47 research outputs found
Educação e sociedade sob a ótica de Émile Durkheim
ResumoAs possíveis leituras de um clássico indicam os fundamentos de origem da Escola Moderna, cuja institucionalização é pensada sob a égide de um contrato social. Postulam os princípios de uma moral laica - uma nova ética - capaz de institucionalizar a estrutura da sociedade e da educação. Tal entendimento alicerça a institucionalização da escola no processo de socialização de indivíduos para uma sociedade moderna.Palavras-chave: Émile Durkheim. Educação. Sociedade. Contrato Social. Escola Moderna.Education and society under Emile Durkheim's optics"AbstractPossible readings of a classic indicate the grounds of the origin of the Modern School, whose institutionalization is thought under the aegis of a social contract. They postulate the principles of a secular moral - a new ethic - able to institutionalize the structure of society and education. Such an understanding founded the school in institutionalization of individuals’ socialization process for a modern society."Keywords: Emile Durkheim. Education. Society. Social Contract. Modern School."
This paper was written during the development of an assistance project by students of the FederalUniversity of Goiás Nursing College. The purpose was to investigate the prevalence of the high blood pressure in 160children and preadolescents students from 5th to 7th high classes in Goiânia Goiás state school., from August 2002to February - 2003. 4% of the students evaluated had out of standard blood pressure. All of them were lead to healthappointment to the Youth High-Pressure League of the Federal University of Goiás Clinical Hospital
Condutas de enfermagem à criança no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca: análise das pesquisas
As cardiopatias congênitas representam anomalias que incluem defeitos estruturais e funcionais no coração, os quais necessitam precocemente de intervenção de enfermagem à beira do leito. Objetivou-se analisar pesquisas que abordassem as condutas de enfermagem à criança no pós-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca. O presente trabalho trata-se de revisão integrativa da literatura em diferentes bases de dados, utilizando os descritores: Cuidados de enfermagem, Cirurgia cardíaca e Enfermagem pediátrica. Dos onze artigos identificados e analisados na íntegra, seis corresponderam aos critérios adotados no estudo, com evidências entre os níveis II e VI. As publicações culminaram nas condutas de prevenção, avaliação e recuperação ou reabilitação. Conclui-se que este estudo contribui para assistir no desenvolvimento de planos de cuidados de enfermagem no intuito de proporcionar melhorias na prática assistencial, com base em ações de promoção à saúde, com ênfase sobre avaliação da dor, verificação da temperatura invasiva e medidas não farmacológicas para manejo da dor, entre outras
HARA: Aplicativo com Realidade Aumentada para Apoiar o Ensino de Hardwares de Computadores / HARA: Augmented Reality Application to Support the Teaching of Computer Hardware
Este artigo descreve o desenvolvimento e validação de um aplicativo móbile em Realidade Aumentada para alunos do ensino médio do curso técnico em Manutenção e Suporte de Computadores do Instituto Federal do Amazonas IFAM Itacoatiara-AM. O estudo objetivou-se a desenvolver e validar um aplicativo em Realidade Aumentada para apoiar o processo de ensino de componentes de hardware de computadores. A metodologia da pesquisa é baseada em estudos experimentais de caráter qualitativo. Os resultados mostram indícios que o Aplicativo pode ser útil para auxiliar no processo de ensino de hardwares de computadores
The experience of Geo.Dia for valuation and divulgation of geological knowledge in the municipality of Caçapava do Sul (RS, Brazil)
The municipality of Caçapava do Sul is the geodiversity capital of Rio Grande do Sul State. This title is due to the scientific importance of its geological heritage. These characteristics allow the development of strategies associated with tourism and conservation. One of these strategies is the Geo.Dia. This project aims to promote the dissemination and valorization of the geological heritage of the municipality. Geo.Dia, held annually in November, since 2015, promotes activities in an outdoor square, as well as field trips to the three main geosites of the municipality. Because of this action, it is possible to envisage a greater insertion of the population in the context of geosciences. In the future, the Geo.Dia project can serve as one of the bases for a Geopark proposal
The geoheritage character of the mesetas and hills of São Pedro do Sul and São Vicente do Sul (center-west of Rio Grande do Sul /Brazil)
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de demonstrar o caráter geopatrimonial dos cerros Itaquatiá, São Miguel, Loreto e Seio de Moça, a partir do valor científico, de suporte e cultural destas formas de relevo. Os procedimentos metodológicos compreendem a revisão na literatura especializada, a elaboração de Modelos Digitais de Elevação (MDE), pesquisa de percepção e trabalhos de campo. O valor científico dos cerros investigados ocorre principalmente por que tais cerros estão em área de transição entre duas unidades geomorfológicas do extremo sul do Brasil e demonstram de forma clara a sequência de evolução do relevo na retração de escarpas. O valor de suporte decorre da estruturação de habitats das mesetas e morrotes para espécies de ocorrência muito restrita, como cactáceas e bromeliáceas. Finalmente, o valor cultural está relacionado à importância simbólica e alto grau de relevância destas formas de relevo para as comunidades locais.The present work aims to demonstrate the geoheritage character of the Itaquatiá, São Miguel, Loreto and Seio de Moça hills, based on the scientific, support and cultural value of these landforms. The methodological procedures include a review of specialized literature, the development of Digital Elevation Models (DEM), a perception research and field work. The scientific value of the investigated hills occurs mainly because these hills are in a transition area between two geomorphological units in the extreme south of Brazil and clearly demonstrate the sequence of relief evolution in escarpment retreat. The support value arises from the structuring of habitats on the mesetas and hills for species with very restricted occurrence, such as cactuses and bromeliads. Finally, cultural value is related to the symbolic importance and high degree of relevance of these landforms for local communities
The psittacine birds are largely traded illegally in Brazil, being capable of acting as sources of microorganisms potentially zoonotic, like Escherichia coli. In this study, seven strains of E. coli were isolated from 30 birds, housed in the CETAS/CE. Regarding the potential pathogenic, it was observed 71.4% positivity in the Congo red binding test and no test positive for hemolytic activity. It was conducted an antimicrobial susceptibility test, verifying the existence of two multi resistant strains. Then, there is the presence of potentially pathogenic strains of E. coli in the birds on this study, being essential the microbiological monitoring of the animals in CETAS, preventing the spread of zoonoses.Os psitacídeos são amplamente comercializados de forma ilegal no Brasil, sendo passíveis de atuarem como fontes de transmissão de micro-organismos potencialmente zoonóticos, como a bactéria Escherichia coli. No presente estudo, foram isoladas sete cepas de E. coli de 30 psitacídeos, provenientes do Centro de Triagem de Animais Selvagens do Ceará - CETAS/CE. Quanto ao potencial patogênico, observou-se 71,4% de positividade para o teste de Vermelho-congo e nenhuma positividade para o teste de atividade hemolítica. Realizou-se um teste de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos, averiguando a presença de duas cepas multirresistentes. Verifica-se, então, a presença de cepas de E. coli potencialmente patogênicas nas aves analisadas, sendo essencial a realização do monitoramento microbiológico dos animais do CETAS, impedindo a disseminação de zoonoses
Shoot tip and cotyledon explants of Eucalyptus saligna Sm. cultivated on different kanamycin levels
An efficient selec tive agent helps to obtain transgenic plant s; the most used selective agent for genetic transformation of Eucalypt is kanamycin. The aim of this research was to determine ideal dose of kanamycin in shoot tip and cotyledon explants of E. saligna for use as selective agent in genetic transformation. Two experiments were carried out, first in order to test effects of the kanamycin in cotyledons and second, in order to test effects of the kanamycin in shoot tip. In the cotyledons experiment were tested 0, 12.5, 25, 37.5 and 50 mg.L-1 kanamycin on a callus formation medium and for shoot tip were tested 50, 75, 100, 125 and 150 mg.L-1 kanamycin on a multiplication medium. Cotyledons can be selected more quickly than shoot tip, moreover needs lower kanamycin levels than shoot tip, what results more speed and economy during genetic transformation process. It is probable that levels lower than 12.5 mg.L-1 kanamycin must be ideal for the cotyledons selection and 50 mg.L-1kanamycin for shoot tip.Um agente seletivo eficiente é determinante no processo de obtenção de plantas transgênicas; o agente seletivo mais usado para transformação genética de eucalipto é a canamicina. O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar as concentrações ideias de canamicina em cotilédones e em ápices caulinares de Eucalyptus salignapara uso como agente seletivo para transformação genética. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos, um para testar os efeitos da canamicina nos cotilédones e o outro para testar os efeitos da canamicina nos ápices caulinares. No experimento com cotilédones foram testadas as seguintes concentrações: 0, 12.5, 25, 37.5 and 50 mg.L-1 de canamicina em meio para formação de calos e no experimento de ápices caulinares foram testadas as concentrações de 50, 75, 100, 125 e 150 mg.L-1 de canamicina em meio de multiplicação. Cotilédones podem ser selecionados mais rapidamente do que os ápices caulinares, além disso necessitam de menores concentrações de canamicina, o que resultaria maior velocidade e economia durante o processo de transformação genética. É provável que níveis inferiores que 12,5 mg.L-1 de canamicina sejam ideais para a seleção de cotilédones. Para a seleção de ápices caulinares podem ser usados 50 mg.L-1de canamicina
Isolation and Antimicrobial Resistance of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (O:6,8) in Broiler Chickens
Background: The third largest poultry flock in Northeast Brazil is located in Ceará State. Some pathogens are commonly disseminated in broiler chicken flocks, such as the bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family. Among these, some strains of Escherichia coli are frequently associated with different pathological manifestations in domestic animals, while bacteria from the genus Salmonella are considered the most frequent enteric pathogens reported causing foodborne infections in humans. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli strains isolated from broiler chickens in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza city, Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: Samples were collected from July-2014 to March-2015 in ten broiler chicken farms located in the Metropolitan Region of Fortaleza city, Brazil, with birds in pre-slaughter age. From each farm, 100 individual cloacal swabs were randomly collected from broilers independent of clinical status. Distinct methodologies were used in order to provide optimal isolation conditions for both the bacterial species. For Escherichia coli, the methodology consisted in enrichment with BHI broth, plating in EMB agar and biochemical identification, after which some isolates were maintained in nutrient agar for antimicrobial resistance evaluation. For the isolation of Salmonella sp., a standard method was used with pre-enrichment, selective enrichment, selective plating and biochemical identification steps. Antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) was performed with disk diffusion technique and the following antibiotics were tested: ampicillin, ceftiofur, ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, polymyxin B, gentamycin, cloranfenicol, tetracycline, azithromycin and fosfomycin. According to the methodology used, 95.9% of samples were positive for Escherichia coli and the most frequent resistance was to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Salmonella sp. was isolated from 0.2% of the samples, which were identified as the serotype Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica O:6,8. Both isolates presented the same antimicrobial resistance profile, which were resistant to six, out of ten tested antibiotics (trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, chloramphenicol and ceftiofur).Discussion: The low prevalence of Salmonella observed in this study have also been reported by other studies performed in poultry farms in Ceará State, which suggests a good status for this pathogen in the local industry, however further efforts in order to eradicate this pathogen must be applied. The salmonella serotype detected in this study is rarely reported in the literature, especially from the poultry industry. In Brazil, the use of tetracyclines, quinolones and penicillins as feed additives or growth promoters is prohibited; however, a high resistance to drugs from these groups was detected. In addition, multidrug resistant E. coli isolates presented more elevated rates than other studies reported in the literature with antibiotics commonly used in the poultry industry and this may indicate an excessive use of these drugs in the production routine. These results should serve as a warning for surveillance programs to evaluate the incidence of these microorganisms as well as their antimicrobial resistance rates, which may be an important tool for control and prevention in meat poultry production