1,273 research outputs found

    Cholangiocytes: Cell transplantation

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    Background:Due to significant limitations to the access to orthotropic liver transplantation, cell therapies forliver diseases have gained large interest worldwide.Scope of review:To revise current literature dealing with cell therapy for liver diseases. We discussed the ad-vantages and pitfalls of the different cell sources tested so far in clinical trials and the rationale underlying thepotential benefits of transplantation of human biliary tree stem cells (hBTSCs).Major conclusions:Transplantation of adult hepatocytes showed transient benefits but requires immune-sup-pression that is a major pitfall in patients with advanced liver diseases. Mesenchymal stem cells and hemato-poietic stem cells transplanted into patients with liver diseases are not able to replace resident hepatocytes butrather they target autoimmune or inflammatory processes into the liver. Stem cells isolated from fetal or adultliver have been recently proposed as alternative cell sources for advanced liver cirrhosis and metabolic liverdisease. We demonstrated the presence of multipotent cells expressing a variety of endodermal stem cell markersin (peri)-biliary glands of bile ducts in fetal or adult human tissues, and in crypts of gallbladder epithelium. Inthefirst cirrhotic patients treated in our center with biliary tree stem cell therapy, we registered no adverse eventbut significant benefits.General significance:The biliary tree stem cell could represent the ideal cell source for the cell therapy of liverdiseases. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cholangiocytes in Health and Diseaseedited by JesusBanales, Marco Marzioni, Nicholas LaRusso and Peter Jansen

    Estudio analítico de un modelo predador-presa con efecto Allee

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    El efecto Allee se introduce en modelos de competencia intraespecífica y dos especies en competencia. Se utiliza análisis de plano de fase y simulación para investigar la dinámica de estos modelos. Combinando modelación simple y simulación, se demuestra que el efecto Allee por sí solo podría llevar sistemas de dos especies en competencia a estados estables alternativos. En tales sistemas, si la competencia interespecífica es intensa, las dos especies podrían extinguirse aunque su densidad de población sea alta

    Stochastic Electron Acceleration by Temperature Anisotropy Instabilities Under Solar Flare Plasma Conditions

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    We use 2D particle-in-cell (PIC) plasma simulations to study electron acceleration by electron temperature anisotropy instabilities, assuming magnetic fields (BB), electron densities (nen_e) and temperatures (TeT_e) typical of the top of contracting magnetic loops in solar flares. We focus on the long-term effect of Te,⊥>Te,∥T_{e,\perp} > T_{e,\parallel} instabilities by driving the anisotropy growth during the whole simulation time (Te,⊥T_{e,\perp} and Te,∥T_{e,\parallel} are the temperatures perpendicular and parallel to the field). This is achieved by imposing a shear velocity, which amplifies the field due to magnetic flux freezing, making Te,⊥>Te,∥T_{e,\perp} > T_{e,\parallel} due to electron magnetic moment conservation. We use the initial conditions: Te∼52T_e \sim 52 MK, and BB and nen_e such that the ratio between the electron cyclotron and plasma frequencies ωce/ωpe=0.53\omega_{ce}/\omega_{pe}=0.53. When the anisotropy becomes large enough, oblique, quasi-electrostatic (OQES) modes grow, efficiently scattering the electrons and limiting their anisotropy. After that, when BB has grown by a factor ∼2−3\sim 2-3 (corresponding to ωce/ωpe∼1.2−1.5\omega_{ce}/\omega_{pe}\sim 1.2-1.5), the unstable modes become dominated by parallel, electromagnetic z (PEMZ) modes. In contrast to the OQES dominated regime, the scattering by PEMZ modes is highly inelastic, producing significant electron acceleration. When the field has grown by a final factor ∼4\sim 4, the electron energy spectrum shows a nonthermal tail that resembles a power-law of index ∼\sim 2.9, plus a high-energy bump reaching ∼300\sim 300 keV. Our results suggest a critical role played by ωce/ωpe\omega_{ce}/\omega_{pe} and TeT_e in determining the efficiency of electron acceleration by temperature anisotropy instabilities in solar flares.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: review and update

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    Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is a heterogeneous group of malignancies that could develop at any level from the biliary tree. CCA is currently classified into intrahepatic (iCCA), perihilar and distal on the basis of its anatomical location. Of note, these three CCA subtypes have common features but also important inter-tumor and intra-tumor differences that can affect the pathogenesis and outcome. A unique feature of iCCA is that it recognizes as origin tissues, the hepatic parenchyma or large intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts, which are furnished by two distinct stem cell niches, the canals of Hering and the peribiliary glands, respectively. The complexity of iCCA pathogenesis highlights the need of a multidisciplinary, translational and systemic approach to this malignancy. This review will focus on the advances of iCCA epidemiology, histo-morphology, risk factors, molecular pathogenesis, revealing the existence of multiple subsets of iCCA

    Reaction-diffusion equations: a chemical application

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    Obtenemos soluciones exactas para un sistema de reacción-difusión asociado a una reacción cubica autocatalítica entre dos sustancias químicas según la regla con tasa . Para obtener dichas soluciones empleamos una transformación de onda

    Deterioro cognitivo en adultos mayores del asentamiento humano Indoamérica, Tocache, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito medir la prevalencia del deterioro cognitivo en los adultos mayores de Indoamérica, Tocache, San Martin - 2022. Se utilizo la metodología cuantitativo, transversal, descriptivo y analítico. La población estuvo compuesta por 28 adultos mayores del Asentamiento Humano Indoamérica entre los 60 y 87 años, El muestreo fue no probabilístico: bola de nieve. Se planteo el instrumento del test de la moneda peruana (SOLTEST). El 57.1 % del grupo evaluado dio positivo a deterioro cognitivo objetivado por el test de la moneda peruana, también detecto deterioro cognitivo en el 66.6% de 06 adultos mayores que no reportaron queja subjetiva de memoria. El 21.4% de la población presento impacto en la dependencia funcional. Existe diferencia significativa: para la edad (Chi-cuadrado de Pearson: 0.012) y sexo (Chi-cuadrado de Pearson: 0.000). Por el contrario, no manifestó diferencia significativa, con el grado de instrucción. Finalmente, el Test de la Moneda Peruana es útil para detectar deterioro cognitivo que pueda afectar las actividades de la vida diaria; la edad y el sexo son factores de riesgo. Se recomienda el SOLTEST para tamizaje de deterioro cognitivo e implementar estrategias sociosanitarias para prevenir el deterioro cognitivo

    The staging of gastritis with the olga system in the italian setting. histological features and gastric cancer risk

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    BACKGROUND: Recently OLGA (Operative Link on Gastritis Assessment) classification has been proposed to identify high-risk forms of gastritis that can evolve in gastric cancer (stages III and IV). Helicobacter pylori infection and age older than 40 have been considered as independent risk factor for high-risk OLGA stages

    Bayesian and Multi-Armed Contextual Meta-Optimization for Efficient Wireless Radio Resource Management

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    Optimal resource allocation in modern communication networks calls for the optimization of objective functions that are only accessible via costly separate evaluations for each candidate solution. The conventional approach carries out the optimization of resource-allocation parameters for each system configuration, characterized, e.g., by topology and traffic statistics, using global search methods such as Bayesian optimization (BO). These methods tend to require a large number of iterations, and hence a large number of key performance indicator (KPI) evaluations. In this paper, we propose the use of meta-learning to transfer knowledge from data collected from related, but distinct, configurations in order to speed up optimization on new network configurations. Specifically, we combine meta-learning with BO, as well as with multi-armed bandit (MAB) optimization, with the latter having the potential advantage of operating directly on a discrete search space. Furthermore, we introduce novel contextual meta-BO and meta-MAB algorithms, in which transfer of knowledge across configurations occurs at the level of a mapping from graph-based contextual information to resource-allocation parameters. Experiments for the problem of open loop power control (OLPC) parameter optimization for the uplink of multi-cell multi-antenna systems provide insights into the potential benefits of meta-learning and contextual optimization

    A screen-printed paper microbial fuel cell biosensor for detection of toxic compounds in water

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    Access to safe drinking water is a human right, crucial to combat inequalities, reduce poverty and allow sustainable development. In many areas of the world, however, this right is not guaranteed, in part because of the lack of easily deployable diagnostic tools. Low-cost and simple methods to test water supplies onsite can protect vulnerable communities from the impact of contaminants in drinking water. Ideally such devices would also be easy to dispose of so as to leave no trace, or have a detrimental effect on the environment. To this aim, we here report the first paper microbial fuel cell (pMFC) fabricated by screen-printing biodegradable carbon-based electrodes onto a single sheet of paper, and demonstrate its use as a shock sensor for bioactive compounds (e.g. formaldehyde) in water. We also show a simple route to enhance the sensor performance by folding back-to-back two pMFCs electrically connected in parallel. This promising proof of concept work can lead to a revolutionizing way of testing water at point of use, which is not only green, easy-to-operate and rapid, but is also affordable to all

    Rule-Based Lloyd Algorithm for Multi-Robot Motion Planning and Control with Safety and Convergence Guarantees

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    This paper presents a distributed rule-based Lloyd algorithm (RBL) for multi-robot motion planning and control. The main limitations of the basic Loyd-based algorithm (LB) concern deadlock issues and the failure to address dynamic constraints effectively. Our contribution is twofold. First, we show how RBL is able to provide safety and convergence to the goal region without relying on communication between robots, nor neighbors control inputs, nor synchronization between the robots. We considered both case of holonomic and non-holonomic robots with control inputs saturation. Second, we show that the Lloyd-based algorithm (without rules) can be successfully used as a safety layer for learning-based approaches, leading to non-negligible benefits. We further prove the soundness, reliability, and scalability of RBL through extensive simulations, an updated comparison with the state of the art, and experimental validations on small-scale car-like robots
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