739 research outputs found

    FY11 Facility Assessment Study for Aeronautics Test Program

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    This paper presents the approach and results for the Aeronautics Test Program (ATP) FY11 Facility Assessment Project. ATP commissioned assessments in FY07 and FY11 to aid in the understanding of the current condition and reliability of its facilities and their ability to meet current and future (five year horizon) test requirements. The principle output of the assessment was a database of facility unique, prioritized investments projects with budgetary cost estimates. This database was also used to identify trends for the condition of facility systems

    A crack with partially loaded faces between two piezoelectric materials

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    Розглянуто тріщину між двома п’єзоелектричними півплощинами, береги якої завантажені нормальними та дотичними напруженнями, що забезпечують розкриття тріщини. Вважається, що ці напруження рівномірно розподілені по відрізках, що примикають до вершин тріщини. Використовуючи представлення шуканих факторів через комплексні потенціали, проблема зведена до задачі лінійного спряження, розв’язок якої представлений у вигляді інтегралів типу Коші. Основна увага приділена знаходженню нормального та дотичного стрибків переміщень. Отримано замкнені представлення цих факторів через гіпергеометричні функції. Крім того, використовуючи малість біматеріального параметра, отримано наближені асимптотичні формули. На конкретних прикладах шляхом порівняння результатів розрахунків показано, що вказані наближені формули для стрибків переміщень мають високу точність як для п’єзоелектричних, так і для ізотропних матеріалів.A crack between two piezoelectric half-plane loaded by normal and shear stresses is considered. It is assumed that the stresses are uniformly distributed over the segments adjacent to the crack tips. Using the representation of the unknown factors through the complex potentials, the problem is reduced to the problem of linear relationship with respect to the function analytic in the whole plane except the crack region. The solution of this problem is presented in the form of Cauchy type integrals and the stresses and the derivatives of the displacement jumps are presented in the form of such integrals. Further, the main attention is paid to the determination of the normal and tangent jumps of displacements over the crack region. Applying the Sokhotski–Plemelj theorem and performing the integration the closed presentation of these factors through the hypergeometric functions are obtained. These formulas are complicated and in many cases they are inconvenient for numerical analysis. However the obtained solution depends on the bimaterial parameter, which is very small for most of piezoelectric material combinations. Therefore in addition, the approximate asymptotic formula is obtained using the smallness of the mentioned parameter. Similar analysis has been performed for a crack between two isotropic materials as well and exact and approximate formulas for the normal and shear displacement jumps and their derivatives are presented in this case as well. The numerical analysis has been performed for the typical piezoelectric materials PZT-4 and PZT-5 and the normal and shear crack openings calculated by exact and approximate formulas are presented graphically. Similar figures for a crack in the isotropic bimaterial are presented as well. In all considered cases the comparing of the calculation results show that the approximate formulas for jumps of displacements have high accuracy for both piezoelectric and for isotropic materials. It means that that these approximate formulas can be used for the analysis of interface cracks with pre-fracture zones


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    The educational text-book contains theoretical material and problems according to mathematical chapters “Algebra and Analyses”, included in the program for pre-university training of international students. The tasks for independent studying are illustrated in the examples. Designed for students and teachers of all kinds of pre-university training

    Public platform with 39,472 exome control samples enables association studies without genotype sharing

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    Acquiring a sufficiently powered cohort of control samples matched to a case sample can be time-consuming or, in some cases, impossible. Accordingly, an ability to leverage genetic data from control samples that were already collected elsewhere could dramatically improve power in genetic association studies. Sharing of control samples can pose significant challenges, since most human genetic data are subject to strict sharing regulations. Here, using the properties of singular value decomposition and subsampling algorithm, we developed a method allowing selection of the best-matching controls in an external pool of samples compliant with personal data protection and eliminating the need for genotype sharing. We provide access to a library of 39,472 exome sequencing controls at http://dnascore.net enabling association studies for case cohorts lacking control subjects. Using this approach, control sets can be selected from this online library with a prespecified matching accuracy, ensuring well-calibrated association analysis for both rare and common variants