased Pol III occupancy at Pol III genes, very few differences in mRNA accumulation, and protein accumulation changes consistent with increased lipogenesis. Futile pre-tRNA synthesis and degradation in the liver, as likely occurs in Maf1hep−/− mice, thus seems insufficient to counteract increased lipogenesis. Indeed, RNAseq and metabolite profiling indicate that liver phenotypes of Maf1−/− mice are strongly influenced by systemic inter-organ communication. Among common changes in the three phenotypically distinct cohorts, Angiogenin downregulation is likely linked to increased Pol III occupancy of tRNA genes in the Angiogenin promoter.</p

    Table1_Contrasting effects of whole-body and hepatocyte-specific deletion of the RNA polymerase III repressor Maf1 in the mouse.XLSX

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    MAF1 is a nutrient-sensitive, TORC1-regulated repressor of RNA polymerase III (Pol III). MAF1 downregulation leads to increased lipogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and mice. However, Maf1−/− mice are lean as increased lipogenesis is counterbalanced by futile pre-tRNA synthesis and degradation, resulting in increased energy expenditure. We compared Chow-fed Maf1−/− mice with Chow- or High Fat (HF)-fed Maf1hep−/− mice that lack MAF1 specifically in hepatocytes. Unlike Maf1−/− mice, Maf1hep−/− mice become heavier and fattier than control mice with old age and much earlier under a HF diet. Liver ChIPseq, RNAseq and proteomics analyses indicate increased Pol III occupancy at Pol III genes, very few differences in mRNA accumulation, and protein accumulation changes consistent with increased lipogenesis. Futile pre-tRNA synthesis and degradation in the liver, as likely occurs in Maf1hep−/− mice, thus seems insufficient to counteract increased lipogenesis. Indeed, RNAseq and metabolite profiling indicate that liver phenotypes of Maf1−/− mice are strongly influenced by systemic inter-organ communication. Among common changes in the three phenotypically distinct cohorts, Angiogenin downregulation is likely linked to increased Pol III occupancy of tRNA genes in the Angiogenin promoter.</p