4,881 research outputs found

    Cubic interactions of Maxwell-like higher spins

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    We study the cubic vertices for Maxwell-like higher-spins in flat and (A)dS background spaces of any dimension. Reducibility of their free spectra implies that a single cubic vertex involving any three fields subsumes a number of couplings among different particles of various spins. The resulting vertices do not involve traces of the fields and in this sense are simpler than their Fronsdal counterparts. We propose an extension of both the free theory and of its cubic deformation to a more general class of partially reducible systems, that one can obtain from the original theory upon imposing trace constraints of various orders. The key to our results is a version of the Noether procedure allowing to systematically account for the deformations of the transversality conditions to be imposed on the gauge parameters at the free level.Comment: 57 pages; added Section 7 including (A)dS off-shell cubic vertices and corresponding generating function. Outlook extended with comments on Maxwell-like spectra and higher-spin algebra

    Variations on S-fold CFTs

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    A local SL(2,Z) transformation on the Type IIB brane configuration gives rise to an interesting class of superconformal field theories, known as the S-fold CFTs. Previously it has been proposed that the corresponding quiver theory has a link involving the T(U(N)) theory. In this paper, we generalise the preceding result by studying quivers that contain a T(G) link, where G is self-dual under S-duality. In particular, the cases of G = SO(2N), USp'(2N) and G_2 are examined in detail. We propose the theories that arise from an appropriate insertion of an S-fold into a brane system, in the presence of an orientifold threeplane or an orientifold fiveplane. By analysing the moduli spaces, we test such a proposal against its S-dual configuration using mirror symmetry. The case of G_2 corresponds to a novel class of quivers, whose brane construction is not available. We present several mirror pairs, containing G_2 gauge groups, that have not been discussed before in the literature.Comment: v2: minor corrections and references adde

    Nucleon transfer in heavy ion reactions

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    An analytical formula is derived for the amplitude for transfer of a nucleon in quasi-elastic reactions between heavy ions. The derivation takes advantage of the semiclassical conditions found in peripheral collisions between heavy ions. The relative motion of the two nuclei is treated classically and the transfer amplitude is calculated by a perturbation method. Under the approximation of small overlap between the nuclear potentials, the semiclassical amplitude is reduced to a surface integral. This can be calculated analytically by using Hankel function forms for the bound-state wavefunctions and by approximating the actual orbit by a constant velocity orbit tangential to it at the distance of closest approach. These approximations seem reasonable in strong absorption conditions. Corrections to the formula of the amplitude are evaluated. The analytical form of the amplitude exhibits an exponential behaviour as a function of the distance of closest approach. The decay constant of the exponential is given explicitly and it is found to be an important parameter of the reaction. Kinematical conditions for maximum transfer are derived which relate the incident energy to the reaction Q-value. The physical interpretation of the amplitude is discussed. In the case of proton transfer, the effect of Coulomb potential results in a shift of the binding energy of the proton. With this prescription we still obtain the same form of the transfer amplitude for both neutrons and protons. The formula for the semiclassical tranfer amplitude is used to calculate angular distributions within a simplified formalism derived from the distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA). The reactions considered are 208 pb(16O,15O)209pb , 26mg(11B,10B)27mg and 34S(32S, 33S) 33S for neutron transfer and 208pb(16O,15N)209 Bi for proton transfer. It is found that the shapes of the present angular distributions agree with full DWBA calculations but the magnitude of the former depends on whether the distance of closest approach is that of the initial channel, the final channel or some average of the two. Conditions for the selective population of definite states are discussed in relation to the reaction Q-value, energy and initial and final states involved. It is found that an inversion of the selectivity with respect to the spins of the initial and final state occurs when the energy of relative motion at distance of closest apprach equals the reaction Q-value. An approximate formula for the angle-integrated cross section has also been derived

    Relationship between clinical variables and Patient-Reported Outcomes in patients with psoriatic disease

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    Background Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory form of Arthritis associated with enthesitis, dactylitis, nail dystrophy, uveitis, and osteitis. PsA is strongly associated with comorbidities such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. As usual PsA patients are assessed either by rheumatologist or dermatologist but a multiprofessional assessment for those subjects is important to improve their disease control and their quality-of-life. The multidimensional assessment is a new model of care for PsA patients in which a multiprofessional team (rheumatologist, dermatologist, internal medicine physician, nutritionist and a phycologist) with a nurse as case manager, assess patients in the main domains of PsA from the admission to the follow-up. Different validated tools are used by the team to assess different patients’ dimension as patient-reported-outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate the association between and among clinical variables and Patient-Reported Outcomes in a realworld sample of PsA patients evaluated according the Multidimensional Assessment. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. Patients with PsA who signed the informed consent were enrolled at the PsA clinic at the ARNAS Civico in Palermo (Italy) from March 2018 to October 2020. Clinical, pharmacological, anthropometric, laboratory variables, and patientreported outcomes were evaluated, including: • Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ); • Facit-Fatigue (FACIT-F); • Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease Questionnaire (PsAID); • Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9); • Disease Activity in PSoriatic Arthritis score (Dapsa); • Patient global assessment (PGA) STATA 14.1 was used to perform logistic analysis. Results According to CASPAR Criteria, 158 patients aged 55.2 (53.3 – 57.1) affected by Psoriatic Arthritis were included in the study. All the collected variables were evaluated ad a strong association was observed between functional disability measured by HAQ >2 and central obesity [OR (95% CI) 16.94 (2.22 - 129.48); p < 0.004]. Moreover, data analysis showed an association between high impact of disease on life (PsAID >4) and central obesity [OR (95% CI) 3.33 (1.56 - 7.13); p<0,002]. Models were adjusted for age, sex, years of illness, and biological treatment. Conclusion This study demonstrated a high association between functional disability studied subjectively using the HAQ, the impact of the disease on patients’ quality-of-life using the PsAID, and central obesity in patients affected by PsA. Data suggest that a multiprofessional evaluation for these patients is important to evaluate different aspect of the disease as the comorbidities. In particular, therapeutic goals should not be focused only on treatment but also on waist circumference reduction to reduce inflammation and improve patients’ functional ability and quality-of-life

    Supersymmetric Indices of 3d S-fold SCFTs

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    Enhancement of global symmetry and supersymmetry in the infrared is one of the most intriguing phenomena in quantum field theory. We investigate such phenomena in a large class of three dimensional superconformal field theories, known as the S-fold SCFTs. Supersymmetric indices are computed for a number of theories containing small rank gauge groups. It is found that indices of several models exhibit enhancement of supersymmetry at the superconformal fixed point in the infrared. Dualities between S-fold theories that have different quiver descriptions are also analysed. We explore a new class of theories with a discrete global symmetry, whose gauge symmetry in the quiver has a different global structure from those that have been studied earlier.Comment: 32 pages and several figures. Version 2: minor corrections and references adde

    AdS3_3 solutions with exceptional supersymmetry

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    Among the possible superalgebras that contain the AdS3_3 isometries, two interesting possibilities are the exceptional F(4)F(4) and G(3)G(3). Their R-symmetry is respectively SO(7) and G2G_2, and the amount of supersymmetry N=8{\cal N}=8 and N=7{\cal N}=7. We find that there exist two (locally) unique solutions in type IIA supergravity that realize these superalgebras, and we provide their analytic expressions. In both cases, the internal space is obtained by a round six-sphere fibred over an interval, with an O8-plane at one end. The R-symmetry is the symmetry group of the sphere; in the G(3)G(3) case, it is broken to G2G_2 by fluxes. We also find several numerical N=1{\cal N}=1 solutions with G2G_2 flavor symmetry, with various localized sources, including O2-planes and O8-planes.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures; v3: revised appendix, minor correction

    Holographic duals of 6d RG flows

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    A notable class of superconformal theories (SCFTs) in six dimensions is parameterized by an integer NN, an ADE group GG, and two nilpotent elements ÎĽL,R\mu_\mathrm{L,R} in GG. Nilpotent elements have a natural partial ordering, which has been conjectured to coincide with the hierarchy of renormalization-group flows among the SCFTs. In this paper we test this conjecture for G=SU(k)G=\mathrm{SU}(k), where AdS7_7 duals exist in IIA. We work with a seven-dimensional gauged supergravity, consisting of the gravity multiplet and two SU(k)\mathrm{SU}(k) non-Abelian vector multiplets. We show that this theory has many supersymmetric AdS7_7 vacua, determined by two nilpotent elements, which are naturally interpreted as IIA AdS7_7 solutions. The BPS equations for domain walls connecting two such vacua can be solved analytically, up to a Nahm equation with certain boundary conditions. The latter admit a solution connecting two vacua if and only if the corresponding nilpotent elements are related by the natural partial ordering, in agreement with the field theory conjecture.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure
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