81 research outputs found

    Organizational knowledge creation

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    The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the state-ofthe- art in organizational knowledge creation, a field of research that is expanding almost exponentially. Knowledge creation is a dynamic capability that enables firms to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage on the market. Our purpose is to critically analyze the most significant ideas published in this field, and especially to present the most important models elaborated for organizational knowledge creation: Nonaka’s model, Nissen’s model, Boisot’s model, and the EO_SECI model. Also, we would like to identify the main determinants of the knowledge creation process.Ba, competitive advantage, knowledge, knowledge creation, SECI.

    Studying effect of intellectual capital on insurance demand increase: case study; Asia insurance company

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    Difference in the companies' performance is resulted by the fact that successful organizations have strategic resources (physical, human, and structural) that their Competitors doesn't have. So, difference in these resources have prominent role to create benefit for companies. The main purpose of the present study is to study intellectual capital effect on insurance demand increase in Asia insurance company and tries to study the effect of three dimensions of intellectual capital (human, structural and customer) on insurance demand increase in Asia insurance company. Research method in terms of the goal is applicable, and in terms of the study method is descriptive and is of survey branch. Population of the study consists of all officers of central organizations of Asia insurance company in Tehran. The sample size is 132 officers of the central office of Asia Insurance Company. Data collected by questionnaire and analyzed by One Sample T-Test. The results indicate that intellectual capital and it's dimensions, have effect on insurance demand increase in Asia insurance company

    Cantabrian capercaillie through time: a further comment

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    In a recent note published in this journal (Rubiales et al. 2009) we discuss the role the long-term environmental history of the Cantabrian Mountains may have played in the dynamics of the Cantabrian capercaillie Tetrao urogallus cantabricus, the only subspecies of capercaillie at risk of extinction worldwide. Three key conclusions, in the light of the available palaeoecological data were that: 1) the vegetation occurring within the range of the Cantabrian capercaillie has heavily changed during the last three millennia, due primarily to anthropogenic activity; 2) the extensive distribution of pinewoods until the historical period is coherent with the pattern of association of capercaillie and conifers occurring in the rest of its range; and 3) in the light of the distinct current patterns of decline and persistence of the capercaillie, it could be expected that the demise of pinewoods (becoming locally extinct at the western part of the Cantabrian mountains) would have had implications in the capercaillie persistence in the long ter

    Germination of Argania spinosa: Overcoming genetic and physical barriers of Morocco's infamous seed

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    University Honors Capstone Project Paper and Poster, University of Minnesota Duluth, 2018. Rebecca Sauter authored paper and poster; Dr. Naima Ait Aabd authored poster. 2017 Student Project for Amity among Nations (SPAN) Morocco.Argania spinosa (argan tree) is one of the oldest species of trees on the planet today, with individual trees living hundreds of years. Its vital role in providing food for animals, slowing desertification and providing precious cosmetic oil, make studying the tree of vital importance for the Moroccan economy and environment. The argan tree is secluded to growing in the southwest region of Morocco at the edge of the Sahara Desert. However, due to the rapid increase in the price of the oil its seeds produce and the expanding desert, this fragile and ancient tree’s future is being threatened. Preservation efforts are being made, but first research is needed to know what threats the tree is facing and to what extent. The beginning of the tree’s life if a very good place to start. We know that germination is being challenged, but by what factors? This investigation took to a germination experiment testing the best conditions of argan seeds by comparing size, temperature and specific trees. No significant results were found from these comparisons. Seeds were infected by fungus and insects. Oil composition was compared between trees and found significant color differences, but not significant differences in fatty acid content. Also a cross-cultural comparison was realized for the differences in how Americans and Moroccans conduct research. Saute

    Akademski rodni stereotipi budućih nastavnika

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    This research was aimed at studying the content of academic gender stereotypes of pre-service teachers who are being prepared for working in different cycles of education. The sample included 408 students of teaching programmes of the Teacher Training College, Faculty of Mathematics and Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. It has been established that future class and subject teachers have gender stereotypes about the interests and achievements of students in different school subjects. pre-service teachers from both groups are of the opinion that girls get interested more easily than boys in the majority of school subjects, as well as that girls are more talented for the subjects in the field of humanities and languages, while boys are more talented for the subjects in the field of sciences. Pre-service teachers estimate that boys typically have a low achievement in languages, arts and music, while girls have a low achievement in physics, computer science, technical sciences and physical education. Since teachers' gender stereotypes can affect students' achievement, educational and career choices, it is important to raise awareness about the content and consequences of such beliefs in teachers and focus on certain actions towards their altering.Cilj ovog istraĆŸivanja bio je da se ispita sadrĆŸaj akademskih rodnih stereotipa budućih nastavnika koji se pripremaju za rad u različitim ciklusima osnovnog obrazovanja. Uzorak je činilo 408 studenata nastavničkih smerova Učiteljskog, Matematičkog i FiloloĆĄkog fakulteta u Beogradu. Utvrđeno je da budući nastavnici razredne i predmetne nastave poseduju rodne stereotipe o interesovanjima i postignuću učenika u okviru različitih ĆĄkolskih predmeta. Budući nastavnici iz obe grupe smatraju da je lakĆĄe zainteresovati za većinu ĆĄkolskih predmeta devojčice nego dečake, kao i da su devojčice talentovanije za druĆĄtveno-jezičke predmete, dok su dečaci talentovaniji za ĆĄkolske predmete iz prirodno-matematičke grupe. Kao tipično neuspeĆĄne u oblasti jezika, likovne i muzičke kulture budući nastavnici vide dečake, dok se neuspeh devojčica vezuje za nastavu fizike, informatike, tehničkog obrazovanja i fizičkog vaspitanja. Budući da rodni stereotipi nastavnika mogu da utiču na postignuće učenika, obrazovne i karijerne izbore, već tokom inicijalnog obrazovanja vaĆŸno je kod budućih nastavnika probuditi svest o sadrĆŸaju i posledicama ovih uverenja i usmeriti određene akcije ka njihovom menjanju

    Emerging Trends in Knowledge-Oriented Organizational Leadership: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Research concerning the linkage between organizational leadership, knowledge management activities, and innovation performance is relatively new. Scholars are investing more time into researching these phenomena, but the rate of innovation developments are occurring at a very rapid pace. The speed at which innovation breakthroughs are taking place poses questions about the relevance of studies that are more than a few years old. This study encompasses a systematic literature review of organizational leadership and the role it plays in knowledge management (KM) activities that lead to innovation performance. Scholarly journal articles from the year 2015 are analyzed for emergent trends concerning knowledge-oriented organizational leadership. Using Herzber

    Actas del Congreso internacional sobre Megalitismo

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    Issu de la manifestation qui s’est tenue en juin 2007 Ă  Ordizia (province de Guipuzcoa), cet imposant volume est distribuĂ© par la Sociedad de Ciencias, Zorroagagaina 11, 20014 DONOSTIA (San Sebastian) [[email protected]]. Le corps de l’ouvrage comprend 9 « ponencias » (rapports synthĂ©tiques rĂ©gionaux) et 28 « comunicaciones », aux sujets fort variĂ©s. Les synthĂšses rĂ©gionales ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es assez librement par les auteurs qui, comme il Ă©tait logique, se sont davantage appuyĂ©s..

    Le Renne, l’Aurochs et les volcans. Hommes, gibiers et reconquĂȘte forestiĂšre en Grande Limagne entre 12 300 BP et 7 500 BP

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    Les donnĂ©es relatives Ă  l’économie de chasse des groupes humains entre l’extrĂȘme fin du PlĂ©istocĂšne et le dĂ©but de l’HolocĂšne sont rares dans le Massif central puisque seulement six gisements ont livrĂ© des corpus fauniques attribuĂ©s Ă  cette pĂ©riode : un site du MagdalĂ©nien final, trois sites Ă©pipalĂ©olithiques et deux sites mĂ©solithiques. Cette Ă©tude devait permettre d’apprĂ©hender l’évolution du choix des espĂšces chassĂ©es en rapport avec la recomposition des cortĂšges fauniques entre la fin du PlĂ©istocĂšne et le dĂ©but de l’HolocĂšne, comme on la connaĂźt dans d’autres rĂ©gions. Or, elle a mis en Ă©vidence l’existence, en Grande Limagne, d’une particularitĂ© inĂ©dite. En effet, si les donnĂ©es des secteurs mĂ©ridionaux de moyenne montagne sont comparables Ă  ce que l’on connaĂźt dans d’autres rĂ©gions Ă  des Ă©poques semblables (chasses au Cerf, Chevreuil, Sanglier, Bouquetin), les donnĂ©es des sites septentrionaux de Limagne tĂ©moignent exclusivement de chasses Ă  l’Aurochs. L’hypothĂšse d’environnements particuliers est discutĂ©e en intĂ©grant les donnĂ©es palĂ©obotaniques et les donnĂ©es liĂ©es aux Ă©ruptions volcaniques de la ChaĂźne des Puys. Ces six sĂ©ries Ă©tant situĂ©es dans des secteurs diffĂ©rents du Massif et rĂ©parties sur une pĂ©riode d’environ 5000 ans, leur reprĂ©sentativitĂ©, tant rĂ©gionale que chrono-culturelle, est discutĂ©e.Data about hunting economies between the late Upper Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene are rare in the Massif central since only six sites have yielded faunal assemblages dated to this period: one Final Magdalenian, three Epipalaeolithic and two Mesolithic. The present study was aimed at understanding the evolution in the choice of hunting prey in relation to the modifications in faunal assemblages associated with the transition Pleistocene-Holocene, as it is well documented in other regions. However, it reveals the existence of unique specificities in Grande Limagne. If data about southern areas of the foothills are similar to what is known from other regions at the same time (hunting of red deer, roe deer, boar, ibex), the sites located in the northern Grande Limagne reflect indeed exclusively Aurochs hunting. The hypothesis of specific environmental conditions is discussed along with palaeobotanical data and evidence from volcanic eruptions of the ChaĂźne des Puys. Finally, as these six faunal assemblages are located in various parts of the Massif central and spread over a period of ca. 5,000 years, their regional and chronological representativeness is discussed

    Reconstruction de l’activitĂ© des glissements de terrain au moyen d’une approche dendrogĂ©omorphologique

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    Landslides constitute a common mass movement process and a widespread hazard in mountain where they cause damage and destruction to settlements, transportation corridors, or even lead to the loss of life. A major obstacle for the knowledge of past landslide activity is the lack of historical data with satisfying spatial resolution over medium to long timescales and on a continuous basis. In wooded shallow landslides, the use of tree rings may greatly help the documentation of past events and may allow reconstruction of precise chronologies of landslide reactivations over considerable periods of the past. 13 wooded shallow landslides located in the Ubaye valley were analysed using dendrogeomorphic approach. This method enhances the historical chronicles. It permits to quantify return periods of landslide reactivations and to improve our knowledge concerning the spatial behaviour of the process. Coupled with a statistical approach based on a Poisson probabilistic model, it permits to quantify and to map the probability of landslide reactivations. Finally, the coincidence between landslide reactivations and extreme precipitation was examined in order to improve existing threshold values for the triggering of major landslides in the French Alps.Les glissements de terrain sont Ă  l’origine de la destruction de nombreuses infrastructures routiĂšres, de bĂątiments et causent la perte de vies humaines. L’observation des glissements de terrain est limitĂ©e par l’absence d’archives historiques prĂ©cises. Sur les glissements de terrain superficiels forestiers, la dendrogĂ©omorphologie permet de reconstruire, avec une rĂ©solution temporelle saisonniĂšre et une emprise spatiale dĂ©camĂ©trique, l’activitĂ© du processus, Ă  partir de l’analyse des perturbations anatomiques contenues dans les cernes de croissance. 13 glissements de terrain superficiels forestiers, localisĂ©s dans la vallĂ©e de l’Ubaye ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. L’analyse dendrogĂ©omorphologique permet de densifier les chroniques historiques, d’obtenir des pĂ©riodes de retour et d’amĂ©liorer nos connaissances sur le comportement spatial du processus. L’approche statistique basĂ©e sur un modĂšle de Poisson, permet de quantifier et de cartographier des probabilitĂ©s de rĂ©activation. La thĂšse proposera d’évaluer la robustesse de la reconstruction dendrogĂ©omorphologique ainsi que le rĂŽle des prĂ©cipitations dans le dĂ©clenchement des Ă©vĂšnements passĂ©
