31 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of the one-dimensional extended attractive Hubbard model for large nearest-neighbor repulsion

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    We consider the extended Hubbard model with attractive on-site interaction U and nearest-neighbor repulsions V. We construct an effective Hamiltonian H_{eff} for hopping t<<V and arbitrary U<0. Retaining the most important terms, H_{eff} can be mapped onto two XXZ models, solved by the Bethe ansatz. The quantum phase diagram shows two Luttinger liquid phases and a region of phase separation between them. For density n<0.422 and U<-4, singlet superconducting correlations dominate at large distances. For some parameters, the results are in qualitative agreement with experiments in BaKBiO.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Preparation and characterization of nanofibrous filtering media

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    10.1016/j.memsci.2006.06.030Journal of Membrane Science2831-2209-218JMES

    Intermultiplet transitions in rare-earth metals

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    We report here on direct observations of intermultiplet (IM) transitions in the rare-earth metals, Pr, Nd and Tb, made using the chopper spectrometers at the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source of Argonne National Laboratory. Despite hydrogen contamination of the polycrystalline samples, we have observed inelastic peaks at small Q arising from IM transitions in Pr (approx.260 MeV), Nd (approx.242 MeV) and Tb (approx.256 MeV) although the latter has not yet been observed unambiguously. Future work will investigate the energy level structure and dynamical properties of rare-earth ions in stoichiometric metallic systems. 5 refs., 3 figs

    The diffusion of H{sub 2} in hexagonal ice at low temperature

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    We have studied the diffusive motion of hydrogen in D{sub 2}O ice by measuring the quasielastic scattering and estimating the single particle diffusion coefficient of hydrogen