393 research outputs found

    Whatā€™s the Story? Transitional Justice and the Creation of Historical Narratives in Croatia and Serbia

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    Fifteen years after the end of the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, discourses about the present and future are based upon revised and reconstructed narratives about the past. Therefore, the relationships between transitional justice, political ideologies and historical narratives are still contested and vague. Recent history in Serbia and Croatia is determined more by each nationalityā€™s collective emotional memory than by common factual history. This paper analyses the impact transitional justice mechanisms have on historical narratives and the creation of collective memory about the war. As the ā€œexisting empirical knowledge about the impacts of transitional justice is still limitedā€, its influence on local societies is measured through its impact on political ideologies and historical narratives triggered by war crime trials. So far, in Serbia and Croatia the main transitional justice tool has been the prosecution of war crimes. We argue that transitional justice, instead of triggering truth seeking and truth telling processes that would lead to reconciliation, multiplied mutually exclusive historical narratives that determined national collective identities

    Croatian war veterans: Coup de thĆ©Ć¢tre or coup dā€™Ć©tat?

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    Since October 2014, Croatian war veterans have been camping in front of the Ministry dedicated to them. They are protesting against the government in power and requesting more rights for themselves ā€“ though, relatively speaking, they have been treated as a privileged group so far. How political is their protest? Ana Ljubojević gives an overview of this sensitive issue

    Subclinical and Latent HPV Genital Infections

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    Infekcije humanim papilomavirusom (HPV) najčeŔće su virusne spolno prenosive infekcije i značajne su jer su povezane s nastankom neoplazija genitalnog trakta. HPV-infekcije se mogu podijeliti na kliničke, supkliničke i latentne infekcije. Većina infekcija vagine, cerviksa i penisa nije vidljiva golim okom.It is now widely accepted that human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the most important viral sexually transmitted agents, which is related to the development of lower genital tract neoplasia. HPV infection can be divided into clinical, subclinical and latent infection. Most vaginal, cervical and penile infections are not visible to the naked eye


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