112 research outputs found

    International Financial Centres, Office Market Rents and Volatility

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    Despite continuing developments in information technology and the growing economic significance of the emerging Eastern European, South American and Asian economies, international financial activity remains strongly concentrated in a relatively small number of international financial centres. That concentration of financial activity requires a critical mass of office occupation and creates demand for high specification, high cost space. The demand for that space is increasingly linked to the fortunes of global capital markets. That linkage has been emphasised by developments in real estate markets, notably the development of global real estate investment, innovation in property investment vehicles and the growth of debt securitisation. The resultant interlinking of occupier, asset, debt and development markets within and across global financial centres is a source of potential volatility and risk. The paper sets out a broad conceptual model of the linkages and their implications for systemic market risk and presents preliminary empirical results that provide support for the model proposed.international financial centres, office markets, systemic risk, ownership

    Real Estate Investment in Global Financial Centers: Risk, Return and Contagion

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    Global financial activity is heavily concentrated in a small number of world cities –international financial centers. The office markets in those cities receive significant flows of investment capital. The growing specialization of activity in IFCs and innovations in real estate investment vehicles lock developer, occupier, investment, and finance markets together, creating common patterns of movement and transmitting shocks from one office market throughout the system. International real estate investment strategies that fail to recognize this common source of volatility and risk may fail to deliver the diversification benefits sought.

    Real Estate Capital Flows and Transitional Economies

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    Foreign real estate capital was a major source of financing domestic property market office construction in Central Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.  During the 1990s, over 800 office buildings were either newly constructed or refurbished in Budapest, Prague and Warsaw.  The primary focus of this analysis is explaining the spatial construction and redevelopment patterns of the post-1989 office buildings in these cities.  Secondarily, we analyze the correlation of foreign direct investment flows to annual construction of office buildings.  We seek to explain the location of new or refurbished office buildings in the central business district (CBD) or in non-CBD locations in terms of the effect of time, size of property and other variables, and test whether there is a positive correlation relationship of foreign direct investment flows and new office construction or refurbishment. Integrating relevant foreign direct investment (FDI), economic geography and property theories in the research, the authors attempt to bridge existing gaps in the literature.Transitional Economies, Office Construction, Foreign Direct Investment, Capital Flows

    Individual Assets, Market Structure And The Drivers Of Return

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    Much prior research on the structure and performance of UK real estate portfolios has relied on aggregated measures for sector and region. For these groupings to have validity, the performance of individual properties within each group should be similar. This paper analyses a sample of 1,200 properties using multiple discriminant analysis and cluster analysis techniques. It is shown that conventional property type and spatial classifications do not capture the variation in return behaviour at the individual building level. The major feature is heterogeneity - but there may be distinctions between growth and income properties and between single and multi-let properties that could help refine portfolio structures.Portfolio Structure, Return Generation Process, Real Estate