31,401 research outputs found

    Dissociation and ionization of molecular gas in the spiral arms of M51

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    Researchers derive the star formation rate and efficiency in the arm and interarm regions of M51 from observations of the molecular (Lo et al. 1987) and ionized (van der Hulst et al. 1988) phases of the interstellar medium, and show that the HI observations of Tilanus and Allen (1989) are consistent with dissociation of molecular gas by these young, massive stars if n sub H greater than or equal to 200 cm (-2). However, these stars are not able to dissociate or ionize all the gas, and at least 60 percent must remain molecular in the interarm regions. The efficiency of star formation in M51 seems to be similar to that in the Galaxy, and does not appear to be enhanced in the spiral arms. Therefore, the effect of the strong density wave may be only to concentrate the gas, and hence the young stars, to the arm regions

    Algon: a framework for supporting comparison of distributed algorithm performance

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    Programmers often need to use distributed algorithms to add non-functional behaviour such as mutual exclusion, deadlock detection and termination, to a distributed application. They find the selection and implementation of these algorithms daunting. Consequently, they have no idea which algorithm will be best for their particular application. To address this difficulty the Algon framework provides a set of pre-coded distributed algorithms for programmers to choose from, and provides a special performance display tool to support choice between algorithms. The performance tool is discussed. The developer of a distributed application will be able to observe the performance of each of the available algorithms according to a set of of widely accepted and easily-understandable performance metrics and compare and contrast the behaviour of the algorithms to support an informed choice. The strength of the Algon framework is that it does not require a working knowledge of algorithmic theory or functionality in order for the developer to use the algorithms

    A relationship between the integrated CO intensity and the radio continuum emission in spiral galaxies

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    In an effort to determine the role played by cosmic ray electrons and interstellar radiation fields on the collapse of molecular clouds, a survey was begun to investigate the relationship between the radio continuum brightness emission and the integrated CO intensity in spiral galaxies. The investigation was done on two scales; a global galaxy to galaxy comparison of integrated disk values, and a ring-averaged study over the disks of individual galaxies. For the large-scale survey, radio continuum flux densities integrated over the full disk at 1.49 GHz were taken from Condon (1987) and the total CO fluxes were taken from Verter (1985). The galaxies with values included in the two catalogs are displayed. It can be seen that a good correlation exists between the integrated CO emission and radio continuum emission

    Coin Tossing is Strictly Weaker Than Bit Commitment

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    We define cryptographic assumptions applicable to two mistrustful parties who each control two or more separate secure sites between which special relativity guarantees a time lapse in communication. We show that, under these assumptions, unconditionally secure coin tossing can be carried out by exchanges of classical information. We show also, following Mayers, Lo and Chau, that unconditionally secure bit commitment cannot be carried out by finitely many exchanges of classical or quantum information. Finally we show that, under standard cryptographic assumptions, coin tossing is strictly weaker than bit commitment. That is, no secure classical or quantum bit commitment protocol can be built from a finite number of invocations of a secure coin tossing black box together with finitely many additional information exchanges.Comment: Final version; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Template-based Gravitational-Wave Echoes Search Using Bayesian Model Selection

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    The ringdown of the gravitational-wave signal from a merger of two black holes has been suggested as a probe of the structure of the remnant compact object, which may be more exotic than a black hole. It has been pointed out that there will be a train of echoes in the late-time ringdown stage for different types of exotic compact objects. In this paper, we present a template-based search methodology using Bayesian statistics to search for echoes of gravitational waves. Evidence for the presence or absence of echoes in gravitational-wave events can be established by performing Bayesian model selection. The Occam factor in Bayesian model selection will automatically penalize the more complicated model that echoes are present in gravitational-wave strain data because of its higher degree of freedom to fit the data. We find that the search methodology was able to identify gravitational-wave echoes with Abedi et al.'s echoes waveform model about 82.3% of the time in simulated Gaussian noise in the Advanced LIGO and Virgo network and about 61.1% of the time in real noise in the first observing run of Advanced LIGO with 5σ\geq 5\sigma significance. Analyses using this method are performed on the data of Advanced LIGO's first observing run, and we find no statistical significant evidence for the detection of gravitational-wave echoes. In particular, we find <1σ<1\sigma combined evidence of the three events in Advanced LIGO's first observing run. The analysis technique developed in this paper is independent of the waveform model used, and can be used with different parametrized echoes waveform models to provide more realistic evidence of the existence of echoes from exotic compact objects.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    A high resolution CO map of M51

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    Observations of the CO (1-0) emission in two fields of M51 were taken with the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Array at Hat Creek, California from May 1988 to February 1989. When combined with two previously observed fields (Lo et al. 1988), a complete map of the central 5 minute x 4 minute at a resolution of 7 seconds x 10 seconds was obtained. The project is part of an ongoing high-resolution survey of the molecular, atomic, and ionized gas distributions in nearby spiral galaxies. The two recently observed fields can be compared to the results of the interferometric study of Vogel et al. (1988 - hereafter VKS). Since the shortest spacing in the current survey is shorter than that of VKS, researchers expect to see more of the extended emission. This is evident when comparing the width of the spiral arms in each survey; ours are a bit broader. While some of the peaks in this region correspond to the peaks in VKS, several of them do not. These discrepancies are probably because of the low signal to noise inherent in observations of this nature. Single-dish maps are currently being readied for inclusion with the interferometer data. These will help fill the short-spacing hole in the UV plane, and serve to recover the flux missing from the interferometer maps

    Unconditionally Secure Bit Commitment

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    We describe a new classical bit commitment protocol based on cryptographic constraints imposed by special relativity. The protocol is unconditionally secure against classical or quantum attacks. It evades the no-go results of Mayers, Lo and Chau by requiring from Alice a sequence of communications, including a post-revelation verification, each of which is guaranteed to be independent of its predecessor.Comment: Typos corrected. Reference details added. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Relay-Assisted User Scheduling in Wireless Networks with Hybrid-ARQ

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    This paper studies the problem of relay-assisted user scheduling for downlink wireless transmission. The base station or access point employs hybrid automatic-repeat-request (HARQ) with the assistance of a set of fixed relays to serve a set of mobile users. By minimizing a cost function of the queue lengths at the base station and the number of retransmissions of the head-of-line packet for each user, the base station can schedule an appropriate user in each time slot and an appropriate transmitter to serve it. It is shown that a priority-index policy is optimal for a linear cost function with packets arriving according to a Poisson process and for an increasing convex cost function where packets must be drained from the queues at the base station.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology in October 2008, revised in March 2009 and May 200