149 research outputs found

    Australia's Carbon Tax: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing?

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    The Australian Government has produced a CO2-equivalent tax proposal with a difference, it is a short prelude to an emission trading scheme that will allow the increasing rate of emissions to continue, while being a net cost to the Treasury. That cost extends to allowing major emitters to make guaranteed windfall profits from pollution permits. The emission trading scheme suffers numerous problems, but the issues raised show taxes can also be watered down and made ineffectual through concessions. Taxpayers will get no assets from the billions of dollars to be spent buying-off the coal generators or other polluters. The scheme hopes to stimulate private investors to create an additional 12 percent in renewable electricity generation by 2020. A serious emissions reducing alternative would be to create a nationalised electricity sector with 100 percent renewable energy within a decade. We explore the difficulties of implementing meaningful greenhouse gas taxes in Australia.greenhouse gases; taxation; emission trading; climate change; regulation; renewable energy; Australia

    Articulation of Plural Values in Deliberative Monetary Valuation: Beyond Preference Economisation and Moralisation

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    The use of deliberative methods to assess environmental values in monetary terms has been motivated by the potential for small group discussion to help with preference formation and the inclusion of non-economic values. In this review, two broad approaches are identified: preference economisation and preference moralisation. The former is analytical, concentrates upon issues of poor respondent cognition and produces a narrow conception of value linked to utilitarianism. The latter emphasises political legitimacy, appeals to community values and tends to privilege arguments made in the public interest. Both approaches are shown to embrace forms of value convergence which undermine the prospects for value pluralism. As a result exclusion and predefinition of values dominates current practice. In order to maintain democratic credentials, the importance attributed to monetary value needs to be left as an open question to be addressed as part of a process determining an ‘agreement to pay’. To this end we identify a discourse-based approach as a third way consistent with the democratic and value plural potential of deliberative monetary valuation.environmental valuation; deliberation; stated preferences; democracy; willingness to pay; value pluralism

    Maintaining Ecosystem Function by Restoring Forest Biodiversity – Reviewing Decision-Support Tools that link Biology, Hydrology and Geochemistry

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    Not all forest models are applicable to a meta-modelling approach. Hence, the objective of the research presented here was to identify and compare the available forest models already being used in research, and to evaluate their suitability for use as decision-support tools in designing successful restoration plans to bring forest biodiversity and function back to sites disturbed by industrial activities (mining in particular).This work was conducted with funding generously supplied by Total E&P Canada Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    Australia's Carbon Tax: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing?

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    The Australian Government has produced a CO2-equivalent tax proposal with a difference, it is a short prelude to an emission trading scheme that will allow the increasing rate of emissions to continue, while being a net cost to the Treasury. That cost extends to allowing major emitters to make guaranteed windfall profits from pollution permits. The emission trading scheme suffers numerous problems, but the issues raised show taxes can also be watered down and made ineffectual through concessions. Taxpayers will get no assets from the billions of dollars to be spent buying-off the coal generators or other polluters. The scheme hopes to stimulate private investors to create an additional 12 percent in renewable electricity generation by 2020. A serious emissions reducing alternative would be to create a nationalised electricity sector with 100 percent renewable energy within a decade. We explore the difficulties of implementing meaningful greenhouse gas taxes in Australia

    Articulation of Plural Values in Deliberative Monetary Valuation: Beyond Preference Economisation and Moralisation

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    The use of deliberative methods to assess environmental values in monetary terms has been motivated by the potential for small group discussion to help with preference formation and the inclusion of non-economic values. In this review, two broad approaches are identified: preference economisation and preference moralisation. The former is analytical, concentrates upon issues of poor respondent cognition and produces a narrow conception of value linked to utilitarianism. The latter emphasises political legitimacy, appeals to community values and tends to privilege arguments made in the public interest. Both approaches are shown to embrace forms of value convergence which undermine the prospects for value pluralism. As a result exclusion and predefinition of values dominates current practice. In order to maintain democratic credentials, the importance attributed to monetary value needs to be left as an open question to be addressed as part of a process determining an ‘agreement to pay’. To this end we identify a discourse-based approach as a third way consistent with the democratic and value plural potential of deliberative monetary valuation

    Tricin Biosynthesis and Bioengineering

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    Tricin (3', 5'-dimethoxyflavone) is a specialized metabolite which not only confers stress tolerance and involves in defense responses in plants but also represents a promising nutraceutical. Tricin-type metabolites are widely present as soluble tricin O-glycosides and tricin-oligolignols in all grass species examined, but only show patchy occurrences in unrelated lineages in dicots. More strikingly, tricin is a lignin monomer in grasses and several other angiosperm species, representing one of the “non-monolignol” lignin monomers identified in nature. The unique biological functions of tricin especially as a lignin monomer have driven the identification and characterization of tricin biosynthetic enzymes in the past decade. This review summarizes the current understanding of tricin biosynthetic pathway in grasses and tricin-accumulating dicots. The characterized and potential enzymes involved in tricin biosynthesis are highlighted along with discussion on the debatable and uncharacterized steps. Finally, current developments of bioengineering on manipulating tricin biosynthesis toward the generation of functional food as well as modifications of lignin for improving biorefinery applications are summarized

    Alternative Splicing and Its Roles in Plant Metabolism

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    Plant metabolism, including primary metabolism such as tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, shikimate and amino acid pathways as well as specialized metabolism such as biosynthesis of phenolics, alkaloids and saponins, contributes to plant survival, growth, development and interactions with the environment. To this end, these metabolic processes are tightly and finely regulated transcriptionally, post-transcriptionally, translationally and post-translationally in response to different growth and developmental stages as well as the constantly changing environment. In this review, we summarize and describe the current knowledge of the regulation of plant metabolism by alternative splicing, a post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism that generates multiple protein isoforms from a single gene by using alternative splice sites during splicing. Numerous genes in plant metabolism have been shown to be alternatively spliced under different developmental stages and stress conditions. In particular, alternative splicing serves as a regulatory mechanism to fine-tune plant metabolism by altering biochemical activities, interaction and subcellular localization of proteins encoded by splice isoforms of various genes