117 research outputs found

    Cryptococcus neoformans chitin synthase 3 plays a critical role in dampening host inflammatory responses

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common disseminated fungal pathogen in AIDS patients, resulting in ∼200,000 deaths each year. There is a pressing need for new treatments for this infection, as current antifungal therapy is hampered by toxicity and/or the inability of the host’s immune system to aid in resolution of the disease. An ideal target for new therapies is the fungal cell wall. The cryptococcal cell wall is different from the cell walls of many other pathogenic fungi in that it contains chitosan. Strains that have decreased chitosan are less pathogenic and strains that are deficient in chitosan are avirulent and can induce protective responses. In this study, we investigated the host responses to a chs3Δ strain, a chitosan-deficient strain, and found that mice inoculated with the chs3Δ strain all died within 36 h and that death was associated with an aberrant hyperinflammatory immune response driven by neutrophils, indicating that chitosan is critical in modulating the immune response to Cryptococcus.Cryptococcus neoformans infections are significant causes of morbidity and mortality among AIDS patients and the third most common invasive fungal infection in organ transplant recipients. One of the main interfaces between the fungus and the host is the fungal cell wall. The cryptococcal cell wall is unusual among human-pathogenic fungi in that the chitin is predominantly deacetylated to chitosan. Chitosan-deficient strains of C. neoformans were found to be avirulent and rapidly cleared from the murine lung. Moreover, infection with a chitosan-deficient C. neoformans strain lacking three chitin deacetylases (cda1Δcda2Δcda3Δ) was found to confer protective immunity to a subsequent challenge with a virulent wild-type counterpart. In addition to the chitin deacetylases, it was previously shown that chitin synthase 3 (Chs3) is also essential for chitin deacetylase-mediated formation of chitosan. Mice inoculated with the chs3Δ strain at a dose previously shown to induce protection with the cda1Δcda2Δcda3Δ strain die within 36 h after installation of the organism. Mortality was not dependent on viable fungi, as mice inoculated with a heat-killed preparation of the chs3Δ strain died at the same rate as mice inoculated with a live chs3Δ strain, suggesting that the rapid onset of death was host mediated, likely caused by an overexuberant immune response. Histology, cytokine profiling, and flow cytometry indicate a massive neutrophil influx in the mice inoculated with the chs3Δ strain. Mice depleted of neutrophils survived chs3Δ inoculation, indicating that death was neutrophil mediated. Altogether, these studies lead us to conclude that Chs3, along with chitosan, plays critical roles in dampening cryptococcus-induced host inflammatory responses

    Cryptococcus at work: Gene expression during human infection

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    Meningitis is a frequent manifestation of infection due to Cryptococcus neoformans and a major cause of increased morbidity in patients with AIDS. Numerous in vitro gene expression and genetic studies of the fungus have predicted a myriad of genes, pathways, and biological processes that may be critical for pathogenesis, and many studies using animal models have supported the role of these processes during infection. However, the relevance of these hypotheses based on in vitro and animal models has often been questioned. A recent study by Chen et al. [Y. Chen, D. L. Toffaletti, J. L. Tenor, A. P. Litvintseva, C. Fang, T. G. Mitchell, T. R. McDonald, K. Nielsen, D. R. Boulware, T. Bicanic, and J. R. Perfect, mBio 5(1):e01087-13, 2014] represents an important step in understanding the cryptococcal response during human infection

    Cell wall chitosan is necessary for virulence in the opportunistic pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that causes meningoencephalitis. Its cell wall is composed of glucans, proteins, chitin, and chitosan. Multiple genetic approaches have defined a chitosan-deficient syndrome that includes slow growth and decreased cell integrity. Here we demonstrate chitosan is necessary for virulence and persistence in the mammalian host

    Role of Cryptococcus neoformans Rho1 GTPases in the PKC1 signaling pathway in response to thermal stress

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    To initiate and establish infection in mammals, the opportunistic fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans must survive and thrive upon subjection to host temperature. Primary maintenance of cell integrity is controlled through the protein kinase C1 (PKC1) signaling pathway, which is regulated by a Rho1 GTPase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We identified three C. neoformans Rho GTPases, Rho1, Rho10, and Rho11, and have begun to elucidate their role in growth and activation of the PKC1 pathway in response to thermal stress. Western blot analysis revealed that heat shock of wild-type cells resulted in phosphorylation of Mpk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Constitutive activation of Rho1 caused phosphorylation of Mpk1 independent of temperature, indicating its role in pathway regulation. A strain with a deletion of RHO10 also displayed this constitutive Mpk1 phosphorylation phenotype, while one with a deletion of RHO11 yielded phosphorylation similar to that of wild type. Surprisingly, like a rho10Δ strain, a strain with a deletion of both RHO10 and RHO11 displayed temperature sensitivity but mimicked wild-type phosphorylation, which suggests that Rho10 and Rho11 have coordinately regulated functions. Heat shock-induced Mpk1 phosphorylation also required the PKC1 pathway kinases Bck1 and Mkk2. However, Pkc1, thought to be the major regulatory kinase of the cell integrity pathway, was dispensable for this response. Together, our results argue that Rho proteins likely interact via downstream components of the PKC1 pathway or by alternative pathways to activate the cell integrity pathway in C. neoformans

    Global transcriptome profile of Cryptococcus neoformans during exposure to hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress

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    The ability of the opportunistic fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans to resist oxidative stress is one of its most important virulence related traits. To cope with the deleterious effect of cellular damage caused by the oxidative burst inside the macrophages, C. neoformans has developed multilayered redundant molecular responses to neutralize the stress, to repair the damage and to eventually grow inside the hostile environment of the phagosome. We used microarray analysis of cells treated with hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) at multiple time points in a nutrient defined medium to identify a transcriptional signature associated with oxidative stress. We discovered that the composition of the medium in which fungal cells were grown and treated had a profound effect on their capacity to degrade exogenous H(2)O(2). We determined the kinetics of H(2)O(2) breakdown by growing yeast cells under different conditions and accordingly selected an appropriate media composition and range of time points for isolating RNA for hybridization. Microarray analysis revealed a robust transient transcriptional response and the intensity of the global response was consistent with the kinetics of H(2)O(2) breakdown by treated cells. Gene ontology analysis of differentially expressed genes related to oxidation-reduction, metabolic process and protein catabolic processes identified potential roles of mitochondrial function and protein ubiquitination in oxidative stress resistance. Interestingly, the metabolic pathway adaptation of C. neoformans to H(2)O(2) treatment was remarkably distinct from the response of other fungal organisms to oxidative stress. We also identified the induction of an antifungal drug resistance response upon the treatment of C. neoformans with H(2)O(2). These results highlight the complexity of the oxidative stress response and offer possible new avenues for improving our understanding of mechanisms of oxidative stress resistance in C. neoformans

    Cell wall composition in Cryptococcus neoformans is media dependent and alters host response, inducing protective immunity

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    INTRODUCTION: OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine how different media influenced the amount of chitin and chitosan in the cell wall, which in turn impacted the cell wall architecture and host response. METHODS: Yeast extract, peptone, and dextrose (YPD) and yeast nitrogen base (YNB) are two commonly used media for growing Cryptococcus before use in in vitro or in vivo experiments. As a result, RESULTS: We observed that the growth of wild-type CONCLUSION: These findings emphasize the importance of culture media and pH during growth in shaping the content and organization of th

    Cryptococcus neoformans phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) ortholog is required for stress tolerance and survival in murine phagocytes

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    Cryptococcus neoformans PKH2-01 and PKH2-02 are orthologous to mammalian PDK1 kinase genes. Although orthologs of these kinases have been extensively studied in S. cerevisiae, little is known about their function in pathogenic fungi. In this study, we show that PKH2-02 but not PKH2-01 is required for C. neoformans to tolerate cell wall, oxidative, nitrosative, and antifungal drug stress. Deletion of PKH2-02 leads to decreased basal levels of Pkc1 activity and, consequently, reduced activation of the cell wall integrity mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway in response to cell wall, oxidative, and nitrosative stress. PKH2-02 function also is required for tolerance of fluconazole and amphotericin B, two important drugs for the treatment of cryptococcosis. Furthermore, OSU-03012, an inhibitor of human PDK1, is synergistic and fungicidal in combination with fluconazole. Using a Galleria mellonella model of low-temperature cryptococcosis, we found that PKH2-02 is also required for virulence in a temperature-independent manner. Consistent with the hypersensitivity of the pkh2-02Δ mutant to oxidative and nitrosative stress, this mutant shows decreased survival in murine phagocytes compared to that of wild-type (WT) cells. In addition, we show that deletion of PKH2-02 affects the interaction between C. neoformans and phagocytes by decreasing its ability to suppress production of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and reactive oxygen species. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that Pkh2-02-mediated signaling in C. neoformans is crucial for stress tolerance, host-pathogen interactions, and both temperature-dependent and -independent virulence

    Gene prediction and verification in a compact genome with numerous small introns

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    The genomes of clusters of related eukaryotes are now being sequenced at an increasing rate, creating a need for accurate, low-cost annotation of exon–intron structures. In this paper, we demonstrate that reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) and direct sequencing based on predicted gene structures satisfy this need, at least for single-celled eukaryotes. The TWINSCAN gene prediction algorithm was adapted for the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans by using a precise model of intron lengths in combination with ungapped alignments between the genome sequences of the two closely related Cryptococcus varieties. This approach resulted in ∼60% of known genes being predicted exactly right at every coding base and splice site. When previously unannotated TWINSCAN predictions were tested by RT–PCR and direct sequencing, 75% of targets spanning two predicted introns were amplified and produced high-quality sequence. When targets spanning the complete predicted open reading frame were tested, 72% of them amplified and produced high-quality sequence. We conclude that sequencing a small number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) to provide training data, running TWINSCAN on an entire genome, and then performing RT–PCR and direct sequencing on all of its predictions would be a cost-effective method for obtaining an experimentally verified genome annotation
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