989 research outputs found

    Anharmonic properties from a generalized third order ab~initio approach: theory and applications to graphite and graphene

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    We have implemented a generic method, based on the 2n+1 theorem within density functional perturbation theory, to calculate the anharmonic scattering coefficients among three phonons with arbitrary wavevectors. The method is used to study the phonon broadening in graphite and graphene mono- and bi-layer. The broadening of the high-energy optical branches is highly nonuniform and presents a series of sudden steps and spikes. At finite temperature, the two linearly dispersive acoustic branches TA and LA of graphene have nonzero broadening for small wavevectors. The broadening in graphite and bi-layer graphene is, overall, very similar to the graphene one, the most remarkable feature being the broadening of the quasi acoustical ZO' branch. Finally, we study the intrinsic anharmonic contribution to the thermal conductivity of the three systems, within the single mode relaxation time approximation. We find the conductance to be in good agreement with experimental data for the out-of-plane direction but to underestimate it by a factor 2 in-plane

    Ab initio variational approach for evaluating lattice thermal conductivity

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    We present a first-principles theoretical approach for evaluating the lattice thermal conductivity based on the exact solution of the Boltzmann transport equation. We use the variational principle and the conjugate gradient scheme, which provide us with an algorithm faster than the one previously used in literature and able to always converge to the exact solution. Three-phonon normal and umklapp collision, isotope scattering and border effects are rigorously treated in the calculation. Good agreement with experimental data for diamond is found. Moreover we show that by growing more enriched diamond samples it is possible to achieve values of thermal conductivity up to three times larger than the commonly observed in isotopically enriched diamond samples with 99.93% C12 and 0.07 C13

    Second order structural phase transitions, free energy curvature, and temperature-dependent anharmonic phonons in the self-consistent harmonic approximation: theory and stochastic implementation

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    The self-consistent harmonic approximation is an effective harmonic theory to calculate the free energy of systems with strongly anharmonic atomic vibrations, and its stochastic implementation has proved to be an efficient method to study, from first-principles, the anharmonic properties of solids. The free energy as a function of average atomic positions (centroids) can be used to study quantum or thermal lattice instability. In particular the centroids are order parameters in second-order structural phase transitions such as, e.g., charge-density-waves or ferroelectric instabilities. According to Landau's theory, the knowledge of the second derivative of the free energy (i.e. the curvature) with respect to the centroids in a high-symmetry configuration allows the identification of the phase-transition and of the instability modes. In this work we derive the exact analytic formula for the second derivative of the free energy in the self-consistent harmonic approximation for a generic atomic configuration. The analytic derivative is expressed in terms of the atomic displacements and forces in a form that can be evaluated by a stochastic technique using importance sampling. Our approach is particularly suitable for applications based on first-principles density-functional-theory calculations, where the forces on atoms can be obtained with a negligible computational effort compared to total energy determination. Finally we propose a dynamical extension of the theory to calculate spectral properties of strongly anharmonic phonons, as probed by inelastic scattering processes. We illustrate our method with a numerical application on a toy model that mimics the ferroelectric transition in rock-salt crystals such as SnTe or GeTe

    Anharmonic phonon spectra of PbTe and SnTe in the self-consistent harmonic approximation

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    At room temperature, PbTe and SnTe are efficient thermoelectrics with a cubic structure. At low temperature, SnTe undergoes a ferroelectric transition with a critical temperature strongly dependent on the hole concentration, while PbTe is an incipient ferroelectric. By using the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation, we investigate the anharmonic phonon spectra and the occurrence of a ferroelectric transition in both systems. We find that vibrational spectra strongly depends on the approximation used for the exchange-correlation kernel in density functional theory. If gradient corrections and the theoretical volume are employed, then the calculation of the free energy Hessian leads to phonon spectra in good agreement with experimental data for both systems. In PbTe, we reproduce the transverse optical mode phonon satellite detected in inelastic neutron scattering and the crossing between the transverse optical and the longitudinal acoustic modes along the Γ\GammaX direction. In the case of SnTe, we describe the occurrence of a ferroelectric transition from the high temperature Fm3‾\overline{3}m structure to the low temperature R3m one.Comment: 12 pages, 15 Picture

    Hybrid-functional electronic structure of multilayer graphene

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    Multilayer graphene with rhombohedral and Bernal stacking are supposed to be metallic, as predicted by density functional theory calculations using semi-local functionals. However recent angular resolved photoemission and transport data have questioned this point of view. In particular, rhombohedral flakes are suggested to be magnetic insulators. Bernal flakes composed of an even number of layers are insulating, while those composed of an odd number of layers are pseudogapped. Here, by systematically benchmarking with plane waves codes, we develop very accurate all-electron Gaussian basis sets for graphene multilayers. We find that, in agreement with our previous calculations, rhombohedral stacked multilayer graphene are gapped for and magnetic. However, the valence band curvature and the details of the electronic structure depend crucially on the basis set. Only substantially extended basis sets are able to correctly reproduce the effective mass of the valence band top at the K point, while the popular POB-TZVP basis set leads to a severe overestimation. In the case of Bernal stacking, we show that exact exchange gaps the flakes composed by four layers and opens pseudogaps for N = 3, 6, 7, 8. However, the gap or pseudogap size and its behaviour as a function of thickness are not compatible with experimental data. Moreover, hybrid functionals lead to a metallic solution for 5 layers and a magnetic ground state for 5, 6 and 8 layers. Magnetism is very weak with practically no effect on the electronic structure and the magnetic moments are mostly concentrated in the central layers. Our hybrid functional calculations on trilayer Bernal graphene multilayers are in excellent agreement with non-magnetic GW calculations. For thicker multilayers, our calculations are a benchmark for manybody theoretical modeling of the low energy electronic structure.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Quantum effects in muon spin spectroscopy within the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation

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    In muon spin rotation experiments the positive implanted muon vibrates with large zero point amplitude by virtue of its light mass. Quantum mechanical calculations of the host material usually treat the muon as a point impurity, ignoring this large vibrational amplitude. As a first order correction, the muon zero point motion is usually described within the harmonic approximation, despite the large anharmonicity of the crystal potential. Here we apply the stochastic self-consistent harmonic approximation, a quantum variational method devised to include strong anharmonic effects in total energy and vibrational frequency calculations, in order to overcome these limitations and provide an accurate ab initio description of the quantum nature of the muon. We applied this full quantum treatment to the calculation of the muon contact hyperfine field in textbook-case metallic systems, such as Fe, Ni, Co including MnSi and MnGe, significantly improving agreement with experiments. Our results show that muon vibrational frequencies are strongly renormalized by anharmonicity. Finally, in contrast to the harmonic approximation, we show that including quantum anharmonic fluctuations, the muon stabilizes at the octahedral site in bcc Fe.Comment: 10 page
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