1,285 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the recording and evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man: the International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG)

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    The International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG) presents updated guidelines summarising the requirements for the recording and computerised evaluation of pharmaco-EEG data in man. Since the publication of the first pharmaco-EEG guidelines in 1982, technical and data processing methods have advanced steadily, thus enhancing data quality and expanding the palette of tools available to investigate the action of drugs on the central nervous system (CNS), determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of novel therapeutics and evaluate the CNS penetration or toxicity of compounds. However, a review of the literature reveals inconsistent operating procedures from one study to another. While this fact does not invalidate results per se, the lack of standardisation constitutes a regrettable shortcoming, especially in the context of drug development programmes. Moreover, this shortcoming hampers reliable comparisons between outcomes of studies from different laboratories and hence also prevents pooling of data which is a requirement for sufficiently powering the validation of novel analytical algorithms and EEG-based biomarkers. The present updated guidelines reflect the consensus of a global panel of EEG experts and are intended to assist investigators using pharmaco-EEG in clinical research, by providing clear and concise recommendations and thereby enabling standardisation of methodology and facilitating comparability of data across laboratories

    Cell arrest and cell death in mammalian preimplantation development

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    The causes, modes, biological role and prospective significance of cell death in preimplantation development in humans and other mammals are still poorly understood. Early bovine embryos represent a very attractive experimental model for the investigation of this fundamental and important issue. To obtain reference data on the temporal and spatial occurrence of cell death in early bovine embryogenesis, three-dimensionally preserved embryos of different ages and stages of development up to hatched blastocysts were examined in toto by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In parallel, transcript abundance profiles for selected apoptosis-related genes were analyzed by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Our study documents that in vitro as well as in vivo, the first four cleavage cycles are prone to a high failure rate including different types of permanent cell cycle arrest and subsequent non-apoptotic blastomere death. In vitro produced and in vivo derived blastocysts showed a significant incidence of cell death in the inner cell mass (ICM), but only in part with morphological features of apoptosis. Importantly, transcripts for CASP3, CASP9, CASP8 and FAS/FASLG were not detectable or found at very low abundances. In vitro and in vivo, errors and failures of the first and the next three cleavage divisions frequently cause immediate embryo death or lead to aberrant subsequent development, and are the main source of developmental heterogeneity. A substantial occurrence of cell death in the ICM even in fast developing blastocysts strongly suggests a regular developmentally controlled elimination of cells, while the nature and mechanisms of ICM cell death are unclear. Morphological findings as well as transcript levels measured for important apoptosis-related genes are in conflict with the view that classical caspase-mediated apoptosis is the major cause of cell death in early bovine development


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    This research presents a review of articles on the topic of "Nursing Diagnosis," published during the years 2000-2007 and refers to a trend which has increasingly been mentioned in practice and in medical journals: The study is based on evidence. To this end, we used the methodology of a bibliographic search, using data sources such as the national nursing journals indexed in the LILACS database (Latin-American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature), MEDLINE (International Science Literature Health) SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). We chose to use the term "Nursing Diagnosis," that was found in 65 articles. For the analysis it was revealed the nature of the items, the assessment of the authors and how they evaluated the diagnosis teaching of nursing. It highlighted the main theoretical references, issues of proportionality and the years of the publication in question. It can be concluded that the production of nursing articles, within the theme of the diagnosis, has been made even in small quantities, which indicates the need of production and application of these articles in the fields of teaching and practice.  Esta investigación presenta una revisión bibliográfica de los artículos sobre el tema "Diagnóstico de Enfermería", publicados durante los años 2000-2007, y se refiere a una tendencia que se ha afirmado en la práctica y en las revistas médicas: el estudio basado en la evidencia. Con este fin, hemos utilizado la metodología de búsqueda bibliográfica, utilizando fuentes de datos como las revistas de enfermería nacional indexadas a la base de datos LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud), MEDLINE (Literatura Internacional en Ciencias Salud) y SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Se optó por utilizar el término "Diagnóstico de Enfermería", donde fueron encontrados 65 artículos. Para el análisis se puso de manifiesto la naturaleza de los artículos, la valoración de los autores, y cómo estos evalúan el diagnóstico en el hacer/educar en enfermería. Se destacaron los principales teóricos referenciados, temas y proporcionalidad de los años de la publicación en cuestión. Se puede concluir que la producción de artículos de enfermería, dentro de la temática del diagnóstico, se ha hecho incluso en pequeñas cantidades, lo que indica la necesidad de la producción y aplicación de estos productos en las esferas de la enseñanza y la práctica, teniendo en cuenta la consideración de enfermería como ciencia.Esta pesquisa apresenta uma revisão de literatura dos artigos referentes ao tema “Diagnósticos de Enfermagem” publicados no período dos anos 2000-2007, e relaciona-os a uma tendência, a qual cada vez tem se afirmado na prática e nas publicações médicas: o estudo baseado em evidências. Para tal, utilizou-se a metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizando-se como fontes de dados as Revistas de Enfermagem nacionais indexadas às base de dados LILACS (Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde), MEDLINE (Literatura Internacional em Ciências da Saúde) e Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online). Utilizando como descritor o termo “Diagnósticos de Enfermagem”, foram encontrados 65 artigos. Para a análise demonstramos a natureza dos artigos, a titulação dos autores, e como estes avaliam a visão diagnóstica dentro do fazer/ educar na Enfermagem, procuramos evidenciar os principais teóricos referenciados, temáticas e proporcionalidade dos anos de publicação em questão. Pode-se concluir que a produção de artigos na Enfermagem, dentro da temática diagnóstico, tem-se apresentado ainda em pequena quantidade, evidenciando a necessidade de produção e aplicabilidade destas produções, nos campos da docência e prática, visto a afirmação da Enfermagem como ciência.  

    Virulence in Murine Model Shows the Existence of Two Distinct Populations of Brazilian Vaccinia virus Strains

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    Brazilian Vaccinia virus had been isolated from sentinel mice, rodents and recently from humans, cows and calves during outbreaks on dairy farms in several rural areas in Brazil, leading to high economic and social impact. Some phylogenetic studies have demonstrated the existence of two different populations of Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains circulating in nature, but little is known about their biological characteristics. Therefore, our goal was to study the virulence pattern of seven Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains. Infected BALB/c mice were monitored for morbidity, mortality and viral replication in organs as trachea, lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, brain and spleen. Based on the virulence potential, the Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains were grouped into two groups. One group contained GP1V, VBH, SAV and BAV which caused disease and death in infected mice and the second one included ARAV, GP2V and PSTV which did not cause any clinical signals or death in infected BALB/c mice. The subdivision of Brazilian Vaccinia virus strains into two groups is in agreement with previous genetic studies. Those data reinforce the existence of different populations circulating in Brazil regarding the genetic and virulence characteristics

    The Correlation between Mixing Length and Metallicity on the Giant Branch: Implications for Ages in the Gaia Era

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    In the updated APOGEE-Kepler catalog, we have asteroseismic and spectroscopic data for over 3000 first ascent red giants. Given the size and accuracy of this sample, these data offer an unprecedented test of the accuracy of stellar models on the post-main-sequence. When we compare these data to theoretical predictions, we find a metallicity dependent temperature offset with a slope of around 100 K per dex in metallicity. We find that this effect is present in all model grids tested, and that theoretical uncertainties in the models, correlated spectroscopic errors, and shifts in the asteroseismic mass scale are insufficient to explain this effect. Stellar models can be brought into agreement with the data if a metallicity-dependent convective mixing length is used, with Delta alpha(ML), YREC similar to 0.2 per dex in metallicity, a trend inconsistent with the predictions of three-dimensional stellar convection simulations. If this effect is not taken into account, isochrone ages for red giants from the Gaia data will be off by as much as a factor of two even at modest deviations from solar metallicity ([Fe/H]- -0.5)

    Gender-differences of in vitro colonic motility after chemo- and radiotherapy in humans.

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    Background: The aim of the present in vitro study was to investigate, in different genders, motor responses in surgical colonic specimens from patients with rectal cancer undergoing and not undergoing chemotherapy with capecitabine and radiotherapy. Methods: This in vitro study was conducted from October 2015 to August 2017 at the Experimental Pharmacology Laboratory at the National Institute “S. de Bellis” after collecting samples at the Department of Surgery. Segments of sigmoid colon were obtained from 15 patients (Male (M)/Female (F) = 8/7; control group, CG) operated on for elective colorectal resection for rectal cancer without obstruction and 14 patients (M/F = 7/7; study group, SG) operated on for elective colorectal resection for rectal cancer who also received chemotherapy, based on capecitabine twice daily, and radiotherapy. Isometric tension was measured on colonic circular muscle strips exposed to increasing carbachol or histamine concentrations to obtain concentration-response curves. The motor responses to electrically evoked stimulation were also investigated. Results: In males, carbachol and histamine caused concentration-dependent contractions in the CG and SG. An increased sensitivity and a higher response to carbachol and histamine were observed in SG than CG (P < 0.01). On the contrary, in females, the response to carbachol was not significantly different in CG from the SG and the maximal responses to carbachol were greater in CG than in SG (P < 0.001). The same applied to histamine for half-maximal effective concentrations and maximal response in that they were not significantly different in CG from the SG. Electrically evoked contractions were significantly more pronounced in males, especially in the SG (P < 0.05). Conclusions: This preliminary in vitro study has shown gender differences in motor responses of colonic circular muscle strips in patients who had received chemotherapy with capecitabine and radiotherapy