312 research outputs found

    Bounds in Competing Risks Models and the War on Cancer

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    In 1971 President Nixon declared war on cancer and increased the federal funds allocated to cancer research dramatically. Thirty years later, many have declared this war a failure. Overall cancer statistics confirm this view: age-adjusted mortality in 2000 was essentially unchanged from the early 1970s. At the same time, age-adjusted mortality rates from cardiovascular disease have fallen quite dramatically. Since the causes underlying cancer and cardiovascular disease are likely to be correlated, the decline in mortality rates from cardiovascular disease may be somewhat responsible for the rise in cancer mortality. It is natural to model mortality with more than one cause of death as a competing risks model. Such models are fundamentally unidentified, and it is therefore difficult to get a clear picture of the progress in cancer. This paper derives bounds for aspects of the underlying distributions under a number of different assumptions. Most importantly, we do not assume that the underlying risks are independent, and impose weak parametric assumptions in order to obtain identification. The theoretical contribution of the paper is to provide a framework to estimate competing risk models with interval data and discrete explanatory variables, both of which are common in empirical applications. We use our method to estimate changes in cancer and cardiovascular mortality since 1970. The estimated bounds for the effect of time on the duration until death for either cause are fairly tight and we find that trends in cancer show much larger improvements than previously estimated. For example, we find that time until death from cancer increased by about 10% for white males and 20% for white women.

    Bounds in Competing Risks Models and the War on Cancer

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    Competing risks models are fundamentally unidentified. This paper derives bounds for aspects of the underlying distributions under a number of different assumptions. These bounds are then applied to mortality data from the US. We find that trends in cancer show much larger improvements than was previously estimated.Bounds; Competing Risks; Cancer

    Considerações sobre distribuição geográfica e taxonomia do guaraná (Paullinia cupana var. Sorbilis) e taxa afins na Amazônia.

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    Aspectos taxonômicos. Algumas características das espécies da seção Pleuroto echus, no gênero Paullinia. Distribuição geográfica

    TransMilenio y el transporte colectivo tradicional, una relación incierta.

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    Es natural que tras cinco años de operación de TransMilenio, este sistema se vea como un transformador de la ciudad. También es entendible que tras ese periodo de tiempo, el transporte colectivo tradicional siga movilizando la mayor proporción de los viajes en transporte público. Lo que aún no es claro, por lo menos para el autor, es ¿Cuál es la relación que se está generando entre los dos subsistemas

    Pau-rosa - Aniba rosaeodora Ducke.

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    Pau-rosa: distribuição geográfica; variabilidade, silvicultura, produtividade no Estado do Amazonas (Brasil).bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/4322/1/Folder_Pau-rosa.pd

    Ecofisiologia de plantas da Amazônia. 2 - Anatomia foliar e ecofisiologia de Bertholletia excelsa Humb. & Benpl. (Castanha-do-pará) - Lecythidaceae.

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    Anatomical variations of the leaves of Bertholletia excelsa (Brazil nut) collected at different heights of the same tree are presented here. The results agree with the postulates proposed in Zalenski's Law. It was found that from the base to the canopy of the tree (as conditions gradually become more xeric) the number of stomata/mm2 increased, the mesophyll became thicker, the leaves decreased in size, and the number of vessels increased. Our results were somewhat different from what was found in Pogonophora schomburgkiana (Leite & Lieras, 1978) where the statiscally significant differences were between the basal-middle strata, whereas in Bertholletia they were between the middle and canopy strata. This was taken to reflect differences in growing conditions and not in the mechanism of phenotypic variation (allthough we do not wish to imply that there is no difference). Comparison of the results here presented with those of Medri (1977) for Hevea brasiliensis suggests that this species is phenotypically more plastic (for leaves) than Bertolletia excelsa as in general, characters varied in a wider range. It is suggested that some phenotypically highly sensitive species may, in time, be used as bio-indicators.", 'enVariações anatômicas nas folhas de Bertholletia excelsa (Castanha-do-pará) coletadas a diferentes alturas da mesma árvore são apresentadas aqui. Encontrou-se que da base para a copa da árvore (com as condições tornando-se gradualmente mais xéricas) o número de estômatos/mm2 aumentou, o mesófilo tornou-se mais espesso, as folhas diminuíram de tamanho e o número de vasos aumentou. Estes resultados diferem do que foi encontrado para Pogonophora schomburgkiana (Leite & Lleras, 1978) onde as diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram entre os estratos basal e médio, enquanto em Bertholletia foram entre os estratos médio e apical. Isto foi considerado como refletindo diferenças em condições de crescimento e não no mecanismo de variação fenotípica (porém, não quer isso implicar que não exista esta diferença). Comparação dos resultados aqui apresentados com os de Medri (1977) para Hevea brasiliensis, sugere que esta espécie é fenotipicamente mais plástica (em folhas) que Bertholletia excelsa, pois em geral os caracteres apresentaram uma faixa de variação mais ampla. Sugere-se que algumas espécies de alta sensitividade fenotípica poderão, com o tempo, ser utilizadas como bioindicadores

    A biodiversidade amazônica sem mitos.

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    Diversidade vegetal. Potencial da biodiversidade. Biodiversidade e biopirataria.bitstream/item/46475/1/Doc-36.pd

    Ações da Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental na área ambiental.

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    A Embrapa entende que a melhor estratégia de saneamento ambiental é a prevenção