37 research outputs found

    The Set of Measures on the Reduction of Agrarian Risks in the Conditions of Interstate Integration

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    Выполнен сравнительный анализ уровня самообеспеченности основными продуктами питания государств-участников ЕАЭС. Выявлены рискообразующие факторы в аграрной сфере и потенциальные угрозы продовольственной безопасности. Обоснована значимость производственных и финансовых аграрных рисков для целей производства необходимого количества сельскохозяйственного сырья и продовольствия в Республике Беларусь. Предложен комплекс мероприятий по снижению уровня аграрных рисков, реализация которых будет способствовать обеспечению необходимых параметров продовольственной безопасности.A comparative analysis of the level of self-provision with essential foods of the countries of Eurasian Economic Union is carried. Risk factors in the agrarian sphere and potential threats for the food security are revealed. The significance of production and financial agrarian risks for the purposes of producing necessary quantity of agricultural raw materials and food in the Republic of Belarus is justified. The set of measures for reducing the level of agrarian risks is proposed, the implementation of which will facilitate providing necessary parameters of food security

    Home Range Use and Movement Patterns of Non-Native Feral Goats in a Tropical Island Montane Dry Landscape

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    Advances in wildlife telemetry and remote sensing technology facilitate studies of broad-scale movements of ungulates in relation to phenological shifts in vegetation. In tropical island dry landscapes, home range use and movements of non-native feral goats (Capra hircus) are largely unknown, yet this information is important to help guide the conservation and restoration of some of the world’s most critically endangered ecosystems. We hypothesized that feral goats would respond to resource pulses in vegetation by traveling to areas of recent green-up. To address this hypothesis, we fitted six male and seven female feral goats with Global Positioning System (GPS) collars equipped with an Argos satellite upload link to examine goat movements in relation to the plant phenology using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Movement patterns of 50% of males and 40% of females suggested conditional movement between non-overlapping home ranges throughout the year. A shift in NDVI values corresponded with movement between primary and secondary ranges of goats that exhibited long-distance movement, suggesting that vegetation phenology as captured by NDVI is a good indicator of the habitat and movement patterns of feral goats in tropical island dry landscapes. In the context of conservation and restoration of tropical island landscapes, the results of our study identify how non-native feral goats use resources across a broad landscape to sustain their populations and facilitate invasion of native plant communities