304 research outputs found

    Vapor-phase transport synthesis of ZnAPO-34 molecular sieve

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    ZnAPO-34 molecular sieve can be synthesized by the vapor-phase transport technique using triethylamine as a structure-directing agent

    Predefined-time synchronization of 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks via backstepping design and application in secure communication

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    In this paper, the fast synchronization problem of 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks is studied. Firstly, the global predefined-time stability of a class of nonlinear dynamical systems is investigated under the complete beta function. Then an active controller via backstepping design is proposed to achieve predefined-time synchronization of two 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks in which the synchronization time of each state variable of the master-slave 5D Hindmarsh–Rose neuron networks is different and can be defined in advance, respectively. To show the applicability of the obtained theoretical results, the designed predefined-time backstepping controller is applied to secure communication to realize asynchronous communication of multiple different messages. Three numerical simulations are provided to validate the theoretical results

    Travelling-Wave Modeling of Dynamics of Ultrafast Reflective-Intracavity-Filter Tunable Fabry-PĂ©rot Lasers for Optical Coherent Tomography

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    The dynamics of Fabry-PĂ©rot external-cavity laser diodes frequency-swept at a high rate using a tunable intracavity filter are investigated by travelling-wave modelling. The effect of broad and narrow bandwidth filter properties and linewidth enhancement factor of the laser performance is assessed in this project. The phenomenon of self mode locking in a laser with a broad filter is discovered and analysed

    Continuous fabrication of calcium sulfate whiskers with adjustable aspect ratio in microdroplets

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    Hemi-hydrate and anhydrous CaSO₄ whiskers with adjustable aspect ratio were continuously synthesized by the reactive crystallization of CaCl₂ to K₂ S₂ O₈ in microdroplets. The effects of solvent and reactive temperature were examined, with SEM and XRD characterizations. Hemi-hydrate and anhydrous CaSO₄ whiskers can be, respectively, obtained in aqueous and N,N-dimethylformamide solutions at 90 °C in 180 s. The addition of ethylene glycol or glycerol as well as increasing temperature could lead to the increase in length and aspect ratio of the whiskers. Thus this preparation technique provides a simple continuous route to synthesize CaSO₄ whiskers with two kinds of crystal structures in a short time, and adjustable lengths and aspect ratios

    Therapeutic efficacy of combined administration of thymosin and oxaliplatin in elderly gastric ulcer patients and its effect on cellular immunity and matrix metalloproteinase

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    Purpose: To investigate the clinical efficacy of thymosin combined with oxaliplatin and tiggio in aged gastric cancer (GC) sufferers, as well as their impact on cellular immunity and matrix metalloproteinase.Methods: Elderly GC sufferers (n = 82) were divided into study and control groups by random allocation (41 patients/group). Control group was treated with oxaliplatin combined with tiggio, while the study group was treated with thymopeptide injection, in addition to oxaliplatin combined with tiggio. Each treatment course lasted 21 days, and the study involved three courses. Clinical effectiveness and toxicity in the two groups were determined and compared before and after treatment.Results: Total effectiveness in the study group (73.16 %) and disease remission (95.11 %) were superior to the corresponding values for control patients given oxaliplatin and tiggio (48.78 and 85.37 %, respectively, p ˂ 0.05). There were markedly lower incidences of nausea, vomiting and leukopenia in the study group than in control (p ˂ 0.05).Conclusion: The use of thymosin-oxaliplatin-tigeo triple therapy for aged GC sufferers has a definite clinical benefits and low toxic side effects.Keywords: Thymosin, Asha Leigh Per, Teggio, Gastric cancer, Cellular immunity, Matrix metalloproteinas

    Crowding Out the Crowd:The Transformation of Network Disaster Communication Patterns on Weibo

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    There is a surge in people turning to social media in disasters in China. In the 2010 Yushu earthquake, 5,979 Weibos were posted. Almost 10 years on, in the 2019 Yibin earthquake it was 17,495. This study presents a Social Network Analysis of the dynamics of this growth, taking the six major Chinese earthquakes of this decade as a case study. By constructing relationship matrices, the research reveals a transformation of networked crisis communication patterns on Weibo. We show how communication relationships between verified organisational users, government agencies, verified individual users (such as celebrities) and unverified ordinary users have changed, and we observe that government agencies are ‘crowding out the crowd’ of other users. We consider key aspects and the ethical complexities of this phenomenon

    Feuille de route de l’indĂ©pendance tibĂ©taine

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    Wang Lixiong publie « Feuille de route de l’indĂ©pendance tibĂ©taine » sur la Toile en novembre 2008, aprĂšs une accalmie relative des tensions de la rĂ©volte tibĂ©taine du printemps 2008, et une fois les jeux Olympiques terminĂ©s(1). Il expose sa nouvelle interprĂ©tation de la question tibĂ©taine, une approche analytique, inĂ©dite chez lui auparavant, mĂ»rie Ă  la lueur des Ă©vĂ©nements rĂ©cents. Il propose une vision novatrice de la crise tibĂ©taine, de ses origines profondes et, finalement, de son Ă©volution vers l’indĂ©pendance tibĂ©taine. « Feuille de route » se compose de trois parties : 1) Ligne de dĂ©marcation : les Ă©vĂ©nements de mars, 2) Le dilemme du rĂ©gime impĂ©rial, 3) Comment le Tibet se dirige vers l’indĂ©pendance. La premiĂšre partie a Ă©tĂ© traduite en anglais par Lingxi Kong, et largement diffusĂ©e sur le net(2). C’est pourquoi il a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cidĂ© de traduire en français la deuxiĂšme partie qui est sans doute la plus pertinente pour comprendre la rĂ©flexion de l’auteur. Il Ă©labore une analyse de la nature des institutions bureaucratiques et montre les apories du systĂšme. Afin de donner une vue d’ensemble de son long texte, un court rĂ©sumĂ© de la premiĂšre partie prĂ©cĂšdera la traduction. La troisiĂšme partie, non traduite ici, prĂ©sente la vision de l’auteur des diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios pour aboutir Ă  l’indĂ©pendance qui selon lui ne pourra se faire qu’au prix d’une grande violence et d’effusions de sang. Au moment oĂč cette traduction est achevĂ©e, le 13 juin 2009, TibetInfoNet annonce l’arrivĂ©e de Wang Lixiong Ă  Dharamsala pour une visite de deux mois organisĂ©e par l’Association des Ă©crivains tibĂ©tains(3). Note de la traductrice
