31 research outputs found

    Plasma-beam instabilities in cometary ionospheres

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    It is shown that the interaction between the solar wind flux and the cometary ionosphere leads to the excitation of ion sound, whistler, electron-cyclotron, low hybrid, and magnetohydrodynamic waves. We investigated the frequency spectrum and found linear-increasing increments and lengths of excited waves

    Optical bus of centralized relay protection and automation system of medium voltage switchgear for data collection and transmission

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    The article deals with the system of information collection and transfer from a centralized relay protection and automation system for medium voltage electrical units based on a passive optical bus. The issues of electromagnetic compatibility of technical devices are also considered, and the intensity of electromagnetic interference is calculated in the distribution center of medium voltage. Since the electric power industry objects are characterized by a complex electromagnetic environment, including a significant adverse effect on the reliability and full functionality of modern microprocessor relay protection and anti-emergency automatic systems, the solution is considered for a centralized relay protection and automation system based on xPON passive optical network technology.Key words: centralized system of relay protection and automation, signaling and measurements; distribution point of medium voltage; medium voltage distribution network; electromagnetic interference; conductive low-frequency interference; conductive highfrequency interference; IEC 61850; IEC 61000-2-5-195; IEC 61000-4; Degree of electromagnetic compatibility intensity

    Ionospheric disturbances generated by different natural processes and by human activity in Earth plasma environment

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    The magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere subsystem is strongly coupled via the electric field, particle precipitation, heat flows and small scale interaction. Satellites in situ measurements and ground based complex diagnostics can provide comprehensive coverage of both time and geomagnetic place effects. Human activity also can perturb Earth s environment, but few are connected with controlled experiments in the ionosphere and are transient. Most of them are related to industrial activity and have increased in recent years. The most important power sources are broadcasting transmitters, power stations, power lines and heavy industry. At ionospheric altitude some disturbances and physical processes are related to seismic activity, thunderstorm activity and some global changes in the Earth environment such as ozone holes. Various natural and artificial indicators can affect satellite telecommunication quality. The aim of this presentation is to report progress in understanding the physical processes in the ionosphere described above and to assess the application of these considerations to the study of plasma effects on Earth-space and satellite-to-satellite communication

    Brain biopsy for diagnosis of chlamydia encephalitis

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    This is the case of encephalitis associated with chlamydia infection of central nervous system. The diagnostic protocol of the patient included: a careful observation of somatic and neurological status, laboratory tests of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, neurovisualization. The results of the diagnostic protocol suggest that laboratory tests blood and cerebrospinal fluid possess low sensitivity and specificity. The MRI study has revealed the localization and inflammatory character of the changes in brain tissue; it has also helped to choose the most favorable area for the stereotaxic biopsy. The obtained tissue was evaluated by means of light (immunohistochemistry) and electronic microscopy. The active chlamydia infection was estimated. The subsequent antibacterial etiotropic therapy resulted in the regression of the neurologic symptoms and remission.The intravitalpathomorphology study of the brain could be recommended for the management of the severe encephalitis of the unknown origin

    Оценка офтальмотоксического воздействия квантовых точек и биоконъюгатов на их основе в аспекте перспектив лечения резистентных эндофтальмитов. Экспериментальное исследование (1-й этап)

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    Endophthalmitis remains one of the most formidable complications of surgery in ophthalmology, leading to significant functional and anatomical changes. The "gold" standard of treatment for this pathology is the installation of intravenous injections of antibacterial drugs, but taking into account the number and type of pathogens, the growth of antibiotic resistance, the search for alternative methods of treatment of endophthalmitis remains relevant. Colloidal quantum dots, which are nanoscale semiconductor crystals with simulated optical and electronic properties due to changes in their volume, composition, and surface connections, are of interest for research in this direction. This article presents the process of synthesis of CT and bioconjugates based on them in order to assess ophthalmotoxicity with the prospect of further use in the treatment of endophthalmitis. The study was divided into 4 stages, starting with the determination of the required technical specification in order to select the appropriate type of quantum dots taking into account the physical and chemical characteristics (Stage 1), the synthesis of quantum dots (Stage 2), the preparation and titration of a solution of quantum dots of various concentrations for implantation in the vitreous cavity (Stage 3). The final stage was to evaluate the toxic effect of the quantum dot solution in its pure form, as well as in combination with antibiotics (ceftazidime and vancomycin) when administered intravitreally on an animal model. As a result of the study, quantum dots were synthesized and a solution based on them was obtained for introduction into the vitreous cavity. Based on the testing of the animal model (rabbits), a safe dose of the solution was determined, as well as the possibility of its use in combination with antibiotics. © 2021 Ophthalmology Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Современная роль и перспективы электрофизиологических методов исследования в офтальмологии. Обзор литературы

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    Electrophysiological research today remains an important method for the objective assessment of the functional state of the components of the visual analyzer. There are methods, for example, OCT, that can objectively assess the structural and anatomical integrity of the retina, however, only indirectly shows functional activity. The undoubted advantage of EFR is the ability, excluding the subjectivity of the subject, to perform a functional topographic assessment of the malfunction of all systems of the visual analyzer. Private electrophysiology of the vision organ is represented by a variety of methods for recording the electrobiological activity of the cells of the visual analyzer: ERG, EOG, VEP, mfERG (multifocal electroretinography), and each option is directed to a separate part of it, therefore, to complete the picture, in particular in research works on animal models may use several techniques. In general, the limitation of EFR is its complexity and many confounding factors that can affect the result, ranging from stimulation parameters to the state of the patient himself. At the same time, the main area of prospective use of electrophysiological research is differential diagnosis, preclinical toxicology and scientific and experimental models. However, in recent decades, the active introduction of registration methods, including the appearance of multifocal electroretinography, as well as changes in the conditions of electrophysiological studies, open up new possibilities for the future evolution of the method. Classical methods for evaluating EFR data, taking into account the growth of data flow, do not provide detailed qualitative and quantitative information about the state of the visual analyzer. This leaves the possibility and the need for the study, optimization and algorithmization of the assessment data of the differentiated criteria inherent for a particular ocular pathology. EFRs require simpler and more adapted protocols for clinical practice, allowing a strictly differentiated approach to the smallest anatomical and functional changes, based on open databases and modern adaptation based on artificial intelligence. © 2020 Ophthalmology Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Laboratory Analysis of the Anti-Infectious Activity of Quantum Dots and Bioconjugates Based on Them in the Aspect of the Prospects for the Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases of the Eye. Experimental Research (Part 3)

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    This article presents the third part of an experimental study on the prospects and possibilities of using quantum dots and bioconjugates created on their basis in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eye. Taking into account the previously obtained results on the possibility of “safe” use of CdTe/Cd and InP/ZnSe/ZnS quantum dots on an animal model under conditions of intravitreal administration, the aim of the current stage was to analyze their antimicrobial activity in a bacteriological laboratory. Materials and methods. As QDs, we took two types of artificial fluorophores capable of generating superoxide radicals synthesized according to a special technical assignment at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Research Institute of Applied Acoustics”, Dubna, Moscow Region: type 1 - colloidal solution of QD CdTe/Cd MPA 710 10 % of the mass. Type 2 - colloidal solution of QD InP/ZnSe/ZnS 650 10 % wt. The study included “museum” and nosocomial strains of microorganisms, and the activity of points was assessed using the disk-diffusion method, followed by an assessment of the zones of inhibition of bacterial growth. Concentrations of 0.1 %, 0.01 %, and 0.001 % quantum dots were tested, as well as solutions of bioconjugates (antibiotic + quantum dots) of Vancomycin, Levofloxacin, Ceftazidime and Cefotaxime. Results. Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that quantum dots potentiate the action of the sensitivity of individual microorganisms, both outpatient and hospital strains. © 2022 Ophthalmology Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Оценка офтальмотоксического воздействия квантовых точек InP/ZnSe/ZnS 660 и биоконъюгатов на их основе в аспекте перспектив лечения резистентных эндофтальмитов. Экспериментальное исследование. Часть 2 (1-й этап)

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    The problem of chemo/antibiotic resistance in modern medicine remains relevant today. The sensitivity of microorganisms (MO) determines the range of drugs used, which ultimately affects the effectiveness of treatment and the prognosis for the patient. However, taking into account the adaptation process of individual strains of MO, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics will inevitably lead to the maintenance of the so-called crisis of antibiotic resistance throughout the world, as well as the formation of a vicious circle that reduces the functional and anatomical outcomes of the treatment of any inflammatory diseases, including ophthalmological ones. This article presents the process of experimental creation and certification, assessment of the physicochemical properties of quantum dots, as well as biological nanoconjugates as an option for overcoming the antibiotic resistance of certain strains of microorganisms in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathology in ophthalmology, in particular endophthalmitis. Also, an animal model has demonstrated the safety of using InP / ZnSe / ZnS 660 quantum dot solutions for intravitreal administration in pure form and in combination with antibiotics. © 2021 Ophthalmology Publishing Group. All rights reserved


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    Electroretinography is a non-invasive electrophysiological method standardized by the International Society for Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision (ISCEV). Electroretinography has been used for the clinical application and standardization of electrophysiological protocols for diagnosing the retina since 1989. Electroretinography becomefundamentalophthalmologicalresearchmethodthatmayassessesthestate oftheretina. Totransferclinicalpracticeto patientstheestablishmentofstandardized protocols is an important step. It is important for monitoring successful molecular therapy in retinaldegeneration. Retinitis pigmentosa or achromatopsia and, consequently, affected cones or rods photoreceptors is corresponded to complete absent ofelectricalresponse. Thus, detection ofeven modestimprovements after therapeutic treatment is required. Standardized protocols allow the implementation of electroretinography under conditions of optimization of sensitivity and specificity during clinical trials. It should be noted that the literature on retinal diseases demonstrates clinical cases in which patients may have several retinal diseases at the same time. In such cases, it is necessary to detect a group of characteristics of electrophysiological signals withhigh accuracy to improve the application ofvarious diagnostic solutions. The classification of electroretinogram signals depends on the quality of labeled biomedical information or databases, in addition to this, the accuracy of the classification results obtained depends not only on computer technology, but also on the quality of the input data. To date, the analysis of electroretinogram signals is realized manually and largely depends on the experience of clinicians. The development of automated algorithms for analyzing electroretinogram signals may simplify routine processes and improve the quality of diagnosing eye diseases. This article describes the formation ofthe parameters of pediatric electroretinogram database parameters for the development of doctor’s decision-making algorithm. The signal parameters were obtainedby extracting the parameters from the wavelet scalogram of the electroretinogram signal using digital image processing and machine learning methods. © 2022 Scientific Research Institute — Ochapovsky Clinical Regional Hospital no. 1. All Rights Reserved


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    This is the case of encephalitis associated with chlamydia infection of central nervous system. The diagnostic protocol of the patient included: a careful observation of somatic and neurological status, laboratory tests of blood and cerebrospinal fluid, neurovisualization. The results of the diagnostic protocol suggest that laboratory tests blood and cerebrospinal fluid possess low sensitivity and specificity. The MRI study has revealed the localization and inflammatory character of the changes in brain tissue; it has also helped to choose the most favorable area for the stereotaxic biopsy. The obtained tissue was evaluated by means of light (immunohistochemistry) and electronic microscopy. The active chlamydia infection was estimated. The subsequent antibacterial etiotropic therapy resulted in the regression of the neurologic symptoms and remission.The intravitalpathomorphology study of the brain could be recommended for the management of the severe encephalitis of the unknown origin. Представлено исследование клинического случая энцефалита, ассоциированного с инфицированием центральной нервной системы (ЦНС) хламидиями. В работе применялись клинико-инструментальные методы: изуче- ние общесоматического и неврологического статуса, лабораторная диагностика, нейровизуализация. Результаты выполненной работы подтвердили низкую информативность лабораторных исследований крови и ликвора для определения этиологии заболевания. Магнитно-резонансная томография позволила установить локализацию и воспалительный характер очаговых изменений головного мозга, а также выбрать наиболее удобный для стереотаксической биопсии участок белого вещества. Для постановки окончательного диагноза проведено светооптическое (иммуногистохимическое) и электронно-микроскопическое исследование биопсийного материала, которое позволило доказать наличие активной хламидийной инфекции и в сочетании с методикой определения чувствительности к антибактериальной терапии выбрать этиопатогенетическое лечение, вследствие чего был достигнут значительный регресс неврологической симптоматики и стойкая ремиссия заболевания.Полученные результаты позволяют рекомендовать применение прижизненного патоморфологического исследования пораженных участков головного мозга при неблагоприятном и тяжелом течении энцефалита неясной этиологии.