832 research outputs found

    Allmähliche Erholung der Wirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalts nach dem Krisenschock

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    Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt in Sachsen-Anhalt ist im Krisenjahr 2009 mit 4,7% fast so stark gesunken wie im Bundesdurchschnitt. Maßgeblich für den hohen Produktionseinbruch war nicht ein Mangel an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der hiesigen Unternehmen, sondern ein weltweiter Nachfrageschock bei Industriegütern. Er betraf vor allem Hersteller aus der Metall- und Elektroindustrie sowie der Chemischen Industrie. Allerdings mussten in Sachsen-Anhalt auch die beiden weniger auf die Außenmärkte ausgerichteten umsatzstärksten Branchen, nämlich das Ernährungsgewerbe und die Mineralölverarbeitung, im Vergleich mit den anderen Neuen Bundesländern überdurchschnittliche Rückschläge hinnehmen. Hinzu kommt ein Basiseffekt im Baugewerbe: Die Wertschöpfung ließ hier nach einigen Jahren starker Zuwächse überdurchschnittlich nach. Zudem sind die unternehmensbezogenen Dienstleistungen, die im Allgemeinen konjunkturglättend wirken, in Sachsen-Anhalt unterrepräsentiert. Insgesamt konnten die Unternehmen aus Sachsen-Anhalt ihre im vergangenen Aufschwung erarbeitete Wettbewerbsposition im Wesentlichen behaupten. Zwar haben sie den Arbeitsinput nur zögerlich an die niedrigere Produktion angepasst, sodass die Produktivität kräftig gesunken und die Lohnstückkosten entsprechend stark gestiegen sind. Trotzdem blieb ihr preislicher Wettbewerbsvorteil mit 17% gegenüber dem Industriedurchschnitt der Neuen Länder groß. Angetrieben von der florierenden Auslandsnachfrage holt die Wirtschaft Sachsen-Anhalts die Produktionsrückstände seit Mitte 2009 wieder auf. Die Aufwärtsdynamik dürfte in diesem Jahr mit einer Wachstumsrate des Bruttoinlandsprodukts von 1½% etwa der in den Neuen Ländern insgesamt entsprechen. Aufgrund der hiesigen Wirtschaftsstruktur, die weniger industriell geprägt und weniger exportorientiert ist, wird sie aber hinter der in Deutschland zurückbleiben. Das in der Krise verzehrte Eigenkapital könnte dabei die künftige Entwicklung belasten. Das ist das Ergebnis einer gemeinsamen Prognose des IWH mit dem Verband der Vereine Creditreform.

    Integrated DNA walking system to characterize a broad spectrum of GMOs in food/feed matrices

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    Background: In order to provide a system fully integrated with qPCR screening, usually used in GMO routine analysis, as well as being able to detect, characterize and identify a broad spectrum of GMOs in food/feed matrices, two bidirectional DNA walking methods targeting p35S or tNOS, the most common transgenic elements found in GM crops, were developed. These newly developed DNA walking methods are completing the previously implemented DNA walking method targeting the t35S pCAMBIA element. Results: First, the newly developed DNA walking methods, anchored on the sequences used for the p35S or tNOS qPCR screening, were tested on Bt rice that contains these two transgenic elements. Second, the methods were assessed on a maize sample containing a low amount of the GM MON863 event, representing a more complex matrix in terms of genome size and sensitivity. Finally, to illustrate its applicability in GMO routine analysis by enforcement laboratories, the entire workflow of the integrated strategy, including qPCR screening to detect the potential presence of GMOs and the subsequent DNA walking methods to characterize and identify the detected GMOs, was applied on a GeMMA Scheme Proficiency Test matrix. Via the characterization of the transgene flanking region between the transgenic cassette and the plant genome as well as of a part of the transgenic cassette, the presence of GMOs was properly confirmed or infirmed in all tested samples. Conclusion: Due to their simple procedure and their short time-frame to get results, the developed DNA walking methods proposed here can be easily implemented in GMO routine analysis by the enforcement laboratories. In providing crucial information about the transgene flanking regions and/or the transgenic cassettes, this DNA walking strategy is a key molecular tool to prove the presence of GMOs in any given food/feed matrix

    Pairwise dwarf galaxy formation and galaxy downsizing: some clues from extremely metal-poor Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies

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    Some of the extremely metal-poor Blue Compact Dwarf galaxies (XBCDs) in the nearby universe form galaxy pairs with remarkably similar properties. This fact points to an intriguing degree of synchronicity in the formation history of these binary dwarf galaxies and raises the question as to whether some of them form and co-evolve pairwise (or in loose galaxy groups), experiencing recurrent mild interactions and minor tidally induced star formation episodes throughout their evolution. We argue that this hypothesis offers a promising conceptual framework for the exploration of the retarded previous evolution and recent dominant formation phase of XBCDs.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the JENAM 2010 Symposium "Dwarf Galaxies: Keys to Galaxy Formation and Evolution" (Lisbon, 9-10 September 2010), P. Papaderos, S. Recchi, G. Hensler (eds.), Springer Verlag (2011), in pres

    Cell polarity in cerebral cortex development - cellular architecture shaped by biochemical networks

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    The human cerebral cortex is the seat of our cognitive abilities and composed of an extraordinary number of neurons, organized in six distinct layers. The establishment of specific morphological and physiological features in individual neurons needs to be regulated with high precision. Impairments in the sequential developmental programs instructing corticogenesis lead to alterations in the cortical cytoarchitecture which is thought to represent the major underlying cause for several neurological disorders including neurodevelopmental and psychiatric diseases. In this review we discuss the role of cell polarity at sequential stages during cortex development. We first provide an overview of morphological cell polarity features in cortical neural stem cells and newly-born postmitotic neurons. We then synthesize a conceptual molecular and biochemical framework how cell polarity is established at the cellular level through a break in symmetry in nascent cortical projection neurons. Lastly we provide a perspective how the molecular mechanisms applying to single cells could be probed and integrated in an in vivo and tissue-wide context

    Measurement in biological systems from the self-organisation point of view

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    Measurement in biological systems became a subject of concern as a consequence of numerous reports on limited reproducibility of experimental results. To reveal origins of this inconsistency, we have examined general features of biological systems as dynamical systems far from not only their chemical equilibrium, but, in most cases, also of their Lyapunov stable states. Thus, in biological experiments, we do not observe states, but distinct trajectories followed by the examined organism. If one of the possible sequences is selected, a minute sub-section of the whole problem is obtained, sometimes in a seemingly highly reproducible manner. But the state of the organism is known only if a complete set of possible trajectories is known. And this is often practically impossible. Therefore, we propose a different framework for reporting and analysis of biological experiments, respecting the view of non-linear mathematics. This view should be used to avoid overoptimistic results, which have to be consequently retracted or largely complemented. An increase of specification of experimental procedures is the way for better understanding of the scope of paths, which the biological system may be evolving. And it is hidden in the evolution of experimental protocols.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental investigation of rotordynamic instabilities caused by rotor blade-tip excitation forces

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1989.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 118-120).by Douglas H. Loose.M.S

    Measurements and analysis of the upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} on an underdoped and overdoped La2xSrxCuO4La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 compounds

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    The upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} is one of the many non conventional properties of high-TcT_c cuprates. It is possible that the Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) anomalies are due to the presence of inhomogeneities in the local charge carrier density ρ\rho of the CuO2CuO_2 planes. In order to study this point, we have prepared good quality samples of polycrystalline La2xSrxCuO4La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_{4} using the wet-chemical method, which has demonstrated to produce samples with a better cation distribution. In particular, we have studied the temperature dependence of the second critical field, Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T), through the magnetization measurements on two samples with opposite average carrier concentration (ρm=x\rho_m=x) and nearly the same critical temperature, namely ρm=0.08\rho_m = 0.08 (underdoped) and ρm=0.25\rho_m = 0.25 (overdoped). The results close to TcT_c do not follow the usual Ginzburg-Landau theory and are interpreted by a theory which takes into account the influence of the inhomogeneities.Comment: Published versio

    Current and new approaches in GMO detection: challenges and solutions

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    In many countries, genetically modified organisms (GMO) legislations have been established in order to guarantee the traceability of food/feed products on the market as well as to protect the consumer freedom of choice. Therefore, several GMO detection strategies, mainly based on DNA, have been developed to implement these legislations. Due to its numerous advantages, the quantitative PCR (qPCR) is the method of choice for the enforcement laboratories in GMO routine analysis. However, given the increasing number and diversity of GMO developed and put on the market around the world, some technical hurdles could be encountered with the qPCR technology, mainly owed to its inherent properties. To address these challenges, alternative GMO detection methods have been developed, allowing faster detections of single GM target (e.g. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification), simultaneous detections of multiple GM targets (e.g. PCR capillary gel electrophoresis, microarray and Luminex®), more accurate quantification of GM targets (e.g. digital PCR) or characterization of partially known (e.g. DNA walking and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)) or unknown (e.g. NGS) GMO. The benefits and drawbacks of these methods are discussed in this review