23 research outputs found

    Tratamiento de los trastornos de ansiedad: Diseño y evaluación de una intervención grupal basada en la Inteligencia Emocional

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    Els trastorns d'ansietat són amb diferència els trastorns psiquiàtrics més freqüents i el tractament cognitiu-conductual (TCC) s'ha mostrat eficaç per aquests trastorns. Però existeixen molt poques investigacions en les que es compari la seva eficàcia amb tractaments desenvolupats sota altres perspectives teòriques. D'altre banda, s'ha demostrat que la intel·ligència emocional es un factor relacionat amb la presència dels trastorns mentals. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi ha estat dissenyar i avaluar l'eficàcia d'un tractament humanista basat en el desenvolupament de la intel·ligència emocional (TIE). Per això s'ha dut a terme un assaig clínic aleatoritzat en el que s'ha comparat la seva eficàcia amb un grup control de tractament (TCC). Ambdós s'han aplicat durant 24 sessions, d'hora i mitja, amb una freqüència setmanal al llarg de uns 6 mesos aproximadament. La mostra ha estat formada per 132 pacients d'un centre públic de salut mental, diagnosticats de trastorn d'ansietat (agorafòbia o TAG) dels que el 81,8% eren dones. El 86,3% presentaven comorbilitat amb altres trastorns de l'Eix I i el 89,4% amb trastorns de personalitat. Els subjectes es van avaluar al pretractament, després de tres mesos d'haver començat el tractament, en el postractament i 3 mesos després de haver-lo finalitzat, en el seguiment. Els qüestionaris administrats fóren el STAI, el Inventario de Agorafobia, la SCL-90-R, el MCMI-II, QOL-SV, el MSCEIT V2.0 i el TMMS-24. També es va utilitzar el qüestionari WATOCI a fi d'avaluar l'aliança terapèutica. Els resultats de l'estudi demostren que el tractament TIE és més eficaç que el TCC pels símptomes clínics, els trastorns de personalitat, la intel·ligència emocional i la satisfacció vital. S'obté una taxa de milloria del 92,3% en ansietat i del 85,7% en agorafòbia, i el nivell de satisfacció dels pacients amb el tractament és superior quan són tractats amb el TIE. També s'han analitzat els factors que influeixen en el acompliment i l'abandonament del tractament.Los trastornos de ansiedad son con diferencia los trastornos psiquiátricos más frecuentes y el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual (TCC) se ha mostrado eficaz para estos trastornos. Sin embargo, existen escasas investigaciones que comparen su eficacia con tratamientos desarrollados desde otras prespectivas teóricas. Por otra parte, se ha demostrado que la inteligencia emocional es un factor implicado en la presencia de los trastornos mentales. El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido diseñar y evaluar la eficacia de un tratamiento humanista basado en el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional (TIE). Para ello se ha llevado a cabo un ensayo clínico aleatorizado en el que se ha comparado su eficacia con un grupo control de tratamiento (TCC). Ambos se han aplicado durante 24 sesiones, de hora y media de duración, con frecuencia semanal a lo largo de aproximadamente 6 meses. La muestra ha estado formada por 132 pacientes procedentes de un centro público de salud mental diagnosticados de trastorno de ansiedad (agorafobia y TAG) de los que el 81,8% fueron mujeres. El 86,3% presentaban comorbilidad con algún trastorno Eje I y el 89,4% con trastorno de personalidad. Los sujetos fueron evaluados en el pre-tratamiento, a los tres meses de inciar el tratamiento, en el post-tratamiento y a los 3 meses de seguimiento. Los cuestionarios administrados fueron el STAI, el Inventario de Agorafobia, la SCL-90-R, el MCMI-II, QOL-SV, el MSCEIT V2.0 y el TMMS-24. También se utilizó el cuestionario WATOCI a fin de evaluar la alianza terapéutica. Los resultados del estudio muestran que el tratamiento TIE es más eficaz que el TCC sobre los síntomas clínicos, los trastornos de personalidad, la inteligencia emocional y la satisfacción vital. Se obtiene una tasa de mejoría del 92,3% en ansiedad y del 85,7% en agorafobia y el nivel de satisfacción de los pacientes con el tratamiento es mayor cuando son tratados con TIE. También se analizaron los factores que influyen tanto en el cumplimiento como en el abandono del tratamiento.Anxiety disorders are by far the most common psychiatric disorders and cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has proved to be effective in the treatment of these disorders. However, there is little research comparing its efficacy to treatments developed from other theoretical perspectives. Also, it has been proved that emotional intelligence is a factor involved in mental disorders. The aim of the present study has been to design and then assess the efficacy of a humanistic treatment based on the development of emotional intelligence (EIT). A randomized clinical trial was carried out comparing its efficacy with a CBT. Both methods were applied for 24 one and a half hour weekly sessions (6 months approximately). The sample consisted of 132 patients from a public mental-health centre diagnosed with anxiety disorder (agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder) of which 81,8% were women, 86,3% presented comorbidity with one or more Axis I disorders and 89,4% with personality disorder. The participants were assessed pre-treatment, 3 months after starting the treatment, post-treatment and at a 3 month follow-up. The questionnaires administered were the STAI, the Agoraphobia Inventory, the SCL-90-R, the MCMI-II, the QOL-SV, the MSCEIT V2.0 and the TMMS-24. The WATOCI was also used in order to assess the therapeutic alliance. The findings of the study suggest that EIT is more effective for clinical symptoms, personality disorders, emotional intelligence and life satisfaction than CBT. The degree of improvement is of 92,3% for anxiety and 85,7% for agoraphobia and the patient satisfaction level with the treatment is higher when treated with EIT. Also analized were the factors that influenced the following or drop-out from the treatment

    Evaluación de la inteligencia emocional en sujetos con psicopatología : resultados preliminares usando el TMMS-24 y el MSCEIT

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    Se presentan unos resultados preliminares respecto a la conveniencia del empleo de diferentes instrumentos para evaluar la Inteligencia Emocional (IE) en población con psicopatología. Método: 62 pacientes con agorafobia, distimia o adicción a la cocaína fueron evaluados con un cuestionario de autoinforme para la IE Percibida, el TMMS-24 y con un instrumento de ejecución, el MSCEIT. Resultados: Las puntuaciones de los grupos en ambas escalas se situaban en la normalidad o por debajo. Mientras ninguno de los subfactores del TMMS-24 discriminaba entre los grupos clínicos, varios subfactores y la escala total del MSCEIT lo hacía de forma significativa, presentando el grupo de los distímicos la IE más baja de los tres grupos. Las correlaciones entre las subescalas de los dos instrumentos no fueron significativas a excepción de una. Discusión: los resultados indican que los dos instrumentos miden aspectos diferentes de la inteligencia emocional; además se sugiere que parece más adecuado el uso del MSCEIT con población clínic

    Lights and Shadows of Trait Emotional Intelligence: Its Mediating Role in the Relationship Between Negative Affect and State Anxiety in University Students

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    Nowadays, students are experiencing difficult and stressful situations due to the Global Pandemic Alert. This changing world can evoke negative emotions that have been traditionally linked to higher anxiety. Researches have been focused on the positive outcomes of trait emotional intelligence (TEI) preventing psychological disorders. However, the possibility that TEI might have a dark side has been neglected. Hence, this study aimed to explore the mediating effect of the three dimensions of TEI in the relationship between negative affect and anxiety symptoms among college students. Participants of this research were 467 undergraduates who completed an online self-reported questionnaire including the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS; Watson et al., 1988), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; Spielberger et al., 1970), and Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24, Salovey et al., 1995). The global serial mediation model showed that the total amount of variance explained by the global model was 30.8% (R-2 = 0.31). Negative affectivity and age accounted for the 15.1% of state anxiety variance (R-2 = 0.15; c: B = 0.63, p < 0.001) while 15.7% of the variance of state anxiety was attributed to the direct or indirect effect of the three dimensions of TEI (R-2 = 0.16). Five indirect effects presented statistical significance (95% BootCI). The contrast analyses between mediators showed that three indirect effects had higher statistical weigh; the ability of negative affect to increase state anxiety through (i) emotional attention; (ii) emotional clarity, and (iii) serially through emotional clarity and mood repair. Our results indicated that students' negative emotions lead to higher emotional attention which in turn may enhance state anxiety in two ways: by a direct effect of emotional attention on state anxiety and by a serial effect through emotional clarity. Moreover, when negative affect is associated with lower emotional clarity, anxiety symptoms may also arise. However, when attention and clarity are connected, the negative effect is reversed into a positive one, decreasing state anxiety

    Breast Cancer and Resilience: The Controversial Role of Perceived Emotional Intelligence

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    Cancer is a chronic disease that causes the most deaths in the world, being a public health problem nowadays. Even though breast cancer affects the daily lives of patients, many women become resilient after the disease, decreasing the impact of the diagnosis. Based on a positive psychology approach, the concept of co-vitality arises understood as a set of socio-emotional competencies that enhance psychological adaptation. In this sense, emotional intelligence is one of the main protective factors associated with resilience. However, it is not always as beneficial as it seems, and can lead to collateral effects on psychological adjustment. Given this controversy, this study aims to find the specific processes through which the dimensions of Perceived Emotional Intelligence (PEI) (Emotional Attention, Emotional Clarity, and Mood Repair) can act as a risk or protective factor in the development of resilience. The total sample was 167 women (Age: M = 43.26; SD = 12.43), 46.7% were breast cancer survivors, and 53.3% were healthy controls. The selection of women with breast cancer carries out randomly, recruited through the Oncology Units. The sample completed measures of resilience and PEI, through Resilience Scale (Wagnild and Young, 1993) and TMMS-24 (Salovey et al., 1995). The results showed that breast cancer survivors showed higher age and greater levels of resilience and mood repair than healthy women. The mediation analysis revealed that breast cancer survival and PEI predicted 28% of the variance of resilience. The direct effects showed that emotional clarity and mood repair increased resilience levels. Although breast cancer did not predict resilience directly, it does through mood repair by an indirect process. Besides, the analysis showed that emotional attention played a role in vulnerability, decreasing mood repair, and resilience. These research support theories that point to a possible dark side of PEI, thus, a great level of emotional attention makes dark the positive effect of mood repair and personal growth if a clear perception of emotions does not complement it. These results provide empirical support concerning the need to work complementary each dimension of PEI to avoid unwanted effects on intrapersonal adjustment.A part of this research was supported by the project e-Health for Quality of Life and Health promotion in Breast Oncology PIN0109-2018 funded by the Andalusian Ministry of Health and by the University Research Institute for Sustainable Social Development of the University of Cadiz

    The Role of Emotional Intelligence in the Maintenance of Depression Symptoms and Loneliness Among Children

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    Identifying factors that predict the maintenance of depression and loneliness in children is important for intervention design. Whilst emotional intelligence (EI) has been identified as a predictor of mental health, research examining how both trait and ability EI contribute to long-term patterns of symptomatology in children is markedly absent. We examined the impact of both TEI and AEI on the maintenance of loneliness and depressive symptoms over 1 year in children aged 9–11 years. Two hundred and thirteen children (54% male) completed the TEIQue-CF and the MSCEIT-YV at the first time point of the study, and the Child Depression Inventory and the Loneliness and Aloneness Scale for Children and Adolescents at Time 1 and, again, 1 year later. Findings indicate that emotional skills (AEI) are important for predicting the maintenance of depressive symptoms and loneliness in children over 1 year; emotional self-competency (TEI) is less influential, only contributing to long-term loneliness in girls. Moreover, whilst deficiencies in the ability to perceive and understand emotions were predictive of prolonged symptomatology, so, too, were proficiencies in using emotion to facilitate thinking and emotion management. Those findings carry important implications for EI theory and future research. They also indicate that EI interventions tailored to groups of “at risk” school children may be useful for reducing specific profiles of internalizing symptoms. Programs targeting AEI skills may be universally helpful for reducing the likelihood that depressive symptoms and loneliness will be maintained over time in middle childhood; girls at risk for prolonged loneliness would additionally benefit from opportunities to bolster TEI

    Terapia basada en Inteligencia Emocional: Un trabajo sistemático con emociones en psicoterapia

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    The Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence (TIE; Lizeretti, 2009, 2012) is a therapy whose main objective is the development of emotional information processing skills. It is creative in that the goal of psychotherapy is not the disorder itself, but to acquire a deep emotional knowledge that allows to face the present problem and those that present in the future This model of intervention implies to realize a comprehensive emotional diagnosis complementary to the diagnoses Traditional ones through the exploration of the different dimensions of the personality taking as a structural axis the model of Emotional Intelligence (Salovey and Mayer, 1997). In a randomized clinical trial with anxiety patients has been shown to be significantly more effective than CBT on symptoms, personality traits, therapeutic link, life satisfaction and treatment. Further research is currently under way to validate its effectiveness in other areas of intervention.La Terapia basada en Inteligencia Emocional (TIE; Lizeretti, 2009, 2012) es una terapia cuyo objetivo principal es el desarrollo de las habilidades de procesamiento de la información emocional. Es creativa en cuanto la meta de la psicoterapia no es el trastorno en sí, sino adquirir un profundo conocimiento emocional que permita afrontar el problema presente y los que se presenten en el futuro este modelo de intervención implica realizar un exhaustivo diagnóstico emocional complementario a los diagnósticos tradicionales a través de la exploración de las diferentes dimensiones de la personalidad tomando como eje estructural el modelo de Inteligencia Emocional (Mayer y Salovey, 1997). En un ensayo clínico aleatorizado con pacientes de ansiedad ha demostrado ser significativamente más eficaz que la TCC sobre los síntomas, rasgos de personalidad, vínculo terapéutico, satisfacción con la vida y con el tratamiento. Actualmente se están llevando a cabo otras investigaciones para validar su eficacia en otros ámbitos de intervención.

    La técnica del rosal como diagnóstico emocional en poblaciones específicas

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    Guided fantasy techniques provide a great source of diagnostic information (Rosal, 2002), which allows creative therapeutic work and are effective strategies for the development of Emotional Intelligence (Lizeretti, 2009, 2012). The aim of the present study was to systematize the analysis of the rosal technique in order to contribute to its empirical validity in the psychodiagnostic process. For this, two studies are presented schematically where the technique has been applied from the model of Therapy based on Emotional Intelligence (TIE). The first study with a sample of 92 participants, patients with anxiety and clinical depression derived from a mental health center and a control group without diagnosis. The second study consisted of 62 minors, an experimental group from Residential Educational Action Centers (CRAE’s) and a control group from secondary schools. The results show clearly significant differences between the different groups that have been compared, demonstrating the importance of empirical research in this area in order to consolidate the effectiveness of guided and projective fantasy techniques.Las técnicas de fantasía guiada suponen una gran fuente de información diagnóstica (Rosal, 2002), que permite un trabajo terapéutico creativo al tiempo que constituyen estrategias efectivas para el desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional (Lizeretti, 2009; 2012). El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido sistematizar el análisis de la técnica del rosal a fin de contribuir a su validez empírica en el proceso psicodiagnóstico. Para ello se presentan de forma esquemática dos estudios donde se ha aplicado la técnica desde el modelo de Terapia basada en Inteligencia Emocional (TIE). El primer estudio en una muestra de 92 participantes, pacientes con ansiedad y depresión clínica derivados de un centro de salud mental y un grupo control sin diagnostico. El segundo estudio estuvo formado por 62 menores, un grupo experimental procedente de Centros Residenciales de Acción Educativa (CRAE’s) y un grupo control procedente de escuelas de secundaria. Los resultados muestran diferencias claramente significativas entre los diferentes grupos que se han comparado, demostrando la importancia de la investigación empírica en este ámbito a fin de consolidar la eficacia de las técnicas de fantasías guiadas y proyectivas.

    Inteligencia emocional en psicología clínica y en psicoterapia

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    This article presents a review of the state-of-the-art of the Emotional Intelligence concept, in its theoretical conceptualization as well as in its applications with respect to clinical psychology and psychotherapy. The two most important theoretical models of EI together with their assessment instruments are summarized, followed by a brief critical review of the correspondent empirical research. Then, the recent theories and studies on the relationship of EI and mental disorders are presented. The last part of the article discusses the possible usefulness of applying the EI concept to psychotherapy practice.Este artículo presenta una revisión del estado actual del concepto de la Inteligencia Emocional (IE), tanto en su conceptualización teórica como en su aplicación en el ámbito de la psicología clínica y de la psicoterapia. Se presentan los dos principales modelos teóricos de la Inteligencia Emocional y sus instrumentos de medida y se hace una breve revisión crítica de las investigaciones empíricas al respecto. Después se revisa lo que hasta ahora se ha conjeturado e investigado respecto a la relación entre Inteligencia Emocional y los trastornos mentales y de personalidad. El último apartado discute la posible utilidad de aplicar los modelos de Inteligencia Emocional a la práctica de la psicoterapia

    Inteligencia Emocional y Valores Éticos

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    They are many the scientific information with which explains nowadays that demonstrate the importance that have the emotions in our life. In the present work is approached the question of how a greater knowledge of the emotional world and the suitable management of our emotions, that is to say, a greater Emotional Intelligence can drive us to behaviors and conducts more ethical. The most of investigations show that the Emotional Intelligence is related with a greater satisfaction with the life in general and more prosocials behaviors. However, it’s imprudent reject the boarding of the ethical dimension in the psychotherapist work with the emotions, because the development of emotional skills also can direct of antisocial and sociopathic form to the manipulation of situations with pernicious ends.Son muchos los datos científicos con los que contamos hoy en día que evidencian la importancia que tienen las emociones en nuestra vida. En el presente trabajo se aborda la cuestión de cómo un mayor conocimiento del mundo emocional y la gestión adecuada de nuestras emociones, es decir, una mayor Inteligencia Emocional puede conducirnos hacia comportamientos y conductas más éticas. La mayoría de investigaciones demuestran que la Inteligencia Emocional está relacionada con una mayor satisfacción con la vida en general y más conductas prosociales. Sin embargo, es imprudente descartar el abordaje de la dimensión ética en el trabajo psicoterapéutico con las emociones puesto que el desarrollo de habilidades emocionales también puede dirigirse de forma antisocial y sociopática a la manipulación de situaciones con fines nefastos