113 research outputs found
Пoзицioнування за далeкoмiрними радіомаяками
Scientific innovation is the following : using a specially created program was analyzed the availability of DME stations that are currently available in Ukraine.Estimation of the accuracy of positioning by all DME stations. To verify the data obtained as a result of the work was used DEMETER(DistаncE Meаsuring Equipment TrаcER) program made by EUROCONTROL.
The new step for future structure of Ukraine airspase is development of DME/DME positioning method like one of alternative positioning technique. Eaсh DME provides a true range measurement and so two or more DME ranges сan provide horizontal positioning and area navigation сapability. Scanning DME or DME/DME supports this funсtionality. Additionally, it is attraсtive from a stakeholder perspeсtive beсause it is an operational system and major air сarriers already сarry DME/DME
Percepção dos professores em relação à formação continuada
Orientadora: Profª. Ma. Liliane Schenfelder SallesMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Coordenação PedagógicaInclui referênciasResumo : Este artigo tem como temática a percepção dos professores em relação à formação continuada, cujo desenvolvimento foi através de uma pesquisa qualitativa com entrevistas aos professores de uma escola municipal de Ponta Grossa, que objetivou captar a percepção dos professores sobre a formação continuada que recebem, bem como buscou intencionalmente mostrar o quanto é importante a capacitação para professores, pois enriquece o trabalho pedagógico em sala de aula, bem como proporciona crescimento pessoal e profissional. A pesquisa apresenta em sua fundamentação teórica, autores como Paulo Freire, Moacir Gadotti, Celso Vasconcelos entre outros, os quais compartilham a importância da formação continuada e destacam também o papel de mediação que o coordenador pedagógico possui em todo processo educacional. Durante a análise dos dados observou-se que a formação continuada recebida, apresenta pouca contribuição na prática destes professores e demonstrou também aspectos negativos e positivos percebidos nas formações oferecidas. O artigo ressalta a importância da formação continuada e evidencia a necessidade dos coordenadores pedagógicos incentivarem os professores, conduzindo-os a um processo de contínua busca da formação, vista como um processo, que se constrói ao longo de toda vida profissional, só assim enriquecendo sua prática, propiciando mudanças e melhoria na qualidade do ensino
Antioxidant enzymes in the developing lungs of egg-laying and metamorphosing vertebrates
© The Company of BiologistsThe activities of the pulmonary antioxidant enzymes (AOE), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase, increase in the final 10–20 % of gestation in the mammalian lung, to protect the lung from attack by increasing levels of reactive oxygen species at birth. Whether the increase occurs as a normal ‘preparation for birth’, i.e. by a genetically determined mechanism, or in response to increased levels of oxygen, i.e. in response to the environment, is not completely understood. We examined the activities of catalase, SOD and GPx in the developing lungs of two oviparous vertebrate species, the chicken (Gallus gallus) and an agamid lizard (Pogona vitticeps), and in a metamorphosing vertebrate, the anuran Limnodynastes terraereginae. During in ovo development embryos come into contact with higher levels of environmental oxygen, and at a much earlier stage of development, compared with the intrauterine development of mammals. Furthermore, in metamorphosing frogs, the lungs are inflated at an early stage to aid in buoyancy, although the gas-exchange function only develops much later upon final metamorphosis. Here, we hypothesise that the activity of the AOE will be elevated relatively much earlier during development in both oviparous and metamorphosing vertebrates. We also examined the effect of mild hypoxia (17 % oxygen) on the development of the pulmonary AOE in the chicken, to test the hypothesis that these enzymes are responsive to environmental oxygen. In the normoxic lung of both Gallus gallus and Pogona vitticeps, catalase and GPx activities were significantly increased in late incubation, whereas SOD activity decreased in late incubation. Catalase and SOD activities were virtually identical in hypoxic and normoxic embryos of the chicken, but GPx activity was significantly affected by hypoxia. In the developing frog, the activities of all enzymes were high at stage 30, demonstrating that the system is active before the lung displays any significant gas-exchange function. SOD and GPx activity did not increase further with development. Catalase activity increased after stage 40, presumably correlating with an increase in air-breathing. In summary, catalase expression in the two oviparous vertebrates appears to be completely under genetic control as the activity of this enzyme does not change in response to changes in oxygen tension. However, in tadpoles, catalase may be responsive to environmental oxygen. SOD also appears to follow a largely genetically determined program in all species. Under normoxic conditions, GPx appears to follow a genetically determined developmental pattern, but this enzyme demonstrated the largest capacity to respond to environmental oxygen fluctuations. In conclusion, it appears that the AOE are differentially regulated. Furthermore, the AOE in the different species appear to have evolved different levels of dependency on environmental variables. Finally, the late developmental increase in AOE activity seen in mammals is not as pronounced in oviparous and metamorphosing vertebrates.Adam P. Starrs, Sandra Orgeig, Christopher B. Daniels, Margaret Davies and Olga V. Lopatk
Plasma Assisted Generation of Micro- and Nanoparticles
In this research, the peculiarities of micro- and nanoparticles generation are considered. Two techniques of micro- and nanoparticles' formation using electric arc and underwater discharge plasma sources are proposed. Molybdenum oxide crystals were deposited on side surface of the bottom electrode (anode) of the free-burning discharge between metallic molybdenum electrodes. Friable layer of MoO3, which consists of variously oriented transparent prisms and platelets (up to few hundreds of $mu;m in size), was formed by vapor deposition around the electrode. In the second technique, plasma of the underwater electric spark discharges between metal granules was used to obtain stable colloidal solutions with nanoparticles of 20-100 nm sizes
O cuidado à mulher que vivencia a menopausa sob a perspectiva da desmedicalização
doi: 10.5216/ree.v12i3.7589
A menopausa é uma fase da vida da mulher a que está associado vários tabus e sobre a qual permanece uma visão negativa e depreciativa, construída com base nas ideias da medicalização da sociedade e da atenção à saúde. O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir a menopausa sob a perspectiva da desmedicalização. Nesse contexto, a medicalização pelo uso de terapia de reposição hormonal é utilizada como uma possível solução para as mudanças fisiológicas que ocorrem durante a menopausa, gerando na mulher a expectativa de permanecer sempre jovem e bela. Este estudo aborda a terapia de reposição hormonal a partir de sua relação com a medicalização do corpo e do cuidado; resgata o fisiológico e natural das transformações inerentes ao período e que são marcantes no corpo e na vida das mulheres; apresenta o cuidado desmedicalizado como estratégia para melhorar a qualidade de vida de mulheres que vivenciam a menopausa. Assim, entende-se que cabe aos profissionais que lidam com esse grupo específico o papel de desmistificar essa fase da vida e possibilitar informações de modo a favorecer o empoderamento das mulheres e desenvolver os cuidados sob a perspectiva da desmedicalização.
Descritores: Enfermagem; Menopausa; Saúde da Mulher
Optical emission spectroscopy of plasma of underwater electric spark discharges between metal granules
This paper presents series of experiments carried out with granules of Cu, Fe, Mn and Mo. Optical emission spectroscopy techniques were applied for research of the emission spectra of corresponding elements and improvement of the diagnostics of such plasma. Excitation temperature of plasma of underwater spark discharges between copper granules was determined using Boltzmann plot technique. The electron density of the plasma was estimated from broadening of hydrogen Hα line.Представлены серии экспериментов, проведенных с использованием гранул Cu, Fe, Mn и Mo. Спектры излучения соответствующих элементов были получены методами оптической эмиссионной спектроскопии. С их же помощью проводилась диагностика такой плазмы. Используя метод диаграмм Больцмана была получена температура возбуждения электронных уровней плазмы подводного электроискрового разряда между гранулами меди. Уширение линии водорода Hα было использовано для оценки величины электронной концентрации плазмы.Представлені серії експериментів, проведених з використанням гранул Cu, Fe, Mn і Mo. Спектри випромінювання відповідних елементів були отримані методами оптичної емісійної спектроскопії. Із залученням цих же спектрів виконувалась діагностика такої плазми. Температура збудження електронних рівнів плазми підводного електроіскрового розряду між гранулами міді порахована методом діаграм Больцмана. Уширення лінії водню Hα було використане для оцінки величини електронної концентрації плазми
Etude d'un arc impulsionnel immergé à l'aide de deux dispositifs expérimentaux
International audienc
Plasma of underwater electric discharges with metal vapors
This paper deals with spectroscopy of underwater electric discharge plasma with. In particular, the focus is on configuration where the electrodes are immersed in liquid and its application in nanoscience and biotechnology. General overview of the experimental approach adopted by authors aiming to study the water-submerged electrical discharge plasma and effects of various parameters on its properties is described. The electron density was estimated on the base of spectral line broadening and shifting.Pозглядаються особливості спектроскопії плазми підводного електричного розряду з домішками парів металів та його застосування в нано- та біотехнологіях. Зокрема, досліджується розряд між двома зануреними у воду металевими електродами. Наводиться детальний опис експериментальної методики з реалізації спектроскопічної діагностики плазми такого розряду. Концентрацію електронів оцінили на основі розширення та зсуву спектральної лінії.Pассматриваются особенности спектроскопии плазмы подводного электрического разряда с примесями паров металлов и его применения в нано- и биотехнологиях. В частности, исследуется разряд, возникающий между двумя погруженными в воду металлическими электродами. Приводится детальное описание экспериментальной методики по реализации спектроскопической диагностики плазмы такого разряда. Концентрацию электронов оценили на основе расширения и сдвига спектральной лини
In this work, we study a diffuse phase transition in MnSi, during which unusual temperature anomalies in physical properties are observed and a complex picture of spin short-range order arises.Работа выполнена в рамках задания Министерства Науки и Высшего Образования, контракт № FEUZ-2023-0015
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