696 research outputs found

    Isozyme polymorphism and potential of utilization of isozymes as genetics markers in West Indian cherry

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    A aceroleira (Malpighia emarginata DC.) é uma cultura em expansão no Brasil, principalmente, por causa do elevado teor de vitamina C de seus frutos; contudo, ainda são escassas as informações sobre a espécie. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar a atividade e o polimorfismo de alguns sistemas isozimáticos de uma coleção de aceroleiras. Foram estudadas as isozimas IDH, MDH, EST, ACP, GOT, PGM, PGI e POD. Utilizou-se o sistema de eletroforese horizontal em gel de amido e diferentes tampões de gel e cuba. Identificou-se o número de locos e alelos envolvidos no controle genético das enzimas. IDH demonstrou ser dimérica, e foi constatado um loco e dois alelos. PGM apresentou dois locos diméricos, com dois e quatro alelos. EST e POD demonstraram ser monoméricas, com um e dois locos, respectivamente, todos com dois alelos. MDH apresentou um loco onde o seu comportamento é monomérico e outro dimérico, ambos com dois alelos. GOT foi polimórfico mas não foi possível inferir sobre seu controle genético. O polimorfismo revelado pelos sistemas IDH, MDH, POD, EST, GOT e PGM demonstra o potencial de utilização das isozimas como marcadores genéticos em estudos de conservação e melhoramento de aceroleira.The West Indian Cherry (Malpighia emarginata DC.) is a crop in expansion in Brazil mainly due to high fruit vitamin C content. However, there is still little information about the species. The objective of this study was to determine the activity and the polymorphism of isozymes from a collection of West Indian Cherry plants. IDH, MDH, EST, POD, ACP, GOT, PGM and PGI isozymes were studied. Starch gel horizontal electrophoresis and different gel/electrode buffers were used. Number of loci and alleles involved in genetic control of these isozymes were identified. IDH was dimeric and had one locus with two alleles. PGM was monomeric and had two loci, with two and four alleles. POD and EST were monomeric and had one and two loci, respectively, all with two alleles each. MDH had two polymorphic loci, one which was monomeric and one dimeric, both with two alleles each. GOT was polymorphic but its inheritance and genetic control was not determined. Polymorphisms of IDH, MDH, POD, EST, GOT and PGM showed potential as genetic markers in West Indian Cherry in studies of conservation and breeding

    Estimation of outcrossing rates in acerola (Malpighia emarginata) based on isoenzymic data

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    A aceroleira (Malpighia emarginata) é uma espécie da família Malpighiaceae que produz frutos com alto conteúdo de vitamina C. O crescimento da demanda da acerola e de seus derivados causou a procura de variedades melhoradas, para expansão dos plantios comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter informações sobre o sistema de cruzamento de um pomar de aceroleiras localizado em Visconde do Rio Branco, MG. Dez famílias oriundas de sementes de polinização natural foram genotipadas usando-se sete locos izoenzimáticos (Idh, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Pgm-1, Pgm-2, Est-1 e Pod), e os dados foram submetidos a análise pelo modelo misto de cruzamento. A estimativa da taxa de cruzamento da população utilizando todos os locos simultaneamente não diferiu estatisticamente de 1,00. Nas famílias, as estimativas variaram de 0,68 a 1,00, e duas diferiram significativamente de 1,00. Conclui-se que a aceroleira é predominantemente alógama e que a taxa de cruzamento varia entre famílias, fato que deve ser levado em consideração em programas de melhoramento e conservação de germoplasma.Acerola (Malpighia emarginata) is a species of Malpighiaceae family that produces fruits with high vitamin C content. The increasing demand for acerola and its derived products caused the search for improved varieties to expansion of commercial plantation. The objective of this work was to gain information about a breeding system from an acerola population located in Visconde do Rio Branco, MG, Brazil. Ten families originating from seeds of a natural pollination were used. Plants were assayed for seven isoenzymatic loci (Idh, Mdh-1, Mdh-2, Pgm-1, Pgm-2, Est-1 and Pod) and the data were analyzed using a mixed mating model. Multilocos outcrossing rate estimate for population did not differ statistically from 1.00, whereas estimates ranged from 0.68 to 1.00 between families, and two estimates were significantly different from 1.00. Acerola is predominately allogamous and outcrossing rate varied between families; this fact should be taken into consideration in further breeding programs and germoplasm conservation

    Adaptability and stability patterns in endogamic hybrid maize families, obtained by the cryptic hybrids method

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    Neste trabalho avaliou-se o comportamento de híbridos de famílias endogâmicas de milho obtidos pelo método dos híbridos crípticos, produzidos pelo programa de melhoramento de milho do Departamento de Biologia da UFV. A caracterização dos híbridos foi feita com base em 22 ambientes, usando-se os métodos de Eberhart & Russell e de Carneiro. Pelo método de Eberhart & Russell, foram identificados 15 híbridos com produção acima da média geral. Entre eles, 53,3% tiveram bom desempenho em qualquer ambiente, e alta estabilidade (84-6, 86-1, 86-19, 86-11, 86-15, 86-21, 86-27 e 86-10), e 20% são mais responsivos à melhoria ambiental e possuem alta estabilidade (86-22, 85-2 e 84-5). Os híbridos 85-1, 85-3 e 86-2 apresentaram bom desempenho em qualquer ambiente e baixa estabilidade, correspondem também a 20% dos mais produtivos. O último (86-8), correspondendo a 6,7%, apresentou adaptação específica a ambientes favoráveis, e baixa estabilidade. Pela análise, considerando o método de Carneiro, foram identificados os híbridos 86-22, 86-8, 84-5, 85-2 e 86-19 como os mais responsivos à melhoria do ambiente. Os híbridos 86-11, 85-3, 86-27 e 86-2 apresentaram adaptação a ambientes desfavoráveis.The behavior of endogamic hybrid maize families was assessed using the cryptic hybrids method. This work was conduced by the maize breeding program at Departamento de Biologia of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa in Brazil. Twenty-two environments were used to characterize the hybrids using Eberhart & Russel and Carneiro methods. Using the first method, 15 hybrids were identified with yield higher than the general mean. Among them, 53.3% had general adaptability and high stability (84-6, 86-1, 86-19, 86-11, 86-15, 86-21, 86-27 and 86-10), and 20% had specific adaptation to favorable environments and high stability (86-22, 85-2 and 84-5). The hybrids 85-1, 85-3 and 86-2 had general adaptability associated with low stability, and also corresponding to a fraction 20% of the most productive hybrids. The last hybrid (86-8) corresponded to 6.7% and had specific adaptation to favorable environments and low stability. From the analysis using Carneiro's method, the hybrids 86-22, 86-8, 84-5, 85-2 and 86-19 were identified as the most adapted to favorable environments. The hybrids 86-11, 85-3, 86-27 and 86-2 were adaptable to unfavorable environments

    Agentes solidificantes e carvão ativado no cultivo in vitro de Solanum sessiliflorum

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the solidifying agents agar and phytagel and of activated charcoal on the in vitro cultivation of two maná cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum) varieties: Thaís and Santa Luzia. The phytotechnical characteristics analyzed included number of leaves, number of roots, shoot and root length, and fresh matter of shoot and root. Regardless of the variety, phytagel was superior to agar as a culture medium. A greater number of leaves and longer shoots were observed in the Santa Luzia variety, in the absence of charcoal. The Thaís variety showed longer shoots and roots in the presence of charcoal.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos dos agentes solidificantes ágar e phytagel e do carvão ativado no cultivo in vitro de duas variedades de maná cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum): Thaís e Santa Luzia. As características fitotécnicas analisadas incluíram número de folhas, número de raízes, comprimento de parte aérea e raiz, e massa de matéria fresca de parte aérea e raiz. Independentemente da variedade, o phytagel foi superior ao ágar como meio de cultura. Observou-se maior número de folhas e comprimento da parte aérea na variedade Santa Luzia, na ausência de carvão. A variedade Thaís apresentou maior comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz na presença de carvão.

    Monitorização electrocardiográfica ambulatória na distrofia miotónica do Tipo 1

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    A distrofia miotónica é uma doença multissistémica, sendo o envolvimento do coração a segunda causa de morte destes doentes. O atingimento do tecido de condução cardíaco é o mais frequente, caracteristicamente de forma variavelmente progressiva e assintomática. Uma vigilância especial nestes doentes, através da monitorização electrocardiográfica, torna-se então necessária, sendo a sua periodicidade desconhecida. Foi nosso objectivo avaliar as alterações “de novo” no Holter realizado aos oito meses de seguimento de um grupo de 36 doentes previamente estudados com o diagnóstico genético de distrofia miotónica do tipo 1 e correlacioná-las com dados genéticos, neurológicos, electrocardiográficos e factores de risco para eventos cardíacos. Encontramos elevada prevalência e variedade de alterações no Holter basal e de seguimento, sendo que em 11 doentes estas justificaram a implantação de pacemaker permanente. Em oito doentes estas não foram documentadas em Holter prévio. Sugerimos, com base nos nossos achados, que a monitorização por Holter nos doentes com distrofia miotónica deve ser feita em intervalos regulares, não superiores a 6 meses. Não foram encontrados parâmetros preditores para a ocorrência destas alterações.Myotonic dystrophy is a multisystemic disease, in which cardiac involvement is the second most common cause of death. Cardiac conduction tissue involvement is the most frequent, characteristically in a variably progressive and asymptomatic form. Careful surveillance through ambulatory monitoring is therefore needed, but with unknown periodicity. Our aim was to evaluate de novo changes on Holter monitoring performed at eight-month follow-up of a previously studied group of 36 patients with the genetic diagnosis of type 1 myotonic dystrophy, and to correlate them with genetic, neurological, and electrocardiographic data and risk factors for cardiac events. We found a high prevalence and variety of changes between baseline and follow-up Holter that justified permanent pacemaker implantation in 11 patients. In eight these were not documented in previous Holter readings. On the basis of our findings, we suggest that Holter monitoring in type 1 myotonic dystrophy patients should be performed on a regular basis, at intervals not greater than six months. Predictive parameters for the occurrence of these changes were not found

    Resistance to lodging and culm breakage in tropical corn

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate corn genotypes for resistance to lodging and to culm breakage and to describe a new method for evaluating these traits. Assays were carried out in randomized blocks, with 85 tropical genotypes of corn and four replicates in five localities. The force required to pull out the plant and to break the culm and the breaking angle of momentum were evaluated. The measurements were made with equipment developed specifically for this purpose. Variance analyses and the Scott-Knott test were carried out for the traits. The forces required to pull out the plant and break the culm, and the breaking angle for the culms were significantly interactive with the locality. The means varied from 49.43 to 76.03 kgf for the force required to pull out the plants, from 1.07 to 2.76 kgf for the force required to break the culm, and from 16.15 to 41.18º for the angle at the breakage of the culm. There is genetic variability for selection for resistance to lodging and culm breakage in tropical corn. The method described is efficient for evaluating and differentiating the genotypes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar genótipos de milho quanto à resistência ao acamamento e ao quebramento do colmo e apresentar metodologia para avaliar essas características. Os ensaios foram realizados em blocos ao acaso, com 85 genótipos tropicais de milho e quatro repetições, em cinco locais. Foram avaliadas: as forças necessárias para o arranquio da planta e para o quebramento do colmo e o ângulo no momento do quebramento. As medições foram realizadas com equipamentos desenvolvidos para essas finalidades. Foram realizadas análises de variância e teste de Scott-Knott quanto às características. As forças de arranquio da planta, de quebramento do colmo e ângulo no momento do quebramento do colmo interagiram significativamente com a localidade. As médias variaram de 49,43 a 76,03 kgf para a força de arranquio da planta, de 1,07 kgf a 2,76 kgf para força de quebramento do colmo, e de 16,15 a 41,18º para o ângulo de quebramento do colmo. Existe variabilidade genética para seleção quanto à resistência ao acamamento e ao quebramento do colmo em genótipos tropicais de milho. A metodologia apresentada é eficiente para a avaliação e discriminação de genótipos

    Repeatability of fruits traits of acerola tree

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo estimar os coeficientes de repetibilidade da altura média de fruto (AF), diâmetro médio de fruto (DF), peso médio de fruto (PF), relação peso da polpa/peso do fruto (RPF), acidez titulável (AT), sólidos solúveis totais (SST) e vitamina C (VitC), e determinar o número de medidas que devem ser feitas para uma predição acurada do valor real dos indivíduos. Foram utilizados os métodos análise de variância, componentes principais e análise estrutural. As estimativas do coeficiente de repetibilidade das características AF, DF, PF, VitC e AT por ambos os métodos utilizados, demonstraram que coeficientes de determinação (R2) acima de 90% são obtidos a partir de duas medições. Quanto à característica SST, são necessárias, em média, oito medições para alcançar um R2 acima de 90%, e, quanto à característica RPF, no mínimo 26 medições para obter um R2 superior a 90% o que demonstra não ser viável o aumento do número de medições para alcançar níveis de precisão superiores, e que é necessário buscar um método de determinação da característica que seja mais estável e preciso.The objective of this paper was to estimate the repeatability coefficient (RC) of the fruit traits such as height (FH), diameter (FD), weight (FW), C vitamin (VitC), total soluble solids (TSS), pulp weight/fruit weight relation (PFR) and the titrable acidity (TA), while the number of measures that should be performed for an efficient selection of the genotypes under evaluation were determined. Analysis were made using the ANOVA, principal components and structural analysis methodology. The estimates of the RC for FH, FD, FW, VitC and TA demonstrated high regularity at the superiority of the individuals from one cycle to another, so the evaluation of two cycles was enough to predict the individuals real value with R2 above 90%. To TSS, in average, eight evaluation cycles were necessary to reach a R2 above 90%. PFR showed to be highly irregular, so the evaluation of at least 26 cycles turned to be necessary in order to reach a R2 above 90%. Such an irregularity was attributed to the method used in analyzing the characteristic, then the search for a more accurate and stable method was necessary

    Blood antioxidant markers and elemental levels in Azorean patients with coronary artery disease: a preliminary study

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    Abstract de comunicação em Painel (3.P01) apresentada em VIIIth Conference of the International Society for Trace Element Research in Humans (ISTERH), IXth Conference of the Nordic Trace Element Society (NTES) and VIth Conference of the Helenic Trace Element Society (HTES),2007,21-26 Out, Hersonissos (Creta), GréciaAtherosclerosis (ATH) and related vascular diseases are the first cause of morbidity and mortality in Portugal, including the Azores’ Archipelago. The oxidation of low density lipoproteins (LDL) is considered to be an important event in the development of the disease. Accordingly, by preventing LDL oxidation, antioxidants can possibly reduce the risk or the progression of ATH. Essential trace elements as Cu, Se, Zn, and Fe are involved in endogenous antioxidant systems, mainly as cofactors of antioxidant enzymes. Other elements, like K and Ca, might play a role in atherogenesis while implicated in physiological and metabolic processes which are known to be disturbed in ATH. The aimof the present study was to evaluate some blood antioxidant markers and blood elemental levels in 20 Azorean subjects (ten men and ten women, aged 40 to 65 years) with coronary artery disease previously submitted to percutaneous revascularization (PCI). The whole blood gluthatione peroxidase (Se-GPx) and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activities were measured, as well as serum vitamin E levels (by HPLC). The concentrations of K, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se in plasma and blood cells were determined by PIXE. Results were analyzed by taking into account several cardiovascular risk factors, namely, gender, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and total plasma homocysteine (tHcy) concentration. Se-GPx activity and vitamin E levels were significantly lower (24 and 15%, respectively) in the PCI group than in controls. In blood cells, significantly differences in Ca (19±5 vs 24±6 μg/mL) and Zn (14±1 vs 12±2 μg/mL) levels were observed in PCI women (but not in men) compared to the respective counterparts. Also in PCI women, both serum triglyceride and plasma tHcy concentrations were above reference values and higher than in men. Results suggest a decreased antioxidant status in PCI patients. In particular, women appear to be less protected than men, as reflected in some cardiovascular risk factors

    Morphological and stomatal characterization of Heliconia chartacea Var. sexy pink induced polyploidy

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    The growth of the tropical flower market has demanded a consistent search for new varieties, primarily those endowed with an exotic profile, but that are also beautiful and durable. The genus Heliconia, naturally found in the Amazon region, is among the most prominent of tropical flowers. Looking to augment the genetic variability available in Heliconia chartacea var. Sexy Pink, biotechnological research was conducted with the application of colchicine to induce polyploidy in plants from this species. With that in mind, this paper sought to evaluate the established plants in the field drawn from in vitro polyploidy induction assay to determine the morphological and physiological characteristics of 38 H. chartacea var. Sexy Pink clones. The characterization analyzes were performed through 49 morphological descriptors and a stomatal density evaluation using microscopy. The genotype 35 exhibited the greatest morphological variations, with alterations in the position and coloring of the inflorescence, in addition to having the edges of the entire limbus. Genotype 18 featured the lowest amounts for plant height and inflorescence size, showing promise for research geared towards use in reduced environments. Some genotypes did not have any flowering and are recommended exclusively for landscape composition such as foliage, since their exotic characteristics allow for this. The genotypes that were evaluated displayed stomata with tetracytic morphology and guard cells that had no significant changes. However, genotypes with greater equatorial diameter and stomatal density were obtained in relation to the mother-plant. Overall, the induction of polyploidy allowed for clones to be obtained with a high variability for the characteristics of the leaf, pseudostem and inflorescence, with various attributes that confer a more efficient post-harvest management to some genotypes, in addition to favorable aspects for commercialized purposes as a cut flower

    Measurement: concepts, methods and practice within an electronic book

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    This work reports on a novel use of Information and Communication Technologies for composing an electronicbook on the measurement field. The e-book "Laboratórios de Instrumentação para Medição/Laboratories of Instrumentation for Measurement" is written in Portuguese and in English. Dealing with concepts, methods, procedures and hands-on activityit combines sketches, figures, animations, videos and remote and virtual labs on the measurement area, integrating many types of multimedia within the written material. The main goal of this work is to push the users to experimental practice so as to improve the conceptual knowledge, to identify many error sources when measuring and clarify how to minimize them.The online experiments related with different subjects within the e-book are accessible for any interested user. All other setups described in the work are described in full detail in order to be easily reproduced by anyone, anywhere, and making it possible to easily replicate the experimental activity