943 research outputs found
The Sevillian villancico during the seventeenth century (1621-1700)
From the analysis of 316 copies of Sevillian villancicos from the
seventeenth century (1621-1700) we can witness a successful and consolidated
publishing genre. Its strong and repeated identity features will help us to describe the
context of creation and the printed diffusion. Thereby, the public cover they adopted
is the formulation and the plastic result of a procedure of that period that still needs
to be studied. We will analyze the places and the festivities celebrated, the main poets
and some formal aspects of particular interest. Essentially, the goal of this paper is
to introduce a poetic product, key in the birth of an esthetic for the Low Baroque.A partir del análisis de 316 ejemplares de villancicos sevillanos del siglo
XVII (1621-1700) atestiguamos una forma editorial de gran éxito y consolidación, con
unos rasgos de identidad muy marcados y reiterados que nos servirán para incidir en
su contexto de creación y difusión impresa. Así, la carta de presentación al público que
escogieron es el resultado enunciativo y plástico de un modo de proceder en la época
sobre el que aún quedan muchas incógnitas que despejar. Se analizarán los lugares y
motivos de celebración, sus principales cultivadores y algunos aspectos formales de
especial relevancia. El objetivo es, en esencia, presentar un producto poético clave en
la gestación de una estética propia del Bajo Barroco
Francisco de Godoy: una carrera autobiografiada
The career of this author, “natural de Málaga y vezino de Sevilla,” is marked by works that collect autobiographic doubtful information. His imprisonment, for instance, makes him an author with an astonishing capacity to transform his life into a merchandising item. It also
reveals a clear authorial consciousness that finally crystallized in a non-nata Primera Parte de las obras de don Francisco de GodoyLa carrera de este autor "natural de Málaga y vezino de Sevilla" está jalonada de obras que recogen datos autobiográficos de dudosa veracidad. Su encarcelamiento, por ejemplo, lo convierte en un autor con una asombrosa capacidad para transformar su vida en un elemento de mercadotecnia, además de ofrecer una clara consciencia autorial que cristalizó en una non-nata Primera parte de las obras de don Francisco de Godoy
"Alma, si ciega vas tras tus antojos" : going blindly through seventeenth-century literature
Faced with the exaltation of sight as a perfect divine creation, so evident in the Uso de los antojos (1623) by Daza de Valdés, and faced with the satirical-burlesque tone of popular literature, dogmatic theology considered it inappropriate to praise a sense that deviated human understanding and made it difficult to comprehend the sacramental mysteries in depth. Through different fragments of literature produced in seventeenth-century Seville, we will see how the Church constructed, parallel to the scientific and popular discourses, a catechetical rhetoric that sought to deny physical sight and any device intended to enhance or restore it. The idea was to promote a knowledge of God guided by faith, allegorized as a blindfolded woman. Thus, we will see how the glasses and the blindfold capitalized two discourses that could feed back on each other and at the same time evidence the porosity of baroque literature towards the new advances in physics
Of Gozques, Anaxandros and Griguiescos: Francisco Pérez de Amaya Portrayed By Lope de Vega
Forma parte del Monográfico “Formado de varias partes un cuerpo, quise que le sirviese de alma mi buen deseo”: los “fragmenta” de La Filomena (1621). Coordinadores Florencia Calvo y Antonio Sánchez Jiménez[Resumen] Lo que pretendemos en estas páginas es ahondar en las estrategias retóricas que articuló Lope para describir la condición de Francisco Pérez de Amaya, jurista antequerano, en las epístolas “primera” y “octava” de La Filomena; el modo en que lo atacó recurriendo a metáforas y símiles que se han pasado por alto en los estudios relacionados. Al analizar tales imágenes, observaremos el desplazamiento profesional y el vejamen personal que Lope le encaja en este peculiar retrato, y saldrán a flote referencias cruzadas y otros aspectos interesantes sobre el imaginario de nuestro poeta y su posicionamiento frente a los cultos.[Abstract] Throughout theses pages we will intend to examine the rhetorical strategies displayed by Lope when describing Francisco Pérez de Amaya, a lawyer from Antequera, in the first and eighth epistles included in La Filomena. We will examine, therefore, the way in which the poet attacked him drawing on metaphores and similes that, up to now, have been overlooked in specialised and related papers. Once analyzed those images, we will discover the peculiar portrait made by Lope, full of professional displacements and personal satires. Together with it, some cross-references and interesting aspects on our poet’s imaginary will arise, as well as his stance against the “cultos”.Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique; IZSAZ1_17335
El Parnaso de la Vega: una breve mirada a las galerías de ingenios del Fénix
Lope nos ha dado muchas y muy variopintas galerías de ingenios. Las creó para héroes o capitanes ilustres en el libro tercero de la Arcadia o para los santos españoles en el canto décimo del Isidro. Pero, ante todo, las creó para ensalzar a los poetas más eminentes, desde la Grecia y Roma clásicas hasta la corte de Felipe IV. Lo que nos proponemos en estas páginas es realizar un censo y cotejo de las galerías diseminadas en la producción de Lope de Vega para, a continuación, establecer un Par-naso simbólico con los nombres más recurrentes en ellas. Se trata, en definitiva, de indagar en su canon personal desde una renovada perspectiva
Las notas marginales de Pedro Díaz de Rivas a "La Filomena"
Université de Neuchâtel; Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique (FNS)A partir del examen del ejemplar de La Filomena custodiado en la RAE (C-1452), se expondrán las diversas anotaciones que lectores del siglo XVII hicieron en sus márgenes. Con ayuda de un informe paleográfico, trataremos de clasificarlas, profundizar en la información que proporcionan y averiguar la identidad de sus autores, así como la fecha estimada de redacción.Based on the analysis of a copy of La Filomena, currently held at Real Academia Española (C-1452), we will present its diverse marginal annotations, made by readers from the seventeenth century. With the help of a paleographic report, we will try to classify them and deepen in their information in order to find out the identity of their authors as well as the possible date of composition
Brain fingerprint changes across the menstrual cycle correlate with emotional state
Background Menstrual cycle (MC) is the cyclical phenomenon with the greatest impact on women's mood and behavior. To date, little is known about the potential mechanism and neuroanatomical correlates of behavioral and emotional fluctuations across the MC. Brain connectome fingerprinting, a recently introduced technique in the field of brain network analysis, represents a valid approach in assessing the subject-specific connectivity and in predicting clinical impairment in several neurological diseases. Nevertheless, its performance, and clinical utility, in healthy individuals has not yet been investigated.
We conducted the Clinical Connectome Fingerprint (CCF) analysis on source-reconstructed magnetoencephalography signals in a cohort of 24 women across the MC.
All the parameters of identifiability did not differ according to the MC phases. The periovulatory and mid-luteal phases showed a less stable, more variable over time, brain connectome compared to the early follicular phase. This difference in brain connectome stability (especially in the posterior brain regions) was able to significantly predict self-esteem, wellbeing, and mood.
These results confirm the high reliability of the CCF and its independence from the MC phases and, at the same time, provide neuroanatomical correlates of the emotional and mood aspects that change across the MC
Brain flexibility increases during the peri-ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle
The brain operates in a flexible dynamic regime, generating complex patterns of activity (i.e neuronal avalanches). This study aimed to describe how brain dynamics change according to menstrual cycle (MC) phases.
Brain activation patterns were estimated from resting state magnetoencephalography (MEG) scans, acquired women at early follicular (T1), peri-ovulatory (T2) and mid-luteal (T3) phases of MC. We investigated the functional repertoire (number of ways in which large bursts of activity spread through the brain) and the region-specific influence on large-scale dynamics across MC. Finally, we assessed the relationship between sex hormones and changes in brain dynamics.
A significantly larger number of visited configuration patterns, in T2 than in T1, in the beta frequency band was observed. No relationship between changes in brain dynamics and sex hormones was showed. Finally, we showed that, in the beta band, the left posterior cingulate gyrus and the right insula were more present in the functional repertoire in T2 than in T1, while the right pallidum was more present in T1 than in T2.
In summary, we showed a hormone independent increase of brain dynamics during the ovulatory phase. Moreover, we demonstrated that several specific brain regions play a key role in determining this change
The use of the press as a motivating factor to support the work in mathematics
Recogemos en este artículo de forma condensada una síntesis de las posibilidades de aplicación de la prensa en el área de Matemáticas, en el que hacemos un estudio de Matemáticas y Prensa ¿por qué?, analizamos la posibilidad de uso del periódico en el aula, haciendo unas consideraciones sobre la enseñanza del aprendizaje de matemáticas, viendo los recursos que ofrece la prensa. En una segunda fase presentamos nuestra propuesta junto con las pretensiones, desarrollo de capacidades aplicables a la resolución de situaciones problemáticas y el trabajo previo. Finalizamos con el trabajo en el aula, vaciado de un periódico y un ejemplo de interdisciplinariedad con el área de Lenguaje.In this article we summarize a summary of the possibilities of applying the press in the area of Mathematics, in which we do a study of Mathematics and the Press, why?, We analyze the possibility of using the newspaper in the classroom, doing some considerations about the teaching of mathematics learning, seeing the resources offered by the press. In a second phase we present our proposal together with the pretensions, development of capacities applicable to the resolution of problematic situations and the previous work. We finish with the work in the classroom, emptying a newspaper and an example of interdisciplinarity with the area of Language.peerReviewe
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