11 research outputs found

    Water Manganese Exposure and Childrenā€™s Intellectual Function in Araihazar, Bangladesh

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    Exposure to manganese via inhalation has long been known to elicit neurotoxicity in adults, but little is known about possible consequences of exposure via drinking water. In this study, we report results of a cross-sectional investigation of intellectual function in 142 10-year-old children in Araihazar, Bangladesh, who had been consuming tube-well water with an average concentration of 793 Ī¼g Mn/L and 3 Ī¼g arsenic/L. Children and mothers came to our field clinic, where children received a medical examination in which weight, height, and head circumference were measured. Childrenā€™s intellectual function was assessed on tests drawn from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, version III, by summing weighted items across domains to create Verbal, Performance, and Full-Scale raw scores. Children provided urine specimens for measuring urinary As and creatinine and were asked to provide blood samples for measuring blood lead, As, Mn, and hemoglobin concentrations. After adjustment for sociodemographic covariates, water Mn was associated with reduced Full-Scale, Performance, and Verbal raw scores, in a doseā€“response fashion; the low level of As in water had no effect. In the United States, roughly 6% of domestic household wells have Mn concentrations that exceed 300 Ī¼g Mn/L, the current U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lifetime health advisory level. We conclude that in both Bangladesh and the United States, some children are at risk for Mn-induced neurotoxicity

    Water Arsenic Exposure and Intellectual Function in 6-Year-Old Children in Araihazar, Bangladesh

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    BACKGROUND: We recently reported results of a cross-sectional investigation of intellectual function in 10-year-olds in Bangladesh, who had been exposed to arsenic from drinking water in their home wells. OBJECTIVES: We present results of a similar investigation of 301 randomly selected 6-year-olds whose parents participated in our ongoing prospective study of the health effects of As exposure in 12,000 residents of Araihazar, Bangladesh. METHODS: Water As and manganese concentrations of tube wells at each home were obtained by surveying all study region wells. Children and mothers were first visited at home, where the quality of home stimulation was measured, and then seen in our field clinic, where children received a medical examination wherein weight, height, and head circumference were assessed. We assessed childrenā€™s intellectual function using subtests drawn from the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, version III, by summing weighted items across domains to create Verbal, Performance, Processing Speed, and Full-Scale raw scores. Children provided urine specimens for measuring urinary As and were asked to provide blood samples for blood lead measurements. RESULTS: Exposure to As from drinking water was associated with reduced intellectual function before and after adjusting for water Mn, for blood lead levels, and for sociodemographic features known to contribute to intellectual function. With covariate adjustment, water As remained significantly negatively associated with both Performance and Processing Speed raw scores; associations were less strong than in our previously studied 10-year-olds. CONCLUSION: This second cross-sectional study of As exposure expands our concerns about As neurotoxicity to a younger age group

    A cross-sectional study of well water arsenic and child IQ in Maine schoolchildren

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    Background: In recent studies in Bangladesh and elsewhere, exposure to arsenic (As) via drinking water is negatively associated with performance-related aspects of child intelligence (e.g., Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory) after adjustment for social factors. Because findings are not easily generalizable to the US, we examine this relation in a US population. Methods: In 272 children in grades 3ā€“5 from three Maine school districts, we examine associations between drinking water As (WAs) and intelligence (WISC-IV). Results: On average, children had resided in their current home for 7.3Ā years (approximately 75% of their lives). In unadjusted analyses, household well WAs is associated with decreased scores on most WISC-IV Indices. With adjustment for maternal IQ and education, HOME environment, school district and number of siblings, WAs remains significantly negatively associated with Full Scale IQ and Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory and Verbal Comprehension scores. Compared to those with WAsā€‰<ā€‰5Ā Ī¼g/L, exposure to WAsā€‰ā‰„ā€‰5Ā Ī¼g/L was associated with reductions of approximately 5ā€“6 points in both Full Scale IQ (pā€‰<ā€‰0.01) and most Index scores (Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory, Verbal Comprehension, all pā€™sā€‰<ā€‰0.05). Both maternal IQ and education were associated with lower levels of WAs, possibly reflecting behaviors (e.g., water filters, residential choice) limiting exposure. Both WAs and maternal measures were associated with school district. Conclusions: The magnitude of the association between WAs and child IQ raises the possibility that levels of WAsā€‰ā‰„ā€‰5Ā Ī¼g/L, levels that are not uncommon in the United States, pose a threat to child development

    RESEARCH Open Access A cross-sectional study of well water arsenic and child IQ in Maine schoolchildren

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    Background: In recent studies in Bangladesh and elsewhere, exposure to arsenic (As) via drinking water is negatively associated with performance-related aspects of child intelligence (e.g., Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory) after adjustment for social factors. Because findings are not easily generalizable to the US, we examine this relation in a US population. Methods: In 272 children in grades 3ā€“5 from three Maine school districts, we examine associations between drinking water As (WAs) and intelligence (WISC-IV). Results: On average, children had resided in their current home for 7.3 years (approximately 75 % of their lives). In unadjusted analyses, household well WAs is associated with decreased scores on most WISC-IV Indices. With adjustment for maternal IQ and education, HOME environment, school district and number of siblings, WAs remains significantly negatively associated with Full Scale IQ and Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory and Verbal Comprehension scores. Compared to those with WAs &lt; 5 Ī¼g/L, exposure to WAs ā‰„ 5 Ī¼g/L was associated with reductions of approximately 5ā€“6 points in both Full Scale IQ (p &lt; 0.01) and most Index scores (Perceptual Reasoning, Working Memory, Verbal Comprehension, all pā€™s &lt; 0.05). Both maternal IQ and education were associated with lower levels of WAs, possibly reflecting behaviors (e.g., water filters, residential choice) limiting exposure. Both WAs and maternal measures were associated with school district. Conclusions: The magnitude of the association between WAs and child IQ raises the possibility that levels of WAs ā‰„ 5 Ī¼g/L, levels that are not uncommon in the United States, pose a threat to child development

    OneFlorida Certified Database 04/27/2018

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    OneFlorida certified database as of 04/27/201