5,511 research outputs found

    Parents' attributional, emotional and behavioural reactions towards aggressive behaviour in learning disabled and non learning disabled children

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    OBJECTIVE: The attributions parents make about the challenging behaviour of their children have been shown to be important determinants of their emotional and behavioural responses to such behaviour. In general, studies have found that if parents judge a child's behaviour to be caused by factors that are internal or controllable, then they will experience more negative emotions and respond using more punitive discipline strategies. To date, no study has directly compared parents' attributional, emotional and behavioural responses to challenging behaviour in learning disabled children with that of non-learning disabled children. In this study, it was hypothesised that parents would have different attributional, emotional and behavioural responses to aggressive challenging behaviour in a learning disabled child in comparison to a non-learning disabled child, on account of the child's learning disability.Design: A questionnaire method was used to analyse within-subjects and between subjects differences on measures of attributional, emotional and behavioural responses to vignettes of aggressive challenging behaviour in learning disabled and non-learning disabled children.METHOD: Fifty-four parents of children with aggressive challenging behaviour (20 with a learning disabled child and 34 with a non-learning disabled child) took part in the study. Participants read two vignettes depicting a learning disabled and a non learning-disabled child with aggressive challenging behaviour. They were then asked to complete questionnaire measures of attributional, emotional and behavioural response in relation to each vignette.RESULTS: In comparison to aggressive behaviour in the non-learning disabled child, participants rated the learning disabled child's aggressive behaviour as being due to more global, more stable and less controllable causes, and reported that they would respond with less negative emotion and less punitive discipline strategies. No group differences (i.e. comparing parents with a learning disabled child and parents with a 1 non-learning disabled child) were found in attributional, emotional or behavioural responses to the two vignettes. The results are discussed with reference to previous research findings and clinical implications. Consideration is also given to the methodological shortcomings ofthe current study and suggestions for future research are made

    A spin-dependent local moment approach to the Anderson impurity model

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    We present an extension of the local moment approach to the Anderson impurity model with spin-dependent hybridization. By employing the two-self-energy description, as originally proposed by Logan and co-workers, we applied the symmetry restoration condition for the case with spin-dependent hybridization. Self-consistent ground states were determined through variational minimization of the ground state energy. The results obtained with our spin-dependent local moment approach applied to a quantum dot system coupled to ferromagnetic leads are in good agreement with those obtained from previous work using numerical renormalization group calculations

    Ohio Guide for Land Application of Sewage Sludge

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    A pilot study of a combined energy and water hub in The Gambia Waterlines

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    Many people across the developing world live ‘off-grid’ in terms of access to mains electricity, and therefore depend upon alternative power sources to recharge their mobile phones. These recharging facilities are typically located in shops/informal businesses, and often powered by a diesel generator or solar panel. Many of these rural communities are also served by local water infrastructure that has fallen into a state of disrepair. It has been reported that many individuals are prepared to pay a small regular fee to recharge their mobile phone, whilst their wider communities may often claim to lack sufficient funds to keep their water infrastructure maintained. This paper introduces a pilot study in Gambia that combines an off-grid recharging hub with a community water point. It is proposed that a proportion of the income generated by this enterprise could be retained and used to fund the on-going maintenance costs of the recharging hub and the local water infrastructure

    Top-down estimate of a large source of atmospheric carbon monoxide associated with fuel combustion in Asia

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    We simulate the oceanic and atmospheric distribution of methyl iodide (CH3I) with a global 3-D model driven by assimilated meteorological observations from the Goddard Earth Observing System of the NASA Data Assimilation Office and coupled to an oceanic mixed layer model. A global compilation of atmospheric and oceanic observations is used to constrain and evaluate the simulation. Seawater CH3I(aq) in the model is produced photochemically from dissolved organic carbon, and is removed by reaction with Cl− and emission to the atmosphere. The net oceanic emission to the atmosphere is 214 Gg yr−1. Small terrestrial emissions from rice paddies, wetlands, and biomass burning are also included in the model. The model captures 40% of the variance in the observed seawater CH3I(aq) concentrations. Simulated concentrations at midlatitudes in summer are too high, perhaps because of a missing biological sink of CH3I(aq). We define a marine convection index (MCI) as the ratio of upper tropospheric (8–12 km) to lower tropospheric (0–2.5 km) CH3I concentrations averaged over coherent oceanic regions. The MCI in the observations ranges from 0.11 over strongly subsiding regions (southeastern subtropical Pacific) to 0.40 over strongly upwelling regions (western equatorial Pacific). The model reproduces the observed MCI with no significant global bias (offset of only +11%) but accounts for only 15% of its spatial and seasonal variance. The MCI can be used to test marine convection in global models, complementing the use of radon-222 as a test of continental convection.Engineering and Applied Science

    Anderson impurity in a semiconductor

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    We consider an Anderson impurity model in which the locally correlated orbital is coupled to a host with a gapped density of states. Single-particle dynamics are studied, within a perturbative framework that includes both explicit second-order perturbation theory and self-consistent perturbation theory to all orders in the interaction. Away from particle-hole symmetry the system is shown to be a generalized Fermi liquid (GFL) in the sense of being perturbatively connectable to the non-interacting limit; and the exact Friedel sum rule for the GFL phase is obtained. We show by contrast that the particle-hole symmetric point of the model is not perturbatively connected to the non-interacting limit, and as such is a non-Fermi liquid for all non-zero gaps. Our conclusions are in agreement with NRG studies of the problem.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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