46 research outputs found

    Mapping QTL Associated with Photoperiod Sensitivity and Assessing the Importance of QTL×Environment Interaction for Flowering Time in Maize

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    An understanding of the genetic determinism of photoperiod response of flowering is a prerequisite for the successful exchange of germplasm across different latitudes. In order to contribute to resolve the genetic basis of photoperiod sensitivity in maize, a set of 201 recombinant inbred lines (RIL), derived from a temperate and tropical inbred line cross were evaluated in 5 field trials spread in short- and long-day environments.Firstly, QTL analyses for flowering time and photoperiod sensitivity in maize were conducted in individual photoperiod environments separately, and then, the total genetic effect was partitioned into additive effect (A) and additive-by-environment interaction effect (AE) by using a mixed-model-based composite interval mapping (MCIM) method.Seven putative QTL were found associated with DPS thermal time based on the data estimated in individual environments. Nine putative QTL were found associated with DPS thermal time across environments and six of them showed significant QTL×enviroment (QE) interactions. Three QTL for photoperiod sensitivity were identified on chromosome 4, 9 and 10, which had the similar position to QTL for DPS thermal time in the two long-day environment. The major photoperiod sensitive loci qDPS10 responded to both short and long-day photoperiod environments and had opposite effects in different photoperiod environment. The QTL qDPS3, which had the greatest additive effect exclusively in the short-day environment, were photoperiod independent and should be classified in autonomous promotion pathway

    Dual functions of the ZmCCT-associated quantitative trait locus in flowering and stress responses under long-day conditions

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    Gene ontology enrichment of differentially expressed genes in HZ4 and HZ4-NIL in three development stages. (XLS 21 kb

    Cloning and Characterization of a Putative TAC1 Ortholog Associated with Leaf Angle in Maize (Zea mays L.)

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    BACKGROUND: Modifying plant architecture to increase photosynthesis efficiency and reduce shade avoidance response is very important for further yield improvement when crops are grown in high density. Identification of alleles controlling leaf angle in maize is needed to provide insight into molecular mechanism of leaf development and achieving ideal plant architecture to improve grain yield. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The gene cloning was done by using comparative genomics, and then performing real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis to assay gene expression. The gene function was validated by sequence dissimilarity analysis and QTL mapping using a functional cleaved amplified polymorphism (CAP). CONCLUSIONS: The leaf angle is controlled by a major quantitative trait locus, ZmTAC1 (Zea mays L. Leaf Angle Control 1). ZmTAC1 has 4 exons encoding a protein with 263 amino acids, and its domains are the same as those of the rice OsTAC1 protein. ZmTAC1 was found to be located in the region of qLA2 by using the CAP marker and the F(2:3) families from the cross between Yu82 and Shen137. Real-time PCR analysis revealed ZmTAC1 expression was the highest in the leaf-sheath pulvinus, less in the leaf and shoot apical meristem, and the lowest in the root. A nucleotide difference in the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) between the compact inbred line Yu82 ("CTCC") and the expanded inbred line Shen137 ("CCCC") influences the expression level of ZmTAC1, further controlling the size of the leaf angle. Sequence verification of the change in the 5'-UTR revealed ZmTAC1 with "CTCC" was present in 13 compact inbred lines and ZmTAC1 with "CCCC" was present in 18 expanded inbred lines, indicating ZmTAC1 had been extensively utilized in breeding with regard to the improvement of the maize plant architecture

    Alternative splicing of ZmCCA1 mediates drought response in tropical maize.

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    The circadian clock regulates numerous biological processes in plants, especially development and stress responses. CIRCADIAN CLOCK-ASSOCIATED 1 (CCA1) is one of the core components of the day-night rhythm response and is reportedly associated with ambient temperature in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, it remains unknown if alternative splicing of ZmCCA1 is modulated by external stress in maize, such as drought stress and photoperiod. Here, we identified three ZmCCA1 splice variants in the tropical maize line CML288, which are predicted to encode three different protein isoforms, i.e., ZmCCA1.1, ZmCCA1.2, and ZmCCA1.3, which all retain the MYB domain. In maize, the expression levels of ZmCCA1 splice variants were influenced by photoperiod, tissue type, and drought stress. In transgenic A. thaliana, ZmCCA1.1 may be more effective than ZmCCA1.3 in increasing drought tolerance while ZmCCA1.2 may have only a small effect on tolerance to drought stress. Additionally, although CCA1 genes have been found in many plant species, alternative CCA1 splicing events are known to occur in species-specific ways. Our study provides new sight to explore the function of ZmCCA1 splice variants' response to abiotic stress, and clarify the linkage between circadian clock and environmental stress in maize

    Genetic analysis and major quantitative trait locus mapping of leaf widths at different positions in multiple populations.

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    Leaf width is an important agricultural trait in maize. Leaf development is dependent on cell proliferation and expansion, and these processes exhibit polarity with respect to the longitudinal and transverse axes of the leaf. However, the molecular mechanism of the genetic control of seed vigor remains unknown in maize, and a better understanding of this mechanism is required.To reveal the genetic architecture of leaf width, a comprehensive evaluation using four RIL populations was performed, followed by a meta-analysis. Forty-six QTLs associated with the widths of leaves at different positions above the uppermost ear were detected in the four RIL populations in three environments. The individual effects of the QTLs ranged from 4.33% to 18.01% of the observed phenotypic variation, with 14 QTLs showing effects of over 10%. We identified three common QTLs associated with leaf width at all of the examined positions, in addition to one common QTL associated with leaf width at three of the positions and six common QTLs associated with leaf width at two of the positions. The results indicate that leaf width at different leaf positions may be affected by one QTL or several of the same QTLs. Such traits may also be regulated by many different QTLs. Thirty-one of the forty-six initial QTLs were integrated into eight mQTLs through a meta-analysis, and 10 of the 14 initial QTLs presenting an R2>10% were integrated into six mQTLs.mQTL1-2, mQTL3-1, mQTL7, and mQTL8 were composed of the initial QTLs showing an R2>10% and included four to six of the initial QTLs that were associated with two to four positions in a single population. Therefore, these four chromosome regions may be hot spots for important QTLs for these traits. Thus, they warrant further studies and may be useful for marker-assisted breeding

    The QTL detected for photoperiod sensitivity in RIL population.

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    <p>Note:</p>a<p>: Additive effect: positive values indicated that Huangzao4 carries the allele for an increase in the trait, while negative values indicate that CML288 contributed the allele for an increase in the trait value.</p>b<p>, Contribution explained by putative main-effect QTL.</p

    The QTL detected for thermal time for flowering time in individual photoperiod environments.

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    <p>Note:</p>a<p>: Additive effect: positive values indicated that Huangzao4 carries the allele for an increase in the trait, while negative values indicate that CML288 contributed the allele for an increase in the trait value.</p>b<p>, Contribution explained by putative main-effect QTL.</p

    QTLs for seed vigor-related traits identified in maize seeds germinated under artificial aging conditions.

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    High seed vigor is important for agricultural production due to the associated potential for increased growth and productivity. However, a better understanding of the underlying molecular mechanisms is required because the genetic basis for seed vigor remains unknown. We used single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for four seed vigor traits in two connected recombinant inbred line (RIL) maize populations under four treatment conditions during seed germination. Sixty-five QTLs distributed between the two populations were identified and a meta-analysis was used to integrate genetic maps. Sixty-one initially identified QTLs were integrated into 18 meta-QTLs (mQTLs). Initial QTLs with contribution to phenotypic variation values of R(2)>10% were integrated into mQTLs. Twenty-three candidate genes for association with seed vigor traits coincided with 13 mQTLs. The candidate genes had functions in the glycolytic pathway and in protein metabolism. QTLs with major effects (R(2)>10%) were identified under at least one treatment condition for mQTL2, mQTL3-2, and mQTL3-4. Candidate genes included a calcium-dependent protein kinase gene (302810918) involved in signal transduction that mapped in the mQTL3-2 interval associated with germination energy (GE) and germination percentage (GP), and an hsp20/alpha crystallin family protein gene (At5g51440) that mapped in the mQTL3-4 interval associated with GE and GP. Two initial QTLs with a major effect under at least two treatment conditions were identified for mQTL5-2. A cucumisin-like Ser protease gene (At5g67360) mapped in the mQTL5-2 interval associated with GP. The chromosome regions for mQTL2, mQTL3-2, mQTL3-4, and mQTL5-2 may be hot spots for QTLs related to seed vigor traits. The mQTLs and candidate genes identified in this study provide valuable information for the identification of additional quantitative trait genes