2,590 research outputs found

    Generation of Magnetic Fields in the Relativistic Shock of Gamma-Ray-Burst Sources

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    We show that the relativistic two-stream instability can naturally generate strong magnetic fields with 1e-5 - 1e-1 of the equipartition energy density, in the collisionless shocks of Gamma-Ray-Burst (GRB) sources. The generated fields are parallel to the shock front and fluctuate on the very short scale of the plasma skin depth. The synchrotron radiation emitted from the limb-brightened source image is linearly polarized in the radial direction relative to the source center. Although the net polarization vanishes under circular symmetry, GRB sources should exhibit polarization scintillations as their radio afterglow radiation gets scattered by the Galactic interstellar medium. Detection of polarization scintillations could therefore test the above mechanism for magnetic field generation.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures included. Submitted to Ap

    Probing the Magnetic Field Structure in Gamma-Ray Bursts through Dispersive Plasma Effects on the Afterglow Polarization

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    (Abr) The origin and structure of magnetic fields in Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) fireball plasmas are two of the most important open questions in all GRB models. We show that the structure and strength of the magnetic field may be constrained by radio and IR observations of the early afterglow, where plasma effects on the polarization of propagating radiation are significant. We calculate these propagation effects for cold and relativistic plasmas, and find that in the presence of a uniform equipartition field the degree of linear polarization is suppressed, and circular polarization prevails at low frequencies, nu < 1-3 GHz, (2x10^11 Hz < nu < few x 10^14 Hz) in the forward (reverse) shock. At higher frequencies linear polarization dominates. At the frequency of the transition between circular and linear polarization, the net level of polarization is minimal, ~10-20%. These features are nearly independent of the circumburst density. The transition frequency is smaller by a factor of ~10 when the uniform field is much weaker than equipartition. The dependence of these results on viewing geometry, outflow collimation and magnetic field orientation is discussed. When the configuration of the field is entangled over length scales much smaller than the extent of the emitting plasma, the aforementioned effects should not be observed and a linear polarization at the few % level is expected. Polarimetric observations during the early afterglow, and particularly of the reverse shock emission, may therefore place strong constraints on the structure and strength of the magnetic field within the fireball plasma.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. Revised version includes improved discussion of viewing and fireball geometry, with implications to resulting polarizatio

    Effect of Gravitational Lensing on Measurements of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect

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    The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect of a cluster of galaxies is usually measured after background radio sources are removed from the cluster field. Gravitational lensing by the cluster potential leads to a systematic deficit in the residual intensity of unresolved sources behind the cluster core relative to a control field far from the cluster center. As a result, the measured decrement in the Rayleigh-Jeans temperature of the cosmic microwave background is overestimated. We calculate the associated systematic bias which is inevitably introduced into measurements of the Hubble constant using the SZ effect. For the cluster A2218, we find that observations at 15 GHz with a beam radius of 0'.4 and a source removal threshold of 100 microJy underestimate the Hubble constant by 6-10%. If the profile of the gas pressure declines more steeply with radius than that of the dark matter density, then the ratio of lensing to SZ decrements increases towards the outer part of the cluster.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Are HI Supershells the Remnants of Gamma-Ray Bursts?

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    Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are thought to originate at cosmological distances from the most powerful explosions in the Universe. If GRBs are not beamed then the distribution of their number as a function of Gamma-ray flux implies that they occur once per (0.3-40) million years per bright galaxy and that they deposit >10^{53} ergs into their surrounding interstellar medium. The blast wave generated by a GRB explosion would be washed out by interstellar turbulence only after tens of millions of years when it finally slows down to a velocity of 10 km/s. This rather long lifetime implies that there could be up to several tens of active GRB remnants in each galaxy at any given time. For many years, radio observations have revealed the enigmatic presence of expanding neutral-hydrogen (HI) supershells of kpc radius in the Milky Way and in other nearby galaxies. The properties of some supershells cannot be easily explained in terms of conventional sources such as stellar winds or supernova explosions. However, the inferred energy and frequency of the explosions required to produce most of the observed supershells agree with the above GRB parameters. More careful observations and analysis might reveal which fraction of these supershells are GRB remnants. We show that if this link is established, the data on HI supershells can be used to constrain the energy output, the rate per galaxy, the beaming factor, and the environment of GRB sources in the Universe.Comment: 8 pages, final version, ApJ Letters, in pres

    Distortion of Gravitational-Wave Packets Due to their Self-Gravity

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    When a source emits a gravity-wave (GW) pulse over a short period of time, the leading edge of the GW signal is redshifted more than the inner boundary of the pulse. The GW pulse is distorted by the gravitational effect of the self-energy residing in between these shells. We illustrate this distortion for GW pulses from the final plunge of black hole (BH) binaries, leading to the evolution of the GW profile as a function of the radial distance from the source. The distortion depends on the total GW energy released and the duration of the emission, scaled by the total binary mass, M. The effect should be relevant in finite box simulations where the waveforms are extracted within a radius of <~ 100M. For characteristic emission parameters at the final plunge between binary BHs of arbitrary spins, this effect could distort the simulated GW templates for LIGO and LISA by a fraction of 0.001. Accounting for the wave distortion would significantly decrease the waveform extraction errors in numerical simulations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Spectrally Resolved Flux Derived from Collocated AIRS and CERES Observations and its Application in Model Validation

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    Spectrally resolved outgoing IR flux, the integrand of the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), has its unique value in evaluating model simulations. Here we describe an algorithm of deriving such clear-sky outgoing spectral flux through the whole IR region from the collocated Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and the Clouds & the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) measurements over the tropical oceans. Based on the scene types and corresponding angular distribution models (ADMs) used in the CERES Single Satellite Footprint (SSF) dataset, spectrally-dependent ADMs are developed and used to estimate the spectral flux at each AIRS channel. A multivariate linear prediction scheme is then used to estimate spectral fluxes at frequencies not covered by the AIRS instrument. The whole algorithm is validated using synthetic spectra as well as the CERES OLR measurements. Using the GFDL AM2 model simulation as a case study, the application of the derived clear-sky outgoing spectral flux in model evaluation is illustrated. By comparing the observed and simulated spectral flux in 2004, compensating errors in the simulated OLR from different absorption bands can be revealed, so does the errors from frequencies within a given absorption band. Discrepancies between the simulated and observed spatial distributions and seasonal evolutions of the spectral fluxes at different spectral ranges are further discussed. The methodology described in this study can be applied to other surface types as well as cloudy-sky observations and corresponding model evaluations
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