232 research outputs found

    Rates of production and utilisation of lactate by microbial communities from the human colon

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    13 páginas, 7 tablas, 3 figuras.Lactate metabolism was studied in mixed bacterial communities using single-stage continuous flow fermentors inoculated with faecal slurries from four different volunteers and run for 6 days at pH 5.5 and 6.0, using carbohydrates, mainly starch, as substrates. A continuous infusion of [U-13C]starch and l-[3-13C]lactate was performed on day 5 and a bolus injection of l-[3-13C]lactate plus dl-lactate on day 6. Short-chain fatty acids and lactate concentrations plus enrichments and numbers of lactate-producing and -utilizing bacteria on day 5 were measured. Faecal samples were also collected weekly over a 3-month period to inoculate 24-h batch culture incubation at pH 5.9 and 6.5 with carbohydrates alone or with 35 mmol L-1 lactate. In the fermentors, the potential lactate disposal rates were more than double the formation rates, and lactate concentrations usually remained below detection. Lactate formation was greater (P < 0.05) at the lower pH, with a similar tendency for utilization. Up to 20% of butyrate production was derived from lactate. In batch cultures, lactate was also efficiently used at both pH values, especially at 6.5, although volunteer and temporal variability existed. Under healthy gut environmental conditions, bacterial lactate disposal seems to exceed production markedly.The Rowett Research Institute and Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland are supported by the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department. A. Belenguer received financial support from Spanish Ministry of Education and Science

    Protein annotation and modelling servers at University College London

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    The UCL Bioinformatics Group web portal offers several high quality protein structure prediction and function annotation algorithms including PSIPRED, pGenTHREADER, pDomTHREADER, MEMSAT, MetSite, DISOPRED2, DomPred and FFPred for the prediction of secondary structure, protein fold, protein structural domain, transmembrane helix topology, metal binding sites, regions of protein disorder, protein domain boundaries and protein function, respectively. We also now offer a fully automated 3D modelling pipeline: BioSerf, which performed well in CASP8 and uses a fragment-assembly approach which placed it in the top five servers in the de novo modelling category. The servers are available via the group web site at http://bioinf.cs.ucl.ac.uk/

    FFPred: an integrated feature-based function prediction server for vertebrate proteomes

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    One of the challenges of the post-genomic era is to provide accurate function annotations for large volumes of data resulting from genome sequencing projects. Most function prediction servers utilize methods that transfer existing database annotations between orthologous sequences. In contrast, there are few methods that are independent of homology and can annotate distant and orphan protein sequences. The FFPred server adopts a machine-learning approach to perform function prediction in protein feature space using feature characteristics predicted from amino acid sequence. The features are scanned against a library of support vector machines representing over 300 Gene Ontology (GO) classes and probabilistic confidence scores returned for each annotation term. The GO term library has been modelled on human protein annotations; however, benchmark performance testing showed robust performance across higher eukaryotes. FFPred offers important advantages over traditional function prediction servers in its ability to annotate distant homologues and orphan protein sequences, and achieves greater coverage and classification accuracy than other feature-based prediction servers. A user may upload an amino acid and receive annotation predictions via email. Feature information is provided as easy to interpret graphics displayed on the sequence of interest, allowing for back-interpretation of the associations between features and function classes

    Threonine 57 is required for the post-translational activation of Escherichia coli aspartate α-decarboxylase.

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    Aspartate α-decarboxylase is a pyruvoyl-dependent decarboxylase required for the production of β-alanine in the bacterial pantothenate (vitamin B5) biosynthesis pathway. The pyruvoyl group is formed via the intramolecular rearrangement of a serine residue to generate a backbone ester intermediate which is cleaved to generate an N-terminal pyruvoyl group. Site-directed mutagenesis of residues adjacent to the active site, including Tyr22, Thr57 and Tyr58, reveals that only mutation of Thr57 leads to changes in the degree of post-translational activation. The crystal structure of the site-directed mutant T57V is consistent with a non-rearranged backbone, supporting the hypothesis that Thr57 is required for the formation of the ester intermediate in activation

    Characterization of four subtypes in morphologically normal tissue excised proximal and distal to breast cancer

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    Widespread mammographic screening programs and improved self-monitoring allow for breast cancer to be detected earlier than ever before. Breast-conserving surgery is a successful treatment for select women. However, up to 40% of women develop local recurrence after surgery despite apparently tumor-free margins. This suggests that morphologically normal breast may harbor early alterations that contribute to increased risk of cancer recurrence. We conducted a comprehensive transcriptomic and proteomic analysis to characterize 57 fresh-frozen tissues from breast cancers and matched histologically normal tissues resected proximal to (<2 cm) and distant from (5–10 cm) the primary tumor, using tissues from cosmetic reduction mammoplasties as baseline. Four distinct transcriptomic subtypes are identified within matched normal tissues: metabolic; immune; matrisome/epithelial–mesenchymal transition, and non-coding enriched. Key components of the subtypes are supported by proteomic and tissue composition analyses. We find that the metabolic subtype is associated with poor prognosis (p < 0.001, HR6.1). Examination of genes representing the metabolic signature identifies several genes able to prognosticate outcome from histologically normal tissues. A subset of these have been reported for their predictive ability in cancer but, to the best of our knowledge, these have not been reported altered in matched normal tissues. This study takes an important first step toward characterizing matched normal tissues resected at pre-defined margins from the primary tumor. Unlocking the predictive potential of unexcised tissue could prove key to driving the realization of personalized medicine for breast cancer patients, allowing for more biologically-driven analyses of tissue margins than morphology alone

    Impact of Short Term Consumption of Diets High in Either Non-Starch Polysaccharides or Resistant Starch in Comparison with Moderate Weight Loss on Indices of Insulin Sensitivity in Subjects with Metabolic Syndrome

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    This work was partly funded by the World Cancer Research Fund and the Rural and Environmental Research and Analysis Directorate (RERAD) of the Scottish Government as part of the base allocations to both the Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health (University of Aberdeen) and Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The Phyre2 web portal for protein modeling, prediction and analysis

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    Phyre2 is a suite of tools available on the web to predict and analyze protein structure, function and mutations. The focus of Phyre2 is to provide biologists with a simple and intuitive interface to state-of-the-art protein bioinformatics tools. Phyre2 replaces Phyre, the original version of the server for which we previously published a paper in Nature Protocols. In this updated protocol, we describe Phyre2, which uses advanced remote homology detection methods to build 3D models, predict ligand binding sites and analyze the effect of amino acid variants (e.g., nonsynonymous SNPs (nsSNPs)) for a user's protein sequence. Users are guided through results by a simple interface at a level of detail they determine. This protocol will guide users from submitting a protein sequence to interpreting the secondary and tertiary structure of their models, their domain composition and model quality. A range of additional available tools is described to find a protein structure in a genome, to submit large number of sequences at once and to automatically run weekly searches for proteins that are difficult to model. The server is available at http://www.sbg.bio.ic.ac.uk/phyre2. A typical structure prediction will be returned between 30 min and 2 h after submission

    Chaos, containment and change: responding to persistent offending by young people

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    This article reviews policy developments in Scotland concerning 'persistent young offenders' and then describes the design of a study intended to assist a local planning group in developing its response. The key findings of a review of casefiles of young people involved in persistent offending are reported. It emerges that youth crime and young people involved in offending are more complex and heterogeneous than is sometimes assumed. This, along with a review of some literature about desistance from offending, reaffirms the need for properly individualised interventions. Studies of 'desisters' suggest the centrality of effective and engaging working relationships in this process. However, these studies also re-assert the significance of the social contexts of workers’ efforts to bring 'change' out of 'chaos'. We conclude therefore that the 'new correctionalism' must be tempered with appreciation of the social exclusion of young people who offend

    Dietary carbohydrate rather than protein intake drives colonic microbial fermentation during weight loss

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    This study was funded by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) of the Scottish Government Open access via Springer Compact AgreementPeer reviewedPublisher PD