6,310 research outputs found

    Glacigenic debris-flows observed in 3D seismic high-resolution seafloor imagery, Faroe–Shetland Channel, NE Atlantic

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    Glacigenic debris-flows represent successive mass-flow deposits that build out a prograding wedge of sediment beyond the grounding zone of an ice sheet (e.g. Laberg & Vorren 1995; King et al. 1998). A prograding sedimentary depocentre extending from the outer shelf to the upper slope has been observed in geophysical datasets from the West Shetland margin of the Faroe–Shetland Channel, NW of the UK in the NE Atlantic. Overlapping, glacigenic debris-flows comprise the Rona and Foula wedges and provide insight into the extent and stability of the northern sector of the British Ice Sheet during the last full-glacial period (Stoker & Varming 2011)

    Health Research Participants' Preferences for Receiving Research Results

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    BACKGROUND: Participants in health research studies typically express interest in receiving results from the studies in which they participate. However, participants’ preferences and experiences related to receiving results are not well understood. In general, existing studies have had relatively small sample sizes and typically address specific and often sensitive issues within targeted populations. METHODS: The present study used an online survey to explore attitudes and experiences of registrants in ResearchMatch, a large database of past, present, and potential health research participants. Survey respondents provided information related to whether or not they received research results from studies in which they participated, the methods used to communicate results, their satisfaction with results, and when and how they would like to receive research results from future studies. 70,699 ResearchMatch registrants were notified of the study’s topic. Of the 5,207 registrants who requested full information about the study, 3,381 respondents completed the survey. RESULTS: Approximately 33% of respondents with previous health research participation reported receiving results. Approximately half of respondents with previous research participation reported no opportunity to request results. However, almost all respondents said researchers should always or sometimes offer results to participants. Respondents expressed particular interest in results related to their (or a loved one's) health, as well as information about studies’ purposes and any medical advances based on the results. In general, respondents’ most preferred dissemination methods for results were email and website postings. The least desirable dissemination methods for results included Twitter, conference calls, and text messages. Across all results, we compare the responses of respondents with and without previous research participation experience, and those who have worked in research organizations vs. those who have not. Compared to respondents who have previous participation experience, a greater proportion of respondents with no participation experience indicated that results should always be shared with participants. Likewise, respondents with no participation experience placed higher importance on the receipt of each type of results information included in the survey. CONCLUSIONS: We present findings from a survey assessing attitudes and experiences of a broad sample of respondents that addresses gaps in knowledge related to participants’ preferences for receiving results. The study’s findings highlight the potential for inconsistency between respondents’ expressed preferences to receive specific types of results via specific methods and researchers’ unwillingness or inability to provide them. We present specific recommendations to shift the approach of new studies to investigate participants’ preferences for receiving research results

    Understanding the marine environment : seabed habitat investigations of the Dogger Bank offshore draft SAC

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    This report details work carried out by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas), British Geological Surveys (BGS) and Envision Ltd. for the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC). It has been produced to provide the JNCC with evidence on the distribution and extent of Annex I habitat (including variations of these features) on the Dogger Bank in advance of its possible designation as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). The report contains information required under Regulation 7 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Regulations 2007 and will enable the JNCC to advise the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) as to whether the site is deemed eligible as a SAC. The report provides detailed information about the Dogger Bank and evaluates its features of interest according to the Habitats Directive selection criteria and guiding principles. This assessment has been made following a thorough analysis of existing information combined with newly acquired field survey data collected using ‘state of the art’ equipment. In support of this process acoustic (sidescan sonar and multibeam echosounder) and groundtruthing data (Hamon grabs, trawls and underwater video) were collected during a 19-day cruise on RV Cefas Endeavour, which took place between 2-20 April 2008. Existing information and newly acquired data were combined to investigate the sub-surface geology, surface sediments and bedforms, epifaunal and infaunal communities of the Dogger Bank. Results were integrated into a habitat map employing the EUNIS classification. Key results are as follows: • The upper Pleistocene Dogger Bank Formation dictates the shape of the Dogger Bank. • The Dogger Bank is morphologically distinguishable from the surrounding seafloor following the application of a technique, which differentiates the degree of slope. • A sheet of Holocene sediments of variable thickness overlies the Dogger Bank Formation. At the seabed surface, these Holocene sediments can be broadly delineated into fine sands and coarse sediments. • Epifaunal and infaunal communities were distinguished based on multivariate analysis of data derived from video and stills analysis and Hamon grab samples. Sediment properties and depth were the main factors controlling the distribution of infauna and epifauna across the Bank. • Epifaunal and infaunal community links were explored. Most stations could be categorised according to one of four combined infaunal/epifaunal community types (i.e. sandy sediment bank community, shallow sandy sediment bank community, coarse sediment bank community or deep community north of the bank). • Biological zones were identified using modelling techniques based on light climate and wave base data. Three biological zones, namely infralittoral, circalittoral and deep circalittoral are present in the study site. • EUNIS level 4 habitats were mapped by integrating acoustic, biological, physical and optical data. Eight different habitats are present on the Dogger Bank. This report also provides some of the necessary information and data to help the JNCC ultimately reach a judgement as to whether the Dogger Bank is suitable as an SAC. In support of this process the encountered habitats and the ecology of the Dogger Bank are compared with other SACs known to contain sandbank habitats in UK waters. The functional and ecological importance of the Dogger Bank as well as potential anthropogenic impacts is discussed. A scientific justification underlying the proposed Dogger Bank dSAC boundary is also given (Appendix 1). This is followed by a discussion of the suitability and cost-effectiveness of techniques utilised for seabed investigations of the Dogger Bank. Finally, recommendations for strategies and techniques employed for investigation of Annex I sandbanks are provided

    A time geographic approach to delineating areas of sustained wildlife use

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    Geographic information systems (GIS) are widely used for mapping wildlife movement patterns, and observed wildlife locations are surrogates for inferring on wildlife movement and habitat selection. We present a new approach to mapping areas where wildlife exhibit sustained use, which we term slow movement areas (SMAs). Nested within the habitat selection concepts of home range and core areas, SMAs are an additional approach to identifying areas important for wildlife. Our method for delineating SMAs is demonstrated on a grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) case study examining road density. Our results showed that subadult females had significantly higher road densities within SMAs than in their potential path area home ranges. The lowest road density was found in the SMAs of adult male grizzly bears. Given increased mortality risks associated with roads, female encampment near roads may have negative conservation implications. The methods presented in this manuscript compliment recent developments to identify movement suspension and intensively exploited areas defined from wildlife telemetry data. SMA delineation is sensitive to missing data and best applied to telemetry data collected with a consistent resolution.PostprintPeer reviewe

    In-situ cosmogenic <sup>36</sup>Cl denudation rates of carbonates in Guizhou karst area

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    This study quantifies surface denudation of carbonate rocks by the first application of in-situ cosmogenic &lt;sup&gt;36&lt;/sup&gt;Cl in China. Concentrations of natural Cl and in-situ cosmogenic &lt;sup&gt;36&lt;/sup&gt;Cl in bare carbonates from Guizhou karst areas were measured with isotope dilution by accelerator mass spectrometer. The Cl concentration varied from 16 to 206 ppm. The &lt;sup&gt;36&lt;/sup&gt;Cl concentrations were in range of (0.8–2.4)×106 atom g−1, resulting in total denudation rates of 20–50 mm ka−1 that averaged over a 104–105 a timescale. The &lt;sup&gt;36&lt;/sup&gt;Cl-denudation rates showed roughly a negative correlation with the local mean temperature. This preliminary observation may suggest the variations of proportions of chemical weathering and physical erosion in denudation process, depending upon local climatic conditions

    Observation of a subgap density of states in superconductor-normal metal bilayers in the Cooper limit

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    We present transport and tunneling measurements of Pb-Ag bilayers with thicknesses, dPbd_{Pb} and dAgd_{Ag}, that are much less than the superconducting coherence length. The transition temperature, TcT_c, and energy gap, Δ\Delta, in the tunneling Density of States (DOS) decrease exponentially with dAgd_{Ag} at fixed dPbd_{Pb}. Simultaneously, a DOS that increases linearly from the Fermi energy grows and fills nearly 40% of the gap as TcT_c is 1/10 of TcT_c of bulk Pb. This behavior suggests that a growing fraction of quasiparticles decouple from the superconductor as TcT_c goes to 0. The linear dependence is consistent with the quasiparticles becoming trapped on integrable trajectories in the metal layer.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figures. This version is just the same as the old version except that we try to cut the unnecessary white space in the figures and make the whole paper look more compac

    The Shallow Geological Model: mapping and monitoring the marine landscape

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    Managing our seas without a sound knowledge of the sea-bed environment and the processes that shape the sea-bed characteristics makes it difficult to conserve key areas, maintain biodiversity and economically develop our marine resources in an efficient and sustainable way. Recent developments in marine landscape mapping, visualisation techniques and instant data access provide timely, proven technologies that are now in widespread use

    Night-Times-Night a Novel in Three Parts with a Critical Introduction

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