1,679 research outputs found

    A proposed concept for a crustal dynamics information management network

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    The findings of a requirements and feasibility analysis of the present and potential producers, users, and repositories of space-derived geodetic information are summarized. A proposed concept is presented for a crustal dynamics information management network that would apply state of the art concepts of information management technology to meet the expanding needs of the producers, users, and archivists of this geodetic information

    Helicase activity on DNA as a propagating front

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    We develop a propagating front analysis, in terms of a local probability of zipping, for the helicase activity of opening up a double stranded DNA (dsDNA). In a fixed-distance ensemble (conjugate to the fixed-force ensemble) the front separates the zipped and unzipped phases of a dsDNA and a drive acts locally around the front. Bounds from variational analysis and numerical estimates for the speed of a helicase are obtained. Different types of helicase behaviours can be distinguished by the nature of the drive.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figures; replaced by the published versio

    Velocity and processivity of helicase unwinding of double-stranded nucleic acids

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    Helicases are molecular motors which unwind double-stranded nucleic acids (dsNA) in cells. Many helicases move with directional bias on single-stranded (ss) nucleic acids, and couple their directional translocation to strand separation. A model of the coupling between translocation and unwinding uses an interaction potential to represent passive and active helicase mechanisms. A passive helicase must wait for thermal fluctuations to open dsNA base pairs before it can advance and inhibit NA closing. An active helicase directly destabilizes dsNA base pairs, accelerating the opening rate. Here we extend this model to include helicase unbinding from the nucleic-acid strand. The helicase processivity depends on the form of the interaction potential. A passive helicase has a mean attachment time which does not change between ss translocation and ds unwinding, while an active helicase in general shows a decrease in attachment time during unwinding relative to ss translocation. In addition, we describe how helicase unwinding velocity and processivity vary if the base-pair binding free energy is changed.Comment: To appear in special issue on molecular motors, Journal of Physics - Condensed Matte

    Escherichia coli helicase II (UvrD) protein initiates DNA unwinding at nicks and blunt ends.

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    Shortlist Masterplan Wind. Effect of pilling noise on the survival of fish larvae( pilot study) progress report

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    Fish can suffer lethal damage to swimming bladder or other organs due to extreme loud impulse sounds caused by e.g. pile driving (Popper & Hastings 2009). Juvenile and adult fish can actively swim away from a sound source, but planktonic larvae are not able to do this. As a result, fish larvae may suffer more from underwater noise than the older life stages. Despite the many indications for adverse effects, detailed information on the effect of different sound levels on fish is still scarce, especially for the early life stages. Within the framework of the Appropriate Assessment of Dutch offshore wind farms, the effect of piling noise on the southern North Sea population of herring, sole, and plaice larvae was simulated (Prins et al. 2009). For this, an existing larval transport model (Bolle et al. 2005, 2009, Dickey-Collas et al. 2009, Erftemeijer et al. 2009) was expanded with crude assumptions on larval mortality caused by pile driving. The model results were extrapolated to other fish species and older life stages, based on “expertjudgment", in an attempt to assess the effect of offshore piling on the prey availability for birds and marine mammals in Natura 2000 areas (Bos et al. 2009). This assessment involved a large number of uncertainties. The first and most important uncertainty was the range around a piling site in which larval mortality occurs. It was assumed that 100% mortality occurs up to a distance of 1 km from the piling site. However, little is known about larval mortality rates in relation to the level of exposure to piling noise. In general, there is an urgent need to obtain more knowledge on the effect of sound on fish (survival, distribution, and behaviour) during different life stages. More particularly, in view of the rapid extension of offshore wind farms, there is an urgent need to fill the knowledge gap on lethal effects of loud impulse noises caused by pile driving. The broader aim of the current project is to examine the effect of piling noise on the survival of fish larvae. However, within the limited resources and time frame of the Shortlist research programme it is not possible to carry out field experiments, nor is it possible to execute elaborate series of experiments. The first goal within the Shortlist programme is to examine the feasibility of laboratory experiments with pile driving noise and fish larvae. The second goal is to use the laboratory set-up in a pilot study aiming at determining the threshold at which mortality of fish larvae occurs. This shortlist study is limited to laboratory experiments, lethal effects, larvae of 1 species (sole, Solea solea) and 3 series of experiments (trials). The study consists of exposure-effect experiments only; the effects of pile driving at the population level will not be modelled, nor will the results be extrapolated to other species or life stages. The progress to date has been documented in a series of memo’s. These memos are included in this report as Appendices and are summarised in the sections of the report

    Upgrade of the Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer for Mainz MAMI-C

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    The Glasgow photon tagging spectrometer at Mainz has been upgraded so that it can be used with the 1500 MeV electron beam now available from the Mainz microtron MAMI-C. The changes made and the resulting properties of the spectrometer are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    The diagnostic accuracy of CT and MRI for the detection of lymph node metastases in gallbladder cancer:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Lymph node metastases (LNM) are an ominous prognostic factor in gallbladder cancer (GBC) and, when present, should preclude surgery. However, uncertainty remains regarding the optimal imaging modality for pre-operative detection of LNM and international guidelines vary in their recommendations. The purpose of this study was to systematically review the diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography (CT) versus magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the detection of LNM of GBC. METHODS: A literature search of studies published until November 2017 concerning the diagnostic accuracy of CT or MRI regarding the detection of LNM in GBC was performed. Data extraction and risk of bias assessment was performed independently by two reviewers. The sensitivity of CT and MRI in the detection of LNM was reviewed. Additionally, estimated summary sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy of MRI were calculated in a patient based meta-analysis. RESULTS: Nine studies including 292 patients were included for narrative synthesis and 5 studies including 158 patients were selected for meta-analysis. Sensitivity of CT ranged from 0.25 to 0.93. Estimated summary diagnostic accuracy parameters of MRI were as follows: sensitivity 0.75 (95% CI 0.6 - 0.85), specificity 0.83 (95% CI 0.74 - 0.90), LR + 4.52 (95% CI 2.55-6.48) and LR- 0.3 (95% CI 0.15 - 0.45). Small (<10 mm) LNM were most frequently undetected on pre-operative imaging. Due to a lack of data, no subgroup analysis comparing the diagnostic accuracy of CT versus MRI could be performed. CONCLUSION: The value of current imaging strategies for the pre-operative assessment of nodal status in GBC remains unclear, especially regarding the detection of small LNM. Additional research is warranted in order to establish uniformity in international guidelines, improve pre-operative nodal staging and to prevent futile surgery

    Superficial simplicity of the 2010 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake of Baja California in Mexico

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    The geometry of faults is usually thought to be more complicated at the surface than at depth and to control the initiation, propagation and arrest of seismic ruptures. The fault system that runs from southern California into Mexico is a simple strike-slip boundary: the west side of California and Mexico moves northwards with respect to the east. However, the M_w 7.2 2010 El Mayor–Cucapah earthquake on this fault system produced a pattern of seismic waves that indicates a far more complex source than slip on a planar strike-slip fault. Here we use geodetic, remote-sensing and seismological data to reconstruct the fault geometry and history of slip during this earthquake. We find that the earthquake produced a straight 120-km-long fault trace that cut through the Cucapah mountain range and across the Colorado River delta. However, at depth, the fault is made up of two different segments connected by a small extensional fault. Both segments strike N130° E, but dip in opposite directions. The earthquake was initiated on the connecting extensional fault and 15 s later ruptured the two main segments with dominantly strike-slip motion. We show that complexities in the fault geometry at depth explain well the complex pattern of radiated seismic waves. We conclude that the location and detailed characteristics of the earthquake could not have been anticipated on the basis of observations of surface geology alone

    A cross-sectional study on the deprivation and sex differences in health-related fitness measures in school children

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    This study aimed to investigate deprivation and sex differences in selected health-relatedfitness measures in 9-12-year-old children. Data were captured on 3,407 children (49.3% boys; aged 10.5 ± 0.6 years). Cardiorespiratory fitness(20 m multistage shuttle run test; 20 m MSRT), muscular strength (handgrip strength) and body mass index (BMI) were measured. Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) scores were used to make quintile groups. A two-way Analysis of Variance examined differences in BMI z-score by sex and WIMD quintiles. Two-wayAnalysis of Covariances investigated the effect of sex and WIMD quintiles on grip strength and shuttles achieved in 20 m MSRT, adjusting for BMI z-score and maturation, repectively. Independent of sex, children in the middle quintile had a significantly higher mean BMI z-score (p = 0.029) than their least deprived counterparts. There was a significant increase in grip strength (p = 0.005) and20 m MSRT (boys p < 0.001; girls p = 0.028) between most and least deprived quintiles. Significant differences in 20 m MSRT score were more apparent with decreases in deprivation in boys.Overall, inequalities exist in health-related fitness by sex and deprivation. These results can be used to inform focused services to improve current and future health

    Relationship between psychological and biological factors and physical activity and exercise behaviour in Filipino students

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    The aim of the present study was threefold. Firstly, it investigated whether a general measure or specific measure of motivational orientation was better in describing the relationship between motivation and exercise behaviour. Secondly, it examined the relationship between the four most popular indirect methods of body composition assessment and physical activity and exercise patterns. Thirdly, the interaction between motivation and body composition on physical activity and exercise behaviour was explored in a sample of 275 Filipino male and female students. Males were found to have higher levels of exercise whereas females had higher levels of physical activity. Furthermore, general self-motivation together with body weight and percentage body fat were found to be the best predictor of exercise behaviour whereas the tension/pressure subscale of the ‘Intrinsic Motivation Inventory’ (IMI) was the best predictor of levels of physical activity. However, significant gender differences were observed. That is, for the males only self-motivation and for the females only body weight and BMI predicted exercise behaviour. Also, tension/pressure predicted physical activity levels for the females but not the males. No inverse relationship was found between the four body composition measures and exercise and physical activity behaviour. The results support the notion that the psychobiological approach might be particularly relevant for high intensity exercise situations but also highlights some important gender differences. Finally, the results of this study emphasise the need for more cross-cultural research
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